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Mrs. Pearson Honored

Se*Wct Friday evening, February 6th, at
the home of Mrs Lillian Smallwood
and her mother, Mrs. J. E. Pear-
son, a shower was given honoring
Mrs. James Grady Pearson who,
before her recent marriage, was
Miss Willie Lee Harris. Patriotic
games and decorations were used.
Those receiving prizes were Mes-
The next scene in the exhibition dames Raymond Garner, Leonard
Roanoke Rapids bosses became , Al'rn. Clifton Pearson and Sam
was the questioning of applicants
job-seekers at the local Employ- for Powell, after which Mrs. James
ment Office tonight
unemployment compensation,
(Thursday), H. E. Grady Pearson was presented a
and the men who usually do the
Baker, manager of J. C. Pen-
ney Company, applied to file a huge basket filled with many use-
hiring and firing had first-hand ex- claim as a former retail store em- ful and lovely gifts.
perience in playing the roles of Then the guests were invited in-
ployee with no work available.
applicants for work and of claim- Mrs. Nellie Mae Brown, of the to the dining room to a kmg table
ants for unemployment benefits.
Roanoke and Patterson Mills Em- beautifully decorated with a fruit
The exhibition in which the em- and red hatchet center piece. Red,
ployment Office, applied for un-
ployers did an about-face was all benefits as a “former white and blue candles on blue
a part of a demonstration on how
textile worker with plenty of dis- stars made a pretty picture on the
the United States Employment Ser- white cloth. A sa’ad course wae
vice and the Unemployment Com- qualifications.” served to the following:
pensation Commission operates, the Both were thoroughly questioned, Mesdames Grady Pearson, Ed-
interviews taking place in the lo- Mr. Nowell being the interviewer win Cameron, Raymond Garner,
cal Employment Service Office at for Baker and Mrs. Holoman for Claude Garner, T. B. Turner, Eu-
298 Roanoke Avenue. Mrs. Brown. Baker’s claim was gene Ethridge, Dora Hawkins, Ben-
allowed. In questioning Mrs ”*e Florence Robinson.
The occasion for the exhibition
Brown, however, it developed that Paul Matthews Jr., Clifton Pear-
was the installation of the Local
she was not available for work and son, Marvin Pearson, Otis Pear-
Advisory Council, appointed re- wished
only “to get her rocking son, Waverly Pearson, Johnr.le
cently by Governor J. M. Brough- chair Her claim was re-
ton to serve in an advisory capacity
money.” Morrison, Sam Powell, Noris Ful-
ferred to the Claims Deputy for a ghum, Leonard Allen, Wm. Hazel-
for the Roanoke Rapids Employ-
ment Office.
hearing to determine her eligibili- wood, Misses Clyde Fulghum, Al-
Members of the Roanoke Rapids
ty for benefits. ice Pearson, Eva May Powell and
R. B. Overton, of Rocky Mount, Florine Pearson.
Advisory Council include: Thorn-
ton Wilson and Fi’ancis S. Kemp,
regular Claims Deputy for the Un-
employment Compensation Com- HOW JAPS’ 2-MAN SUBS
as representatives of employers;
W. B. McFarland and John E. Sul-
mission, was on hand to conduct & -AvV^xW: GOT INTO PEARL HARBOR
the hearing. Francis S. Kemp, per-
livan, as representatives of em- sonnel Revealing article which shown
manager for the Roanoke
ployees; and Mrs. Will P. Taylor, and Patterson Mills how the deadly, little killer-ships
Julian R. Allsbrook, and Dr. M Company and
a member of the Employment Ser- were launched from and return-
Crocker Maddrey, as representa- ed to their shelters aboard huge
vice Advisory Council, appeared to
tives for the general public.
give evidence for the employer. whaling ships prepared long ago
The Advisory Council was in-
After hearing the evidence pre-
THUMBS UP FOR BONDS AND STAMPS! This wa for their sinister work. Don’t
uuvi/cu mtu U111V.C uy iyi. vv imam
sented by both parties, and despite poster, illustrating how Americans can help the air forces t miss this feature in the Febru-
Curtis, director of the North
on the part I victory,
considerable objection is being displayed in the windows of 500,000 of tl ary 22nd issue of
Carolina Unemployment Compen- Nation's retail stores where Defense Stamps—in denomin:
of the claimant, Mr. Overton lost THE AMERICAN WEEKLY
sation Division. Dr. Curtis briefly
little time in rendering a decision I tions from 10 cents to $5—are being sold. This is one of : The Big Magazine Distributed
reviewed the work of the Roanoke
which disqualified Mrs. Brown from i series of human-interest posters being prepared to remin With The
Rapids office and outlined the du-
ties and responsibilities of the Ad- “taking
a vacation" at the expense the public of its part in the war effort. BALTIMORE
of the Unemployment Compensa- SUNDAY AMERICAN
visory Council. On behalf of Gov-
tion fund. On Sale At All Newsstands
ernor Broughton, he thanked the
members of the council for accept- Following the demonstrations of
Employment Office functions, an
ing the duties of their positions.
“open house” period was held dur-
“Our organization has long felt
the need of a closer tie-up with the
ing which refreshments were serv-
ed and the employers and other
people and through this Advisory
Council we hope to get it,” Dr.
guests were invited to ask questions
and to inspect the facilities and e- Saturday Is
Curtis stated. The council will
to local
quipment of the office.
help study labor problems,
to see the employment program is Valentine's Day
operated fairly and sqarely, and to
assist in the national defense pro- SIX TIRE Remember the occa-
“All of realize we are facing
a grave situation today, but if we
do our duty as good citizens we
PERMITS sion with

