Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension: Standard Test Methods For
Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension: Standard Test Methods For
Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers - Tension: Standard Test Methods For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D412 − 16
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D412 − 16
3.1.9 yield strain—the level of strain at the yield point. within 10 %. If the dynamometer is of the compensating type
(D1566) for measuring tensile stress directly, means shall be provided to
3.1.10 yield stress—the level of stress at the yield point. adjust for the cross-sectional area of the specimen. The
(D1566) response of the recorder shall be sufficiently rapid that the
applied force is measured with the requisite accuracy during
4. Summary of Test Method the extension of the specimen to rupture. If the testing machine
is not equipped with a recorder, a device shall be provided that
4.1 The determination of tensile properties starts with test
indicates, after rupture, the maximum force applied during
pieces taken from the sample material and includes the
extension. Testing machine systems shall be capable of mea-
preparation of the specimens and the testing of the specimens.
suring elongation of the test specimen in minimum increments
Specimens may be in the shape of dumbbells, rings or straight
of 10 %.
pieces of uniform cross-sectional area.
NOTE 2—A rate of elongation of 1000 6 100 mm/min (40 6 4 in./min)
4.2 Measurements for tensile stress, tensile stress at a given may be used and notation of the speed made in the report. In case of
elongation, tensile strength, yield point, and ultimate elonga- dispute, the test shall be repeated and the rate of elongation shall be at 500
tion are made on specimens that have not been prestressed. 6 50 mm/min (20 6 2 in./min).
Tensile stress, yield point, and tensile strength are based on the 6.2 Test Chamber for Elevated and Low Temperatures—The
original cross-sectional area of a uniform cross-section of the test chamber shall conform with the following requirements:
specimen. 6.2.1 Air shall be circulated through the chamber at a
4.3 Measurement of tensile set is made after a previously velocity of 1 to 2 m/s (3.3 to 6.6 ft/s) at the location of the grips
unstressed specimen has been extended and allowed to retract or spindles and specimens maintained within 2°C (3.6°F) of the
by a prescribed procedure. Measurement of “set after break” is specified temperature.
also described. 6.2.2 A calibrated sensing device shall be located near the
grips or spindles for measuring the actual temperature.
5. Significance and Use 6.2.3 The chamber shall be vented to an exhaust system or
5.1 All materials and products covered by these test meth- to the outside atmosphere to remove fumes liberated at high
ods must withstand tensile forces for adequate performance in temperatures.
certain applications. These test methods allow for the measure- 6.2.4 Provisions shall be made for suspending specimens
ment of such tensile properties. However, tensile properties vertically near the grips or spindles for conditioning prior to
alone may not directly relate to the total end use performance test. The specimens shall not touch each other or the sides of
of the product because of the wide range of potential perfor- the chamber except for momentary contact when agitated by
mance requirements in actual use. the circulating air.
6.2.5 Fast acting grips suitable for manipulation at high or
5.2 Tensile properties depend both on the material and the low temperatures may be provided to permit placing dumbbells
conditions of test (extension rate, temperature, humidity, speci- or straight specimens in the grips in the shortest time possible
men geometry, pretest conditioning, etc.); therefore materials to minimize any change in temperature of the chamber.
should be compared only when tested under the same condi- 6.2.6 The dynamometer shall be suitable for use at the
tions. temperature of test or it shall be thermally insulated from the
5.3 Temperature and rate of extension may have substantial chamber.
effects on tensile properties and therefore should be controlled. 6.2.7 Provision shall be made for measuring the elongation
These effects will vary depending on the type of material being of specimens in the chamber. If a scale is used to measure the
tested. extension between the bench-marks, the scale shall be located
5.4 Tensile set represents residual deformation which is parallel and close to the grip path during specimen extension
partly permanent and partly recoverable after stretching and and shall be controlled from outside the chamber.
retraction. For this reason, the periods of extension and 6.3 Micrometer—A digital or analogue dial micrometer
recovery (and other conditions of test) must be controlled to conforming to the requirements of Practice D3767 (Procedure
obtain comparable results. A). Ring specimens are addressed in 14.10.
6.4 Apparatus for Tensile Set Test—The testing machine
6. Apparatus described in 6.1 or an apparatus similar to that shown in Fig. 1
6.1 Testing Machine—Tension tests shall be made on a may be used. A stop watch or other suitable timing device
power driven machine equipped to produce a uniform rate of measuring in minute intervals for at least 30 min, shall be
grip separation of 500 6 50 mm/min (20 6 2 in./min) for a provided. A scale or other device shall be provided for
distance of at least 750 mm (30 in.) (see Note 2). The testing measuring tensile set to within 1 %.
machine shall have both a suitable dynamometer and an
indicating or recording system for measuring the applied force 7. Selection of Test Specimens
within 62 %. If the capacity range cannot be changed for a test 7.1 Consider the following information in making selec-
(as in the case of pendulum dynamometers) the applied force at tions:
break shall be measured within 62 % of the full scale value, 7.1.1 Since anisotropy or grain directionality due to flow
and the smallest tensile force measured shall be accurate to introduced during processing and preparation may have an
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D412 − 16
influence on tensile properties, dumbbell or straight specimens 7.1.3 Ring specimens enable elongations to be measured by
should be cut so the lengthwise direction of the specimen is grip separation, but the elongation across the radial width of
parallel to the grain direction when this direction is known. the ring specimens is not uniform. To minimize this effect the
Ring specimens normally give an average of with and across width of the ring specimens must be small compared to the
the grain properties. diameter.
