Jaramillo 2005
Jaramillo 2005
Jaramillo 2005
Background/Aim: The knowledge of clinical features, microbial composition and
susceptibility to antimicrobials of periodontal abscesses has recently improved. This
descriptive clinical and microbiological study provides more information on the
characteristics of periodontal abscesses.
Materials and Methods: Clinical parameters and subgingival samples were
examined from 54 subjects presenting 60 periodontal abscesses. Samples were
cultured for anaerobic and facultative bacteria, and data were expressed as frequency
detection and mean proportion of isolation for microorganisms. Selected isolates of
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Prevotella
intermedia/nigrescens were used to test susceptibility to amoxicillin, azithromycin,
tetracycline and metronidazole. Statistical descriptive analysis was conducted.
Results: Most periodontal abscesses were present in patients with ongoing Chronic
Periodontitis. Bleeding on probing, tumefaction and suppuration were present in almost
all abscesses. Affected teeth were lower anterior teeth, upper anterior teeth and lower
molars. The subgingival microbiota was composed of periodontal pathogens such as
Fusobacterium spp. (75%), P. intermedia/nigrescens (60%), P. gingivalis (51%) and A.
actinomycetemcomitans (30%). Some periodontopathogens showed antimicrobial
resistance to tetracycline, metronidazole and amoxicillin, but not to azithromycin. Key words: aggressive periodontitis;
antimicrobial sensitivity; chronic periodontitis;
Conclusions: Periodontal abscesses showed typical clinical features associated with
microbiota composition; periodontal abscess;
untreated periodontitis, and the organisms identified were important periodontopathic periodontopathic bacteria
bacteria. Rationale use of antibiotic adjunctive therapy in abscess treatment should be
taken into account. Accepted for publication 18 July 2005
A periodontal abscess is defined as a abscess can also be associated to perio- with bleeding on probing (BOP), sup-
localized purulent infection affecting dontal trauma in patients without perio- puration and periodontal pocketing
the tissues surrounding a periodontal dontitis (Kareha et al. 1981). Clinical (Herrera et al. 2000a). The subgingival
pocket that can lead to the destruction reports showed that the presence of microbiota shows a composition that
of supporting structures (Meng 1999). periodontal abscesses was related to resembles that of periodontitis (Herrera
Recently, the scientific information tooth loss in a group of patients with et al. 2000b), indicating its relationship
regarding periodontal abscesses has chronic periodontitis (McLeod et al. with the acute inflammatory process.
improved. Different aetiologies have 1997), suggesting that the control of The treatment for periodontal
been proposed, some of them related to acute infections is relevant for the main- abscesses includes drainage through
the exacerbation of a non-treated perio- tenance of periodontal health. the pocket or an incision, debridement,
dontitis, to periodontal treatment (occlu- Patients with a history of periodontitis irrigation with saline solution, surgery
sion of the gingival margin after and concomitant treatment tend to have or tooth extraction. The administration
mechanical therapy) (Dello Russo 1985) a higher frequency of periodontal of systemic antibiotics can serve as an
and to antibiotic use in untreated perio- abscesses (Herrera et al. 2000c). Clini- adjunct to mechanical therapy, and the
dontitis (Helovuo et al. 1993). Periodontal cally, the tissues appear edematized recommended drugs have been tetracy-
1214 Jaramillo et al.
cline (Hafstrom et al. 1994), penicillin containing VMGA III transport med- examined after 96 h of incubation. The
(Genco 1991), metronidazole (Smith & ium. The samples were analysed using reading at the intersection of the bacter-
Davies 1986), amoxicillin/clavulanate microbial culture techniques for the ial zone of inhibition and the E-strip
and azythromicin (Herrera et al. 2000b). presence of periodontopathic and super- represented the minimal inhibitory con-
The purpose of this study was to infecting bacteria according to previous centration (MIC) of the organism. The
describe the clinical and microbiological reports (Slots 1986). Briefly, most sam- breakpoints used for interpretation were
characteristics of periodontal abscesses. ples were processed within 24 h, with a as follows: amoxicillin, azithromycin
maximum of 48 h at room temperature and tetracycline 44 mg/ml, for metroni-
(251C) and incubated in CO2 and anae- dazole 48 mg/ml (Andres et al. 1998,
Materials and Methods robic culture systems. Brucella blood Luong et al. 2001, NCCLS 2001, de
agar medium was incubated at 351C in Sousa et al. 2003, Jacinto et al. 2003).
