Stamp Chain Letters Called: Bond and Illegal

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bride wore a spring suit of navy Stallings, of Enfield.

He attended Branch announce the marriage c

BOND AND STAMP blue with matching accessories. the University of North Carolina. their daughter, Wllhelmina, to Mi
Her shoulder corsage was of or- Following the ceremony Mr. and Ernest Harrison Stallings Mon
chids. Mrs. G. L. Crump entertained the day, the second of February, on
bridal party and guests at a thousand nine hundred and fort>

Mrs. Stallings is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Branch, of luncheon at the Powers Hotel, aft- two, First Baptist Church, Ben
Enfield. She received her formal er which Mr. and Mrs. Stallings nettsville, South Carolina.
education at Blacks tone College left for a wedding trip to Florida.

CALLED ILLEGAL and the State Teachers College at

The announcements
| daughter,
Mrs. W. E. Murphrey an<
Ann Harper, spent sev
Fredericksburg, Va. following
The bride-groom is the son of were issued: eral days last week in Ralelgl
Mayor E. E. Stallings and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lynn and Chapel Hill.
properly execute the guardian-
Local Postal ship.
And so the youth joined the

Officials Warn Navy.

It wasn’t until the other dav

Of Their Use that the little Negro was heard

from again. Postmaster Shell
received a letter from him. In
The endless chain letter scheme
defense savings part it read:
of soliciting “I have broke training and
and bonds, a number of
stamps am now “walking the waters”
which letters have made their ap- I am going strong
is il- (at sea.)
pearance in Roanoke Rapids, and can’t think of anything I
and a violation of postal
legal would rather do than visit
out yes-
regulations, was pointed home. I am cruising the seas
terday by Postmast L. G. Shell,
aboard the hospital ship, the
who said that a number of per-
BAS. “Relief”. I would have
sons throughout the country had
authorities for been able to get leave Christ-
been cited by posta
mas but guess I will have to
sending the letters through the
wait until the conflict is over.
ails in all parts of the Yes, Sir! We must have re-
The r.
still being flooded venge and we will get it by wip-
country are

with letters relating to so-called

ing the Japs and their gangster
friends off the seas. Now, Mr.
endless chain schemes for solicit-
and Shell, I am happy to say here
ing defense savings stamps is your money I appreciate
bonds and postal authorities
are ...

much your help

cracking down on anyone caught

either sending or carrying

such Goodby, Good Health, and Good
letters, Mr. Shell said.
of The efforts of the local post-
According to a recent issue
in which the master and the colored school
the Postal Bulletin,
cited to principal placed into Uncle
chain letter scheme was
the of the Sam’s hands a youth that will
all postal officials, use
bonds serve him well, and one who
mails for soliciting defense
was a violation of will ever be grateful for the
and stamps
fraud and lottery help rendered him by his
the postal
“white friend” here in Roanoke
statutes, and upon conviction

ries a heavy federal prison

sen- Rapids.
The local postmaster stated
there was no legal defense
and stamp chain letter, although
some of the letters
received here
were marked “legal by government
Miss Nellie Bryan Newton enter-
approval”. Any such letters in-

ceived and marked with

such tained a number of friends with
of the an enjoyable party in her home at
scriptions are violations
stated. 'Oak Bend” Wednesday evening.
postal laws, the postmaster
Valentine tallies were used for
bridge scores and the motif was
repeated in refreshments served
after the game.
Miss Anne Boyd Whitaker was