7.1.2 Unless otherwise noted, thermoplastic rubber or ther- 7.1.4 Straight specimens tend to break in the grips if normal
moplastic elastomer specimens, or both, are to be cut from extension-to-break testing is conducted and should be used
injection molded sheets or plaques with a thickness of 3.0 6 only when it is not feasible to prepare another type of
0.3 mm. Specimens of other thickness will not necessarily give specimen. For obtaining non-rupture stress-strain or material
comparable results. Specimens are to be tested in directions modulus properties, straight specimens are quite useful.
both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of flow in the 7.1.5 The size of specimen type used will be determined by
mold. Sheet or plaque dimensions must be sufficient to do this. the material, test equipment and the sample or piece available
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D412 − 16
for test. A longer specimen may be used for rubbers having low chamber the same length of time. The preheat time at elevated
ultimate elongation to improve precision of elongation mea- temperatures must be limited to avoid additional vulcanization
surement. or thermal aging.
9.3 For testing at temperatures below 23°C (73.4°F) condi-
8. Calibration of the Testing Machine tion the specimens at least 10 min prior to testing.
8.1 Calibrate the testing machine in accordance with Proce-
dure A of Practices E4. If the dynamometer is of the strain-
gauge type, calibrate the tester at one or more forces in addition
to the requirements in Sections 7 and 18 of Practices E4. 10. Apparatus
Testers having pendulum dynamometers may be calibrated as 10.1 Die—The shape and dimensions of the die for prepar-
follows: ing dumbbell specimens shall conform with those shown in
8.1.1 Place one end of a dumbbell specimen in the upper Fig. 2. The inside faces in the reduced section shall be
grip of the testing machine. perpendicular to the plane formed by the cutting edges and
8.1.2 Remove the lower grip from the machine and attach it, polished for a distance of at least 5 mm (0.2 in.) from the
by means of the gripping mechanism to the dumbbell specimen cutting edge. The die shall at all times be sharp and free of
in the upper grip. nicks (see 9.2).
8.1.3 Attach a hook to the lower end of the lower specimen NOTE 4—The condition of the die may be determined by investigating
grip mechanism. the rupture point on any series of broken (ruptured) specimens. Remove
8.1.4 Suspend a known mass from the hook of the lower such specimens from the grips of the testing machine, stack the joined-
specimen grip mechanism in such a way as to permit the mass together specimens on top of each other, and note if there is any tendency
for tensile breaks to occur at the same position on each of the specimens.
assembly to temporarily rest on the lower testing machine grip Rupture consistently at the same place indicates that the die may be dull,
framework or holder (see Note 3). nicked, or bent at that location.
8.1.5 Start the grip separation motor or mechanism, as in 10.2 Bench Marker—The two marks placed on the speci-
normal testing, and allow it to run until the mass is freely men and used to measure elongation or strain are called “bench
suspended by the specimen in the upper grip. marks” (see Note 5). The bench marker shall consist of a base
8.1.6 If the dial or scale does not indicate the force applied plate containing two raised parallel projections. The surfaces of
(or its equivalent in stress for a compensating type tester) the raised projections (parallel to the plane of the base plate)
within specified tolerance, thoroughly inspect the testing ma- are ground smooth in the same plane. The raised projection
chine for malfunction (for example, excess friction in bearings marking surfaces shall be between 0.05 and 0.08 mm (0.002
and other moving parts). Ensure that the mass of the lower grip and 0.003 in.) wide and at least 15 mm (0.6 in.) long. The
mechanism and the hook are included as part of the known angles between the parallel marking surfaces and the sides of
mass. the projections shall be at least 75°. The distance between the
8.1.7 After machine friction or other malfunction has been centers of the two parallel projections or marking surfaces shall
removed, recalibrate the testing machine at a minimum of three be within 1 % of the required or target bench mark distance. A
points using known masses to produce forces of approximately handle attached to the back or top of the bench marker base
10, 20 and 50 % of capacity. If pawls or rachets are used during plate is normally a part of the bench marker.
routine testing, use them for calibration. Check for friction in NOTE 5—If a contact extensometer is used to measure elongation, bench
the head by calibrating with the pawls up. marks are not necessary.
NOTE 3—It is advisable to provide a means for preventing the known 10.3 Ink Applicator—A flat unyielding surface (hardwood,
mass from falling to the floor in case the dumbbell should break. metal, or plastic) shall be used to apply either ink or powder to
8.2 A rapid approximate calibration of the testing machine the bench marker. The ink or powder shall adhere to the
may be obtained by using a spring calibration device. specimen, have no deteriorating effect on the specimen and be
of contrasting color to that of the specimen.
