A Review of 2004 Austroads Rigid Pavement Design
A Review of 2004 Austroads Rigid Pavement Design
A Review of 2004 Austroads Rigid Pavement Design
The 2004 edition of Austroads rigid pavement design guide has been based on the work of
Packard and Tayabji (1985) which is known as the PCA method. In this method, a number of
input parameters are needed to calculate the required concrete base thickness based on the
cumulative damage process due to fatigue of concrete and erosion of subbase or subgrade
materials. While the PCA method has been known as the most widely used mechanistic design
procedure for rigid pavement, it has a number of limitations.
This paper reviews the 2004 design guide, introduces a design software specifically developed
to study the guide and highlights some important points. In addition, a finite element program
EverFE2.23 has been used to determine the critical configuration and position of axle groups.
Results of the current study show the complex interdependence of the many parameters.
Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the critical location of axle groups on pavement is not as
simple as described in the guide but depends on the boundary condition between concrete base
and subbase as well as the temperature and moisture gradients within the depth of the concrete
In 2004 Austroads released a revision of the 1992 Guide for rigid pavement design based on
the PCA method. The Guide provides a mechanistic procedure for calculating the required
concrete base thickness for different concrete base types including Jointed Plain (unreinforced)
Concrete Pavement (JPCP), Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (JRCP), Continuously
Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) and Steel Fibre Concrete Pavement (SFCP).
The work of Packard and Tayabji (1985) has formed the basis of both the Austroads and the
PCA design methods. A variety of inputs including design traffic, subgrade CBR, subbase
thickness and type, project design reliability (PDR), concrete flexural strength, vehicular load
spectra (axle group load distribution) and provision of dowels and shoulders are taken into
account to calculate the required concrete base thickness based on the cumulative damage due
to fatigue of the concrete base and erosion of subbase and subgrade materials. The severity of
fatigue and erosion damage depends on structural response of rigid pavements as affected by
vehicular load configurations, environmental factors, and material/layer characteristics.
Design traffic is an estimation of heavy vehicle volumes on the road during the pavement life.
The method of estimating the number of Heavy Vehicle Axle Groups (HVAGs) has been
described in the Guide. Although the PCA method was developed based on Single Axle Dual
Tyre (SADT), Tandem Axle Dual Tyre (TADT) and Triple Axle Dual Tyre (TRDT), the Guide
extended the method to be used for different axle group types including Single Axle Single Tyre
(SAST), SADT, Tandem Axle Single Tyre (TAST), TADT, TRDT and Quad Axle Dual Tyre
(QADT) (Fig. 1).
CBR is the only subgrade information used in the design procedure and represents the
subgrade resistance to applied load. Subgrade CBR values are affected by topography, soil
type, and drainage conditions. The Guide provides a number of methods to estimate the field
CBR values under various conditions.
Five types of subbase including 125 mm bound, 150 mm bound, 170 mm bound, 125 mm Lean-
Mix Concrete (LMC), and 150 mm LMC have been recommended in the Guide. The choice of
subbase depends upon the value of design traffic. It should be noted that 150 mm LMC is the
only choice for those projects where design traffic is greater than 1×107 HVAGs. Effective
subgrade strength has been defined in the Guide to consider the effect of subbase layer on rigid
pavement behaviour. The Guide provides the recommended values of effective subgrade
strength for design based on subgrade CBR values and subbase types.
Variations of drainage condition, traffic loads, material properties, and construction process
require the Guide to define a range of PDR values between 80 per cent and 97.5 per cent
depending on road classification. Although PDR is not directly used in the design procedure, it
defines the value of Load Safety Factor (LSF) which is directly used in the procedure and varies
between 1.05 and 1.35 depending on concrete base types.
Concrete base usually transfers the applied vehicular loads to the subbase and subgrade layers
by bending action. Consequently, cracks are the most common distress in rigid pavements and
are often generated in the top or bottom surface layer of concrete base and then propagate due
to fatigue flexural failures and/or erosion of subbase and subgrade materials. Hence, concrete
flexural strength has been taken into account in the design. The Guide suggests a typical
relationship for converting 28-day compressive strength to 28-day flexural strength for concrete
with crushed aggregate. The minimum concrete flexural strength at 28-day has been restricted
to 4.5 MPa when the value of design traffic exceeds 1×106 HVAGs.
