Covid-19-Risk-Assessment TEMPLATE
Covid-19-Risk-Assessment TEMPLATE
Covid-19-Risk-Assessment TEMPLATE
This risk assessment is to be completed to ensure that the risk has been identified and the required prevention measures have been
implemented. The rigorous application of these measures is to limit the risks of contracting and/or spreading COVID-19 and to take
action quickly when identifying non-conformities. The primary purpose of applying such measures is to protect the health of workers.
Does everyone have to come to work? Can you Assess which jobs can be done off-site and if you can transition to this.
have workers work from home?
Can you add a shift to split the staff to keep as Ensure that if you are adding an additional shift that all the rules and
little people in the building as possible? procedures that would apply on days also applies to other shifts.
This may see machines moved to separate workers. Also, consider if
Can you organize the work that would separate
the workflow can be changed so that groups of workers are not working
so close together.
Rate the following 1=low 5=high 1 2 3 4 5 As stated above, if workers are worried, stressed or scared, they
may be experiencing some strong emotional feelings. These
Do you think workers are worried, scared may cause workers to become distracted by the job at hand.
and emotional? Distracted workers are at a higher risk of accidents & incidents.
During these difficult times, none of us have experienced these
kinds of things. Employers, managers and supervisors are
struggling to keep up to the events going on.
Workers are scared and confused, as well. Not communicating
Is the business keeping workers up to date with them may cause more stress and worry to workers.
as to how it is dealing with the COVID 19?
There is nothing wrong with communicating to the staff that you
are not sure how you are going to handle the situation at hand
and that once we have developed a plan, they will be brought up
to speed. Have discussions with front line supervisors what
information can be communicated to workers and what is to be
considered as confidential.
Workers not knowing what is going on may not trust what the
company is trying to do. Talking to workers during this
Have you interviewed staff to find out what
assessment allows them to feel what they think matters.
their feelings are about what is going on?
You may find that giving them a bit of a heads up as to some of
What do they think the company should be
the controls that may be implemented, may make implementing
those controls easier/ smoother.
How would they feel if you were to put some
If you ask the question, “what do you think if we were to do……”
of the controls in place?
And they answer in a positive manner; it may be a smoother
transition for the company.
Based on the risk assessments conducted, the following procedures and safe work instructions have
been implemented.