Fifty-four patients attending the dental an anaerobic jar for 10 days. The TSBV
clinics of the University of Valle (Cali, medium was incubated in 10% CO2 at
Colombia) from November 2002 to Jan- 371C for 4 days. Presumptive identifica- Statistical analysis
uary 2005 were invited to participate tion was performed according to the
in the study. Subjects who presented one Descriptive analyses were carried out
methods described (Slots & Reynolds (mean, standard deviation, frequency
or more periodontal abscesses were 1982, Slots 1986, Rams et al. 1992) and
included. A periodontal abscess was of detection) for clinical and microbio-
using a commercial identification logical parameters. All data were
defined as an acute localized infection micromethod system (RapID ANA
adjacent to a periodontal pocket. Nega- analysed with statistical software
II, Remel, Norcross, GA, USA) for (GraphPad Prism version 4.00 for Win-
tive pulp testing, consumption of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
antibiotics in the past 3 months and dows, GraphPad Software, San Diego,
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella CA, USA).
non-controlled systemic diseases were intermedia/nigrescens, Tannerella for-
used as exclusion criteria. An informed sythia, Campylobacter spp., Euba-
written consent was obtained in each cterium spp., Fusobacterium spp.,
case, previously approved by the Ethics Peptostreptococcus micros, Eikenella Results
Committee on Human Research, at the corrodens, and Dialister pneumosintes.
University of Valle, Faculty of Health. A group of 54 subjects (mean age 48.3
Total viable counts (TVC) were defined years old) were included for analysis
as the total number of colony-forming (Table 1). In most cases, patients suf-
Clinical examination units obtained on non-selective media fered from chronic periodontitis (87%)
plates. Species found on selective media and, to a lesser degree, aggressive perio-
A periodontal chart was completed for were enumerated and their percentage of dontitis (9.3%).
each patient recording the following TVC was calculated. Special attention Table 2 depicts the clinical charac-
parameters: BOP, pain, redness, tume- was paid to the growth of Gram-nega- teristics of periodontal abscesses. Perio-
faction and suppuration as positive or tive enteric rods and yeasts on TSBV dontal abscesses were localized purulent
negative. Probing depth (PD) was and Brucella agar. Gram-negative accumulations accompanied by redness,
recorded using a marked periodontal enteric rods were sub-cultured and col- inflammation and periodontal destruc-
probe (UNC-15, Hu-Friedy, Chicago, ony purified on MacConkey and Cetri- tion (Fig. 1a, b). BOP was detected in all
IL, USA). Increased tooth mobility mide agar plates (Scharlau, Barcelona, lesions, while redness, tumefaction and
was assessed using an ordinal score: 1 Spain) and identified using a standar- suppuration were present in 93.3%, 95%
– horizontal displacement of 1 mm, 2 – dized biochemical test (API 20E , bio- and 93.3% of the cases, respectively.
horizontal displacement 41 mm and 3 – Merieux Inc., Marcy l’Etoile, France). An increased probing pocket depth
horizontal and vertical displacement (9.3 2.5 mm) was the most frequent
41 mm. Bone loss was evaluated in characteristic, followed by radiographic
Antimicrobial susceptibility
dental radiographs and classified as: bone loss and increased tooth mobility.
slight – one-third of the root length, Selected colonies of P. gingivalis, This is of importance considering that
moderate – two-thirds of root length A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. inter-
and severe – 4 two-thirds of root media/nigrescens from pure cultures
length. Other information regarding were used to test their susceptibility to
periodontal and dental history was col- Table 1. Demographic description and perio-
amoxicillin, azithromycin, stetracycline dontal diagnosis of the study sample
lected for analysis. and metronidazole (E-test , AB Bio-
disk, Solna, Sweden). Briefly, viable Frequency,
colonies were homogenized in 0.85% n(%)
Microbiological analysis
saline, and the turbidity was adjusted to Subjects 54
Subgingival microbial samples were MacFarland 1.0 standard (3 108 CFU/ Gender F 5 29
taken from the periodontal pocket asso- ml). Using a sterile glass rod, 0.1 ml of Age, mean SD 48.3 15.5
ciated to the abscess. Before sampling, the inoculums was spread over Brucella Periodontal diagnosis, n (%)
supragingival plaque was removed from blood agar plates (BD, Sparks, MD, Chronic periodontitis 47 (87)
the tooth with a sterile gauze and iso- USA) and dried for 15 min. at room Aggressive periodontitis 5 (9.3)
lated with cotton rolls. Three sterile temperature. E-test strips were gently Periodontal health 2 (3.7)
Diabetes, n (%) 2 (3.5)
paper points were inserted into the bot- placed onto the agar surface and incu-
Current smoker, n (%) 6 (11.1)
tom of the periodontal pocket for 15 s, bated under anaerobic conditions for 4
and were pooled in screw cap vials days. The elliptic zone of inhibition was SD, standard deviation.