Design traffic is also employed to estimate the expected load repetitions for a given axle group
by using a typical traffic load spectra (axle load distribution) during the pavement’s life.
Presumptive traffic load distributions for urban and rural roads are provided in the Guide, which
can be employed if a specific traffic load spectra is not available. Effects of dowels and
shoulders provision on base thickness have been considered through the use of design
coefficients for different axle group types for both fatigue and erosion analyses.
Compared to its predecessor (Austroads, 1992), the Guide is more readily adapted to
computerised design environments. The axle load and axle load spectra have been revised and
design nomographs have been converted into closed-form equations. The 2004 Guide thus
allows a software development for design procedure while its predecessor can only allow
design calculation to be done in a spreadsheet (Vorobieff, 1996).
This paper presents a critical review of Austroads rigid pavement design guide and investigates
the effects of varying design input parameters on concrete base thickness. Effects of axle group
configurations on the pavement response are described. Both fully bonded and unbonded
boundary conditions between concrete base and subbase are considered to determine the
effects of environmental forces. Finally, critical positions of different axle groups are discussed
and the effects of boundary conditions between concrete base and subbase, thermal curling,
and moisture warping on it are addressed.
In addition, the Guide does not consider the effects of varying tyre pressure, tyre-pavement
contact area and axle spacing in tandem, triple and quad axle groups. Results of research
conducted in the past, however, show the significant effects of axle group configuration on rigid
pavement response. While the Guide has used the concept of load equivalency to take TAST
and QADT into consideration (Vorobieff, 2001), the deterioration of concrete pavements would
be affected by the actual axle group configuration. Hence, in agreement with Guclu and Ceylan
(2005), there is a need for further study on critical axle group configuration.
Tyre inflation pressure affects tyre-pavement contact area and stress. Tyre inflation pressure in
heavy vehicles varies between 500 kPa and 1000 kPa (Austroads, 2004), but a tyre pressure of
750 kPa is currently recommended for structural design of road pavements. It is noteworthy that
Okomato and Packard (1989) investigated the effect of tyre pressure on pavement responses
by installing strain gauges at the midway of longitudinal joints and deformation transducers at
the corners of the concrete base. Their results showed that tyre pressure has no strong effect
on the base deflection at the corner of the concrete base and on the induced tensile stress at
the midway of longitudinal joints. Gillespie et al. (1992) showed that tyre-pavement contact
stress is not uniformly distributed and its contact shape is not rectangular, but a change in the
distribution of tyre-pavement contact stress associated with the use of rectangular tyre contact
area did not significantly change the pavement responses.
Rectangular tyre imprints with various dimensions have been used in the past. Information on
tyre imprint, axle width (AW), distance between centres of dual tyres (DCDT) and distance
between axles in a given axle group (DBA) is summarised in Table 1.
Tyre imprint
Sources AW DCDT DBA (mm)
Width† Length (mm) (mm)
Packard and Tayabji (1985) 178 254 1829 305 1220 to 1372
Similar to the PCA method, the Guide provides two critical axle group positions based on
different damage scenarios for typical road configurations. In terms of erosion damage, the
critical position of axle groups upon pavement is at the corner of the loaded slab. The critical
position of axle groups for fatigue damage on the other hand, has been considered at the
midway of longitudinal joint between transverse joints though many jointed concrete pavements
suffered from corner and longitudinal cracking (Heath et al., 2003).
Liang and Niu (1998) showed that effects of daytime and night-time differential temperature
gradients and concrete base moisture content variations on pavement responses are significant
so that truck load fatigue damage for a 1 ºF/in (0.022 °C/mm) differential temperature gradient
can be 10 times higher than that for a zero differential temperature gradient (Siddique et al.,
2005). Hiller and Roesler (2002) indicated that the critical locations of axle groups upon
pavement are affected by the variation in differential temperature gradients and loss of moisture
contents in the concrete base depth.
The Guide in the Chapter 4 clearly mentioned that the temperature effect needs to be
considered during design. However, the effects of environmental forces on concrete base
thickness have not been exclusively shown, although some recommendations are given. Note
that the minimum base thickness provided in the Section 9.4.3 of the Guide is to account the
environmental factors such as curling and warping of the concrete base.
