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J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000


Eberhard Ritz, Feature Editor

*Renal Division, University Hospital, Gent, Belgium (Renal Disaster Relief Task Force of the International
Society of Nephrology); †Istanbul Medical Faculty, Çapa Campus, Istanbul, Turkey (local coordinator for the
Renal Disaster Relief Task Force); 3‡Istanbul Medical Faculty, Cerrahpasha Campus, Istanbul, Turkey
(President of the Turkish Society of Nephrology); and §Renal Division, University Hospital, Gent, Belgium
(coordinator for the European Section of the Renal Disaster Relief Task Force).

The term rhabdomyolysis refers to disintegration of striated their exodus from Egypt after abundant consumption of quail
muscle, which results in the release of muscular cell constitu- (Book of Numbers 11:31–35). Myolysis after the consumption
ents into the extracellular fluid and the circulation. One of the of quail is well known in the Mediterranean region. It is the
key compounds released is myoglobin, an 18,800-Dalton ox- result of intoxication by hemlock herbs, which are consumed
ygen carrier. It resembles hemoglobin, but contains only one by quails during their spring migration (6). Remarkably, indi-
heme moiety. Normally, myoglobin is loosely bound to plasma rect evidence substantiates that this biblical episode occurred in
globulins and only small amounts reach the urine. When mas- springtime (5).
sive amounts of myoglobin are released, the binding capacity In modern times, the first cases of crush syndrome and ARF
of the plasma protein is exceeded. Myoglobin is then filtered were reported during the Sicilian earthquake in Messina in
by the glomeruli and reaches the tubules, where it may cause 1908 and in the German military medical literature during
obstruction and renal dysfunction (1). World War I (7). The latter concerned cases of rhabdomyolysis
The degree of rhabdomyolysis that can manifest ranges from observed after soldiers had been buried in trenches.
a subclinical rise of creatine kinase (CK) to a medical emer- In modern English medical literature, the authors of the first
gency comprising interstitial and muscle cell edema, contrac- detailed report of ARF related to the crush syndrome were
tion of intravascular volume, and pigment-induced acute renal Bywaters and Beall. They observed the condition in four
failure (ARF). Today, rhabdomyolysis is one of the leading victims of the bombing of London during the Battle of Britain
causes of ARF (1,2). The prognosis of rhabdomyolysis-asso- in 1940 (7). The authors pointed to the link between rhabdo-
ciated ARF is relatively benign (3). myolysis and renal failure. The role of myoglobin was later
One major cause of rhabdomyolysis is the crush syndrome, classified in greater detail in an experimental publication (8). It
i.e., myolysis is linked to traumatic compression of muscle was only decades later, in the early 1970s, that nontraumatic
followed by reperfusion, as is frequently seen in accidents or causes of rhabdomyolysis were recognized and identified as a
disasters. Muscular trauma, however, does not always lead to potential cause of ARF (9,10).
rhabdomyolysis, not all rhabdomyolysis leads to ARF, and not
all ARF related to crush is attributable to rhabdomyolysis. Etiology
Alternative causes of ARF in rhabdomyolysis may include It is beyond the scope of this review to discuss the many
dehydration, sepsis, and drug nephrotoxicity. Most cases of conditions in which rhabdomyolysis may occur, but we shall
rhabdomyolysis in peacetime are nontraumatic; they are most summarize the most frequent ones (Table 1).
frequently the consequence of seizures, alcohol abuse, or com-
pression as a result of coma (see below) (4). Trauma and Compression
Traumatic rhabdomyolysis is mainly the result of traffic or
Historical Notes occupational accidents. Compression of the muscles may also
Rhabdomyolysis was observed in ancient times (5). The Old be induced by torture, abuse, or long-term confinement in the
Testament refers to a plague suffered by the Israelites during same position (orthopedic problems; surgical interventions ne-
cessitating specific positions for a long time; psychiatric con-
ditions; coma).
Correspondence to Dr. Raymond Vanholder, Renal Division, Department of
Internal Medicine, University Hospital Gent, De Pintelaan 185, B9000, Gent,
Belgium. Phone: ⫹32 9 2404525; Fax: ⫹32 9 2404599; E-mail:
Occlusion of the Muscular Vessels
[email protected] Thrombosis, embolism, or clamping of vessels during sur-
1046-6673/1108-1553 gery may all result in muscle cell necrosis if oxygen depriva-
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology tion is maintained for prolonged periods (11). ARF occurs only
Copyright © 2000 by the American Society of Nephrology if a critical mass of muscle has become necrotic, e.g., after total
1554 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000

