Relationship Between Aggregate Crushing Value (Acv) and Ten Percent Fines Value (TFV) For Nigerian Aggregates

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Okorie Austine Uche

Bayero University, Kano


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Civil Engineering Department, Bayero University Kano, E-mail:

[email protected]


This paper reports an experimental investigation carried out to establish a mathematical relationship
between aggregate crushing value (ACV) and ten percent fines aggregate crushing value (TFV) for
some aggregates in Nigeria. Such a mathematical relationship, usually established through regression
modelling on data collected, is useful in saving time and money cost on site through estimating one
variable when another is known. The tests were performed in accordance with BS 812 (1990) part 110
and 111 on crushed granite, all-in-aggregate (or hoggin known locally as “burji”), river gravel and
slag aggregates. The results obtained show that ACV value for aggregates are 25.04%, 22.70%,
36.13%,and 37.89% for crushed granite, slag , hoggin (all-in aggregate), and river gravel respectively.
This show that the ACV test is not favourable in testing weak aggregates as the ACV is more than 30%
for hoggin and river aggregates. This is consistent with BS 812:110 (1990). The TFV values for the
aggregates are 180kN, 150kN, 120kN and 100kN for slag, crushed granite, hoggin and river aggregate
respectively. A regression correlation of ACV and TFV shows that Nigerian aggregates can be related
with an expression: ACV = 59.452 - 0.211TFV. With this relationship ACV values can be estimated for
weaker aggregates than specified in the Nigerian General Specification for Roads and Bridges work.
Hence weaker aggregates in construction industry may be rated accordingly.

SIGNIFICANCE: The model developed for the values can be estimated for wider range of
relationship between aggregate crushing value aggregates than specified in the Nigerian General
(ACV) and ten percent fines aggregate crushing Specification for Road and Bridge works.
test (TFV) is useful in economics and safety KEYWORDS: Aggregate Crushing Value, Ten-
perspective in the sense that time and money cost percent Fine Value, Aggregates, Regression
on site will be saved or minimized as reliable ACV Models


1.1 Background aggregates according to the BS 812, part

Aggregate is a collective term for minerals such as 110(1990) is a relative measure of the resistance of
sand, gravel and crushed stones, that are used with an aggregate to crushing under the applied
a binding medium (water, cement, bitumen, e.t.c) compressive load. In other word is a value which
to form compound material (asphalt concrete and indicates the ability of an aggregate to resist
Portland cement concrete) . Its use considerably crushing. It is used to determine the crushing value
improves both volume stability and durability of of a given road aggregate also it is used to assess
base and sub-base courses for both flexible and the suitability of aggregate for use in different road
rigid pavements. The quality as well as the pavement. This is not a very effective method in
availability becomes of importance in design the case of soft aggregates for which the ten
consideration where aggregates are needed. In percent fines aggregate crushing test (TFV) is
Nigerian the aggregate impact value (AIV) and recommended (TRL-DFID 2002). The ten percent
aggregate crushing value (ACV) are used in fines have been incorporated in both the British
scrutinizing aggregates to determine their Standard (BSI 812, part 111 1990) and South
suitability for use in road constructional work. The Africa Standard (CSRA 1987) systems and can be
ACV test which is prescribed for strong and hard performed for both strong and weak aggregates.

Uche, O.A.U. and Muhammad, I.G. 126

(2011) (2011)