9. Test Temperature 10.4 Grips—The testing machine shall have two grips, one
of which shall be connected to the dynamometer.
9.1 Unless otherwise specified, the standard temperature for
10.4.1 Grips for testing dumbbell specimens shall tighten
testing shall be 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F). Specimens shall be
automatically and exert a uniform pressure across the gripping
conditioned for at least 3 h when the test temperature is 23°C
surfaces, increasing as the tension increases in order to prevent
(73.4°F). If the material is affected by moisture, maintain the
slippage and to favor failure of the specimen in the straight
relative humidity at 50 6 5 % and condition the specimens for
reduced section. Constant pressure pneumatic type grips also
at least 24 h prior to testing. When testing at any other
are satisfactory. At the end of each grip a positioning device is
temperature is required use one of the temperatures listed in
recommended for inserting specimens to the same depth in the
Practice D1349.
grip and for alignment with the direction of pull.
9.2 For testing at temperatures above 23°C (73.4°F) preheat 10.4.2 Grips for testing straight specimens shall be constant
specimens for 10 6 2 min for Method A and for 6 6 2 min for pressure pneumatic, wedged, or toggle type designed to trans-
Method B. Place each specimen in the test chamber at intervals mit the applied gripping force over the entire width of the
ahead of testing so that all specimens of a series will be in the gripped specimen.
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D412 − 16
FIG. 2 (continued)
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D412 − 16
FIG. 2 (continued)
11. Specimens ence between the maximum and the minimum thickness
11.1 Dumbbell Specimens—Prepare five specimens for test- exceeding 0.08 mm (0.003 in.), shall be discarded. The width
ing. of the specimen shall be taken as the distance between the
11.1.1 The test specimens may be injection molded or cut cutting edges of the die in the restricted section.
from a flat sheet not less than 1.3 mm (0.05 in.) nor more than 11.2 Straight Specimens—Straight specimens may be pre-
3.3 mm (0.13 in.) thick and of a size which will permit cutting pared if it is not practical to cut either a dumbbell or a ring
a specimen by one of the standard methods (refer to Fig. 2 for specimen as in the case of a narrow strip, small tubing or
the standard methods). Refer to 7.1 regarding thermoplastic narrow electrical insulation material. These specimens shall be
rubber or thermoplastic elastomer specimens. of sufficient length to permit their insertion in the grips used for Sheets may be prepared directly by processing or the test. Bench marks shall be placed on the specimens as
from finished articles by cutting and buffing. If obtained from described for dumbbell specimens in 11.1.5. To determine the
a manufactured article, the specimen shall be free of surface cross sectional area of straight specimens in the form of tubes,
roughness, fabric layers, etc. in accordance with the procedure the mass, length, and density of the specimen may be required.
described in Practice D3183. The cross sectional area shall be calculated from these mea-
11.1.2 The preferred method of preparing specimens is by surements as follows:
compression molding. The mold shall have cavities in depth A 5 M/DL (1)
and of a configuration described in subsection 8.2.2 of Practice
D3182. where: The specimens may be die-cut from the molded A = cross-sectional area, cm2,
piece using Die C (refer to Fig. 2) unless otherwise specified. M = mass, g,
Cut the specimens from the sheet with a single impact stroke D = density, g/cm3, and
(hand or machine) to ensure smooth cut surfaces. L = length, cm.
11.1.3 All specimens shall be cut so that the lengthwise NOTE 6—A in square inches = A (cm2) × 0.155.
portion of the specimens is parallel to the grain unless
12. Procedure
otherwise specified. Refer to 7.1.1 regarding anisotropy or
grain directionality. 12.1 Determination of Tensile Stress, Tensile Strength and
11.1.4 An alternative method of preparing dumbbell speci- Yield Point—Place the dumbbell or straight specimen in the
mens is to mold them directly in the form of the dies described grips of the testing machine, using care to adjust the specimen
in Fig. 2 to the depth and of a configuration described in symmetrically to distribute tension uniformly over the cross
subsection 8.2.2 of Practice D3182. section. This avoids complications that prevent the maximum
11.1.5 Marking Dumbbell Specimens—Dumbbell speci- strength of the material from being evaluated. Unless otherwise
mens shall be marked with the bench marker described in 10.2, specified, the rate of grip separation shall be 500 6 50 mm/min
with no tension on the specimens at the time of marking. Marks (20 6 2 in./min) (see Note 7). Start the machine and note the
shall be placed on the reduced section, equidistant from its distance between the bench marks, taking care to avoid
center and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The between parallax. Record the force at the elongation(s) specified for the
bench mark distance shall be as follows: for Die C or Die D of test and at the time of rupture. The elongation measurement is
Fig. 2, 25.00 6 0.25 mm (1.00 6 0.01 in.); for any other Die made preferably through the use of an extensometer, an
of Fig. 2, 50.00 6 0.5 mm (2.00 6 0.02 in.). autographic mechanism or a spark mechanism. At rupture,
11.1.6 Measuring Thickness of Dumbbell Specimens— measure and record the elongation to the nearest 10 %. See
Three measurements shall be made for the thickness, one at the Section 13 for calculations.
