Evt Parameters - (03-2005) - Us-En

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(E/J45-65XM) [F108, A216]

PART NO. 897825 2200 SRM 596

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
EV-T100 Transistor Motor Controller Table of Contents


Register Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 1

General ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Function Numbers ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Control Card Checks and Adjustments ............................................................................................................ 1
Register Parameters Tables .............................................................................................................................. 2

This section is for the following models:

E/J2.00-3.20XM (E/J45-65XM) [F108, A216]



2200 SRM 596 Control Card Checks and Adjustments

Register Parameters
GENERAL and operating voltages. Adjustment of the reg-
ister to the wrong number for your lift truck
This section must be used with the following sections model can cause the truck to operate differ-
of this motor controller: ently than normal. This different operation of
• EV-T100™ Transistor Motor Controller, De- the truck can cause an injury.
scription, Adjustments, Troubleshooting, Re-
pairs, and Theory 2200 SRM 581. NOTE: The Register Parameters Tables show the per-
• Troubleshooting and Adjustments With a mitted ranges and the default setting for each control
Computer, EV-100ZX, EV-T100, SR (SEM), function. The Factory Set Parameters are the recom-
and SP Motor Controllers 2200 SRM 597. mended settings for new units. These settings will
give satisfactory performance for most applications.
This series of control cards have an electronic device
called an EEPROM (Electrically-Erasable-Pro- Some functions can be adjusted within the permitted
grammable-Read-Only-Memory). The EEPROM has range to change the lift truck operation for a specific
a number of memory elements called registers. application. Adjustment of a register to a number
These registers can have electronic data stored in that is different than the factory setting is allowed,
them to control an operation. The range of data that but follow the instructions carefully and stay within
can be stored in the registers is called a parameter. the minimum and maximum limits. Adjustments
A parameter is a measurement number that works other than the factory settings will cause the lift
with other measurement numbers (parameters) to truck to operate differently and can cause increased
define a system. The EEPROM in the control card is wear of parts.
a control system for the operation of the lift truck.
The EEPROM used in this series of control cards has
128 registers. The Function Numbers are code numbers for the dif-
ferent parameters that can be set for the T100 series
control cards. The Personal Computer or the Hand-
set must be used to adjust the parameters for the
Each register in each control card has a range control card. There is a description of the code num-
of numbers so that the control card can be used bers for the different control cards in the Register Pa-
on different models of lift trucks. This varia- rameters Tables. These Register Parameters Tables
tion is needed for lift trucks of different sizes have the correct setting numbers for the parameters
on each control card.

Control Card Checks and Adjustments

A Personal Computer (PC) or a Handset is used to – Steering pump time delay and define signal in-
permit Authorized Personnel to make the follow- put (seat switch or directional switch)
ing checks and adjustments: – Plugging distance (Current)
• Check the system status codes for both traction and – Accelerator pedal position, plug range or disable
hydraulic pump SCR systems – 1A drop out current or disable
• Check for status codes that are not regular nor con- – Field Weakening drop-out
stant – Field Weakening pick-up
• Check the state of charge of the battery on mo- – Regenerative Braking current limit
tor controllers with type JH/NH and JY/NY control – Regenerative Braking drop-out
cards – Speed limit points (SL1, SL2, and SL3)
• Check the hourmeter readings on the traction cir- – Internal resistance compensation for battery
cuit and hydraulic pump SCR controllers state of charge indication
• Monitor or adjust the following control functions: – Battery voltage (36/48V is auto ranging)
– Creep Speed • Selection of type of card operation:
– Controlled Acceleration and 1A Time – Traction circuit with Field Weakening
– Current Limit

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

– Traction circuit with Regenerative Braking and – High or low current limit for all of the above func-
Field Weakening tions

Register Parameters Tables

Parameters must be between the minimum and max- label. The last two letters on the lower part identify
imum numbers shown. Do NOT adjust a parameter the TYPE of card installed. The table titles show
to a number that is not shown in the correct table. these card types for the EV-100ZX motor controllers.
See Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Ta-
ble 6, and Table 7. Make sure you use the correct NOTE: Check the label at the top edge of each card
table when you make adjustments. It is a good proce- case to identify the control card on your lift truck.
dure to check the parameter and compare the param- There are some painted letters and numbers followed
eter to the number in the table before making the ad- by other numbers and letters on the lower part of the
justment. The factory parameter, and the value (cur- label. The last two letters on the lower part identify
rent, time, etc.) for that parameter, are shown in the the TYPE of card installed. The table titles show
columns indicated as Default. The minimum and these card types for the EV-T100 motor controllers.
maximum parameters and their values are shown in
Make sure to read the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS
the columns indicated as Permitted Range.
under each parameter description and in the sec-
NOTE: Check the label at the top edge of each card tion Parameters, Checks and Adjustments. These
case to identify the control card on your lift truck. WARNINGS and CAUTIONS must be read before
There are some painted letters and numbers followed entering a parameter other than the factory value.
by other numbers and letters on the lower part of the