Ten per cent fines load (TFV) and ACV tests are
two well accepted tests for assessing the 𝐴𝐶𝑉 = 38 − 0.08 × 𝑇𝐹𝑉 --- (1)
mechanical properties of aggregates. Both tests are
standardised in the U.K. and carried out in the This model, which is said to be valid in the
same way, on the approximately same amount of strengths of 14 to 30 ACV and 100 to 300 kN
aggregate. As result of inability of ACV test TFV, may not be efficient in Nigerian
method to account for weak /soft aggregates environment.
employed in road construction work, the need to
correlate ACV and TFV test results become 1.2 Justification
necessary. This will also provide for such The only mechanical properties mentioned in the
standards like the Nigerian General Specification Nigerian General Specification for road and bridge
for Road and Bridge works (1997) that has no works (Federal Ministry of Works, 1997) is the
alternate ratings for aggregate strength except the ACV test. This makes the work in this paper
ACV. Shergold and Hosking (1959) showed for a relevant in the Nigerian situation. The requirement
number of materials including two rock types that mentioned in the specification is that the aggregate
the fines versus load relation in the aggregate material to be used for wearing course (top part of
crushing test gave a non-linear relation. They also the surfacing) should have ACV of not more than
suggested that there was a linear relation between 23%. Thus, for the situation where only weak
7.5 to 12.5% fines range, passing through the aggregate which may appear strong to the sight are
coordinates (0 –4) in the fines versus load diagram, available, testing their suitability might pose a
irrespective of rock types. Based on this problem because the ACV test is not suitable for
assumption, they proposed a means of estimating their assessment.
the ten per cent fines load of aggregate from the The aim of this paper is to develop a model of
crushing test. This method was also accepted by relationship between ACV and TFV so that the
the British Standards (BS 812-1975). basis for comparing the strength of aggregate for
The analysis of experimental and published road works may be expanded to include a wider
aggregate test results by Turk and Dearman (1989) range of aggregate than the conventional ACV test
indicate that the fines versus load relation of with its limitation. Embarking on a regression
aggregates is linear and has a varying intercept and modelling exercise presupposes that a major
slope in the fines versus load diagram. Based on hypothesis being tested is that a statically
this concept, a diagram was produced to determine significant relationship exists between the variable
the ACV of aggregates from the ten per cent fines in question. In this work ACV is taken as the
load, or vice versa. In general, an acceptable fit dependent variable and TFV as the independent
was obtained between the best fitting line to the variable. Thus the evaluation of this hypothesis is
test results and the proposed relation except for the based on meeting the level of significance adopted.
ACV greater than 30. Turk and Dearman also What is adopted in this paper is the 5% level,
reported that the proposed relation is not only very which has been described by Osula and Adebisi
simple to apply, but also enables the determination (2001) as the middle of the road approach usually
of any per cent of fines load from a minimum adopted by researchers. The model developed for
number of experiments. Additionally, the proposed the relationship between ACV and ten percent
relation between the ten per cent fines load and the fines aggregate crushing test is useful in
ACV of aggregates increased the applicability of economics and safety perspective in the sense that
the specifications which are often given in terms of time and money cost on site will be saved or
one of the aggregate test results or determination minimized. From such model the relationship in
of an aggregate property from other known ACV can be estimated for weak aggregate than
properties. The British Transport Research specified in the Nigerian General Specification for
Laboratory in its Overseas Road Note 19 (2002) Roads and Bridgeworks for Nigerian aggregate as
proposed a correlation model for ACV and TFV in may be used for low-cost low-quality roads.
the form:


2.1 Materials hoggin(all - in-aggregate). A part from the slag
The aggregate samples used in the laboratory work which was obtained from Nigerian – Spanish Steel
were river gravel, crushed granite, slag and Rolling mill, Sharada Industrial Estate Kano State,

Uche, O.A.U. and Muhammad, I.G. 127

(2011) (2011)

Nigeria, all other aggregate were obtained partly aggregate specimen and average calculated and
from dealers and Dantata Quarry sites in Kano, recorded.
NorthWestern Nigeria. The aggregates: hoggin; 2.2.2 Ten Percent Fines (TFV) Test: The
slag; and crushed granite were as defined by Scot apparatus that is used for the ACV test is the same
(1992), Maxlay (1998) and Mohammed (2010) apparatus that is used for the TFV. As with the
respectively. The sample preparation and test were ACV test, the sample was treated in the same
performed in accordance with BS 812, part 110 manner as in the aggregate crushing value test in
and 111 of 1990. The tests carried out were the section 2.2.1. It was placed in a cylindrical mould
ACV and TFV. to a depth of 100mm in 3 layer with each layer
receiving tamping 25 times from a tamping road.
2.2 Methods The top was levelled with the plunger by slight
The sample was sieved through 14 mm and rotation of the plunger while placed on aggregate
retained on 10 mm BS sieve sizes. The aggregate in the mould. The sample, in the mould with
collected on 10 mm was the material of plunger, was placed in the compression testing
importance. These were oven dried at a machine and an arbitrary force value between 100
temperature of 110 degree for a period of 4 hours. – 500 kN was applied. The rate of application was
2.2.1 Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) Test: controlled so that the maximum force value was
The sample was placed in a cylindrical mould to a achieved in 10 minutes The load was released after
depth of 100 mm in 3 layers, with each layer been this times and the sample passed over the 2.36 mm
tamped 25 times with tamping road. The top was sieve. The weight of the sample passing and
levelled with the plunger by slight rotation of the retained on the sieve were determined and
plunger while placed on aggregate in the mould. recorded. The amount of fines produced was
The sample, in the mould with the plunger was determined by expressing weight of sample
placed in the compression testing machine and passing the sieve as a percentage of the original
compressed at a uniform rate till a force of 400kN mass of sample. The arbitrary value was varied
was applied such that this force was achieved in 10 until such a point when the amount of fines
minutes. The load was released after this time and produced was 10%. The force producing this
the sample was sieved through 2.36mm sieve. The amount of fines was noted as the TFV. Also as
weight of material passing through sieve and that with the ACV tests, three tests were performed for
retained were determined and recorded. This each aggregate specimen, the average recorded as
weight was expressed as a percentage of the the required value for the aggregate concerned.
original mass to give aggregate crushing value
(ACV). This test was performed 3 times for each


