A Guide To Evaluating Road Safety Education Programs For Young Adults
A Guide To Evaluating Road Safety Education Programs For Young Adults
A Guide To Evaluating Road Safety Education Programs For Young Adults
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Appendix D: Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
The purpose of this guide is to assist community organisations, and other providers of road
safety education programs for young novice drivers, to evaluate their programs. It includes
guidance, tools and templates for how to plan, undertake and report on a program evaluation.
1 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Ready to evaluate yet?
Working through the guide and completing the template may help you decide when you are
ready to start the evaluation process. Perhaps you already feel confident that you have the skills
and information needed to undertake an evaluation of your program? Some people may refer
to this document as a ‘buyers guide’ before developing a program or seeking the services of an
evaluator. Common pitfalls to evaluation are also discussed throughout.
The tools identified in this guide are:
• a template to help you plan an evaluation (see Appendix A). Wherever you see the
symbol, that’s when you need to refer to the template. As you will probably want to fill in
the template as you move through the guide, it is best to first print a copy of the template so
you can have it in front of you as you work through this guide. You can then start using the
template by filling in your program’s name and basic details at Step 1. An electronic version
of the template can also be downloaded from www.transport.qld.gov.au/sde.
• a case study (see Appendix B) – the example provided summarises the evaluation process for
the passenger safety component of a road safety education program to improve the safety of
• information about more complex types of evaluation (see Appendix C).
• links to sources of additional information, for example, web resources, relevant research
(see Appendix D).
• examples of survey forms and questionnaires that could be used in program evaluations
(see Appendix E).
• a glossary of key definitions, terms and concepts used in the guide.
This symbol lets you know it’s time to refer to or fill in the template.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 2
The diagram below shows the recommended steps in an evaluation1 and refers you to the
relevant pages where these steps are covered.
Step 1
Identify the program goals and objectives
Page 4
1 Sentinella, J. (2004). Guidelines for evaluating road safety education interventions . In Proceedings of 69th
Road Safety Congress: Protecting Vulnerable Road Users, 1-3 March 2004. Retrieved 20 January 2009 from:
3 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
1. Identify the goals and objectives
of your program
An evaluation measures the extent to which a program has met its goals and objectives. The first
step is to identify the goals and objectives of your program.
A goal is a general statement about the desired outcome of the program. For example, your goal
may be ‘To improve the safety of young drivers in your area’.
An objective is a measurable outcome of the program that relates to the goal. For example, an
objective of your program may be ‘To reduce the number of young people travelling as passengers
of P-plate drivers at night in your town’.
A program usually will have a single goal, but may have multiple objectives.
Below is an example of a goal and objective for a program which were identified by considering
some key questions. Thinking about these questions will help you to identify the goal and
objective/s of your program.
Turn to the second page of your template and fill in this information (Step 1).
Knowledge (e.g. of graduated licensing scheme laws) Describe as clearly as
Attitude (e.g. toward speeding) possible what your program
was designed to achieve.
Behaviour (e.g. talking on the phone and driving)
The questions relating
to who, what, when and
WHEN? (e.g. driving at night on the way to a party)
where will help prompt you.
WHERE? (e.g. local streets)
Remember that your program may have been designed with more than one objective in mind. If so,
make separate statements about each.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 4
2. Choose the best methods of evaluation
for your program
Process evaluation
If, for example, you want to know the answers to such questions as, ‘Are you (the course
provider) doing what you said you would?’, or ‘Is the program reaching the target audience?’,
then the type of evaluation that would provide you with answers to these types of questions is
a process evaluation. This type of evaluation tells you about how valuable the content is and
also how effectively the program was delivered.
Outcome evaluation
However, if you want to know whether the program has really made a difference to participants’
road user behaviour, then you would conduct an outcome evaluation. This type of evaluation
tells you about change by answering questions such as ‘Is the participant less likely to
drink and drive after completing the course?’ or ‘Has the participant’s attitude to speeding
changed?’. Generally, an outcome evaluation will require more resources, such as time and
access to people with statistics knowledge, than a process evaluation.
