Nokia Optical LAN Solution Brochure EN
Nokia Optical LAN Solution Brochure EN
Nokia Optical LAN Solution Brochure EN
2 Brochure
Nokia Optical LAN solution
Bringing the LAN GPON: the technology behind
up to light speed Optical LAN
Today’s local area networks use a Optical LAN is based on a technology called Gigabit Passive Optical Networks
copper architecture and often separate (GPON). GPON has already been deployed by many of the world’s largest
networks are used to carry different telecommunications carriers and serves millions of users worldwide. It has
services. The copper deployment model quickly established itself as the worldwide standard for delivering a new
creates an environment that is wasteful generation of services. Among other benefits, GPON provides an enormous
and inefficient to maintain, leading to amount of bandwidth — 2.5 Gb/s downstream and 1.25 Gb/s upstream —
crowded equipment rooms, complex over a single strand of glass.
wiring closets and increased high-volume
GPON architecture uses purely passive components such as splitters between
air conditioning (HVAC) requirements.
the optical line terminal (OLT) and optical network terminal (ONT), reducing the
Nokia Optical LAN brings the LAN up to chance of equipment failure. In Optical LAN, the core underlying technology
light speed. The advanced performance is still Ethernet, with GPON Encapsulation Mode (GEM) used as the packaging
means all voice, data and video services format. GEM packages the IP packets efficiently with minimum overhead as they
can be supported on a single fiber transit between the OLT and ONT.
distribution architecture with the right
Each fiber optic cable can be shared by up to 64 ONTs, minimizing the amount
user experience. Optical LAN’s Quality of
of fiber cabling required. Although multiple users share the same passive optical
Service (QoS) and high bandwidth allow
network (PON), robust QoS and bandwidth mechanisms ensure that the traffic
organizations to converge voice, video
is correctly prioritized and peak bursts enabled, so that each user or devices
and data all onto the same fiber network
gets the bandwidth they need.
allowing more efficient maintenance,
cabling and overall performance. Optical
LAN’s single distribution platform also
significantly reduces network complexity,
the amount of equipment needed, and
power consumption.
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Nokia Optical LAN solution
Nokia Optical LAN solution highlights
Blueprint driven • QoS architecture to support the QoS guarantees for user
Nokia delivers a pre-validated set of services applicable • Type-B PON protection
to Optical LAN along with the hardware and software
specifications. The Nokia Optical LAN blueprint covers
interoperability with various other eco-system components like
VOIP Phones, Voice PBX, Wi-Fi Access Points, Authentication The solution comprises of ONTs that meet every need:
Servers etc. The service definition and underlying equipment • GPON and XGS PON uplink
part of the Nokia Optical LAN blueprints are validated at Nokia
• various port densities (1p, 4p, 8p, 16p, 24p)
labs to ensure the system supports smooth roll-out and
• 1G/2.5G/10G user port rates
operation of the defined services.
• PoE support providing up to 30W power to connected end
A sample set of services defined in the Nokia Optical LAN devices (VOIP phones, Wi-Fi APs)
• LLDP-MED protocol support for discovery and setup of
• Desktop Data Service connected devices
• IP Voice Service • Integrated POTS ports
• Wi-Fi Access Point Service • Integrated Wi-Fi AP
• Security Access Control Service
• Digital Signage Service 5571 POL Command Center
• Surveillance Service
• Public Announcement/Intercom Service
• IPTV Service The 5571 POL Command Center (PCC) provides a web-based
• Analogue (POTS) Voice Service and intuitive environment that makes day-to-day operations
quick and simple:
7360 ISAM FX OLT • Realistic network view using your floor plans
• Easy navigation to network elements and their physical
The foundation of the Nokia Optical LAN solution is the 7360
• Predefined service definitions for each usage type
• Line cards that support GPON, XGS PON and 25G PON • Discovery and automatic activation of new optical line
• Features to support Layer-2 and Layer-3 network terminals (OLTs)
deployments • Automatic activation of new ONTs
• 802.1x based user authentication supporting port/MAC/MAB • SNMP trap forwarding interface to OSS
• DVLAN or dynamic VLAN assignments for user services
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Nokia Optical LAN solution
Benefits of the Nokia Optical LAN
The Nokia Optical LAN solution outperforms traditional copper-based LAN
in all the key criteria.
