Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
and supporting students with the T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there
are many variations of lesson plans, this format meets departmental requirements
Background Information
School District: PSD #267 | University Supervisor: Dr. Barbara Ward Unit/Subject:
lesson. The class will learn to recognize character emotions though the
lesson. Your class will learn to show character emotions though the
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
“show, don’t tell” writing technique with videos, practice writing, and
class participation.
○ This lesson will be taught most likely after introducing the Writing
Traits from previous lesson. This lesson will (subliminally) focus on:
Ideas, word choice, and voice. After students had understood the traits
able to find and write them on their own. These strategies are to
strengthen their writing with another support for using ideas, word
○ Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text
words, or actions).
○ SWBAT… Pay attention to what the character says or does to infer the
d. Language Objective:
evidence from the text and that quotes from the text are a useful way
Literacy Traits.
Support: Arrange students into a small group, and create a “jot list” of
students, if necessary.
The teacher will work with these students to set realistic goals
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
seeing impairments.
8. Students who may have a 504 plan or IEP’s will have their own
Student Experiences:
○ Students may use the classroom library books and their own personal
○ Students will have an idea and some practice with inferences and
ideas with the previous lesson, before this lesson takes place. They
g. Assessment Strategies
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
h. Student Voice:
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
self-assessments, work
Throughout this lesson, students will be divided into various groups (detailed
below). This lesson will focus primarily on independent and whole class work, but
some students will be in partners for portions of the lesson. Students will be
monitored during pairings to ensure they are productive.
a. Introduction:
don’t tell” strategy and inferencing reading strategy. For example, ask
how many students make assumptions in their heads while they read
○ Tell them you were reading The Wednesday Wars and you had found
some examples you’d like to share and challenge the class! The book
will already have tabs of examples of what the main character may be
the street when she found a $5 bill. As she held the bill, her eyes
widened and her mouth curved from ear to ear. She yipeed as
emotion they think she has. Challenge them: But the story didn’t
say she was happy/excited, what words made you believe that?)
○ Then, remind students of the previous lesson about the writing traits.
Tell them we are focusing on: idea, voice, and word choice. Ask
students what those traits are and their purpose as a reminder (they
○ Bring up the recently fresh word “inferring” and tell them that is what
(as a refresher).
○ Tell them “show, don’t tell” refers to a writing strategy that is used to
b. Questions:
inferences? (Knowledge)
c. Learning Activities: Describe what the teacher will do and say and students
will do during the lesson. Write it as a procedural set of steps in the left
principle driving that activity and/or your rationale for doing what you are
learning theories to support your choice of activities. You might draw from your 301
the content.
o Active learning over passive learning (e.g. SCI Learning Experiences ladder—
o How the teacher candidate will assess the learning of the students (from table
Bloom's Taxonomy!
(Transition from introduction) Step 1 Main Reason is: Connecting and Engaging.
Teacher will do: Explain that while looking at The teacher builds intrigue and interest in the
feeling, instead of “showing” it. Students begin to start connecting the new to
and vivid pictures in their minds. Video also gives students the understanding of
Teacher will do: Pull up “Show, Don’t Tell” the importance of why we are learning this
Teacher will say: “Now that we’ve taken our Practice,Independent Practice, and Student
notes, we will fix our own writing and add our
you to fix this sentence ‘Show’ the subject is For the teacher to explain the strategy more,
excited, using the words or phrases you how to effectively use the strategy to
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
wrote down from the video clip.” understand text. Teacher thinks aloud to show
Students will do: Fix the sentence thinking and strategy use. Students will then
independently and then share their thoughts engage in beginning the strategy.
Students will do: Play the mix and match Teacher moves from group to group, assessing
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
happened to us too. We also saw some Teacher will also write down class answers on
a. Closure:
○ After the class sharing, have students pick out an Emotion Card. Then give
them independent work time to write their own sentence(s) that will help
○ Have students share how they have edited their own writing to their elbow
○ Concluding, teacher will say: “Good writers, today and everyday, will show,
○ (If extra time, allow silent reading and ask them to try to use what they’ve
b. Independent Practice:
Students will now have the practice and experience of being able to be observant in
literacy. With the new reading comprehension, they will be able to lead to new
conclusions with their critical thinking as they infer more information from a book!
They may now use this skill when reading in the classroom and at home! The
teacher will also give Inference worksheets for them to expand on inferring other
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan
things that aren’t just emotions! This will also allow parents to support their
○ Computer
in together)
turned in together)
d. Acknowledgements:
○ file:///C:/Users/Kate/Documents/WSU/MakingInferencesInferringChara
Reading & Writing Instruction Lesson Plan