Table 1. Etiology of rhabdomyolysis vascular occlusion involving at least one limb, after multiple
Physical causes
diffuse emboli, or during generalized shock.
trauma and compression
traffic or working accidents Strainful Exercise of Muscles
disasters Strenuous muscular exercise may cause myolysis, especially
in untrained subjects or in individuals exercising under ex-
long-term confinement to the same position tremely hot or humid conditions (12,13). Muscle necrosis more
occlusion or hypoperfusion of the muscular vessels frequently occurs after downhill walking than after uphill
thrombosis climbing. The combination of muscular exertion, hypoxemia,
embolism and corticosteroid-induced myopathy may cause myolysis in
vessel clamping
shock patients with status asthmaticus (14). Because K⫹ is essential
strainful exercise of muscles for vasodilation of the microvasculature of the muscles, exer-
exercise cise will cause more rapid muscle ischemia in hypokalemic
epilepsy subjects (15).
psychiatric agitation
delirium tremens
tetanus Electrical Current
amphetamine overdose High-voltage electrical injury and lightning strikes cause
ecstasy rhabdomyolysis in at least 10% of the subjects surviving the
status asthmaticus primary accident, even if the wounds of the site of entry are
electrical current
high-voltage electrical injury small (16). Myolysis is attributable to thermal injury, or to
lightning electrical disruption of sarcolemmal membranes. The latter
cardioversion results in pore formation, loss of barrier function, and massive
hyperthermia calcium influx (17).
high ambient temperatures
sepsis Hyperthermia
neuroleptic malignant syndrome An excessive body temperature may result in muscle dam-
malignant hyperthermia age. One cause of hyperthermia-associated rhabdomyolysis is
Nonphysical causes
the neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which is characterized by
metabolic myopathies
McArdle disease high fever in patients treated with phenothiazides or haloperi-
mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme deficiencies dol (18). Another potential cause is malignant hyperthermia, an
carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency inheritable condition that is characterized by a rapid rise of
myoadenylate deaminase deficiency body temperature (1°C/5 min), typically after anesthesia with
phosphofructokinase deficiency
drugs and toxins
halogenated hydrocarbons or succinylcholine (19). As a result
regular and illegal drugs (see Table 2) of excessive sweating, these patients often also have hypoka-
toxins lemia, which may aggravate damage to the muscles.
snake and insect venoms
buffalo fish (United States), burbot (Northern Europe)—Haff disease
Metabolic Myopathies
local infection with muscular invasion (pyomyositis) Exceptional causes of rhabdomyolysis are inherited diseases
metastatic infection (sepsis) that have in common failure of energy delivery to the muscles
systemic effects because of defects in glucose, glycogen, lipid, or nucleoside
toxic shock syndrome metabolism. These disorders usually start during childhood and
should be suspected if muscular weakness or myoglobinuria
Salmonella recur frequently, or appear in association with events that are
falciparum malaria unlikely to precipitate rhabdomyolysis in healthy subjects (20).
influenza In most cases, the final common pathway leading to muscle
cell disintegration is deficient delivery of adenosine triphos-
herpes viruses
coxsakievirus phate (ATP), so that cell integrity cannot be maintained (21).
electrolyte abnormalities Viral infection, exertion, or fasting are aggravating factors. In
hypokalemia separate reports, Poels and Gabreëls and Brumback et al. have
hypocalcemia provided a detailed description of the relevant metabolic de-
fects (22,23).
hyperosmotic conditions Drugs and Toxins
endocrine disorders Regular and illegal drugs that cause rhabdomyolysis, to-
gether with their mechanisms of action, are listed in Table 2.
diabetic coma, related to electrolyte disturbances
polymyositis/dermatomyositis Perhaps the most frequent cause of drug-induced rhabdomyol-
ysis today is the administration of HMG-CoA reductase inhib-
J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000 Rhabdomyolysis 1555