It is, of course, possible that you want to look at both process and outcome issues in evaluating
your program. Whether you conduct a process or outcome evaluation depends on the
evaluation objectives you would like to focus on. The table below provides examples of the
findings likely to be captured by each evaluation method.
5 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Define evaluation goals
The goal of your evaluation will relate to why you are undertaking the evaluation. For example,
this might be:
To gather information to help:
• demonstrate the program was effective in producing behaviour change
• improve the program
• support requests to expand the program
• apply for funding.
Avoiding bias
It is important to avoid bias in selecting your evaluation sample and in conducting your
evaluation. A biased evaluation (for example, asking leading questions) will give a biased
result. The web pages listed in Appendix D provide good advice on evaluation planning that will
minimise bias. Appendix C also provides more information on sampling and avoiding bias.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 6
3. Choose how you will collect the information
Once you have defined your evaluation objectives you will need to decide how you will collect
the information required. This section provides information on some of the most common data
collection methods used in evaluating road safety education programs and their pros and cons.
Discussion groups
This involves a group of four to 12 people who discuss their opinions/answers to questions
asked by a facilitator (using open questions).
Observe behaviour
This involves watching participants’ behaviour (for example, count the number of students at a
school who leave wearing a bicycle helmet).
*Note that responses to open questions require higher level skills in analysis and reporting
than closed questions.
7 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
What are the positives and negatives of different approaches?
Positives Negatives
Questionnaires • It's easier to compare • Some small changes in wording
standardised responses and might change answers
analyse the data • Answers to earlier questions might
• Closed questions can be affect responses to later questions
easier to answer (e.g. yes/ • Might not get the full story – does
no, multiple choice) not allow for unusual or unexpected
• Can be anonymous responses
• Can be least expensive to • Open questions can be more difficult
administer to analyse than closed questions
Focus groups • Can be more cost effective • The discussion of the group can be
than interviews influenced by personalities (e.g.
some people might not want to
speak up and others can take over
the discussion). It can sometimes
be difficult to get a group of people
• Requires a skilled facilitator
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 8
Types of data
Quantitative data
Quantitative data is information that can be counted or expressed in numbers. This data is
generally represented visually in graphs, tables and charts. Examples include:
• questionnaire response – strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly disagree
• height or weight
• speed
• number of students who completed the program.
Qualitative data
Qualitative research involves analysis of data that can be observed. Examples include:
• focus groups
• individual interviews
• direct observation
• transcripts
• role plays
• videos.
Designing a questionnaire
There are a number of previously developed questionnaires that can be used to evaluate
your program which are possibly a more cost effective and reliable approach than developing
your own (see Appendix E). However, ultimately the questions you choose to ask participants
depends on your evaluation objective. Below are a few of the important things to consider if you
are developing your own questionnaire.
• Keep the questionnaire concise. You should have a strong reason for including each
• Get feedback. Your questionnaire should be proof-read and easy to understand. You might
get feedback from a family member, colleague etc.
• The response items must fit the question. For example, if your question asks someone to
choose the right answer to a problem, the responses can’t be ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’.
• Make sure every possible answer is included in the response list.
• Keep the pattern of questions in a logical order. That is, keep all the questions on one
topic together (for example, all the demographic questions in one section, all the speeding
questions in another and all the mobile phone questions in another section).
• Be mindful of leading questions. For example, don’t have a sentence about how dangerous
it is to speed and then ask if the participant speeds.
Some resources you might like to use if you are developing your own questionnaire are on the
following page.
9 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Practical assessment, research and evaluation
This link provides some hints for designing questionnaires.
• When, where and how you ask questions can influence the kind of responses you receive.
• Ensure participants know the survey is confidential so they don’t just try to please you
with their answers – this won’t end up being meaningful.
• If you do a follow-up survey months after the program has finished, you increase your
chances of getting a better idea of any longer term change in attitude or behaviour.
Focus groups
• Ideal for between four-12 participants.