Robust security Nokia Bell Labs has developed a modeling Scalability
Our solution provides a very secure tool that compares these costs for Optical The Nokia Optical LAN solution enables
environment for transporting LAN and traditional LAN. This tool shows flexibility in the network design and can
sensitive data. that Optical LAN provides total savings easily scale.
of 35%-55%, depending on the specific
• Fiber is inherently harder to network configuration. • Optical LAN signals can run for up to
tap into, has no crosstalk and, 20km without needing any boosters or
unlike copper, is not affected by • Energy. With cutting edge technology repeaters. This means the centralized
electromagnetic interference and continuous efforts to improve access node (OLT) can be placed anywhere
power efficiency, Nokia Optical LAN is a in the building or campus. There are no
• The Nokia solution has multiple
proven “green” solution. Considering the blind spots and no need for additional
security schemes preventing the
total power consumption of all active switches to reach every endpoint
interception of another user’s data
components in a LAN, ventilation and air-
or introducing a fraudulent ONT • The market-leading capacity of the
conditioning for equipment, Optical LAN
into a network (advanced encryption Nokia solution makes it simple to
power savings can be greater than 50%
with two-way key exchange, extend the network with more end
advanced intrusion detection, • Floor space. Our centralized, high- points or to new buildings from the
ONT unique identification, etc.) density OLT platform enables existing OLT
deployment in a smaller footprint
• The Nokia solution has protection • This capacity of Optical LAN and Nokia’s
relative to multiple distributed copper-
mechanisms and pro-active QoS mechanisms ensure the delivery of
based Ethernet switches, bringing space
monitoring to ensure high all services in use today and the support
cost savings of 60%
availability (link protection, of new services in the future
logical layer protection, controller • Service contracts. Optical LAN has
• Our ONT portfolio allows any type
and line card redundancy, etc.) significantly fewer active electronics
of deployment (ceiling, wall, desk
resulting in maintenance cost savings of
Lower operating costs mounted), provides Gigabit Ethernet
over 50%
interfaces in single or multiport
Optical LAN has significantly lower • Fault management. Again, because of configurations, and supports different
operating costs thanks to savings fewer active components, Optical LAN powering options
in maintenance, power, space, reduces fault management costs by up
management, service contracts, • Capacity can be easily upgraded in
to 50%
testing, certification and upgrades. the future using the same cabling
and with minimal changes in the OLT
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Nokia Optical LAN solution
The Nokia Optical LAN solution
7360 ISAM FX Features Benefits
• Supports GPON and 10G PON • Meets increasing LAN demands with
The Nokia Optical LAN solution is
technology high capacity
based on the 7360 Intelligent Services
Access Manager (ISAM) FX OLT platform, • Different shelf sizes, containing • capable of serving 8,000 (on ISAM FX-
widely regarded as the industry’s most 4, 8 or 16 line cards 4), 16,000 (onISAM FX-8), and 32,000
innovative and comprehensive solution • Flexible density: a GPON card can (on ISAM FX-16) from a single location
for fiber networks. have 16 ports for high-density (with a 1:32 split ratio, common
• The 10G PON card has 16 ports, each for optical LAN)
The 7360 ISAM FX is a centralized
supporting up to 10 Gb/s bit-rates • Allows peak bursts up to 1 Gb/s per
access point for the entire LAN, capable
• Each port can connect up to user/device with Dynamic Bandwidth
of serving from hundreds to thousands
64 ONTs Allocation (DBA)
of users and devices. It has market-
leading capacity: a backplane architecture • IP/Ethernet access platform • Shelf-size options that support any
that delivers up to 200 Gb/s to each supporting Multiprotocol Label building/campus size or deployment
slot, 2.5 Tb/s switching capacity and Switching (MPLS) model in a central indoor or outdoor
360 Gb/s uplink capacity. The 7360 FX location
• Advanced traffic management
supports GPON to give every user gigabit for premium video delivery • Uses common software, line cards and
speeds today and can smoothly evolve deployment practices across all ISAM
• Carrier-grade redundancy:
to next-generation fiber technologies FX shelves
controller and card redundancy,
to meet the demands of tomorrow. uplink redundancy, Type-B link • Power-efficient green technology
The 7360 ISAM FX is available in three redundancy • Provides a smooth evolution path
size variants (small FX-4, medium FX-8 • Managed by the Nokia 5571 PCC to next-generation fiber technology
and large FX-16) suitable for all types (POL Command Center) (XGS-PON and 25G PON) using the
of deployment: office buildings, large same platform
enterprises, hospitals, hotels and resorts, • Converges all applications (voice, data,
university campuses, sports arenas, or video, wireless backhaul, surveillance,
any other environment requiring a LAN. etc.) onto a single platform
6 Brochure
Nokia Optical LAN solution
ISAM 7368 ONTs Features Benefits
• Gigabit Ethernet (GE) interfaces • Delivers gigabit connectivity to
Nokia Optical Network Terminals are the
• Ceiling, wall or desk mounted Ethernet devices
user access point controlled by the OLT.