Table 2. Main drugs responsible for rhabdomyolysis, together with the mechanism causing ARFa
Agent Compression Myotoxicity Hypokalemia Other

Alcohol ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ Hypophosphatemia
Amphetamine Agitation
Amphotericin B ⫹
Antimalarials ⫹
Carbon monoxide ⫹ Energy deficiency, hypoxia
CNS depressants ⫹
Cocaine Hyperthermia, agitation
Colchicine ⫹
Corticosteroids ⫹
Diuretics ⫹
Ecstasy Agitation
Fibrates ⫹
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors ⫹
Heroin ⫹ ⫹
Isoniazid ⫹
Laxatives ⫹
Licorice ⫹
Narcotics ⫹
Phencyclidine (PCP) ⫹ Agitation, seizures
Zidovudine ⫹
ARF, acute renal failure; CNS, central nervous system.

itors. Immediate withdrawal of these drugs is mandatory if ditions all have been associated with rhabdomyolysis. The
patients complain of muscle problems or if CK rises to more myotoxicity of alcohol is related in part to electrolyte abnor-
than three times above normal levels. The risk of drug-induced malities, i.e., hypophosphatemia or hypokalemia (27), but mal-
muscle disease is aggravated by simultaneous administration of nutrition and severe illness also may cause electrolyte distur-
danazol, nicotinic acid, cyclosporine, itraconazole, or erythro- bances that induce rhabdomyolysis. Hypokalemia and
mycin. The combination of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors hypophosphatemia disappear after overt myonecrosis and renal
with gemfibrozil also carries a high risk of myotoxicity (24). failure have developed; hence, their causative role is often
Finally, fibrates alone may cause myotoxicity, particularly in overlooked.
patients with renal failure, because most fibrates accumulate
when GFR is decreased. Pathophysiology of Myolysis
In patients with acute or chronic alcohol intoxication, mus- Changes in Cellular Metabolism
cle dysfunction is attributable to a combination of immobili- Stretching or exhaustive work of muscle cells increases
zation, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, agitation, and/or di- sarcoplasmic influx of sodium, chloride, and water, which
rect myotoxicity. Such a combination of etiologic factors is results in cell swelling and autodestruction (22). Calcium en-
also seen in patients treated with psychotropic drugs, or in ters the cell, in exchange for intracellular sodium. Large quan-
whom aggression, restraint, intramuscular injections, and/or tities of free calcium ions trigger persistent contraction, result-
extrapyramidal effects may act in concert to cause muscle ing in energy depletion and cell death (23). In addition, calcium
dysfunction (25). Rhabdomyolysis as a result of exposure to activates phospholipase A2, as well as various vasoactive mol-
toxins is seen not only after ingestion of quails, but also after ecules and proteases. Furthermore, it leads to the production of
eating of certain fish species (Haff disease) (26) or after contact free oxygen radicals (1). Damaged muscle is invaded by acti-
with several snake and insect venoms (e.g., hornet and spider). vated neutrophils that amplify the damage by releasing pro-
teases and free radicals (16). The result is an inflammatory,
Infections self-sustaining myolytic reaction, rather than pure necrosis.
Locally invasive infection of muscle (pyomyositis), diffuse
metastatic infection of muscles during septicemia, and infec- Reperfusion Injury
tion with microbes causing toxic shock syndrome may result in In ischemic tissue injury (e.g., myocardial infarction, acute
extensive muscle necrosis. renal failure), most of the damage is not inflicted during the
period of ischemia, but after the blood flow into the damaged
Electrolyte Abnormalities tissue is restored (reperfusion injury). Leukocytes migrate into
Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, hypona- the damaged tissue only after reperfusion has started, and
tremia, and, particularly, hypernatremia and hyperosmotic con- production of free radicals starts only when oxygen is amply
1556 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000