center and one at each end of the reduced section. The median NOTE 7—For materials having a yield point (yield strain) under 20 %
of the three measurements shall be used as the thickness in elongation when tested at 500 6 50 mm/min (20 6 2 in./min), the rate of
calculating the cross sectional area. Specimens with a differ- elongation shall be reduced to 50 6 5 mm/min (2.0 6 0.2 in./min). If the
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D412 − 16
material still has a yield point (strain) under 20 % elongation, the rate shall where:
be reduced to 5 6 0.5 mm/min (0.2 6 0.002 in./min). The actual rate of
separation shall be reported.
E = the elongation in percent (of original bench mark
12.2 Determination of Tensile Set—Place the specimen in L = observed distance between bench marks on the ex-
the grips of the testing machine described in 6.1 or the tended specimen, and
apparatus shown in Fig. 1, and adjust symmetrically so as to L(o) = original distance between bench marks (use same
distribute the tension uniformly over the cross section. Sepa- units for L and L(o)).
rate the grips at a rate of speed as uniformly as possible, that 13.6 The breaking or ultimate elongation is evaluated when
requires 15 s to reach the specified elongation. Hold the L is equal to the distance between bench marks at the point of
specimen at the specified elongation for 10 min, release specimen rupture.
quickly without allowing it to snap back and allow the
specimen to rest for 10 min. At the end of the 10 min rest 13.7 Calculate the tensile set, by using Eq 5, where L is
period, measure the distance between the bench marks to the equal to the distance between bench marks after the 10 min
nearest 1 % of the original between bench mark distance. Use retraction period.
a stop watch for the timing operations. See Section 13 for 13.8 Test Result—A test result is the median of three
calculations. individual test measurement values for any of the measured
properties as described above, for routine testing. There are
12.3 Determination of Set-After-Break—Ten minutes after a
two exceptions to this and for these exceptions a total of five
specimen is broken in a normal tensile strength test, carefully
specimens (measurements) shall be tested and the test result
fit the two pieces together so that they are in good contact over
reported as the median of five.
the full area of the break. Measure the distance between the
13.8.1 Exception 1—If one or two of the three measured
bench marks. See Section 13 for calculations.
values do not meet specified requirement values when testing
for compliance with specifications.
13. Calculation
13.8.2 Exception 2—If referee tests are being conducted.
13.1 Calculate the tensile stress at any specified elongation
T ~ xxx! 5 F ~ xxx! /A (2) 14. Apparatus
where: 14.1 Cutter—A typical ring cutter assembly is illustrated in
T(xxx) = tensile stress at (xxx) % elongation, MPa (lbf/in.2), Fig. 3. This is used for cutting rings from flat sheets by
F(xxx) = force at specified elongation, MN or (lbf), and mounting the upper shaft portion of the cutter in a rotating
A = cross-sectional area of unstrained specimen, m2 housing that can be lowered onto a sheet held by the rubber
(in.2). holding plate as shown in Fig. 4.
14.1.1 Blade Depth Gauge—This gauge consists of a cylin-
13.2 Calculate the yield stress as follows:
drical disk having a thickness of at least 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Y ~ stress! 5 F ~ y ! /A (3) greater than the thickness of the rubber to be cut and a diameter
where: less than the inside diameter of the specimen used for adjusting
the protrusion of the blades from the body of the cutter. See
Y(stress) = yield stress, that stress level where the yield point
Fig. 3.
occurs, MPa (lbf/in.2),
F(y) = magnitude of force at the yield point, MN (lbf), and 14.2 Rubber Holding Plate—The apparatus for holding the
A = cross-sectional area of unstrained specimen, m2 sheet during cutting shall have plane parallel upper and lower
(in.2). surfaces and shall be a rigid polymeric material (hard rubber,
polyurethane, polymethylmethacrylate) with holes approxi-
13.3 Evaluate the yield strain as that strain or elongation mately 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) in diameter spaced 6 or 7 mm (0.24
magnitude, where the rate of change of stress with respect to or 0.32 in.) apart across the central region of the plate. All the
strain, goes through a zero value. holes shall connect to a central internal cavity which can be
13.4 Calculate the tensile strength as follows: maintained at a reduced pressure for holding the sheet in place
due to atmospheric pressure. Fig. 4 illustrates the design of an
TS 5 F ~ BE! /A (4)
apparatus for holding standard sheets (approximately 150 ×
where: 150 × 2 mm) during cutting.
TS = tensile strength, the stress at rupture, MPa (lbf/in.2), 14.3 Source of Reduced Pressure—Any device such as a
F(BE) = the force magnitude at rupture, MN (lbf), and vacuum pump that can maintain an absolute pressure below
A = cross-sectional area of unstrained specimen, m2 10 kPa (0.1 atm) in the holding plate central cavity.
