Ent Diagnosis (Kaneez-E-Zahra)

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- *External Ear* :
1. Anotia = form part of first arch syndrome.
2. Microtia = commonly associated with
atresia of external auditory canal (peanut
3. Bat ear = deformity can be surgically
corrected after 6 years of age.
4. Cup ear or lop ear = due to hypoplasia of
upper third of auricle (cockle shell ear or
snail shell ear deformity)
5. Cryptotia = upper third of auricle is
embedded under scalp skin (pocket ear)
6. Coloboma = transverse cleft in pinna
7. Darwin's tubercle = pointed tubercle on
upper part of helix, represents as apex of
pinna of lower animals.
8. Stahl's ear = duplicated folds of upper crus
of antihelix, can be corrected by a mould in
1st 6 weeks of life.
9. Preauricular sinus = formed due to
incomplete fusion of tubercles, surgical
excision if repeatedly infected.
10. Most common cause of hematoma of
auricle = blunt trauma seen in boxers,
wrestlers or rugby players.
11. Complications of hematoma of auricle =
cauliflower ear, severe perichondritis.
12. During treatment of laceration of auricle,
special care is to prevent stripping of
perichondrium from cartilage (high risk of
avascular necrosis)
13. most common cause of keloid of auricle =
piercing ear for ornaments, (most commin
sites : lobule or helix), for prevention of
recurrence (preoperative & postoperative
600-800 radiations divided in 4 doses)
14. Perichondritis = secondary to laceration,
hematoma or surgical incision, most
common pathogen (pseudomonas), if abscess
formed (avascular necrosis of cartilage may
15. Relapsing polychondritis = autoimmune
disorder, affect cartilage of ear & septal,
laryngeal, tracheal, costal cartilages may
also involve.
16. Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica
helicis = small painful tender nodules appear
near free border of helix in men age of 50
years, patient unable to sleep on affected
17. Atresia of external auditory canal = most
commonly associated with microtia, but if
occurs alone > due to failure of canalization
of ectodermal core that fills the dorsal part of
first branchial cleft.
18. Collaural fistula = due to abnormality in
1st branchial cleft, fistula has 2 openings (one
in neck just below & behind the angle of
mandible & other one in the external
auditory canal or middle ear), this fistula
traverse through parotid gland so in close
relation with facial nerve.
19. Minor lacerations of ear canal result
from Q-tip injury (scratching ear with pins,
matchstuck etc), heal spontaneously without
20. Complication of Major lacerations of ear
canal = stenosis
21. Acute localized otitis externa (Furuncle) =
caused by staphylococcus aureus (confined
only in outer/cartilaginous part of meatus),
painful movement of pinna.
22. Diffuse otitis externa = diffuse
inflammation of meatal skin, spread to
involve pinna & epidermal layer of tympanic
membrane, commonly seen in swimmers,
common pathogen (staphylococcus aureus),
In acute phase (burning sensation in ear,
pain aggravated by movement of jaw,
purulent dicharge, conductive hearing loss),
in chronic phase (irritation & strong desise to
itch, scanty discharge, crusts formation).
23. Otomycosis = fungal infection of ear,
clinical features (intense itching, pain, watery
discharge with musty odour & ear blockage,
fungal mass in ear canal)
If caused by Aspergillus niger = black headed
filamentous growth.
If caused by Aspergillus fumigatus = pale blue
or green growth.
If caused by candida = white or creamy
24. Otitis externa hemorrhagica = formation
of hemorrhagic bullae on tympanic
membrane & deep meatus, viral in origin
(Influenza), severe pain & blood-stained
25. Herpes zoster oticus = formation of
vesicles on tympanic membrane, meatal skin,
concha, postauricular groove (7th & 8th
cranial nerve involvement).
26. Malignant (necrotizing) otitis externa =
caused by pseudomonas, usually affect
diabetic & immunocompromised patients,
(granulation in ear canal), diagnosis by CT
Scan, gallium 67 & technetium 99 bone scan.
27. Eczematous otitis externa = due to
hypersensitivity from infective organism or
topical ear drops (chloromycetin or
neomycin), marked by intense irritation,
vesicle formation, oozing & crusting.
28. Seborrhoeic otitis externa = associated
with seborrhoeic dermatitis of scalp, main
complaint (itching), green yellow scales in
29. Neurodermatitis = caused by compulsive
scratching due to psychological factors, main
complaint (intense itching).
30. Primary cholesteatoma of auditory canal
= invasion of squamous epithelium in bone of
auditory canal, may be post-traumatic or
postsurgerical, clinical features (purulent
otorrhea, pain), granulation associated with
sequestrated bone.