available. A similar mechanism is at work in both traumatic high anion gap acidosis (4). In particular, hypoxic muscles
and nontraumatic muscular damage (28). release lactic acid into the circulation; its removal by the liver
In the case of traumatic rhabdomyolysis, the muscles are is inadequate if the patient is hypovolemic. Acidosis will have
initially compressed and ischemic, and muscle dysfunction a deleterious effect on numerous metabolic functions and will
starts to develop only when the patient is evacuated, i.e., when enhance the hyperkalemia. The lower urinary pH and intratu-
perfusion of the damaged muscles is restored. This is the main bular acidosis will facilitate intratubular precipitation of myo-
reason that Better and Stein proposed starting infusion of large globin and uric acid.
amounts of fluid before victims of trauma are extricated (29). During the early stages of rhabdomyolysis, calcium accu-
mulates in the muscles. Sometimes massive calcification of
necrotic muscles or even heterotopic ossification is seen
Compartment Syndrome
(31,32). In the presence of hyperkalemia, severe hypocalcemia
Most striated muscles are contained within rigid compart-
may lead to cardiac arrhythmia, muscular contraction, or sei-
ments formed by fasciae, bones, and other structures. If the
zures. The latter damage the muscles even further. Remark-
energy-dependent transcellular pump systems fail in the trau-
ably, some of the patients with rhabdomyolysis do not show
matized tissue, the muscle cells swell. As a result, intracom-
hypocalcemia (4). During later stages of the disease, the accu-
partmental pressure rises and may occasionally reach excessive
mulated calcium is released from the storage sites. This is often
values. High intracompartmental pressure provokes additional
associated with hyperparathyroidism and hypervitaminosis D
damage and necrosis. Because such compartments are non-
(33), and overt hypercalcemia. However, the hyperparathyroid-
communicating, closed systems, the only way to decrease the
ism and hypervitaminosis D are not seen in all cases (34).
pressure is to decompress the fascial system surgically by
Hypercalcemia occurs more frequently if calcium has been
fasciotomy. Not all investigators are enthusiastic about early
supplemented in the hypocalcemic phase.
fasciotomy, because the procedure may create a potential
Phosphorus is released from damaged muscle and accumu-
source of infection (29). On the other hand, prolonged pressure
lates in patients with renal insufficiency. Hyperphosphatemia
may provoke irreversible paralytic damage to the peripheral
causes tissular deposition of calcium-phosphate complexes in
nerves. It is generally accepted that compartment pressures
tissues and suppression of 1␣-hydroxylase, the enzyme respon-
⬎30 mmHg produce clinically significant muscle ischemia. In
sible for the production of the active vitamin D analogue
hypotensive patients, even lower compartment pressures will
calcitriol. All of these factors together further contribute to the
cause perfusion problems.
early hypocalcemia.
The measurement of intramuscular pressure provides an
