SS 11 - Wilk - Ontaminated - Site
SS 11 - Wilk - Ontaminated - Site
SS 11 - Wilk - Ontaminated - Site
Charles M. Wilk
ALLU Group Incorporated
What is S/S Treatment for Remediation?
Involves mixing a binding/reaction agent(s) into
contaminated media such as soil, sediment,
sludge or industrial waste.
S/S treatment protects human health and the
environment by immobilizing hazardous
constituents within treated material.
Physical (solidification) and chemical
(stabilization) changes to the treated material.
Mobility Reduction Terms: Stabilisation (UK),
Inertage (France), Immobilization (EU).
State of Remediation Technologies
Stabilization 217 17 18 13 13 16 7 20 35 180
Types of Sites Applied
o Wood Preserving Sites
o Herbicide and Pesticide Sites
o Oil Refinery Sludge Lagoons
o Manufactured Gas Plants
o Sediment including PCB
o Metal Refining, Smelting, Plating, Recycling
o Residual Ash
Laboratory Formulation
25-100 RPM
12000 Nm (9000
ft-lb) torque per
Provides Mixing
Energy and Shear
Folding Mixing Action dependent on
Operator’s “Stroke”
Auger Mixing
Excavator- mounted:
Efficient mixing to depths
of 7 meter (23 ft) .
Articulated arm of
excavator lessens
repositioning of
Binding Agent Pricing
● Priced by transportation costs:
Industrial waste/byproducts, finely divided materials
available on site, e.g. spent fullers earth, ash
● Priced per ton:
Common construction materials:
● portland cement, blended cements, Class C or F fly ash,
GGBFS, lime.
● Priced per pound:
Specialized materials, sorptive, reactive, or
● Carbons, organophilic clays, oxidizers, reducers
Efficient Use of Binders Matters
Binders do matter!
Most of the cost in a mass stabilization project comes from the binder,
which represents about 50-70 % of the total project cost.
Efficiencies (Cost Savings) are
improved by:
• Thorough mixing (mixing shear &
energy) resulting in intimate
contact of binder and subject
• Introduction of binder at mixing
• Locating and metering of binder
to avoid under-dose and
• Use of dry binders in wet
materials to conserve drying
capacity of binders.
North American Projects
Solidification: Ashtabula Harbor, OH
Dredge and S/S treat 120,000 CY
(92,000 m3) of contaminated
● Solidification of existing
contents 153,000 m3
(200,000 CY)
Solidification: Atlantic Wood
AWI Project
● Insitu S/S of 36,000 m3 (47,000 CY) creosote- and
pentachlorophenol-impacted soils
● Treatment depths ranging from 2.4 to 8.2 m (8-17 ft)
● Performance standard
>0.34MPa (50 psi) UCS
<4 X 10-6 cm/sec
Atlantic Wood Industries
Portsmouth, Virginia
Performance Standard:
• 50 psi (0.34 MPa) UCS
• 4 x 10-6 cm/s hydraulic
Three-part mix: portland
cement, slag, and
AWI Mix Design
● 23,500 m3 (30,500 CY) treated
8% portland cement/slag and
1% organophilic clay
● 11,600 m3 (15,200 CY) treated
8% portland cement/slag and
3% organophilic clay
● Cement/clay mixture injected
as slurry and mixed by ALLU
Power Mixer.
Insitu Chemical Oxidation:
WV Terminals Site, Kenova, WV
Chemical Oxidation and
Solidification Treatment of
petroleum-impacted soil.
Contaminants as non aqueous
phase liquid (NAPL) and metals.
ISCO at WV Terminals Site
Excavation and set aside of top
1.2 meter (4 feet) of soil.
Loosening of soil 1.2 – 2.4
meters (4-8 feet) below grade.
10% Cement
Charles Wilk
Manager, Stabilization and Remediation Applications