The results of the ACV and TFV on each of the ACV reduces with increasing TFV. Thus
the aggregate samples are as shown in Table 1. the aggregate if graded on a strength basis
From the result presented in Table 1, it can be using either the ACV or TFV, will show the
seen that comparatively that the aggregate same result provided the gradation for one is
crushing value test and ten percent aggregate reversed.
crushing test show an inverse relationship as

Table 1: ACV and TFV for some Nigerian Aggregates

Aggregate type Aggregate Crushing Ten percent Fine Value

Value (ACV), % (TFV), kN
River Gravel 37.89 100
Hoggin 36.13 120
Crushed Aggregate 25.04 150
Slag 22.70 180

Uche, O.A.U. and Muhammad, I.G. 128

(2011) (2011)

A graphical plot of ACV versus TFV is 𝐴𝐶𝑉 = 𝑎 + 𝑏(𝑇𝐹𝑉) --- (2)

represented in Figure 1, which shows that the
inverse relationship is more or less linear. Where: a - regression constant and b - regression
Thus, a relation between ACV and TFV can be coefficient.
assumed and estimated to be of the form.



TFV (kN)
Figure 1: Variation of Aggregate Crushing Value(ACV) with Ten percent Fine
30 Value(TFV)


100 120 150 180

Figure 1: Relation between ACV and TFV

Modifying equation 1.2, we get:

The model is evaluated as in Table 2 using the
𝑌 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑋 ---- (3) least square method of linear regression modelling
as detailed in Ang and Tang (1975).
Where: TFV is now X and ACV is now Y,

Table 2: Estimation of the Regression model

37.89 100.00 3789.0 10,000
36.13 120.00 4335.6 14400
25.04 150.00 3756.0 22500
22.70 180.00 4086.0 32400
∑Y = 121.76 ∑X = 550.00 ∑XY = 15916.6 ∑X2 = 79300

But regression coefficient, b, is determined from The coefficient of determination of the model is
𝑛 𝑥𝑦 − 𝑥 𝑦 given as:
the relation 𝑏 = = -0.211, while
𝑛 𝑥2− 𝑥 2
the regression constant, a, is then determined from R 2 = 0.925 --- (5)
the relation 𝑎 = 𝑦 − 𝑏𝑥 = 59.452. Thus, the model
established would be of the form The pair wise correlation coefficient between ACV
and TFV is given as 0.038. Since the model is a
ACV = 59.452 – 0.211(TFV) --- (4) simple linear regression model, it means that the
level of significance is 3.8% less than the usually
accepted middle of the road value of F = 24.525

Uche, O.A.U. and Muhammad, I.G. 129

(2011) (2011)

(constant for road construction ) also occurring at equation (1.4) as compared to those using the
3.8% level of significance. Thus it can be said that model reported in overseas road note 19, equation
the model (relation) established from this work is are presented in Table 3.
credible. The output of the model developed,

Table 3: Comparison of model Developed with Provision of Road Note 19.

SPECIMENS TFV, (KN) Actual ACV, (%) Computed ACV, (%)

EQN(1) EQN(4)
River gravel 100 37.89 30.00 [7.89] 38.35 [-0.46]
Hoggin 120 36.13 28.40 [7.73] 34.13 [2.00]
Crushed granite 150 25.04 26.00 [-0.96] 27.80 [-2.76]
Slag 180 22.70 23.60 [-0.9] 21.47 [1.23]

The actual ACV data (the third column of Table This confirms the range for which equation (1) is
(3) and those computed using equation (1) and (4) recommended and also the fact that the TFV is
appear in the square bracket in the fourth and fifth suitable for weaker aggregates for which as seen in
column, respectively. While the output of equation the Table 3 is for River gravel and Hoggin whose
(1.4) can be seen to be numerically different from result were replicated better by equation (4). The
those of equation (1) a direct comparison of the implication of the results of the work carried out in
output of the two model reveals that equation (1) this paper is that reliable ACV can be estimated for
performed better for ACV below 30% while weaker aggregate for roads and bridge work for
equation (4) performed better for ACV greater Nigerian aggregate as may be used for low cost
than 30%. low quality road.


From the results of the investigation, the 3. The aggregate crushing value (ACV) and
following conclusions are deducted. ten percent fines value (TFV) have inverse
1. Crushed granite, river gravel, slag and linear relationship as shown in the
hoggin aggregates used in Nigerian regression model of ACV = 59.452 –
construction industry have aggregate 0.211(TFV).
crushing value (ACV) of 25.04%, 37.89%, 4. Slag and crushed granite aggregates with
22.70% and 36.13% respectively. ACV values of 22.70% and 25.04%
2. Also the values of ten percent fines (TFV) respectively can be used as wearing
for Nigerian aggregates used in course material since the values are within
construction work are 100 kN, 120 kN, 20-30% as prescribed by BS 812: part 110
150 kN and 180 kN for river gravel, (1990), whereas hoggin and river gravels
Hoggin, Crushed granite and slag with ACV values higher than 30%, may
respectively. be used for sub-base materials
5. .


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