Table 1. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type JH/NH With
Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, With Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)]

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Creep Speed 0 5% 0/255 5% to 15%
3 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec 8/255 0.77 to 21.5 seconds
and 1A Time
4 Current Limit (C/L) 255 max. amp 0/255 max. amperes
5 Plugging Distance (Current) 134 514 amp 0/141 200 to 530 amperes
6 1A Drop-Out Current 138 900 amp 0/250 2 450 to 1260 amperes
7 Field Weakening Pick-Up 36 110 amp 0/110 0 to 228 amperes
8 Field Weakening Drop-Out 130 487 amp 0/140 65 to 520 amperes
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
without seat brake.

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 1. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type JH/NH With
Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, With Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
9 Regenerative Braking 175 328 amp 0/217 75 to 390 amperes
Current Limit
10 Regenerative Braking Start 80 30% 0/255 0% to 96% ON time
(% ON time)
11 Speed Limit 1 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. voltage
switch open) (Not Used) volts
12 Speed Limit 2 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. voltage
switch open) (Not Used) volts
13 Speed Limit 3 (maximum 120 64% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. voltage
NC switch open) volts
14 Internal Resistance 20 3 - 5/25 -
15 Battery Volts 200 36/48 V 184/250 36 or 48 volt operation
16 Pedal Position Plugging 47 228 amp 0/156 100 to 530 amperes
17 Card Type Selection 40 Select control card with
42 42 correct functions:
44 Regenerative Braking
18 Steering Pump Time Delay 0 1.5 sec 0/128 1.5 sec to 65 sec
(Seat Switch) 25 14 sec 21/128 4 12 to 65 sec 4
19 Maintenance Alert (hours) 0 0 to 99
20 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 100 to 9900
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None 0 180
22 Mode Reference (Reference - None None -
register for the instrument
panel display when the
battery is connected.)
23 Hourmeter (minutes) 0
24 Hourmeter (seconds) 0
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
without seat brake.

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 1. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type JH/NH With
Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, With Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
27 Stop Plugging Set Point 65 9.7% 20/100 13.4% to 6.8%
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points
clear Status Codes) to location of last
recorded fault.)
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
without seat brake.
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.
48 Controlled Acceleration 40 3.5 sec Fcn. No. 52 255
49 FW Pick-Up Current 0 N/A 0 N/A
50 Speed Limit 1 85 80% Fcn. No. 54 180
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 sec Fcn. No. 56 Fcn. No. 48
53 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None Fcn. No. 49 Fcn. No. 57

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 1. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type JH/NH With
Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, With Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
54 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 58 Fcn. No. 50
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec Fcn. No. 60 Fcn. No. 52
57 FW Pick-Up Current 0 Fcn. No. 53 Fcn. No. 61
58 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 62 Fcn. No. 54
59 Not Used
60 Controlled Acceleration 10 0.94 sec 8 Fcn. No. 56
61 FW Pick-Up Current 0 Fcn. No. 57 110
62 Speed Limit 1 0 None 0 Fcn. No. 58
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 1. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type JH/NH With
Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, With Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Description Default
Lift truck number assigned by user
Lift truck number assigned by user

Table 2. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type JY/NY Without
Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, Without Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)]

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Creep Speed 20 5% 0/255 5% to 15%
3 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec 8/255 0.77 to 21.5 seconds
and 1A Time
4 Current Limit (C/L) 255 max. amp 0/255 max. amperes
5 Plugging Distance (Current) 85 40 amp 0/92 200 to 416 amperes
6 1A Drop-Out Current 77 700 amp 0/250 2 450 to 1260 amperes
7 Field Weakening Pick-Up Not N/A Not Not Applicable
(Current) Applicable Applicable
8 Field Weakening Drop-Out Not N/A Not Not Applicable
(Current) Applicable Applicable
9 Regenerative Braking Not N/A Not Not Applicable
Current Limit Applicable Applicable
10 Regenerative Braking Start Not N/A Not Not Applicable
(% ON time) Applicable Applicable
11 Speed Limit 1 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. volts voltage
NC switch open) (Not Used)
12 Speed Limit 2 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. volts voltage
NC switch open) (Not Used)
13 Speed Limit 3 (maximum 120 64% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. volts voltage
NC switch open)
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
without seat brake.