• If possible have a skilled moderator (leader) conduct the session.
• Make sure you have planned how you will run the focus group – for example, craft the
questions so they flow like a normal conversation.
• Limit the questions to around six, starting broad and then narrowing down your focus.
• If possible, record the focus group session and/or have an observer take notes – especially
taking note of who is making specific comments.
• Ensure you have the right mix of people in the group. For example, are you after both males
and females, older and younger?
• Be objective when dealing with participants and don’t judge them.
• Don’t let one person dominate the discussion.
• Periods of silence are fine as they allow people time to gather their thoughts.
• Choose a quiet room free from distractions, and have participants facing one another,
possibly in a semi-circle.
• Observers need to know what the aim of the focus group is so they can remain focused on
the objectives of the sessions.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 10
Focus group process
• Welcome people to the focus group. Build rapport, and let people know there are
no right or wrong answers. Explain what you are hoping to achieve and that all
information is confidential.
• Ask questions, and let the participants be involved in the direction of the discussions.
• Close the session by giving an overview of the session, major points and thanking the
• More information on how to conduct focus groups can be found at
Please be aware that research conducted in schools must adhere to guidelines designed to
protect young people. The websites below will provide you with further information on these
Education Queensland: http://education.qld.gov.au/corporate/research/
Catholic Education: http://www.bne.catholic.edu.au/asp/index.asp?pgid=10730&cid=5258&id=84
Next steps
Having read through considerations in choosing methods for your evaluation—including types
of data collection, the costs and benefits, possible survey tools and ethical considerations—it is
now time to identify the methods you will use.
You are now ready to fill in the tables at Step 3 in the template.
11 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
4. Carry out the evaluation
It is now time for you to collect and analyse the data. The steps you need to take will depend on
what type of data collection method you use. If you conduct interviews or discussion groups,
then you will need to type up exactly what was said and then summarise this information.
If you only took notes, then you will need to summarise your notes. However, if you observed
the behaviour of young people or observed the program being delivered and have counted the
number of times something happened, then you will need to calculate totals and averages to
summarise your results.
If you used a questionnaire, you will need to set up a spreadsheet with ‘Participant number’
as the heading of the first column. Assign each person who filled out a questionnaire with a
number, starting with one, through to as many who filled in the questionnaire. It is useful to
write the participant number on the questionnaire in case you need to double-check responses.
Write each question number at the top of each subsequent column. Then type in each person’s
answer on each row. The analysis will involve calculating the average value for items where a
rating is given on a scale, and then calculating the percentage of participants who chose each
option for multiple choice questions. For example, ‘80% of young drivers reported they would
be less likely to carry more than one passenger after completing the program. The percentage
who said this was greater for females, than males (90% versus 70%)’.
Below is an example of how a spreadsheet might be set up.
You can tick these tasks off in the template (Step 4) as you complete them.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 12
Selecting an evaluator?
Anyone can evaluate your program. You might have the skills to conduct the evaluation
yourself, or perhaps someone within your organisation, who was not involved in developing
or delivering the program. However, it is possible that you may need assistance from outside
your organisation to conduct part or all of the evaluation. This could include working with road
safety partners, your local TAFE or university, or perhaps a consultant.
The table below highlights a range of advantages, disadvantages and considerations for both
of these approaches.
13 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
5. Report on your findings
It is important to provide a report on your findings so that feedback on the program can be
obtained. It will also increase your understanding of the effectiveness of the program and how
to continually improve outcomes.
Executive summary A summary of the report, outlining the main points from each section—
or Abstract this often is no longer than one to two pages.
An abstract is a short summary covering only the key points. This is
often less than half a page.
Background or Describes the background to the program (for example, when and
Introduction why the program was developed, how long the program has been
offered, aims and objectives of the program). It may also include a brief
summary of past evaluations and similar programs.
Aims States the objectives of the evaluation, why it was conducted, what is
covered in the evaluation, and the evaluation measures.