The Austroads method is based on an assumption that the concrete base can freely curl
(Austroads, 2004a) during daytime or nighttime temperature gradients. This suggests a fully
unbonded boundary condition (coefficient of friction, µ, is zero) between concrete base and
subbase. Nevertheless, some typical µ values have been provided by the Guide for partially
bonded boundary conditions between the concrete base and subbase. It is interesting to note
that some bonding usually exists regardless the use of interface treatments and unbonded
conditions could only be achieved by using a double layer of polyethylene sheets (Tarr et al.,
1999). In contrast, Yu et al. (1998) stated that friction between concrete base and subbase is
sufficient to produce bonded behaviour even if polyethylene sheets are placed between them.
As mentioned earlier, this paper presents a study on the rigid pavement design procedure of
Austroads (2004). In the study, the Austroads design procedure has been implemented in a
Windows-based computer program (named ANRPD-2004) using Visual Basic. The program
graphs the variation of base thickness versus design traffic or alternatively, the required
concrete compressive strength for different operating conditions. These operating conditions
include pavement types, subgrade CBR, subbase types, PDR, concrete flexural strength and
provision of dowels and shoulders. Results of ANRPD-2004 program has been verified via the
example provided in Appendix 9.1, the PCP example design charts provided in Figure 9.2, and
the dowelled jointed or CRCP example design charts provided in Figure 9.3 of Austroads
In addition to ANRPD-2004 that has been used for sensitivity analysis of the Guide, EverFE2.23
finite element program for JPCP (Davids et al, 2003) has been used to parametrically study the
effects of a change in vehicular load configurations on rigid pavement responses and to
determine the environmental effects on pavement responses and the critical position of axle
groups upon pavement. Several finite element models including different pavement
configurations and diverse boundary conditions between concrete base and subbase have been
developed using EverFE2.23. However, only two of these finite element models, which produce
significant research outcomes, will be presented in the following sections.
Concrete base: 4600 x 3600 x 250 mm with E = 28000 MPa and υ = 0.2; Cement stabilised
subbase: 150 mm thick with E = 5000 MPa and υ = 0.2; Modulus of subgrade reaction (k) =
0.03 MPa/mm (CBR ≈ 3.5); Tyre pressure = 750 kPa (except when tyre pressure effect was
A rectangular tyre-pavement contact shape with uniform stress distribution was considered
based on the results of Gillespie et al. (1992). Since critical axle group configurations are
independent of boundary condition between concrete base and subbase, a fully bonded
boundary condition was considered in this study. Note that consideration of unbonded boundary
condition only results in higher vehicular induced stresses and deflections. In other words, this
assumption (the use of bonded boundary condition) does not significantly change the critical
dimensions of axle group configurations but, it results in a decrease in the analysis time. No
further boundary condition was applied on the pavement.
SAST, SADT, TAST, TADT, TRDT, and QADT (Fig. 1) with an average axle group load of 53
kN, 80 kN, 90 kN, 135 kN, 181 kN and 221 kN, respectively, were applied at the centre, middle
of the longitudinal edge and corner of the centre concrete base panel. Tyre inflation pressure
and width/length ratio of tyre imprint (α) were 750 kPa and 0.7, respectively. Axle width and
distance between dual tyres were considered to be respectively 1800 and 300 mm. A distance
of 1250 mm between axles in a given axle group, as assumed by Packard and Tayabji (1985)
was chosen in the present study.