14.4 Soap Solution—A mild soap solution shall be used on
13.5 Calculate the elongation (at any degree of extension) as the specimen sheet to lubricate the cutting blades.
14.5 Cutter Rotator—A precision drill press or other suit-
E 5 100@ L 2 L ~ o ! # /L ~ o ! (5) able machine capable of rotating the cutter at an angular speed
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D412 − 16
NOTE 1—Dimension C to be 2 mm (0.08 in.) less than the inside diameter of the ring.
FIG. 3 Typical Ring Cutter Assembly
of at least 30 rad/s (approximately 300 r/min) during cutting 14.9.2 The dynamometer shall be suitable for use at the
shall be used. The cutter rotator device shall be mounted on a temperature of test or thermally insulated from the chamber.
horizontal base and have a vertical support orientation for the
14.10 Micrometer—A digital or analogue dial micrometer
shaft that rotates the spindle and cutter. The run-out of the
rotating spindle shall not exceed 0.01 mm (0.004 in.). conforming to the requirements of Practice D3767. Procedure
A2 is the preferred method for measuring the dimensions of the
14.6 Indexing Table—A milling table or other device with cut-rings. Either the dome-dome contact arrangement de-
typical x-y motions shall be provided for positioning the sheet scribed in or the dome-flat contact arrangement de-
and holder with respect to the spindle of the cutter rotating scribed in of Practice D3767 are acceptable.
14.11 The radial width of the cut-ring is measured using a
14.7 Tensile Testing Machine—A machine as specified in
micrometer with a base that shall consist of an upper cylindri-
6.1 shall be provided.
cal surface (with its axis oriented in a horizontal direction) at
14.8 Test Fixture—A test fixture as shown in Fig. 5 shall be least 12 mm (0.5 in.) long and 15.5 6 0.5 mm (0.61 6 0.02 in.)
provided for testing the ring specimens. The testing machine in diameter. To accommodate small diameter rings that ap-
shall be calibrated as outlined in Section 8. proach the 15.5 mm (0.61 in.) diameter of the base and to avoid
14.9 Test Chamber—A chamber for testing at high and low any ring extension in placing the ring on the base, the bottom
temperatures shall be provided as specified in 6.2. half of the cylindrical surface may be truncated at the cylinder
14.9.1 The fixtures specified in 14.8 are satisfactory for centerline, that is, a half cylinder shape. This permits placing
testing at other than room temperature. However at extreme small rings on the upper cylindrical surface without interfer-
temperatures, a suitable lubricant shall be used to lubricate the ence fit problems. Curved feet on the end of the dial microm-
spindle bearings. eter shaft to fit the curvature of the ring(s), may be used.
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D412 − 16
15.1.1 Ring Dimensions: width and thickness. For thin wall tubing, the area is calculated
mm in. from the axial length of the cut section and wall thickness.
Type 1
Circumference (inside) 50.0 ± 0.01 2.0 ± 0.004
Diameter (inside) 15.92 ± 0.003 0.637 ± 0.001
16. Procedure
Radial width 1.0 ± 0.01 0.040 ± 0.0004 16.1 Determination of Tensile Stress, Tensile Strength,
Thickness, minimum 1.0 0.040
maximum 3.3 0.13 Breaking (Ultimate) Elongation and Yield Point—In testing
Type 2 ring specimens, lubricate the surface of the spindle with a
Circumference mean 100.0 ± 0.2 4.0 ± 0.0004 suitable lubricant, such a mineral oil or silicone oil. Select one
Diameter (inside) 29.8 ± 0.06 1.19 ± 0.0001
Radial width 2.0 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.0008 with documented assurance that it does not interact or affect the
Thickness, minimum 1.0 0.04 material being tested. The initial setting of the distance
maximum 3.3 0.13 between the spindle centers may be calculated and adjusted
15.2 ISO Cut Rings—The normal size and the small size according to the following equation:
ring specimens in ISO 37 have the following dimensions given IS 5 @ C ~ TS! 2 C ~ SP! # /2 (6)
in mm. See ISO 37 for specific testing procedures for these
rings. where:
Normal Small IS = initial separation of spindle centers, mm (in.),
Diameter, inside 44.6 ± 0.2 mm 8.0 ± 0.1 mm C(TS) = circumference of test specimen, inside circumfer-
Diameter, outside 52.6 ± 0.2 mm 10.0 ± 0.1 mm
Thickness 4.0 ± 0.2 mm 1.0 ± 0.1 mm
ence for Type 1 rings, mean circumference for Type
2 rings, mm (in.), and
15.3 Rings Cut from Tubing—The dimensions of the ring C (SP) = circumference of either (one) spindle, mm (in.).
specimen(s) depend on the diameter and wall thickness of the
tubing and should be specified in the product specification. Unless otherwise specified the rate of spindle separation
shall be 500 6 50 mm/min (20 6 2 in./min) (see Note 8). Start
15.4 Preparation of Cut Ring Specimens—Place the blades the test machine and record the force and corresponding
in the slots of the cutter and adjust the blade depth using the distance between the spindles. At rupture, measure and record
blade depth gauge. Place the cutter in the drill press and adjust the ultimate (breaking) elongation and the tensile (force)
the spindle or table so that the bottom of the blade holder is strength. See Section 17 for calculations.
about 13 mm (0.5 in.) above the surface of the holding plate.