Methods Outlines how the program was evaluated—including the design
and methods used to collect data, the materials used (for A good report will be:
example, survey questionnaires), how the sample was drawn • specific to the
(including sample sizes and response rates), and the methods program goals
used to analyse the data • relevant to the
Results Presents the results of the evaluation measures—often target audience
summarised under headings with tables, graphs and diagrams • considered early.
to illustrate the results.
Discussion Includes discussion of the results and the implications. This
might include to what extent the program met its objectives, what
improvements could be made to better reach objectives in the future,
any constraints on research design used or difficulties encountered
and identification of any issues which may have affected the results.
Recommendations Makes recommendations for action (for example, modifications to the
program, further evaluation) linked to the outcomes of the evaluation
as reported.
Appendices Could include copies of the evaluation materials (for example, copies
of survey questionnaires, copy of program outline).
Your report might also include any references that you used in conducting the evaluation or
writing the report (for example, another evaluation on which you based your evaluation).
The following link provides a helpful template for report writing:
An example of a recent James Cook University evaluation report on a road safety
education program conducted in Queensland secondary schools can be found at
A guide to evaluating
Department road
of Transport andsafety
Main education programs
Roads, A guide for young
to evaluating safetyDepartment
road of Transport
education programs and Main
for young Roads,
adults, 20092009
November 14
Identify the key people for whom the evaluation was designed
Below are some examples of the key people who may be interested in your findings.
(Note – your answer should directly relate to the goal of your evaluation.) They might be one of
three groups:
• those who are involved in the activities of the program
(for example, presenters, supporters)
• those who are directly affected by the program (for example, young people, their parents)
• those who might use the evaluation findings (for example, other designers, funders).
Even if the evaluation didn’t turn out as expected, the information is always useful in helping
you revise the program. The process is about continual improvement and the evaluation
process then starts again!
15 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Appendix A: Evaluation planning template
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 16
Following from the description on page 4, it’s time for you to write the goal and objectives of
your program.
17 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Step 2: Choose the best method of evaluation
Objectives (you can have a few objectives, keep them clear and simple and linked to
measurable outcomes)
• Example of process evaluation: Understand if the program participants received the
materials at the beginning of the session
• Example of outcome evaluation: Identify if there was a reduction in young people who
travel as passengers of P-plate drivers at night in your town
Identify your budget and timeline for each evaluation objective. You might need some more
space for each of the evaluation objectives that you have.
The details to help you fill in this form are on pages 4–12.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 18
Step 3: Choose how you will collect the information
OBJECTIVE (1): Write objective 1 in here (you will need a separate sheet for each objective):
Example: ‘Understand if the program participants received the materials at the beginning of the session’
Questions What might you measure and how Data collection considerations Time and resource considerations
(this might include the data source, (this includes a time line, who will collect
length of the survey, simplicity of the data, where the data will be collected
questions, language appropriate etc) from, work hours, budget)
Did the participants Question on survey: Participants to answer one item Short question
receive the Example: Did you receive the fact sheet (the question is part of a bigger survey (this question should take about one minute
materials at the ‘the law and mobiles’ at the start of given at the end of the program) and is included in the survey)
beginning? the session? Costs: facilitator’s time used to collect
survey, person to enter findings into
spreadsheet, person to analyse meaning of
all responses put together
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
OBJECTIVE (2): Write objective 2 in here (you will need a separate sheet for each objective):
Example: ‘Examine participants’ change in speeding behaviour’
Questions What might you measure and how Data collection considerations Time and resource considerations
(this might include the data source, (this includes a time line, who will collect
length of the survey, simplicity of the data, where the data will be collected
questions, language appropriate etc) from, work hours, budget)
Did participants Question on survey: Participants to answer one item Short question
reduce the times Example: Imagine you are driving on a (the question is part of a bigger survey (this question should take about one minute
they were speeding typical 60 km/hr road. You are not running given both before the program starts and is included in survey)
after the program late and traffic is light and free flowing. and at the end of the program)
Costs: facilitator’s time used to collect
compared with Please estimate the speed you usually survey, person to enter findings into
before the program? drive in this situation. …..km/hr spreadsheet, person to analyse meaning of
all responses put together
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
This page gives you another example, with a different objective (again see pages 4–12).
