Object Lesson

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Object Lesson

Subject/Unit: Creativity

Common Core Standards: Identify and demonstrate Creativity.

Purpose: To show the purpose of creativity used in teaching

Behavioral Objectives:
● Students will be able to understand the theme from the games I have created.
● Students will play two different games.

Time: About 20-30 minutes.

Materials needed:
● Paper
● Flyer explaining Creativity
● Volunteers
● White/Chalk board

Anticipatory Set: Mini-game! ~7 minutes

Instructional Content:
1. Hand out pieces of square paper. (20sec)
2. Students must write (30 sec)
a. Name on top right hand corner
b. list.. 1. Favorite color 2. Favorite music genre 3. Something unique (about
themselves that they think no other student would have).
3. Have everyone stand up and take turns sharing what they have written down (fast paced).
But before you begin, hint that the students should pay very closely! (~1 minute).
4. “Now I hope everyone has paid close attention because now we are going to use those
facts in a creative memory game.”
5. EXPLAIN THE GAME: “This game will be a different version of heads-up-7-up! While
everyone has their head down and thumbs up, all of the 5 chosen volunteers will walk
around. BUT, only ONE volunteer will touch someone’s thumb. After the volunteer has
picked someone, the volunteers will line up in front of the class and the person(s) chosen
will have to stand up and guess who picked him/her by the facts you give them. (The
volunteers you choose have to give their cards of facts to you so that you may read it to
the chosen student).
6. Pick 5 volunteers, tell them to hand their fact cards to you, and line up in front of the
room to begin! (5-10 minutes depending on how many rounds you want to play and

Competency 7.2: Identify and demonstrate appropriate professional and employability skills.
7. AFTER GAME: Start passing flyers! “So what I have just done was created a creative
game to gain your attention and to think more of the subject given! My definition of
creativity is the use of imagination/ideas in a work or/and event.”
8. HOLD AND SHOW A PIECE OF PAPER. “And for that, I have brought paper as my
object! Paper is used for toiletry, writing, reading, drawing, coloring, showing, and
origami. And for another example of what this paper can be used for.. (CRUMPLE
PAPER).. I have another activity!”
9. “I will need 6 people who love doing math in a fast pace environment!” (choose 6
10. Separate the volunteers into 2 groups! have 3 standing side-by-side facing the other team
who are standing side-by-side and the bothe team take 5 steps back! (or enough where
throwing paper at each other would be challenging).
11. This game is called “THE BATTLE OF MATH.” “The balls of paper will now be used as
12. Whichever player answers the quickest and correctly gets the bullet! The player is then
to throw the “bullet” and try to hit their enemy. If the opponent is hit, they lose a life
(each player has 2 lives). Once a player gets hit twice, he/she is considered “dead” and
must sit down from where he/she is standing and cannot participate any longer but to
cheer for his/her team.
13. The problems given will be chosen by levels (easiest-hardest). The team will choose by
level and will not know the exact problem until the round begins.
14. Whoever is last standing wins for their team!

● Give the winning team an applause!!
● While the students sit down, explain that you hoped that the creativity of one’s mind can
stimulate others and help learning.

Assessment: Ask students if they see how important and/or useful creativity is.

Filler Activity: Continue the second game by making more problems and bring up two other

Teacher Tips: Keep watching the clock, this lesson is time sensitive!

Multiple Intelligences Used in Lesson:

● Interpersonal
● Verbal
● Kinesthetic (somewhat)

Teaching Strategies Used in Lesson:

● Grouping
● Sharing

Competency 7.2: Identify and demonstrate appropriate professional and employability skills.

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