The Nokia ONT family delivers superior • Choice of using local power or PoE • Enables deployment flexibility,
services with high bandwidth to every combining fixed and wireless
• Optics support Received Signal
user. The variety of ONTs meets every connectivity for 100% coverage
Strength Indication (RSSI) for
need: they can be deployed in a variety of troubleshooting • Prioritizes services per user with the
locations and support wired and wireless ability to burst up to the full line rate
gigabit connectivity, power over Ethernet, through advanced
and a selection of user interfaces. dynamic bandwidth management
• Guarantees very high quality of service
(QoS) and security
• Optimizes the use of electronics,
fiber optics and distribution facilities
Type SFP Fix ports Fix ports Fix ports Fix ports Modular Modular
User interface 1 x 10GE 1 x GE 4 x GE 4 x GE 4 x GE 8 x GE 16 x GE
(data) expandable expandable
to 12 x GE or to 24 x GE
1 x 10GE
Wi-Fi N N N Y Y N N
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Nokia Optical LAN solution
5571 POL Command Center (PCC)
The Nokia 5571 Passive Optical LAN Command Center (PCC) is an advanced management solution
optimized for performance and usability in enterprise environments. As part of the Nokia Optical LAN
solution, the Nokia 5571 PCC provides a highly intuitive environment for configuration, auto-activation,
fault reporting, troubleshooting, maintenance and much more. The 5571 PCC shields the network manager
from the network’s complexity and gives an efficient tool for every aspect of day-to-day operations.
The Nokia 5571 PCC takes our experience of managing over 160 million access lines and applies it
to the unique needs of the LAN. Pre-defined tasks tailored for specific usage types make it easy to activate
new services. Adding new endpoints to the network is simple thanks to ONT auto-activation. If any issues
do arise, our advanced troubleshooting and alarm management tools will get you straight to the root of
the problem.
• Intuitive, feature-rich, web-based user interface
• Realistic network views using your floor plans
• Easy navigation to network elements and their
physical locations
• Pre-defined service definitions for each usage type
• Custom service definition and automated provisioning
• Discovery and auto activation of new OLTs
• Bulk copy of provisioned ONTs
• Intuitive alarm views
• Reduces operational costs through ease of use
• Provides clear and up-to-date records of network
elements and their physical locations
• Provides reliable and consistent service provisioning
through pre-defined service definitions
• Simplifies network growth with automated ONT
discovery and activation
• Imports existing Optical LAN services into PCC that
were configured using command line interface (CLI)
• Streamlines network changes and upgrades with
ONT replacement and move tools
• Verifies your service level agreements (SLAs)
using graphed metrics
• Simplifies the search for network issues
through intuitive troubleshooting tasks
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Nokia Optical LAN solution
Nokia: bringing broadband
innovation to the enterprise
Nokia is the world leader in fixed access technologies. We have 20+ years of
broadband experience, and our equipment powers some of the most advanced
fiber networks in the world. Our field proven and award-winning solutions serve
governments, utilities, businesses and telecom operators worldwide.
The Nokia Optical LAN solution is designed to help you enhance
your productivity and slash costs. Contact your nearest Nokia partner today.
About Nokia
We create technology that helps the world act together.
As a trusted partner for critical networks, we are committed to innovation and technology leadership across mobile, fixed and cloud networks. We create value with
intellectual property and long-term research, led by the award-winning Nokia Bell Labs.
Adhering to the highest standards of integrity and security, we help build the capabilities needed for a more productive, sustainable and inclusive world.
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
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