Set the stop on the vertical travel of the spindle so that the tips NOTE 8—When using the small ISO ring, the rate of spindle separation
of the cutting blades just penetrate the surface of the plate. shall be 100 6 10 mm/min (4 6 0.4 in./min).
Place the sheet on the holding plate and reduce the pressure in 16.2 Tests at Temperatures Other than Standard—Use the
the cavity to 10 kPa (0.1 atm) or less. Lubricate the sheet with test chamber described in 6.2. For tests at temperatures above
mild soap solution. Lower the cutter at a steady rate until it 23°C (73.4°F), preheat the specimens 6 6 2 min at the test
reaches the stop. Be sure that the blade holder does not contact temperature. For below room temperature tests cool the speci-
the sheet. If necessary, readjust the blade depth. Return the mens at the test temperature for at least 10 min prior to test.
spindle to its original position and repeat the operation on Use test temperatures prescribed in Practice D1349. Place each
another sheet. specimen in the test chamber at intervals such that the
15.5 Preparation of Ring Specimens from Tubing—Place the recommendations of 9.2 are followed.
tubing on a mandrel preferably slightly larger than the inner
diameter of the tubing. Rotate the mandrel and tubing in a 17. Calculation
lathe. Cut ring specimens to the desired axial length by means 17.1 Stress-strain properties for ring specimens are in gen-
of a knife or razor blade held in the tool post of the lathe. Lay eral calculated in the same manner as for dumbbell and straight
thin wall tubing flat and cut ring specimens with a die or specimens with one important exception. Extending a ring
cutting mechanism having two parallel blades. specimen generates a nonuniform stress (or strain) field across
15.6 Ring Dimension Measurements: the width (as viewed from left to right) of each leg of the ring.
15.6.1 Circumference—The inside circumference can be The initial inside dimension (circumference) is less than the
determined by a stepped cone or by “go-no go” gauges. Do not outside dimension (circumference), therefore for any extension
use any stress in excess of that needed to overcome any of the grips, the inside strain (or stress) is greater than the
ellipticity of the ring specimen. The mean circumference is outside strain (or stress) because of the differences in the initial
obtained by adding to the value for the inside circumference, (unstrained) dimensions.
the product of the radial width and π (3.14). 17.2 The following options are used to calculate stress at a
15.6.2 Radial Width—The radial width is measured at three specified elongation (strain) and breaking or ultimate elonga-
locations distributed around the circumference using the mi- tion.
crometer described in 14.11. 17.2.1 Stress at a Specified Elongation—The mean circum-
15.6.3 Thickness—For cut rings, the thickness of the disk ference of the ring is used for determining the elongation. The
cut from the inside of the ring is measured with a micrometer rationale for this choice is that the mean circumference best
described in Practice D3767, Procedure A2, refer to 14.10. represents the average strain in each leg of the ring.
15.6.4 Cross-Sectional Area—The cross-sectional area is 17.2.2 Ultimate (Breaking) Elongation—This is calculated
calculated from the median of three measurements of radial on the basis of the inside circumference since this represents
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D412 − 16
the maximum strain (stress) in each leg of the ring. This 18.1.7 Date of vulcanization, preparation of the rubber, or
location is the most probable site for the initiation of the both, if known.
rupture process that occurs at break.
19. Precision and Bias5
17.3 Calculate the tensile stress at any specified elongation
by using Eq 2 in 13.1. 19.1 This precision and bias section has been prepared in
17.3.1 The elongation to be used to evaluate the force as accordance with Practice D4483. Refer to Practice D4483 for
specified in Eq 2 (13.1), is calculated as follows: terminology and other statistical details.
E 5 200@ L/MC~ TS! # (7) 19.2 The precision results in this precision and bias section
give an estimate of the precision of these test methods with the
where: materials used in the particular interlaboratory program as
E = elongation (specified), percent, described below. The precision parameters should not be used
L = increase in grip separation at specified elongation, for acceptance/rejection testing of any group of materials
mm (in.), and without documentation that the parameters are applicable to
MC(TS) = mean circumference of test specimen, mm (in.). those particular materials and the specific testing protocols that
17.3.2 The grip separation for any specified elongation can include these test methods.
be found by rearranging Eq 7, as given below: 19.3 Test Method A (Dumbbells):
L 5 E 3 MC~ TS! /200 (8) 19.3.1 For the main interlaboratory program a Type 1
precision was evaluated in 1986. Both repeatability and repro-
17.4 Calculate the yield stress by using Eq 3 in 13.2.
ducibility are short term, a period of a few days separates
17.5 Evaluate the yield strain as given in 13.3. Since yield replicate test results. A test result is the median value, as
strain may be considered to be an average bulk property of any specified by this test method, obtained on three determina-
material, use the mean circumference for this evaluation. tion(s) or measurement(s) of the property or parameter in
17.6 Calculate the tensile strength by using Eq 4 in 13.4. question.
19.3.2 Three different materials were used in this interlabo-
17.7 Calculate the breaking or ultimate elongation as fol- ratory program, these were tested in ten laboratories on two
lows (see Notes 8 and 9): different days.