With regards to the effects of environmental forces, ambient temperature, wind speed and
duration of solar radiation are commonly used to predict the temperature gradients in concrete
base depth. Differential temperature gradients in depth of concrete base range between 0.087
to 0.109 ˚C/mm in the day-time and 0.044 to 0.065 ˚C/mm in the night-time (Byrum and Hansen,
1994). Traditional methods of analysis are based on a linear temperature distribution in
pavement depth. However, Choubane and Tia (1995) showed that temperature distribution in
pavement depth is nonlinear. Results of Health and Roesler (1999) indicated that nonlinear
temperature distribution through the depth of concrete base results in tensile stress that is lower
than that of linear temperature distribution when rigid pavements are subjected to positive
temperature gradients (day-time) and produces tensile stress that is greater than that of linear
temperature distribution when rigid pavements are subjected to negative temperature gradients
Moisture gradient depends on the ratio of pavement area to its depth, wind speed, ambient
temperature and solar radiation. Moisture gradients results in upward warping which is similar to
night-time differential temperature. Hence, it can be considered as negative temperature in rigid
pavement analysis. An equivalent night-time temperature gradients of 0.065 to 0.13 ˚C/mm of
concrete base thickness has been suggested by Reddy et al. (1963) to represent the effects of
moisture gradients on concrete pavement response. Since high temperature gradients (more
than 25˚ C) would result in severe damage of unreinforced concrete base with a normal
thickness, linear differential temperature gradients of -25˚ C (night-time temperature) to 25˚ C
(day-time temperature) were therefore considered between the top and bottom surface layers of
concrete base. Concrete coefficient of thermal expansion was assumed to be 1×10-5. Tensile
stresses due to vehicular loads and those caused by environmental forces were then
superimposed to determine the critical location of pavement for crack initiation as well as critical
position of axle groups upon pavements.
Using the program ANRPD-2004, a doweled JRCP without shoulder was subjected to an urban
axle load spectra. The subgrade CBR and PDR were considered to be 5% and 97.5%,
respectively. Design traffic was considered to be between 0 and 1×108 HVAGs. Figures 2 and
3 show results of calculated base thickness obtained from fatigue and erosion analyses for
concrete compressive strengths of 36 MPa and 80 MPa, respectively. It is interesting to see that
these figures seem to suggest that an increase in concrete compressive strength decreases the
possibility of fatigue damage and consequently erosion analysis results in a thicker concrete
base than the fatigue analysis when concrete compressive strength increases.
Figure 2: Variation of base thickness with design traffic for dowelled JRCP with concrete
compressive strength of 36 MPa (design traffic = 1×108 HVAGs, subgrade CBR = 5%)
Similar results can be observed when other types of the concrete base in the absence of shoulder
were studied. Note however, that the provision of shoulder results in comparable base thickness
for fatigue and erosion damage analyses.
Further investigation on this matter reveals that the benefits offered by increasing concrete
compressive strength ceases at a certain maximum concrete compressive strength value. In
addition, it appears that the benefits of using concrete of high compressive strength are
dependent upon the availability of dowels and shoulders, design traffic, and PDR values. Table 2
shows the critical design traffic in fatigue analysis based on availability of dowel and shoulder for
different concrete compressive strengths. Note that this table is an example of the above
mentioned finding and has been presented for a JRCP with maximum design traffic 1×108
HVAGs, subgrade CBR 3% and urban axle groups load distribution. The use of other concrete
base types may result in different outcomes. Design traffic of less than or equal to those values
provided in this table results in thicker base in fatigue analysis than erosion analysis.
Figure 3: Variation of base thickness with design traffic for dowelled JRCP with concrete
compressive strength of 80 MPa (design traffic = 1×108 HVAGs, subgrade CBR = 5%)
These above outcomes are perhaps less surprising when the fatigue and erosion damage
formulas of the Guide are examined. Undoubtedly, concrete flexural strength has no effect on
base thickness resulting from erosion analysis (see Equations 9.4 and 9.5 of the Guide)
whereas it has an inverse relationship with base thickness from fatigue analysis (see the
equation for calculating stress ratio, Sr, in Section of the Guide). The latter equation
indicates that an increase in concrete flexural strength decreases the stress ratio (Sr).
Table 2: Maximum design traffic (HVAGs × 106) that results in thicker JRCP in fatigue
analysis than erosion analysis
With Dowel and with Shoulder 100 100 100 100 100 60 13 5
The stress ratio has a direct relationship with equivalent stress which depends on availability of
shoulder, effective subgrade CBR (Ef), and base thickness. Availability of shoulder or an
increase in base thickness decreases the equivalent stress whereas an increase in the Ef
increases the value of equivalent stress. The allowable load repetition in fatigue analysis (Nf)
depends on the stress ratio so that a decrease in the value of Sr toward 0.45 will lead to Nf
becoming infinite. It means that the range of concrete flexural strength variation, which can
affect the base thickness, strongly depends on the convergence of the value of Sr toward 0.45
which is affected by the amount of effective subgrade CBR, assumed base thickness, and the
availability of shoulder. An increase in equivalent stress (Se) therefore may suggest the need for
using concrete with higher compressive strength.