In patients with massive breakdown of muscles, substantial
objective parameter for the decision to perform fasciotomy. In
amounts of potassium are released into the blood. Elimination
nonhypotensive patients, this should be done when the intra-
via the kidneys fails if patients have ARF. Frequently, hyper-
muscular pressure exceeds 50 mmHg or if pressure values
kalemia in patients with rhabdomyolysis is life-threatening,
between 30 and 50 mmHg show no tendency to decrease after
requiring immediate treatment. In nontraumatic rhabdomyoly-
a maximum of 6 h.
sis, hyperkalemia is not consistently present at the time of
admission (4).
Metabolic Derangements during the Course of Nucleosides are released from disintegrating cell nuclei into
Rhabdomyolysis the blood and metabolized in the liver to purines such as
Release of constituents of necrotic muscle results in altered xanthine, hypoxanthine, and uric acid, among which the latter
plasma concentrations of several anorganic and organic com- may contribute to tubular obstruction.
pounds, which are responsible for toxic and sometimes life- The precursor of creatinine, creatine, is one of the main
threatening complications (30). The accumulation of these constituents of muscle, where it plays a role in energy delivery.
compounds is aggravated by the simultaneous development of It is massively released from nonviable muscle cells and trans-
renal failure. formed into creatinine. It has been postulated that in rhabdo-
Necrosis of the muscles, together with inflammation, results myolysis, serum creatinine levels should be exceedingly high
in the accumulation of substantial amounts of fluid in the (9), but such a disproportionate rise is not seen, which may be
affected limbs (up to 10 L per limb). Unless large amounts of explained by kinetic and mechanistic considerations (35). Se-
volume are administered, shock, hypernatremia, and deteriora- rum creatinines are indeed higher in some patients with rhab-
tion of renal function will supervene. If muscles recover faster domyolysis, but this may be explained by the fact that those
than the kidneys, fluid is released into the circulation at a later patients are younger than those with other causes of ARF (3).
stage. Delayed renal elimination may then result in expansion
of the extracellular and plasma volume. Pathophysiology of ARF
At an early stage, dehydration causes hyperalbuminemia, The pathophysiology of myoglobinuric ARF has been stud-
whereas later malnutrition, inflammation, capillary leak, and ied extensively in the animal model of glycerol-induced ARF.
fluid overload cause hypoalbuminemia. Changes in serum al- The main pathophysiologic mechanisms are renal vasocon-
bumin may result in the misinterpretation of total plasma striction, intraluminal cast formation, and direct heme-protein-
calcium concentrations. induced cytotoxicity (1). Myoglobin is easily filtered through
Release of organic acids from dying muscle cells provokes the glomerular basement membrane. Water is progressively
J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000 Rhabdomyolysis 1557