Step 4: Carry out the evaluation
Checklist of tasks
Collect data/information
21 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Decide what type of reporting methods you will use
• short paper based—postcards, newsletters, brochures,
• electronic—electronic summaries, websites
• in person—workshops, seminars, DVDs
• longer paper-based—briefing documents, formal reports
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 22
Appendix B: Case study of a young driver
The Skills for Prevention Injury in Youth (SPIY) program, specifically addresses passenger
safety and has been involved in a continuous evaluation process over a number of years.
This case study outlines the methods used to design, review and evaluate the program.
The answers provided a more detailed understanding of how young people might get hurt as
a passenger, and information about the kinds of situations in which young people became
passengers of unsafe drivers.
23 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Permission was again sought from the schools to run the focus groups and each
individual student and their parents gave written permission before they were Seek the necessary permission
involved, as per the guidelines of Education Queensland. Students were then
selected and the recorded focus groups were run in a way that was suitable for
the school, including timings.
Permission was also sought to hold focus groups with health and student
wellbeing teachers who might be involved with the program. Sessions were held
at a convenient time for both the school and teachers.
Again, general and specific questions were asked such as:
• What are some of the risky things that young people do that get them injured?
• What was already being done, what had worked and what had not
worked before?
• What kinds of things should we be doing to prevent young people from taking
these sorts of risks?
The second part in the needs
• What are some of the ways to get the message across? analysis was to answer
• What resources need to be included? ‘What has already been
done, what worked and
• What are the appropriate messages for students and how might they
what didn’t work?’.
be delivered?
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 24
Process evaluation
There were a range of process evaluation methods employed to discover if the program
was delivered as intended. Information was collected from students by surveys and during
discussions. In addition, information was collected from teachers through interviews. An
independent observer also watched a number of sessions to make sure they were being
delivered as intended.
The table below provides suggestions to help you undertake a process evaluation.
Observer rating Please rate how well you think the activities in the
lesson were delivered (scale provided).
Were the Observer rating Please rate how well you think objectives of the
objectives of the program were met (scale provided).
lesson met?
Was the message Observer rating Please rate how well you think the discussions were
delivered with conducted (scale provided).
Teacher What were some of the challenges in participating in
questionnaire the discussions?
Was the program Student Did you learn anything in the lesson on passengers
well received? questionnaire (yes/no)?
and discussion Overall, did you find the program enjoyable, boring,
group interesting (rate on a scale of one to 10)?
What did you learn from the program and how did it
change your behaviour?
2 Buckley, L. and Sheehan, M. (2008). A process evaluation of an injury prevention school-based programme for
adolescents. Health Education Research In press. Retrieved 29 January 2009 from:
25 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Outcome evaluation
To understand whether the program influenced the students’ behaviour, an outcome evaluation
survey was conducted. Students were surveyed before and after they completed the program
and again six months after that. Students at a comparison school where the program was
not run were also surveyed. This allowed differences between schools to be looked at to
understand whether it was the program or the school that made the difference to the students’
behaviour. Also, it allowed behaviour change in the students who completed the program, to
be understood.
Students were asked questions about their injury experience, behaviour and attitudes.
An example of a question from the survey is provided below. Some of these questions are
included in Appendix E under ‘Passenger behaviour and attitudes’, developed by Ulleberg
and Rundmo (2002)3.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Report writing
Reports were written with different stakeholders in mind and included commentary on:
• the original goals of the program and how they were met
• challenges faced in meeting the goals
• details of the useful resources available in the community
• how much it cost to deliver the program.
What’s next?
The program continued to be refined with comments from students and teachers and the
observer rankings in mind. Another outcome evaluation will be undertaken to see if the
program reduced the risk of participants being passengers of unsafe drivers.