Figure 4: Variation of base thickness with design traffic for different subbase types
Results of the current study indicates that subgrade CBR of more than 5 per cent has no effect
on base thickness in those projects where the amount of design traffic is more than 1×107
HVAGs. This outcome is perhaps less surprising when the design procedure of the Guide is
examined. The only subbase choice when design traffic is greater than 1×107 HVAGs (see
Table 9.1of the Guide) is 150 mm LMC. The use of 150 mm LMC subbase restricts the effective
subgrade strength to a maximum of 75% for subgrade CBR of 5% or more (see Figure 9.1 of
the Guide). In other words, the use of subgrade CBR more than 5 per cent results in the same
value of effective subgrade CBR which equals to its maximum permitted value (75 per cent).
Hence, while Figure 9.1 of Austroads is employed in the base thickness design procedure, a
subgrade CBR of more than 5 per cent has no effect on base thickness when the design traffic
is more than 1×107 HVAGs.
Damage process:
Results of the current study indicate that the variation of base thickness with design traffic for
fatigue and erosion damage is complex and depends on the provision of dowel and shoulder,
concrete flexural strength, and subgrade CBR. Hence, specifying the damage process as being
either fatigue related or erosion related is not as simple as demonstrated in Figure 19 (for
JPCP) of Clause 6.5 Austroads (2004a). Since the Austroads method does not differentiate
concrete base types in calculating the base thickness, the following observations may be noted
for all concrete base types:
• Fatigue is critical for any subgrade CBR value when dowel and shoulder are used and the
concrete compressive strength is ≤ 75 MPa.
• Fatigue is critical for any subgrade CBR value in the absence of shoulder for dowelled
pavements with concrete compressive strength is ≤ 40 MPa.
• Erosion is critical for any subgrade CBR value in the absence of dowel when shoulder is
used and the concrete compressive strength is ≥ 50 MPa.
• Erosion is critical for any subgrade CBR value in the absence of both dowel and shoulder
when the concrete compressive strength is ≥ 45 MPa.
Table 3: Effect of base thickness variation on fatigue damage in a JRCP with shoulder
No of
Thickness Se Allowable repetition Fatigue
(mm) (Million) Sr repetition (Million) (Million) damage (%) Result
Results show that tyre inflation pressure has no significant effect on the base deflection.
Furthermore, induced tensile stresses when load is positioned at the centre of the concrete
base or at the middle of longitudinal edge of the pavement are not significantly affected by tyre
pressure. These results are similar to those presented by Okomato and Packard (1989).
However, an increase in tyre inflation pressure produces greater concrete tensile stress when
the load is applied at the corner of the pavement. Figure 5 shows variations of maximum tensile
stress of the pavement versus different tyre inflation pressures.
It should be noted that since only a single concrete base panel was considered in this instance,
it cannot be ascertained if the above observations are valid when a number of interconnected
concrete base panels are considered. In the light of the evidence presented by Okomato and
Packard (1989) which indicated that tyre pressure has no significant effect on pavement
responses, it can only be deduced that when an effective load transfer between two adjacent
panels is available through the use of dowels, the effect of tyre inflation pressure may be
Results of the current study show that pavement responses were significantly dependent on the
axle spacing. An increase in axle spacing linearly decreases the base deflection and nonlinearly
changes the value of tensile stress. Figure 6 shows variation of induced tensile stress in
pavement due to a change in axle spacing. With regards to base deflection, shorter axle
spacing would result in greater value of erosion of subbase and subgrade materials.
An increase in axle spacing of TRDT may result in a significant decrease in the tensile stress.
Similar trend is observed in TAST and TADT up to a spacing of 1200 mm, thereafter tensile
stress remains relatively unaffected. While axle spacing in a given axle group may legally vary
between 1000 mm and 1600 mm (RTA, 1998), results of current research indicate that with a
distance of 1220 mm to 1372 mm (similar to those used by researchers all over the world) lower
values of tensile stress will be produced. Moreover, the results indicate that a distance between
1050 and 1150 mm with an average of 1100 mm for all axle groups should be used for rigid
pavement analysis. In addition, a distance between 1350 and 1450 mm with an average of 1400
mm cab be considered for TAST and TADT. A low value (1100 mm), however, will result in
higher tensile stress and base deflection.