reabsorbed in the tubules, and the concentration of myoglobin Table 3. Causes of reddish-brown discoloration of the urine
rises proportionally, until it precipitates and causes obstructive
cast formation. Dehydration and renal vasoconstriction, which Myoglobinuria
decrease tubular flow and enhance water reabsorption, favor rhabdomyolysis
this process (1) (Figure 1). The high rates of generation and traumatic
urinary excretion of uric acid further contribute to tubular nontraumatic
obstruction by uric acid casts. Another factor favoring precip- Hemoglobinuria
itation of myoglobin and uric acid is a low pH of tubular urine, hemolysis
which is common because of underlying acidosis. The degra- mechanical damage
dation of intratubular myoglobin results in the release of free immunologic damage
iron, which catalyzes free radical production and further en- structural fragility of erythrocytes
hances ischemic damage (1). Even without invoking release of microangiopathy
free iron, the heme center of myoglobin will initiate lipid Hematuria
peroxidation and renal injury (36). Alkaline conditions prevent renal causes
this effect by stabilizing the reactive ferryl myoglobin com- postrenal causes
plex. External factors
Gastrointestinal ischemia is responsible for absorption of red beets
endotoxin and release of cytokines, which amplify the inflam- drugs
matory reaction and cause hemodynamic instability. vitamin B12
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis phenolphthalein
Myoglobinemia and Myoglobinuria phenytoin
Myoglobinuria does not occur without rhabdomyolysis, but metabolites
rhabdomyolysis not necessarily results in visible myoglobin- bilirubin
uria. Myoglobin causes discoloration of the urine but not of the porphyrin
plasma. Urinary myoglobin provokes a typical reddish-brown
(port-wine-like) color, even in the absence of hematuria (Table
3). The kidneys and urinary tract may have been damaged by globin. Although the molecular weight of hemoglobin (64,600
trauma, however, so the presence of hematuria in posttraumatic Daltons) is much higher than that of myoglobin (18,800 Dal-
cases does not absolutely exclude the presence of myoglobin- tons), hemoglobin is still able to cross the glomerular barrier
uria. Myoglobin is rapidly and unpredictably eliminated by and induce ARF. In patients with hemoglobinuria, but not in
hepatic metabolism. Therefore, tests for myoglobin in plasma patients with myoglobinuria, the plasma will be discolored as
or urine are not a sensitive diagnostic procedure. well. It is perhaps important to remember that the urinary
Red discoloration of the urine when erythrocytes cannot be benzidine dipstick does not differentiate between myoglobin,
detected by microscopy must be due to hemoglobinuria or hemoglobin, and red blood cells.
myoglobinuria (Table 4), unless the color of the urine is due to
drugs or metabolites (Table 3). Creatine Kinase
Hemoglobin is structurally and functionally related to myo- The enzyme CK is ubiquitously present in striated muscle.
When muscle cells disintegrate, CK is released into the blood-
stream. Several subtypes of CK exist; some of them are found
in striated muscle (CKMM), others in cardiac muscle (CKMB).
During rhabdomyolysis, extreme quantities of CKMM are re-
leased and peak concentrations of 100,000 IU/ml or more are
not unusual. Because overall degradation and removal are
slow, the concentration of CK remains elevated much longer
and in a more consistent manner than that of myoglobin.
Consequently, CK is more reliable than myoglobin in assessing
the presence and intensity of damage to the muscles.