3 Ulleberg P. and Rundmo,T.(2002) Risk-taking attitudes among young drivers: The psychometric qualities and
dimensionality of an instrument to measure young drivers’ risk-taking attitudes. Scandinavian Journal of
Psychology. Vol. 43, 227-237.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 26
Appendix C: Different types of evaluation
Percentage of correct
For most road safety education program developers and providers, before and after type
evaluations should be adequate for process and outcome evaluation purposes.
27 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Most evaluations are known as cross-sectional which means that they are conducted at
a particular point in time, such as the before and after evaluation previously described.
Alternatively, some evaluations are longitudinal, where the effects of a program or intervention
are measured over time. An example of a longitudinal study is one which tracks the traffic
convictions and crashes of drivers over a five year period, to compare the patterns of those
who completed or did not complete driver education classes at secondary school. Longitudinal
studies are more expensive and complicated to conduct than cross-sectional studies and
should only be attempted by experienced, professional evaluators.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 28
Sampling and sample size
Choosing who to include in your evaluation is known as sampling. For example, you might
select two secondary schools in your area to include in an evaluation of a Year 11 road safety
awareness program. The Year 11 students who will participate in the program, or be assigned
to a control group, is your sample. A good sample is as closely matched and representative of
the target group as possible. Ideally, the schools chosen should have similar characteristics,
such as a similar number of students, with a similar numbers of boys and girls with similar
demographic characteristics. Choosing a small, all girls private school in an affluent area, to
compare with a large coeducational government school from a less affluent area, would not
represent good sampling.
The sample should also be large enough to provide valid and reliable results. An evaluation
based on 100 students is more reliable than one based only on 10. While there are complicated
formulas for working out minimum sample sizes, a rule of thumb is not to use samples below 50
for evaluation purposes. If in doubt, use the links provided in Appendix D or consult an expert.
Please keep in mind there are likely to be costs associated with consulting an expert such as a
statistician or research psychologist.
29 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Appendix D: Resources
Here are some links to road safety, evaluation and report writing materials that you may
find useful.
National links
Transport Accident Commission (TAC Victoria)
• Guidelines for evaluation
• Guidelines for identifying road safety problems
• Guidelines for preparing a high quality funding application
• Report writing
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 30
International links
American Evaluation Association
• http://eval.org/resources.asp
31 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Appendix E: Examples of useful surveys
This appendix contains examples of useful surveys and questionnaires that have been used
in road safety evaluations in Australia and overseas. They are arranged into groupings as
shown in the list below. You may find it easier to use some of these in your evaluation than to
develop new surveys of your own. The surveys listed below have been developed and used by
experts as valid and reliable measurement tools. In short, they measure what they claim to,
and do so consistently.
The example surveys cover:
• demographics and background
• driver risk taking behaviour
• managing risk
• perceptions of driving and likelihood of detection
• exposure
• crash involvement and offence history
• knowledge
• passenger behaviour and attitudes
• intermediate factors: attitudes and intentions
• alternative travel modes.
Additionally, it is advisable to include some instruction for the survey respondents to follow,
such as the examples provided below.
Example instructions
When answering all the questions it is important to remember that:
• there are questions on both sides of the page
• carefully read the directions for each question
• please answer carefully and honestly
• most questions can be answered by circling a number
• for a few questions you might have to write your answer on the line provided
• please ask if you have any questions
• do not write your name on the questionnaire.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 32
Demographics and background
Male 1
Female 2
No licence 1
Learner 2
Open 3
P2 provisional 5
P1 provisional 6
Probationary 7
Restricted 8
4. Generally, where do you do most of your driving? (please circle one number)
33 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Driver risk-taking behaviour
Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ)
The DBQ is a short, self-administered, multiple-choice questionnaire originally developed in
the United Kingdom as part of research into driver behaviour and road crashes. It is also known
as the Manchester DBQ which acknowledges where it was first developed.
The original DBQ, was developed by Dr James Reason and colleagues in 19904. Dr Reason is a
research psychologist well known in the human factors and accident fields. The DBQ has been
used extensively in driver research around the world5.