card from
gift or a

need not fear the outcome,” he de-

Griffin Drug
w. vj. <_;nerry, jr., manager or
ISSUED Co. You are sure to find

the Roanoke Rapids Employment something to please her

Office, presided over the program
from our large and
and, while some 35 employers, civic
officials, and representatives of the Only six tire and seven tube pur-
varied selections.
local mills looked on, the Em- chasing permits were issued by
the Roanoke Rapids Tire Ration-
ployment Service interviewers quiz- Don’t take it for granted that your wife know* you *till lOVt
ing Board at its regular meeting
zed applicants on their qualifica-
held on Thursday of last week,
her. Give her a real thrill by telling her to with a
tions for jobs and their eligibility
for unemployment compensation. H. B. Speight, chairman of the
First in line to be "given the Board said yesterday.
^ The purchase permits went to
third degree” was Carroll Wilson,
editor and owner of the Roanoke the following: M. W. Ray, Roa-
noke Rapids, two tires, two tubes,
Rapids Herald and a member of
both for trucks; C. O. King, city, \ You’ll find a wide selection of sentimental and humorou# Hall-
the State Highway Commission.
Mr. Wilson was introduced as an one tire and one tube of obsolete mark Valentines for both friends and loved ones hero*
applicant who wanted a job as a class; James F. Lockaman, city,
one tire and one tube; Fireman
newspaper reporter. James A.
C. Myrick, city, mail carrier, one
Nowell fired the questions—such as
what are “scoops,” “leads,” etc.
The quiz was for a great part in a
tire and one tube; C. F. Bounds,
Weldon, gasoline distributor, one

technical vein and, at several tube; Southern Cotton Oil Com-
pany, Weldon, one tire and one
even experienced newspaper-
Wilson had to pause and “put
tube. Valentine's Candy
on his thinking cap” before giving
Next to be “put on the spot” was
■(, Select from our large stock of
Heath Lee, cashier of the Roanoke Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Garriss, of T? Fresh Whitmans and Hollingstoorth in
Bank and Trust Company, who was Weldon, are receiving congratula-
called upon to describe all the ins tions on the birth of a son, Mar- Special Valentine Boxes, priced —

and outs of the banking business. cus A. Garriss, Jr., Sunday morn-
Mrs. Janie Holoman did the ques- ing, February 8th, at Roanoke Rap-

tioning. ids Hospital.
30c $3-75

J EHOVAH’S Roanoke Rapids Unit


Sun. & Wed. 7:30 P. M.

McCrory Bldg. Apt. 11
Welcome Welcome

I-Jz^. all persons of good will

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