Prevention and Treatment

The primary therapeutic goal is to prevent the factors that
cause ARF, i.e. volume depletion, tubular obstruction, aciduria,
and free radical release. The ideal fluid regimen for patients
with rhabdomyolysis consists of half isotonic saline (0.45%, or
77 mmol/L sodium), to which 75 mmol/L sodium bicarbonate
is added. This combination may be complemented by 10 ml/h
Figure 1. Pathophysiology of acute renal failure in rhabdomyolysis. of mannitol 15%, if sufficient urinary flow is still present
1558 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000

Table 4. Characteristics of urine and plasma in the different conditions that may cause red discoloration of the urinea
Characteristic Rhabdomyolysis Hemolysis Hematuria

Red discoloration plasma ⫺ ⫹ ⫺

Positive benzidine dipstick ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Presence of erythrocytes by urine microscopy ⫺ ⫺ ⫹
Elevated CK concentration in the blood ⫹ ⫺ ⫺
CK, creatine kinase.

(Table 5). Once overt renal failure has developed, the only and torsemide) increase tubular flow and decrease the risk of
reliable therapeutic modality is extracorporeal blood purifica- precipitation of myoglobin, while simultaneously acidifying
tion. urine and increasing calcium losses.
Allopurinol may be useful because it reduces the production
Supportive Treatment of uric acid and also acts as a free radical scavenger. Another
Hypovolemia may result from sequestration of water by purine analogue, pentoxyfilline, has been considered in the
muscles and must be prevented by the aggressive administra- management of rhabdomyolysis because of its capacity to
tion of intravenous fluids (29). To obtain volume equilibrium, enhance capillary flow and decrease neutrophil adhesion and
the amount of fluid required is as high as 10 L or more per day. cytokine release.
In cases in which muscles are compressed as a result of trauma, An important therapeutic goal is control of hyperkalemia.
it is important to start administration of fluid before the victim Measures that cause a shift of potassium from the extracellular
is extricated from under the rubble (30). Potassium- or lactate- to the intracellular compartment (hypertonic glucose, bicarbon-
containing solutions should be avoided. ate) have only a temporary effect. If renal function does not
Approximately 50% of the sodium can be administered as recover, those measures should be followed by more definite
sodium bicarbonate. This helps to correct the acidosis induced strategies, such as administration of intestinal potassium bind-
by the release of protons from damaged muscles, to prevent ers or dialysis. Calcium carbonate and calcium kayexalate
precipitation of myoglobin in the tubules, and to reduce the risk should be used with caution, because they enhance the risk of
of hyperkalemia. It should be mentioned that alkaline rehydra- intramuscular calcium deposition. If necessary, dialysis is in-
tion was recommended already during World War II, as noted dicated, not only in patients with overt hyperkalemia, but also
in the seminal paper of Bywaters and Beall (7). The only in patients in whom serum potassium rises fast.
drawback of bicarbonate administration is the decrease of Although hypocalcemia is a common complication in the
serum ionized calcium. initial phase of rhabdomyolysis, it usually does not require
The addition of mannitol to the fluid regimen serves several correction, particularly because this would increase the risk of
purposes: (1) mannitol increases renal blood flow and GFR; (2) intramuscular calcium deposition. Indications for the correc-
mannitol is an osmotic agent that attracts fluid from the inter- tion of hypocalcemia are impending seizures, however.
stitial compartment, thus counterbalancing hypovolemia and
reducing muscular swelling and nerve compression; (3) man- Extracorporeal Blood Purification
nitol is an osmotic diuretic that increases urinary flow and Once acute renal failure has been established, or severe
prevents obstructive myoglobin casts; and (4) mannitol scav- hyperkalemia and acidosis are present, the patient requires
enges free radicals. Loop diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide, dialysis. Fluid overload is a rare indication to start dialysis,
because patients tend to be dehydrated due to massive fluid
accumulation in the damaged muscle. Hemodialysis has sev-
Table 5. Fluid administration strategy in patients with eral advantages in these severely catabolic patients: (1) it
impending or ongoing traumatic rhabdomyolysis provides efficient removal of solutes, including potassium,
phosphate, and protons; (2) it creates the possibility of dialyz-
• Find a vein in arm or leg even if the patient is still trapped
ing without anticoagulants in severely traumatized patients;
• Administer fluid as early as possible: start with 1 L before
and (3) it provides the opportunity to treat several patients per
day on the same dialysis post.
• Preferable fluid combination (for 2 L)
Continuous hemodialysis or hemofiltration strategies allow
1 L of isotonic saline
for the gradual removal of solutes and slow correction of fluid
1 L of glucose 5% ⫹ 100 mmol bicarbonate
overload. The need for continuous anticoagulation is a disad-
• Administer at least 3 to 6 L/d (in emergencies when
vantage, especially in traumatized patients. Loco-regional an-
supervision is not guaranteed) or up to 10 L/d or more if
ticoagulation with sodium citrate, neutralized by administra-
continuous supervision is available
tion of equivalent quantities of calcium salts, is dependent on
• Add 10 ml of mannitol per hour if urine output is greater
the availability of staff familiar with this procedure.
than 20 ml/h
Peritoneal dialysis is difficult to administer in patients with
J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000 Rhabdomyolysis 1559