0.75 TRDT
Tensile Stress (MPa)
1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
Distance between axles (mm)
Tensile stress(MPa)
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Differential temprature between top and bottom surface layers of the concrete base (ºc)
Figure 7: Maximum thermal tensile stress in a JPCP for fully bonded and unbonded
boundary conditions
Figures 8 shows the thermal stress influence lines along the longitudinal centreline of concrete
base panels (for top and bottom surface layers) for fully bonded boundary conditions. Figure 9
presents similar results for fully unbonded conditions. In these figures, day time and night time
represents day time temperature gradient and night time temperature gradient, respectively.
The number after day time or night time indicates the absolute temperature difference between
the top and bottom surface layers of the concrete base. For instance, day time 10 indicates a
differential temperature between top and bottom surface layer of 10 ˚C.
For the base dimensions selected, the critical location of thermal stress is at distance of about
400 mm from the transverse joints. Since this distance is a function of pavement length, varying
the length by ± 2 metres may shift the location by ± 50 mm. This finding explains the reason
behind the formation of transverse cracks commonly found near transverse joints.
Figure 8: Thermal stress influence lines for fully bonded boundary condition
In both fully bonded and unbonded boundary conditions, night-time temperature gradients
creates greater tensile stresses at top surface layer and day-time temperature gradients
produces greater tensile stresses at bottom surface layer of the base. It is obvious that under
high differential temperature gradients the base will crack. Hence, while Austroads (2004) only
concerns with the minimum concrete flexural strength for the design traffic, the present authors
suggest that the minimum flexural strength of the concrete be determined by combining the
effects of the worse possible temperature gradient with those of vehicular loads. A very
important finding is that the benefits offered by unbonded boundary condition between concrete
base and subbase ceases at a certain value of differential temperature gradient (see Figure 7).
This dictates that the type of boundary condition between concrete base and subbase (bonded,
unbonded or partially bonded) shall be selected based on the critical differential temperature of
the construction site during the pavement life.
Figure 10: Tensile stresses due to vehicular loads for fully bonded and unbonded
boundary conditions
A sensitivity analysis based on Austroads (2004) methods was carried out and a number of
significant outcomes were described. Critical axle group configurations for different axle group
types were presented based on a sensitivity analysis of a JPCP response to the axle group
parameters. The effects of day-time and night-time temperature gradients on pavement
response were determined and their effects on critical position of axle groups upon pavement
were explained. The results of the current study can summarised as follows:
• In contrast with what commonly accepted as the fundamental concrete characteristics,
calculations performed using the 2004 Guide seemed to suggest that an increase in
concrete compressive strength decreases the possibility of fatigue damage and
consequently erosion analysis results in a thicker base thickness.
• Increasing the Subgrade CBR above 5 per cent has no effect on base thickness in those
projects where the amount of design traffic is more than 1×107 HVAGs.
• The variation of base thickness with design traffic for fatigue and erosion damage is
complex and depends on the provision of dowel and shoulder as well as the adopted
concrete flexural strength and subgrade CBR values.
• Axle spacing has a significant influence on pavement responses.
• The minimum flexural strength of the concrete should be selected based on a combination
of the effects of the worse possible temperature gradients and those of vehicular loads.
• The application of load at the middle of the edge as described by Packard and Tayabji
(1985) is only appropriate for evaluating fatigue failure for pavements with fully unbonded
conditions in the absence of temperature gradients. Consideration of temperature gradients
changes the critical position of axle groups toward the corner of the slab for most axle group
• The benefits offered by an unbonded boundary condition between the concrete base and
subbase ceases at a certain value of differential temperature gradients.
• The most critical location for estimating maximum tensile stress in a fully bonded pavement
is close to the corner of the slab.
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Vorobieff G., 1996, ‘Rigid Pavement Thickness Design by Spreadsheet’, Pavement Design &
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Vorobieff G., 2001, ‘Recent Development in Australia in Concrete Pavement Thickness Design’,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, Orlando, Florida, USA
The original work of this study was sponsored by the Queensland University of Technology
(QUT), Australia, and Rinker Australia under R&D project RD835. Thanks are expressed to
Glenn Carson for helping with project planning and execution.
M.Y. Darestani - PhD Student, School of Urban Development, Queensland University of