31. Wax composed of secretions of sebaceous
glands, ceruminous glands, hair,
desquamated epithelium debris, keratin &
32. Nonliving foreign bodies of ear = piece of
paper, sponge, grain seeds, slate pencil, piece
of chalk, metallic ball bearing, broken end of
33. Living foreign bodies of ear = flying or
crawling insects (first, insect should be killed
by instilling oil, spirit or chloroform water
then removed by forceps, syringing, suction,
microscopic removal with special
instruments or postaural approach)
34. Maggots in ear = severe pain with
swelling round the ear & blood stained
watery discharge.
35. Keratosis obturans = collection of pearly
white mass of desquamated epithelium in
deep meatus then by its pressure effect, it
causes absorption of bone leading to
widening of meatus so the facial nerve may
be exposed & paralyzed, commonly seend b/w
5-20 years, associated with bronchiectiasis &
chronic sinusitis (it occurs due to failure of
migration of epithelium from surface of
tympanic membrane to posterior meatal
36. Treatment for acquired atresia & stenosis
of meatus = meatoplasty.
37. Causes of blockage of eustachian tube =
upper respiratory tract infection, allergy,
sinusitis, nasal polyps, DNS, Hypertrophic
adenoids, nasopharyngeal tumour, cleft
palate, submucous cleft palate, down
syndrome, functional.
38. Middle ear cleft = eustachian tube, middle
ear, attic, aditus, antrum, mastoid air cells.
39. Acute suppurative otitis media = common
age group (infants & children), common
pathogen (streptococcus pneumonia),
common route (via eustachian tube), early
symptoms (deafness, earache),

5 stages :
- stage of tubal occlusion (symptoms :
deafness, earache)
- stage of presuppuration ( *Cart-wheel
appearance*, symptoms : marked earache,
deafness, tinnitis)
- stage of suppuration (tympanic membrane
bulging, loss of landmarks, nipple like
- stage of resolution (symptoms subside)
- stage of complication (extractanial :
mastoiditis, subperiosteal abscess, facial
paralysis, labyrinthitis, petrositis..
Intracranial : extradural abscess, meningitis,
brain abscess, lateral sinus thrombophlebitis)
40. Indications for myringotomy = drum is
bulging & acute pain, incomplete resolution,
persistent conductive deafness, persistent
effusion beyond 12 weeks.
41. Acute necrotizing otitis media = seen in
children suffering from measles, scarlet fever
or influenza. Causative organism (beta-
hemolytic streptococcus), profuse otorrhea,
result in secondary acquired cholesteatoma.
42. Serous otitis media (secretory otitis
media with effusion or glue ear) =
accumulation of nonpurulent effusion in
middle ear cleft, common in school going
children (5-8 years of age), cause (blockage of
eustachian tube), most commin symptom
(hearing loss rarely exceed 40dB), signs (dull
opaque yellow, grey or bluish retracted
tympanic membrane with loss of light reflec,
air bubbles may be seen), x-ray of mastoid
shows clouding or air cells due to fluid.
43. Surgical Treament of serous otitis media
= myringotomy and aspiration of fluid (by
beer-can principle) + grommet insertion (to
aerate the middle ear).
44. Complications of serous otitis media =
atrophic tympanic membrane & atelactasis of
middle ear, ossicular necrosis (most
commonly long process of incus & stapes
superstructure), tympanosclerosis, retraction
pockets & cholesteatoma, colesterol
45. Recurrent acute otitis media common in
infants & children between the age of 6
months & 6 years due to recurrent upper
respiratory tract infections (4-5 times in a
46. If child has 4 bouts of acute otitis media
in 6 months or 6 bouts in 1 year then
*insertion of tymoanostomy tube is
47. Aero-otitis media (Ottic barotrauma) =
nonsuppurative, result from failure of
eustachian tube to maintain ear pressure at
ambient atmospheric level, cause (rapid
descent during air flight, underwater diving,
compression in pressure chamber), common
symptoms (severe earache, tinnitis,
conductive & sensorineural hearing loss.)
Treat by catheterization or politzerization.
48. Middle ear cleft is line by ciliated
columnar epitheliun in anterior & inferior
part, cuboidal in middle part & pavement like
in attic.
49. cholesteatoma (epidermosis or keratoma)
= " *skin in the wrong place* " , consist of 2
parts (matrix formed by keratinizing
squamous epithelium & central white mass
consist of keratin debris produced by matrix)
50. Classification of cholesteatoma =
congenital (arise from embryonic epidermal
cell rests in middle ear cleft or temporal
bone, it can occur in 3 differenr sites
"middle ear,
petrous apex,
cerebellopontine angle" ,
present as a white mass behind intact
tympanic membrane & cause conductive
hearing loss), Primary acquired (due to
invagination of pars flaccida "attic
perforation", basal cell hyperplasia of pars
flaccida or squamous metaplasia of
pavement epithelium), secondary acquired
(due to pre-existing perforation in pars tensa
like posterosuperior marginal perforation or
large central perforation).