No one is perfect. Even the best drivers make mistakes, do foolish things, or bend the rules at some
time or another. Some of these behaviours are trivial, but some are potentially dangerous. For each item
below you are asked to indicate how often, if at all, this kind of thing has happened to you.
Quite often
say, the last year.
Stay in a lane that you know will be closed ahead, until the last minute 0 1 2 3 4 5
Miss 'stop' or 'give way' signs and narrowly avoid colliding with traffic
0 1 2 3 4 5
having right of way
Pull out of a junction so far that the driver with right of way has to stop
0 1 2 3 4 5
and let you out
Fail to notice that pedestrians are crossing when turning into a side street
0 1 2 3 4 5
from a main road
Queuing to turn left onto a main road, you pay such close attention to the
0 1 2 3 4 5
mainstream of traffic that you nearly hit the car in front
Cross a junction knowing that the traffic lights have already turned
0 1 2 3 4 5
against you
4 Reason, J., Manstead, A., Stradling, S., Baxter, J., and Campbell, K. (1990). Errors and violations: a real
distinction? Ergonomics, 33, 1315-1332.
5 Lajunen, T., and Summala, H. (2003). Can we trust self-reports of driving? Effects of impression management
on driver behaviour questionnaire responses. Transportation Research, Part F, 6, 97-107.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 34
On turning left, nearly hit a cyclist who has come up on your inside 0 1 2 3 4 5
Fail to check your rear-view mirror before pulling out, changing lanes, etc 0 1 2 3 4 5
Become impatient with a slow driver in an outer lane and overtake them on the
0 1 2 3 4 5
Race away from the traffic lights with the intention of beating the driver next to
0 1 2 3 4 5
Brake too quickly on a slippery road, or steer the wrong way and skid 0 1 2 3 4 5
Drive the car even though you suspect you may be over the legal blood-alcohol
0 1 2 3 4 5
Become angered by another driver and give chase with the intention of giving
0 1 2 3 4 5
him/her a piece of your mind
Below are some questions related to speeding previously used by researchers at the Centre for Accident
Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), Queensland University of Technology6.
Imagine you are driving on a typical 60 km/h road. You are not running late and
traffic is light and free flowing. Please estimate the speed you usually drive in this
situation. km/h
Imagine you are driving on a typical 100 km/h road. You are not running late and
traffic is light and free flowing. Please estimate the speed you usually drive in this
situation. km/h
Have you driven after drinking when you were over the legal limit for your licence Yes
type in the last 12 months? No
Have you driven while under the influence of one or more recreational drugs in Yes
the last 12 months (for example, marijuana, speed, meth/amphetamine, ecstasy,
cocaine, heroin)? No
6 Fleiter, Judy J. and Watson, Barry C. (2005) The speed paradox: the misalignment between driver attitudes
and speeding behaviour. In: Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, 14-16 November,
Wellington, New Zealand.
35 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Below are some questions related to aggressive driving from the driver anger scale7 used by
researchers at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), Queensland
University of Technology.
Extremely angry
Not at all angry
A little angry
Fairly angry
Very angry
Explain how you would respond to the following situations
Someone in front of you does not move off straight away when the traffic lights turn green 1 2 3 4 5
A pedestrian walks slowly across the middle of the street, slowing you down 1 2 3 4 5
Someone is driving too slowly in the outside lane, and is holding up traffic 1 2 3 4 5
Someone is driving more slowly than is reasonable for the traffic flow 1 2 3 4 5
A slow vehicle on a winding road will not pull over and let people pass 1 2 3 4 5
Someone coming towards you does not dim their headlights at night 1 2 3 4 5
Someone pulls out right in front of you when there is no one behind you 1 2 3 4 5
7 O’Brien, S. Tay, R. and Watson, B. (2003). ‘An exploration of Australian driver anger.’ In Australasian Road Safety
Research, Policing and Education Conference, 24-26 September, Sydney.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 36
Managing risk
Have you personally done anything in the last 12 months to reduce
(please circle one number)
your chances of being injured in a car crash?