E 5 200 3 @ L/IC~ TS! # (9) 19.3.3 For the main interlaboratory program cured sheets of
each of the three compounds were circulated to each laboratory
where: and stress-strain (dumbbell) specimens were cut, gauged, and
E = breaking or ultimate elongation, percent, tested. A secondary interlaboratory test was conducted for one
L = increase in grip separation at break, mm (in.), and of the compounds (R19160). For this testing, uncured com-
IC(TS) = inside circumference of ring test specimen, mm pound was circulated and sheets were cured at a specified time
(in.). and temperature (10 min at 157°C) in each laboratory. From
17.8 The inside circumference is used for both types of these individually cured sheets, test specimens were cut and
rings, see 15.1.1 for dimensions. Use the inside diameter to tested on each of two days one week apart as in the main
calculate the inside circumference for Type 2 rings. program. The main program results are referred to as “Test
Only” and the secondary program results are referred to as
NOTE 9—Eq 7, Eq 8, and Eq 9 are applicable only if the initial setting
of the spindle centers is adjusted in accordance with Eq 6. “Cure and Test.”
NOTE 10—The user of these test method should be aware that because 19.3.4 The results of the precision calculations for repeat-
of the different dimensions used in calculating (1) stress at a specified ability and reproducibility are given in Tables 1 and 2, in
elongation (less than the ultimate elongation) and (2) the ultimate ascending order of material average or level, for each of the
(breaking) elongation (see 17.1 and 17.2), it is possible that a stress at a materials evaluated and for each of the three properties
specified elongation, slightly less (4 to 5 %) than the ultimate elongation
cannot be measured (calculated). evaluated.
19.3.5 The precision of this test method may be expressed in
18. Report the format of the following statements that use what is called
an “appropriate value” of r, R, (r), or (R), that is, that value to
18.1 Report the following information: be used in decisions about test results (obtained with the test
18.1.1 Results calculated in accordance with Section 13 or method). The appropriate value is that value of r or R
17, whichever is applicable, associated with a mean level in Tables 1-4 closest to the mean
18.1.2 Type or description of test specimen and with Section level under consideration at any given time, for any given
13 which type of die, either U.S. Customary Units or Metric material in routine testing operations.
Units, was used. 19.3.6 Repeatability—The repeatability, r, of this test
18.1.3 Date of test, method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated
18.1.4 Rate of extension if not as specified, in Tables 1 and 2. Two single test results, obtained under
18.1.5 Temperature and humidity of test room if not as
18.1.6 Temperature of test if at other than 23 6 2°C (73.4 6 5
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
3.6°F) and be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D11-1099.
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D412 − 16
TABLE 1 Type 1 (Test Only) Precision on Method A Die C Dumbbell Test Specimens
Sr = repeatability standard deviation.
r = repeatability = 2.83 times the square root of the repeatability variance.
(r) = repeatability (as percentage of material average).
SR = reproducibility standard deviation.
R = reproducibility = 2.83 times the square root of the reproducibility variance.
(R) = reproducibility (as percentage of material average).
Part 1 Tensile Strength, MPa:
Material Average Within Laboratories Between Laboratories
Sr r (r) SR R (R)
1. N18081 9.88 0.200 0.568 5.75 0.293 0.829 8.40
3. E17074 15.38 0.467 1.323 8.60 0.482 1.366 8.88
2. R19160 25.70 0.436 1.235 4.80 1.890 5.351 20.82
Pooled ValuesA 16.99 0.385 1.090 6.42 1.102 3.120 18.37
TABLE 2 Type 1 (Cure and Test) Precision on Method A Die C Dumbbell Test SpecimensA
Sr = repeatability standard deviation.
r = repeatability = 2.83 times the square root of the repeatability variance.
(r) = repeatability (as percentage of material average).
SR = reproducibility standard deviation.
R = reproducibility = 2.83 times the square root of the reproducibility variance.
(R) = reproducibility (as percentage of material average).
N18081—highly extended, low durometer CR (Neoprene).
R19160—high tensile NR.
E17047—moderately filled EPDM.