Benefits awarded the high score prize, and

Mrs. Tommie Morris the consola-
tion. Mrs. John Parker, a recent

In This Case
bride, was presented a gift,, and
she won the bingo hand prize.
Other guests present were Miss
Blanche Moss, Mrs. Myra Mann,
L. G. Shell is a Miss Annie Mae Sherrod, Mrs.
Leonard Matthews, Mrs. Evelina
firm believer in the old adage
that “a good deed today returns Fleming, Mrs. Hugh Sherrod, Mrs.
two-fold tomorrow”. At least,
Fheodore Harrison, Mrs. John LJE WAS born ninety-five years ago this month.
NTewton, Mrs. H. L. Kendall, Miss 1
that adage has been playing his likeness in bronze, his
upon his mind for
the past few Delia Batchelor, Mrs. George Ran- Perhaps you've seen
of a let- iolph, Mrs. Sidney Randolph, Miss features chiseled in stone, his figure perpetuated
days following receipt
of Uncle Sam s Susan Whitaker, Miss Mary Col-
ter from one
Negro messmen.
lins, Miss Christine Huddle, Miss in marble.
Donstance Price, Miss Josie Loug-
It all started sometime early
last year. bead, Miss Mary Gladys Womble,
little Miss Hazel McKeel, Mrs. Fred But one of the most commonplace things of today's
Wright Hockaday was a
who roamed the Wiggins, Miss Annie Pope, Miss
.Negro orphan
Marjorie Dickens, Miss Catherine living is his most memorial
fitting a monument —

streets of Roanoke Rapids as

Parker, Miss Kiki Andleton, and
a vagrant for several years.
Mrs. A. C. Nichols, Jr. multiplied by millions—the taken-for-granted elec-
One day he appeared at the lo-
cal postoffice and attempted to tric light bulb!
Mrs. J. R. Matthews entertained
join the Navy. He wasn’t
at a bridge luncheon in her home
cessful, being classified as too
York Wednesday. Guests enjoyed a buf- For it he who made the first decisive step in
young. He went to New fet luncheon at one o’clock, after
and was arrested there as a electric lighting when he invented the incandes-
which progressive contract was
vagrant. The New York City
played. Mrs. Robert Whitaker won cent electric lamp in 1879.
welfare authorities got in touch
the high score prize and Mrs. S.
with Postmaster Shell, who had
W. Dickens the bingo hand prize.
the boy brought back and
Guests were Mrs. Sam Arrington
placed him in school at John Dunn, Mrs. A. S. Harrison, Mrs.
bixty-three years ago.
Armstrong Chaloner. At school
Hugh Sherrod, Mrs. J. B. Britt,
Principal D. P. Lewis also took
an interest in the youth and
Mrs. R. F. Shaw, Mrs. R. Hunter
Today, have only to think for a moment of this
Pope, Mrs. D. Mac Johnson, Mrs.
succeeded in getting him on an fact to realize how much Thomas Alva Edison has
[vey Watson, Mrs. Charles Etz-
N.Y.A. unit, where he was able
weiler, Mrs. Eugene Wood, Mrs.
to make a little money and at Robert Whitaker, Mrs. S. W. Dick- had to do with the building of The American Way.
the same time learn a trade.
sns, Mrs. Holt Evans, Mrs. Joe Ed- Home life, community life, farm life, business and
But it wasn’t long before the
wards, and Mrs. A. C. Nichols, Jr.
youth appeared at the post-
office again in an effort to join STALLIN GS-BRAN CH
industry owe a debt to this man who would wish
the Navy. However, being still
under the age limit and with-
On Monday afternoon, February no greater reward than a continuation of The
2nd, at 1:30 o’clock, Miss Wil-
out parental approval, it looked lelmina Branch and Ernest Har- American Way which he helped to make.
for a while as if the second at- rison Stallings were married in
tempt would fail. But one av- :he Thomas Memorial Baptist ••

enue was open; a guardian, Ie- Church in Bennettsville, S. C., /

gaily appointed, would serve with Dr. Edwin C. Colvin officiat-

just as well as parental approv- ng.
al. But the youth had no guard-
ian, nor had he money with
Mrs. G. L. Crump, of Enfield,
rendered the nuptial music, using
which to pay the fee for ap- lie traditional Wedding marches.
pointing and registering one.
Here, again, Postmaster Shell
came to his rescue. He loaned
the youth enough money to
*To A Wild Rose”, by McDowell,
1 vas
played during the ceremony.
The bride and bride-groom en-
i ered the church together. The

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