51. Cholesteatoma has the property to
destroy ear ossicles, bony labyrinth, canal of
facial nerve, sinus plate, tegmen tympani by
the action of collagenase, acid phosphatase,
proteolytic enzymes.
52. Types of CSOM = Tubotympanic &
atticoantral type.
53. Tubotympanic type = safe or benign type,
mucosal disease, involve anteroinferior part
of middle ear cleft "eustachian tube &
mesotympanum", most common aerobic
pathogen "pseudomonas", assoicated with
central perforation, profuse mucoid
odourless discharge, mild to moderate
conductive deafness, pale polyp, no risk of
serious complication, classified into active
(inflammation), inactive (permanent
perforation), healed (adhesive), clinical
features (mucopurulent discharge,
conductive hearing loss "person hear better
in presence of discharge than dry air *round
window shielding effect*, in long standing
cases hearing loss become mixed type.
54. Atticoantral type = unsafe or dangerous
type, squamosal disease, involve
posterosuperior part of cleft (attic, antrum &
mastoid), associated with attic or marginal
perforation, often associated with
cholesteatoma, granulations or osteitis, risk
of complications is high, scanty & purulet
foul smelling discharge, red & fleshy polyp,
conductive or mixed deafness, classified into
inactive (retraction pockets in pars tensa
"posteriosuperior region" or pars flaccida) &
active (cholesteatoma with discharge), same
pathogen as in tubotympanic type.
55. Complications of atticoantral type of
CSOM = Extradural, perisinus or brain
abscess (pain), erosion of lateral semicircular
canal (vertigo), intracranical complications
(persistent headache), erosion of facial canal
(facial weakness), extradural abscess (listless
child refuse to feel & easily go to sleep),
intracranial infection (fever, nausea,
vomiting), meningitis (irritability, neck
rigidity), petrositis "Gardenigo syndrome"
(diplopia), labrynthitis or cerebellar abscess
(ataxia, vertigo), mastoiditis (abscess round
the ear).
56. Surgical treatment of atticoantral type of
CSOM = Canal wall down procedures (widely
open meatus communicate with mastoid, safe
procedure, low recurrence rate, swimming
limitation can lead to infection of mastoid,
operations are atticotomy, modified radical
mastoidectomy & radical mastoidectomy.) or
Canal wall up procedures (combined
approach through meatus & mastoid but
retaining posteroir bony meatal wall intact,
gives dry ear & permit easy reconstruction of
hearing mechanism, high rate of recurrence
due to danger of leaving some cholesteatoma
behind, require second look surgery after 6
months, no limitation of swimming, easy to
wearing a hearing aid, disease removed both
permeatally & through cortical
mastoidectomy & posterior tympanotomy
approach "window created b/w mastoid &
middle ear through facial recess") then
hearing can be restored by mringoplasty or
tympanoplasty (reconstructive surgery).
57. Stages of retraction pocket :
Stage 1 (retracted tympanic membrane but
doesn't contact incus "mild")
Stage 2 (retracted deep & contact incus)
Stage 3 (middle ear atelactasis, tympanic
membrane lie on promontory & ossicles,
middle ear space obliterated)
Stage 4 (adhesive otitis media, tympanic
membrane is very thin & wraps the
promontory & ossicles, no middle ear space,
mucosal lining is absent, pockets collect
keratin plug & form cholesteatoma, erosion
of long process of incus & stapes
58. Tubercular otitis media = secondary to
pulmonary TB, reach through eustachian
tube, sometime from lymph nodes, mostly
occur in children & young adult, tubercles
appear in submucosal layers of middle ear
cleft & caseate, painless necrosis of tympanic
membrane, multiple perforations coalesce to
form single large perforation, pale
granulations, caries of bone & ossicles lead to
complications, foul smelling painless ear
discharge, severe hearing loss (mostly
conductive), complications are mastoiditis,
facial paralysis, postauricular fistula,
osteomyelitis with formation of bony
59. Syphilitic otitis media = spirochete reach
middle ear through eustachian tube, sensory
and organs of inner ear & nerves invaded by
spirochete leading to profound sensorineural
hearing loss, tinnitis & vertigo, bone necrosis
& sequestrum are common lead to foetid ear
discharge, diagnosis by treponemal pallidum
immobilization (TPI), Fluorescent treponemal
antibpdy absorption test (FTA-ABS).

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