Stamp Chain Letters Called: Bond and Illegal
Stamp Chain Letters Called: Bond and Illegal
Stamp Chain Letters Called: Bond and Illegal
BOND AND STAMP blue with matching accessories. the University of North Carolina. their daughter, Wllhelmina, to Mi
Her shoulder corsage was of or- Following the ceremony Mr. and Ernest Harrison Stallings Mon
chids. Mrs. G. L. Crump entertained the day, the second of February, on
bridal party and guests at a thousand nine hundred and fort>
Mrs. Stallings is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Branch, of luncheon at the Powers Hotel, aft- two, First Baptist Church, Ben
Enfield. She received her formal er which Mr. and Mrs. Stallings nettsville, South Carolina.
education at Blacks tone College left for a wedding trip to Florida.
In This Case
bride, was presented a gift,, and
she won the bingo hand prize.
Other guests present were Miss
Blanche Moss, Mrs. Myra Mann,
L. G. Shell is a Miss Annie Mae Sherrod, Mrs.
Leonard Matthews, Mrs. Evelina
firm believer in the old adage
that “a good deed today returns Fleming, Mrs. Hugh Sherrod, Mrs.
two-fold tomorrow”. At least,
Fheodore Harrison, Mrs. John LJE WAS born ninety-five years ago this month.
NTewton, Mrs. H. L. Kendall, Miss 1
that adage has been playing his likeness in bronze, his
upon his mind for
the past few Delia Batchelor, Mrs. George Ran- Perhaps you've seen
of a let- iolph, Mrs. Sidney Randolph, Miss features chiseled in stone, his figure perpetuated
days following receipt
of Uncle Sam s Susan Whitaker, Miss Mary Col-
ter from one
Negro messmen.
lins, Miss Christine Huddle, Miss in marble.
Donstance Price, Miss Josie Loug-
It all started sometime early
last year. bead, Miss Mary Gladys Womble,
little Miss Hazel McKeel, Mrs. Fred But one of the most commonplace things of today's
Wright Hockaday was a
who roamed the Wiggins, Miss Annie Pope, Miss
.Negro orphan
Marjorie Dickens, Miss Catherine living is his most memorial
fitting a monument —