Yes 1
No 2
Don’t know 3
Others (specify) 7
Driving carefully 0 1 2 3 4
37 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Control of the traffic situations 0 1 2 3 4
Fast reactions 0 1 2 3 4
Overtaking 0 1 2 3 4
Please estimate the chance of the following things (please circle one number for each)
8 Lajunen, T, and Summala H. (1997). Effects of driving experience, personality, and driver’s skill safety orientation
on speed regulation and accidents. In T. Rothengatter and E. Carbonell Vaya (Eds.), Traffic and transport
psychology: Theory and application (pp. 283–294). Amsterdam: Pergamon
9 Senserrick, T and Swinburne, G. (2001) Evaluation of an insight driver-training program for young drivers. Monash
University Accident Research Centre: Melbourne.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 38
Below are some questions about exposure to driving.
How long have you held a licence (not including learner licence)?
years months
On average, how many hours per week do you drive with a passenger about your age?
Below is a measure developed by Fleiter and Watson6. It measures previous crash involvement
and offences.
(write number)
How many speeding tickets you have received in the past three years?
How many warnings for speeding (but no ticket) you have received in past
three years?
How many crashes (whether you were at fault or not) have you been in while
driving in the past three years?
39 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Road rules knowledge
The Department of Transport and Main Roads provides an online selection of road rule
questions. These questions can help people prepare for their learner licence test.
Go to: https://www.service.transport.qld.gov.au/rrtexternal/SelectExam.jsp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How much stress did you feel as a passenger in that friend’s car?
No Stress Very much stress
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How often did this friend take the following risks in traffic?
Never Very often
Speeding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dangerous overtaking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Close following 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
How often did you address your friend’s driving when they were doing each of the
Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very often
Speeding 1 2 3 4 5
Dangerous overtaking 1 2 3 4 5
How often did you refrain from addressing your friend’s driving when they were doing
each of the following?
Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very often
Speeding 1 2 3 4 5
Dangerous overtaking 1 2 3 4 5
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 40
Please respond to how much you agree with each of the following.
I might get into the car with friends who I know are
1 2 3 4 5
unsafe drivers
41 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Intermediate factors: attitudes and intentions
Below is a measure developed by Australian researchers6. It measures intended
speeding behaviour.
How fast do you intend to drive in the next month, if running late or not?
Just occasionally
Most occasions
Most occasions
Nearly always
Nearly always
In the next month, when driving on urban roads (50 and 60 km/hr), how often will you: Never
In the next month, when driving on open roads (100 and 110 km/hr),how often will you:
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 42
Alternative travel mode
Below is a measure developed by Dr Barry Watson, Centre for Accident Research and Road
Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q), Queensland University of Technology. It measures attitudes
towards alternative transport options to driving.
How often within the past two years have you used each of the following types of
transport for any kind of journey?
More than About once About once Several About once
once a week a week a month times a year a year
Car 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bus 1 2 3 4 5 6
Taxi 1 2 3 4 5 6
Train 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bicycle 1 2 3 4 5 6
Walking* 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 S.Anderson and S.G.Stradling (2004). Attitudes towards car use and modal shift in Scotland. Scottish Executive
Social Research.
43 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Here is a summary of some key definitions, terms and concepts used in this guide. Some of
these may also be explained in the main document.
The people selected and treated the same way as those participating
Control group in a program or intervention but who do not complete the program or
participate in the intervention (also known as a comparison group).
The measurement of the extent to which a program has met its goals
Evaluation and objectives.
The process by which people interpret and organise what they hear,
Perception see and feel to produce a meaningful experience of the world.
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 44
An organised sequence or series of presentations that includes
resources to assist with the planning, delivery, support and evaluation
Program of a program. This may include session plans, audio visual resources,
booklets and guidance for presenters. A training course is an example of
a program.
45 Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009
Department of Transport and Main Roads, A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, November 2009 46
A guide to evaluating road safety education programs for young adults, Department of Transport and Main Roads, 2009