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 2. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type

JY/NY Without Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, Without Battery
Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
14 Internal Resistance 20 3 - 5/25 -
15 Battery Volts 200 36/48 V 184/250 36 or 48 volt operation
16 Pedal Position Plugging 47 228 amp 0/156 100 to 530 amperes
17 Card Type Selection - 0 Select control card with
2 2 correct functions:
- 4 Plugging only
18 Steering Pump Time Delay 0 1.5 sec 0/128 1.5 sec to 65 sec
(Seat Switch) 25 14 sec 21/128 4 12 to 65 sec 4
19 Maintenance Alert (hours) 0 0 to 99
20 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 100 to 9900
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None 0 180
22 Mode Reference (Reference None None None -
register for the instrument
panel display when the
battery is connected.)
23 Hourmeter (minutes) 0
24 Hourmeter (seconds) 0
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
27 Stop Plugging Set Point 65 9.7% 20/100 13.4% to 6.8%
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points to
clear Status Codes) location of last recorded
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
without seat brake.

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 2. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type

JY/NY Without Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, Without Battery
Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
without seat brake.
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.
48 Controlled Acceleration 40 3.5 sec Fcn. No. 52 255
49 FW Pick-Up Current 0 N/A 0 N/A
50 Speed Limit 1 85 80% Fcn. No. 54 180
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 sec Fcn. No. 56 Fcn. No. 48
53 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None Fcn. No. 49 Fcn. No. 57
54 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 58 Fcn. No. 50
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec Fcn. No. 60 Fcn. No. 52
57 FW Pick-Up Current 36 110 amps Fcn. No. 53 Fcn. No. 61
58 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 62 Fcn. No. 54
59 Not Used

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 2. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (36 to 48V) [Traction Card Type

JY/NY Without Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening, Without Battery
Discharge Indicator (BDI)] (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
60 Controlled Acceleration 10 0.94 sec 8 Fcn. No. 56
61 FW Pick-Up Current 83 185 amps Fcn. No. 57 110
62 Speed Limit 1 0 None 0 Fcn. No. 107
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift truck number assigned by user (tens/units) 0 to 99
Lift truck number assigned by user (thou- 100 to 9900

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 3. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JH/NH
and JY/NY With Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Creep Speed 0 5% 0/255 5% to 15%
3 Controlled Acceleration 20 2.6 sec 8/255 0.77 to 21.5 seconds
and 1A Time
4 Current Limit (C/L) 125 max. amp 0/255 max. amperes
5 Plugging Distance (Current) 50 388 amp 0/90 200 to 411 amperes
6 1A Drop-Out Current 12 489 amp 0/250 450 to 1260 amperes
7 Field Weakening Pick-Up 22 88 amp 0/36 0 to 110 amperes
8 Field Weakening Drop-Out 55 244 amp 0/70 65 to 293 amperes
9 Regenerative Braking 100 220 amp 0/110 75 to 235 amperes
Current Limit
10 Regenerative Braking Start 10 3.70% 0/255 0% to 95% of battery
(% ON time) voltage
11 Speed Limit 1 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. voltage
switch open) (Not Used) volts
12 Speed Limit 2 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. voltage
switch open) (Not Used) volts
13 Speed Limit 3 (maximum 120 64% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. voltage
NC switch open) volts
14 Internal Resistance 12 3 - 5/25 -
15 Battery Volts 75 72 V 70/80 72 volt operation
15 Battery Volts 85 80 V 81/183 80 volt operation
16 Pedal Position Plugging 47 228 amp 0/100 100 to 373 amperes
17 Card Type Selection 42 42 Select control card with
correct functions:
Regen. Braking
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 3. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JH/NH and
JY/NY With Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
18 Steering Pump Time Delay 25 14 sec 0/128 1.5 sec to 65 seconds
(Seat Switch)
19 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 0 to 99
20 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 100 to 9900
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None 0 180
22 Mode Reference (Reference - None None -
register for the instrument
panel display when the
battery is connected.)
23 Hourmeter (minutes) 0
24 Hourmeter (seconds) 0
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
27 Stop Plugging Set Point 65 9.7% 20/100 13.4% to 6.8%
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points
clear Status Codes) to location of last
recorded fault.)
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 3. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JH/NH and
JY/NY With Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
48 Controlled Acceleration 40 3.5 sec Fcn. No. 52 255
49 FW Pick-Up Current 0 N/A 0 N/A
50 Speed Limit 1 85 80% Fcn. No. 54 180
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 sec Fcn. No. 56 Fcn. No. 48
53 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None Fcn. No. 49 Fcn. No. 57
54 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 58 Fcn. No. 50
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec Fcn. No. 60 Fcn. No. 52
57 FW Pick-Up Current 29 Fcn. No. 53 Fcn. No. 61
58 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 62 Fcn. No. 54
59 Not Used
60 Controlled Acceleration 10 0.94 sec 8 Fcn. No. 56
61 FW Pick-Up Current 36 Fcn. No. 57 110
62 Speed Limit 1 0 None 0 Fcn. No. 58
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 3. EV-T100 Parameters - E/J2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JH/NH and
JY/NY With Regenerative Braking and Field Weakening) (Continued)