abdominal trauma and often will be inefficient for the removal during the first 24 h, up to 10 to 12 L of fluid should be
of potassium and other catabolic metabolites. It might offer administered (29).
temporary help, however, especially if during disasters me- This concept, however, was developed during a disaster of
chanically driven dialytic options are not readily available. limited extent involving mainly young individuals (30), and
Removal of myoglobin by plasma exchange has no demon- was characterized by a rapid intervention by rescue teams, easy
strated benefit and also is debatable, because the metabolic transportation of patients and materials, and supervision by the
turnover of myoglobin is fast. same aid provider of all patients from the moment of extrica-
tion until their discharge from the intensive care unit.
Rhabdomyolysis in Disaster Conditions It may be wise to administer more limited amounts of fluid
Epidemiology to victims of great disasters, to avoid complications resulting
Large numbers of patients all developing rhabdomyolysis at from a lack of close medical supervision (50). In the Marmara
the same time are observed after disasters, particularly earth- earthquake, we advised administering up to 6 L during the first
quakes. Starting in 1988, several earthquake disasters caused 24 h, until the patients were admitted to the hospital where they
great numbers of patients with dialysis-dependent ARF. The could be better monitored. The reasons for this more cautious
most prominent examples include the Spitak earthquake in approach were: (1) the extent of the disaster, making immedi-
Armenia in 1988 (37– 41) (323 patients needing dialysis), the ate supervision difficult and the availability of appropriate
Great Hanshin earthquake in Japan in 1995 (42– 44) (n ⫽ 156), sterile fluid formulations unpredictable; (2) the risk of impend-
and most recently the Marmara earthquake in Turkey in 1999 ing pulmonary edema in older victims (upper limit, 90 yr); (3)
(45,46) (n ⫽ 462). the long periods of isolation (up to 168 h), so that prolonged
It became apparent after the Spitak earthquake in Armenia anuria was a strong possibility.
that disaster response teams needed to be better equipped, with Regarding dialysis modalities, we had to consider the hy-
access to depots of material and logistic nephrologic support percatabolic state of the victims, the frequent presence of
organized in advance. Relief efforts there were hampered by electrolyte disturbances, the presence of polytrauma and bleed-
uncoordinated rescue teams that arrived on the scene several ing tendency, and the specific geographic and local conditions,
days after the disaster (38,39,47). To avoid problems of this i.e., patient overload, transport problems, and logistic difficul-
kind, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) created the ties. As mentioned above, conventional hemodialysis allows
Renal Disaster Relief Task Force (RDRTF) in 1995. This task efficient solute removal, application without anticoagulants,
force was given the job of preparing stocks of goods and lists and treatment of several patients per dialysis post. However,
of volunteers who could intervene immediately in the event of this requires the availability of undamaged dialysis facilities
a large-scale disaster (48,49). The European Branch of the located at an acceptable distance from the disaster area. For-
RDRTF recently became fully operative, and was dispatched tunately, this was the case in Turkey. It might be preferable not
when an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck northwest to treat ARF patients in the disaster area. Aftershocks are
Turkey on August 17, 1999. In collaboration with the interna- frequent, and even if facilities remain operative after a first
tional medical relief agency Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors shock, they may become more severely damaged by an after-
Without Borders), several thousand artificial kidney mem- shock. Transport of ARF patients might be impossible during
branes, dialysate concentrate, dialysis catheters, and kayexalate this later stage, further increasing mortality.
were provided. In addition, about 30 nurses and six nephrolo- Consequently, these problems highlight the need to transport
gists from different European countries went to work to relieve victims out of the disaster area to places where dialysis facil-
the tremendous workload of their Turkish counterparts. An ities have been preserved. Transport by road might be impos-
unprecedented number of 462 ARF patients underwent approx- sible, and transport by boat, helicopter, or plane may be nec-
imately 5000 dialysis sessions, with an unexpectedly low mor- essary. In Turkey, relocation of the patients to Istanbul by boat
tality rate (⬍19%). along the Marmara Sea helped save many lives during the first
The number of ARF patients is influenced largely by local 2 days after the earthquake, because transportation by land was
circumstances, such as the global mortality, the severity of the almost impossible because of damaged roads and bridges. The
shock, the size of the disaster area, the quality of the buildings, question still unanswered is what to do if adequate dialysis
the time needed for extrication, the triage and identification facilities are not available in the area surrounding a disaster
procedures, and the availability of local rescue teams and site. The best alternatives are either: (1) to bring into the
medical facilities. In Turkey, survivors were extricated up to disaster area a complete dialysis infrastructure, including water
7 d after the event, confirming that intensive search efforts for treatment, dialysis machines, and a surgical and intensive care
victims should never be discontinued too soon. environment; or (2) to transport victims to remote, fully oper-
ational dialysis facilities. Locally available infrastructure,
Therapeutic Considerations health care possibilities, and the political situation at the mo-
Timely administration of fluid in an effort to prevent ARF ment of the disaster will be important factors in the final
requires a line for infusion in a free arm or leg vein of the strategy.
victim while the extrication procedure is still continuing (Table Although rhabdomyolysis-related ARF carries the risk of
5). In view of the substantial amount of fluid that potentially high morbidity and mortality, rapid intervention and appropri-
accumulates in damaged limbs, it has been proposed that ate therapy—as was possible for victims of the Marmara earth-
1560 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 1553–1561, 2000

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