Gy 412 Ore Microscopy: of Mineral Grains in Ore Rocks or Mineral Assemblages
Gy 412 Ore Microscopy: of Mineral Grains in Ore Rocks or Mineral Assemblages
Gy 412 Ore Microscopy: of Mineral Grains in Ore Rocks or Mineral Assemblages
Ore microscopy deals not only with microscopic identification of ore minerals but
also the interpretation of ore mineral textures, i.e. the geometrical interrelationships
of mineral grains in ore rocks or mineral assemblages.
Ore textures may provide useful information regarding the processes involved
in primary ore deposition, and post-depositional history of an ore.
Some ore minerals are very refractory and tend to retain primary composition and
textural features (e.g. oxides, arsenides, disulfides, sphalerite, molybdenite). Others
re-equilibrate rather rapidly upon cooling (e.g. pyrrhotite, Cu-Fe sulfides, sulfosalts,
native metals). During mineral re-equilibration primary ore textures may be lost and
replaced by secondary textures.
In this section we are going to examine/review only a few examples of common ore
textures and the principles involved in textural interpretation.
Rapid cooling of basaltic magmas often gives rise to development of skeletal crystals
during solidification of the magmas.
Deposition of minerals in open spaces (voids, cavities, fractures) by ore fluids often
result in special mineral textures, commonly known as open-space filling textures.
Open-space deposition results in the formation of euhedral to subhedral crystals that
may grow from the walls of the voids towards the center, thus leading to comb
textures, concentric growth zonation, colloform banding, radial growth. These
textures are a product of unobstructed growth of minerals into fluid-filled voids or
cavities and other open spaces.
Deposition from hydrothermal ore fluids in open fissures or fractures can result in
comb structures and symmetrically or rhythmically crustified veins.
Cu-Pb-Zn sulfide vein deposits and carbonate hosted Pb-Zn sulfide ores often exhibit
open-space deposition textures.
These are textures resulting from the replacement of one mineral by another mineral.
Initial replacement may take place along fractures, cleavage and grain boundaries.
Replacement consumes some of the original phase and tends to produce a rounding
off of irregular surfaces, whereas infilling leaves the original fractured surface intact.
Terms that are often used to describe exsolution textures include lamellae, lenslike,
blebs, rods, stars etc.
Minerals showing extensive solid solution (SS) at high temperature have low or
limited SS at low temperature, and hence the dissolved or minor phase is expelled
from the host upon cooling to low temperature.
(After Craig & Vaughan, 1981)
Several ores show textural evidence of deformation, ranging from pressure induced
twinning to complete brecciation or cataclasis.
The curvature of exsolution laths, rows of blebs or inclusions, flames or rods is often
indicative of deformation.
Folding or offset of mineral banding or layering is a common feature in deformed
ores. In sulfide assemblages, some ore minerals show ductile flow e.g. Cpy, gn, po,
while others show brittle behaviour (i.e brecciation) e.g. py, aspy, mg, during
Annealing textures result from slow cooling after ore deposition or slow heating
during metamorphism. Annealing involves recrystallization to minimize surface
tension or interfacial tension, by formation of more or less equant grains with grain
contacts around 120o. In the case of monomineralic assemblage, annealing results in
the formation of triple junctions between the grains. Annealing commonly results in
the resorption of smaller grains at the expense of large grains.
In summary, ore textural studies provide useful information regarding the origin and
post-depositional history of an ore.
The order of formation (in time and space) of associated minerals is called mineral
paragenesis. Ore mineral paragenesis is essentially a sequential formation or
deposition of minerals from ore fluids.
Paragenetic studies are not only important for extraction and exploitation of ores but
also important in revealing the geological history of the ore and may be of value in
exploration and correlation of various parts of the orebodies.
Doubly polished thin sections provide more useful information than standard polished
sections for paragenetic studies. They permit study of gangue and ore minerals in the
same sample and of internal structures in some ore minerals e.g. sphalerite, not readily
seen in standard thin sections or polished sections.
The shapes of individual crystals and the nature of contacts between adjacent mineral
grains may provide useful information on the mineral paragenesis.
For example, euhedral crystals commonly grow early during cooling and
crystallization of magmas or during open-space deposition of ores.
Grains with primary convex faces are considered to have formed earlier than
those with concave faces, except in replacement ores.
c) Cross-cutting relationship
The veinlet or other feature that cross-cut another is younger than that which it cuts
across, except where the older phase has been replaced, or where both features result
from metamorphic remobilization.
d) Replacement
The mineral being replaced is older or pre-dates the one replacing it. The replacement
usually proceeds from inward from crystal boundaries or along fractures.
During advanced replacement the replacing phase possesses convex boundaries;
whereas the replaced phase possesses concave boundaries and may remain as relics
or islands within the matrix of the later phase.
e) Twinning
f) Exsolution
During formation of Fe-Cu-Ni sulfide ores in ultramafic rocks, nickel (Ni) remain
incorporated within (Fe, Ni)1-xS monosulfide solid solution from 1000-900o C until
the ores cool below 400o C. Then much of Ni exsolves as oriented lamellae of
pentlandite in pyrrhotite.
(From Craig & Vaughan, 1981)