Description Default
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift truck number assigned by user
Lift truck number assigned by user

Table 4. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) (9-inch
Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Creep Speed 0 5% 0/255 5% to 15%
3 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec 8/255 0.77 to 21.5 seconds
and 1A Time
4 Current Limit (C/L) 255 Max. amp 0/130
5 Plugging Distance (Current) 80 388 amp 0/55 200 to 373 amperes
6 1A Drop-Out Current 12 489 amp 0/250 450 to 1260 amperes
7 Field Weakening Pick-Up 0 N/A Not Not Applicable
(Current) Applicable
8 Field Weakening Drop-Out 0 65 amp 0/70 65 to 293 amperes
9 Regenerative Braking 100 220 amp 0/110 75 to 235 amperes
Current Limit
10 Regenerative Braking Start 10 3.70% 0/255 0% to 95% SCR ON time
(% ON time)
11 Speed Limit 1 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. volts voltage
switch open) (Not Used)
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 4. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) (9-inch
Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
12 Speed Limit 2 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. volts voltage
switch open) (Not Used)
13 Speed Limit 3 (maximum 120 64% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. volts voltage
NC switch open)
14 Internal Resistance 12 3 - 5/25 -
15 Battery Volts 75 72 V 70/80 72 volt operation
15 Battery Volts 85 80 V 81/183 80 volt operation
16 Pedal Position Plugging 47 228 amp 0/100 100 to 373 amperes
17 Card Type Selection Plugging 40 Select control card with
42 Regen. 42 correct functions:
FW 44 Regenerative Braking
18 Steering Pump Time Delay 25 14 sec 0/128 1.5 sec to 65 seconds
(Seat Switch)
19 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 0 to 99
20 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 100 to 9900
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None None/0 None to 180
22 Mode Reference (Reference - None None -
register for the instrument
panel display when the
battery is connected.)
23 Hourmeter (minutes) 0
24 Hourmeter (seconds) 0
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
27 Stop Plugging Set Point 15%
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 4. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) (9-inch
Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points
clear Status Codes) to location of last
recorded fault.)
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.
48 Controlled Acceleration 40 3.5 sec Fcn. No. 52 255
49 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None 0 Fcn. No. 53
50 Speed Limit 1 85 80% Fcn. No. 54 180
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 sec Fcn. No. 56 Fcn. No. 48
53 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None Fcn. No. 49 Fcn. No. 57
54 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 58 Fcn. No. 50
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec Fcn. No. 60 Fcn. No. 52
57 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None Fcn. No. 53 Fcn. No. 61
58 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 62 Fcn. No. 54

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 4. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) (9-inch
Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
59 Not Used
60 Controlled Acceleration 10 0.94 sec 8 Fcn. No. 56
61 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None Fcn. No. 57 None
62 Speed Limit 1 0 None 0 Fcn. No. 58
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift truck number assigned by user (tens/units) 0 to 99
Lift truck number assigned by user (thou- 100 to 9900