Part 1 Tensile Strength, MPa:
Material Average Within Laboratories Between Laboratories
Sr r (r) SR R (R)
1. R19160 26.0 0.613 1.73 6.66 1.74 4.95 19.0
normal test method procedures, that differ by more than this different laboratories, under normal test method procedures,
tabulated r (for any given level) must be considered as derived that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given level)
from different or nonidentical sample populations. must be considered to have come from different or nonidentical
19.3.7 Reproducibility—The reproducibility, R, of this test sample populations.
method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated 19.3.8 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a
in Tables 1 and 2. Two single test results obtained in two percentage of the mean level, (r) and (R), have equivalent
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D412 − 16
TABLE 3 Type 1 Precision—Test Method B (Rings)
Sr = repeatability standard deviation.
r = repeatability = 2.83 times the square root of the repeatability variance.
(r) = repeatability (as percentage of material average).
SR = reproducibility standard deviation.
R = reproducibility = 2.83 times the square root of the reproducibility variance.
(R) = reproducibility (as percentage of material average).
Tensile Strength (MPa)
Material Average Within Laboratories Between Laboratories
Sr r (r) SR R (R)
5. MATL 5 11.5 0.666 1.885 16.3 1.43 4.06 35.3
6. MATL 6 12.7 0.274 0.775 6.0 0.83 2.35 18.5
1. MATL 1 14.6 0.367 1.040 7.1 0.40 1.15 7.9
4. MATL 4 15.0 0.553 1.565 10.4 3.03 8.59 57.2
2. MATL 2 20.3 1.293 3.660 18.0 2.47 6.99 34.4
3. MATL 3 22.3 1.556 4.405 19.6 1.55 4.40 19.6
Pooled ValuesA 15.9 0.942 2.666 16.7 1.87 5.31 33.3
No values omitted.
Sr = repeatability standard deviation.
r = repeatability = 2.83 times the square root of the repeatability variance.
(r) = repeatability (as percentage of material average).
SR = reproducibility standard deviation.
R = reproducibility = 2.83 times the square root of the reproducibility variance.
(R) = reproducibility (as percentage of material average).
Ultimate Elongation, %
Material Average Within Laboratories Between Laboratories
Sr r (r) SR R (R)
1. MATL 1 322.1 15.25 43.18 13.40 33.4 94.7 29.4
2. MATL 2 445.4 11.35 32.12 7.21 34.1 96.6 21.7
4. MATL 4 509.4 27.44 77.65 15.24 51.1 144.8 28.4
5. MATL 5 545.0 2.91 8.25 1.51 56.3 159.5 29.2
6. MATL 6 599.7 12.91 36.55 6.09 14.0 39.6 6.60
3. MATL 3 815.8 16.25 45.99 5.63 90.6 256.5 31.4
Pooled ValuesA 539.6 16.54 46.82 8.67 48.2 136.4 25.2
No values omitted.
application statements as above for r and R. For the (r) and (R) 19.4.3 The results of the precision calculations for repeat-
statements, the difference in the two single test results is ability and reproducibility are given in Tables 3 and 4, in
expressed as a percentage of the arithmetic mean of the two test ascending order of material average or level, for each of the
results. materials evaluated.
19.3.9 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the differ- 19.4.4 Repeatability, r, varies over the range of material
ence between an average test value and the reference (or true) levels as evaluated. Reproducibility, R, varies over the range of
test property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
material levels as evaluated.
method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
defined by the test method. Bias, therefore, cannot be deter- 19.4.5 The precision of this test method may be expressed in
mined. the format of the following statements that use what is called
an “appropriate value” of r, R, (r), or (R), that is, that value to
19.4 Test Method B (Rings):
be used in decisions about test results (obtained with the test
19.4.1 A Type 1 precision was evaluated in 1985. Both
method). The appropriate value is that value of r or R
repeatability and reproducibility are short term, a period of a
few days separates replicate test results. A test result is the associated with a mean level in Tables 1-4 closest to the mean
mean value, as specified by this test method, obtained on three level under consideration at any given time, for any given
determinations or measurements of the property or parameter material in routine testing operations.
in question. 19.4.6 Repeatability—The repeatability, r, of this test
19.4.2 Six different materials were used in the interlabora- method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated
tory program, these were tested in four laboratories on two in Tables 3 and 4. Two single test results, obtained under
different days. normal test method procedures, that differ by more than this
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D412 − 16
tabulated r (for any given level) must be considered as derived 19.4.9 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the differ-
from different or nonidentical sample populations. ence between an average test value and the reference (or true)
19.4.7 Reproducibility—The reproducibility, R, of this test test property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
method has been established as the appropriate value tabulated method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
in Tables 3 and 4. Two single test results obtained in two defined by the test method. Bias, therefore, cannot be deter-
different laboratories, under normal test method procedures, mined.
that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given level)
must be considered to have come from different or nonidentical 20. Keywords
sample populations.
19.4.8 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a 20.1 elongation; set after break; tensile properties; tensile
percentage of the mean level, (r) and (R), have equivalent set; tensile strength; tensile stress; yield point
application statements as 19.3.6 and 19.3.7 for r and R. For the
(r) and (R) statements, the difference in the two single test
results is expressed as a percentage of the arithmetic mean of
the two test results.
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