Characterization of periodontal abscesses 1215
Upper molar
Upper bicuspid
41.6% Upper anterior
Lower molar In this study, most periodontal abscesses
Lower bicuspid
were found to be related with a previous
18.4% Lower anterior
5% history of periodontal disease, sug-
gesting that it could be considered
Lower anterior teeth were most affected by abscesses as a complication of periodontitis, as
followed by upper anterior and lower molar teeth.
reported by others (McLeod et al. 1997,
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution (%) of Herrera et al. 2000a). In a small propor-
abscesses according to teeth. tion of cases (6.6%), abscesses were
found to be a complication of perio-
dontal therapy. Most likely, the presence
reported discomfort related to pain and occlusion of periodontal pockets
(68.3%) and dental extrusion (23.3%). because of periodontal instrumentation
The frequency distribution of could explain the development of these
abscesses is displayed in Fig. 2. Lower lesions.
anterior teeth were most affected Interestingly, the most common
(41.6%), followed by upper anterior group of teeth affected by periodontal
teeth (20%) and lower molars (18.4%). abscess in this study population was
Fig. 1. (a) Clinical appearance of perio- The composition of the subgingival lower incisors. In contrast, Herrera
dontal abscess affecting the lower second microbiota in periodontal abscesses is et al. (2000a) found the molar group to
right molar. The site shows localized puru- presented in Fig. 3 and Table 3. While be the most affected.
lent accumulation, redness, bleeding on Fusobacterium spp. had a frequency The microbiota of periodontal abscesses
probing and suppuration. (b) Radiographic detection of 75%, P. gingivalis and has been characterized by the presence
aspect of periodontal abscess affecting the T. forsythia were detected in 51.7% of periodontal pathogens present in
first upper right molar. Notice severe perio-
dontal destruction and the involvement of and 15% of the cases, respectively. chronic and aggressive periodontitis. In
the furcation area. The presence of other black-pigmented this study, Fusobacterium spp., P. inter-
microorganisms (P. intermedia/nigres- media/nigrescens and P. gingivalis were
cens, 60%) was also frequent. This is found to be the most prevalent micro-
81.6% of the analysed abscesses had a supported by the fact that the percentage organisms associated with periodontal
history of past periodontitis or ongoing of this microorganism in the cultivable abscesses. This is in agreement with
periodontal destruction. Abscesses result- microbiota (8.46%) was the highest. The previous reports (Newman & Sims
ing from periodontal treatment were recovery of A. actinomycetemcomitans 1979, van Winkelhoff et al. 1985,
found in 6.6% of the cases. Patients (30%) was lower than P. gingivalis. In Topoll et al. 1990). Other microorgan-
1216 Jaramillo et al.
60 We also found a lower prevalence of
60 51.7
50 Micromonas micros (3.3%) than that
40 reported by Herrera et al. (2000a) of
30 70.6%. Differences of prevalence also
30 21.7 23.3
15 occurred with Campylobacter rectus,
20 12.3
6.7 8.3 which was found in 11.7% of cases, in
10 3.3
contrast to Herrera et al. (2000a) (4.2%)
and Häfstrom et al. (1994) (80%). Dif-
ferences in the composition of subgin-
gival microbiota between people of
diverse geographical locations could
partly explain these findings.
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Acknowledgements Clinical Periodontology 27, 387–394. of the oral prevalence of enteric gram-negative
Herrera, D., Roldan, S., O’Connor, A. & Sanz, rods and yeasts in Chinese children. Oral
The authors are grateful to the Univer- M. (2000b) The periodontal abscess (II). Microbiology and Immunology 12, 183–188.
sity Complutense, Spain, especially Short-term clinical and microbiological effi- Slots, J. (1986) Rapid identification of impor-
Mariano Sanz, Itziar Gonzalez and cacy of 2 systemic antibiotic regimes. Jour- tant periodontal microorganisms by cultiva-
Ana O’Connor for the calibration of nal of Clinical Periodontology 27, 395–404. tion. Oral Microbiology and Immunology 1,
microbiological resistance techniques. Herrera, D., Roldan, S. & Sanz, M. (2000c) The 48–57.
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and Nathaly Vásquez for her collabora-
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