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 5. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) Low Energy
Consumption (9-inch Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Creep Speed 0 5% 0/255 5% to 15%
3 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 sec 8/255 0.77 to 21.5 seconds
and 1A Time
4 Current Limit (C/L) 255 Max. 0/130
5 Plugging Distance (Current) 80 388 amp 0/55 200 to 411 amperes
6 1A Drop-Out Current 12 489 amp 0/250 450 to 1260 amperes
7 Field Weakening Pick-Up 0 N/A Not Not Applicable
(Current) Applicable
8 Field Weakening Drop-Out 0 65 amp 0/70 65 to 293 amperes
9 Regenerative Braking 100 220 amp 0/110 75 to 235 amperes
Current Limit
10 Regenerative Braking Start 10 3.70% 0/255 0% to 95% SCR ON time
(% ON time)
11 Speed Limit 1 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. voltage
switch open) (Not Used) volts
12 Speed Limit 2 (maximum 0 96% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with NC batt. voltage
switch open) (Not Used) volts
13 Speed Limit 3 (maximum 120 64% of 0/180 96% to 0% of battery
motor speed, Voltage with batt. voltage
NC switch open) volts
14 Internal Resistance 12 3 - 5/25 -
15 Battery Volts 75 72 V 70/80 72 volt operation
15 Battery Volts 85 80 V 81/183 80 volt operation
16 Pedal Position Plugging 40 228 amp 0/85 100 to 373 amperes
17 Card Type Selection Plugging 40 Select control card with
42 Regen. 42 correct functions:
FW 44 Regenerative Braking
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 5. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) Low Energy
Consumption (9-inch Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
18 Steering Pump Time Delay 25 14 sec 0/128 1.5 sec to 65 seconds
(Seat Switch)
19 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 0 to 99
20 Maintenance Alert (hours) 99 100 to 9900
21 Maintenance Speed Limit 0 None None/0 None to 180
22 Mode Reference (Reference - None None -
register for the instrument
panel display when the
battery is connected.)
23 Hourmeter (minutes) 0
24 Hourmeter (seconds) 0
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
27 Stop Plugging Set Point 65 9.7% 20/100 13.4 to 6.8%
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points to
clear Status Codes) location of last recorded
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Average value for most batteries. See procedure for more accurate value.
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 5. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) Low Energy
Consumption (9-inch Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
48 Controlled Acceleration 60 5.0 sec 8/288 255
49 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None 0 None
50 Speed Limit 1 120 64% Fcn. No. 54 180
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 40 3.5 sec 8/255 Fcn. No. 48
53 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None 0 None
54 Speed Limit 1 0 None None 180
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 30 2.6 sec 8/255 Fcn. No. 52
57 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None None None
58 Speed Limit 1 0 None Fcn. No. 62 Fcn. No. 54
59 Not Used
60 Controlled Acceleration 20 1.8 sec 8/255 Fcn. No. 56
61 FW Pick-Up Current 0 None None None
62 Speed Limit 1 0 None 0/180 Fcn. No. 58
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 5. EV-T100 Parameters - E2.00-3.20XM (72 to 80V) (Traction Card Type JY/NY) Low Energy
Consumption (9-inch Motor With Regenerative Braking and Without Field Weakening) (Continued)

Description Default
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift truck number assigned by user (tens/units) 0 to 99
Lift truck number assigned by user (thou- 100 to 9900

Table 6. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (36 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic Pump Card Type LP)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Internal Resistance 10 65 amp 0/255
Compensation Start
3 Controlled Acceleration 50 1.04 sec 25/150 0.52 to 3.1 sec
4 Current Limit (C/L) 255 Max. 0/255 Max. amperes
5 Not Used
6 Not Used
7 Controlled Acceleration 15
8 Not Used
9 Not Used
10 Not Used
11 Speed Limit 1 70 13 volts 30/70 11 to 26 volts
12 Speed Limit 2 80 21 volts 30/70 11 to 26 volts
13 Speed Limit 3 165 Maxi- 30/255 11 to maximum volts
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 6. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (36 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic

Pump Card Type LP) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
14 Speed Limit 4 165 Maxi- 30/255 11 to maximum volts
15 Not Used
16 Internal Resistance 10 2.28 volts
17 Card Type Selection with 54 High Current Limit with lockout function
BDI Low Function 57 High Current Limit with lockout function
62 High Current Limit with lockout function
17 Card Type Selection without 36 High Current Limit without lockout function
BDI Function 40 High Current Limit without lockout function
44 High Current Limit without lockout function
18 Not Used
19 Not Used
20 Not Used
21 Not Used
22 Not Used
23 Not Used
24 Not Used
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 (Temporary storage
27 Not Used
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points to
clear Status Codes) location of last recorded
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 6. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (36 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic

Pump Card Type LP) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Settings greater than 250 will disable the 1A Drop-Out function
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.
48 Controlled Acceleration 120 2.5 sec 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
49 Speed Limit 2 66 25 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
50 Speed Limit 3 133 50 volts 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 80 1.7 sec 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
53 Speed Limit 2 80 30 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
54 Speed Limit 3 155 58 volts 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 50 1.04 sec 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
57 Speed Limit 2 101 38 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
58 Speed Limit 3 255 Maxi- 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 6. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (36 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic

Pump Card Type LP) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
59 Not Used
60 Controlled Acceleration 25 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
61 Speed Limit 2 106 40 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
62 Speed Limit 3 179 67 volts 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift truck number assigned by user
Lift truck number assigned by user

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 7. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (24 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic Pump Card Type HP)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
1 Stored Statue Code 01 - 0 1/255 -
2 Internal Resistance 10 65 amp 0/255
Compensation Start
3 Controlled Acceleration 50 1.04 sec 25/150 0.52 to 3.1 sec
4 Current Limit (C/L) 255 Max. 0/255 Max. amperes
5 Not Used
6 Not Used
7 Controlled Acceleration 15
8 Not Used
9 Not Used
10 Not Used
11 Speed Limit 1 70 26 volts 60/106 22 to 40 volts
12 Speed Limit 2 80 30 volts 60/106 22 to 40 volts
13 Speed Limit 3 255 Maxi- 60/255 22 to maximum volts
14 Speed Limit 4 255 Maxi- 60/255 22 to maximum volts
15 Not Used
16 Internal Resistance 10 2.28 volts
17 Card Type Selection with 54 High Current Limit with lockout function
BDI Low Function 57 High Current Limit with lockout function
62 High Current Limit with lockout function
17 Card Type Selection without 36 High Current Limit without lockout function
BDI Function 40 High Current Limit without lockout function
44 High Current Limit without lockout function
18 Not Used
19 Not Used
20 Not Used
21 Not Used
22 Not Used
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 7. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (24 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic

Pump Card Type HP) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Min/Max Value
No. Parameter Value Parameter (Min/Max)
23 Not Used
24 Not Used
25 Monitor Register 0 - None (Temporary storage
26 Monitor Register 0 (Temporary storage
27 Not Used
28 Fault Count Pointer - - None (Temporary storage
(Must be reset to zero to register that points
clear Status Codes) to location of last
recorded fault.)
29 Set Hourmeter (tens/units) 0 0 0-99
30 Set Hourmeter 0 0 100 to 9900
Any number other than "zero" can be read as a possible fault.
Default Permitted Range
Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
Function Numbers 31 through 47 can be read and cleared with a Handset. These registers store the fault
codes and other data that the controller senses during the operation of the lift truck. These registers can
only be reset to zero. The PC software program automatically resets these registers to zero.
Function Numbers 48 through 62 enable the lift truck to be set to four performance levels by the operator.
(If the customer does not want this function available to the operator, a service person can set all four levels
to the same setting.) Each time the operator pushes the button on the instrument panel, the performance
level will increase by one step. At the maximum (rabbit) level, the performance levels will begin at the
lowest (turtle) level again.
48 Controlled Acceleration 120 2.5 sec 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
49 Speed Limit 2 66 25 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
50 Speed Limit 3 133 50 volts 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
51 Not Used
52 Controlled Acceleration 80 1.7 sec 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
53 Speed Limit 2 80 30 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)

Register Parameters Tables 2200 SRM 596

Table 7. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (24 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic

Pump Card Type HP) (Continued)

Default Permitted Range

Fcn. Description Factory Factory Minimum Maximum
No. Parameter Value Parameter Parameter
54 Speed Limit 3 160 60 volts 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
55 Not Used
56 Controlled Acceleration 50 1.04 sec 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
57 Speed Limit 2 101 38 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
58 Speed Limit 3 255 Maxi- 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
59 Not Used
60 Controlled Acceleration 25 25 150 (3.1 sec)
(0.52 sec)
61 Speed Limit 2 106 40 volts 60 (22 volts) 106 (40 volts)
62 Speed Limit 3 255 Maxi- 70 (26 volts) 255 (Maximum volts)
Description Default
The following registers store information used by the controller and the HYTECH software and do not have
function numbers assigned.
Not Used
Secure Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (tens/units) Read Only
Secure Auxiliary Hourmeter (thousands/hundreds) Read Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Reserved for use by GE GE Use Only
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number

2200 SRM 596 Register Parameters Tables

Table 7. EV-T100 Parameters - All Lift Trucks (24 to 80 volts) (Hydraulic

Pump Card Type HP) (Continued)

Description Default
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift Truck Serial Number
Lift truck number assigned by user
Lift truck number assigned by user























2200 SRM 596 3/05 (11/95) Printed in U.S.A.

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