Adjusments With PC Ev 100 and Sem - (08-2003) - Us-En
Adjusments With PC Ev 100 and Sem - (08-2003) - Us-En
Adjusments With PC Ev 100 and Sem - (08-2003) - Us-En
FOR EV-100ZX, EV-T100, SR (SEM)
J2.00-3.20XM (J40-60XM, J40-60XM 2) [A216];
E1.25-2.00XM (E25-40XM, E25-40XM 2) [D114];
E2.00-3.20XM (E45-65XM, E45-65XM 2) [F108];
E3.50-5.50XL (E70-120XL, E70-120XL 3) [C098];
J30-40XMT 2 [H160]; J1.6-2.0XMT 2 [G160];
N30XMH, N30XMH 2 [C210]
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.
NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this
Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!
Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Troubleshooting and Adjustments With a Computer Table of Contents
Computer System............................................................................................................................................... 1
Connect a PC to a Control Card.................................................................................................................... 2
Installation..................................................................................................................................................... 3
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program ......................................................................................................... 3
How to Start the Program............................................................................................................................. 3
DEMO Mode................................................................................................................................................... 4
Selecting the Communications Port ............................................................................................................. 6
Verification of Controller and Lift Truck...................................................................................................... 7
Select Lift Truck Series ................................................................................................................................. 9
Controller Card Register Parameter List..................................................................................................... 10
How to Change a Parameter ......................................................................................................................... 11
How to Save a Changed Parameter File ...................................................................................................... 12
How to Load a Saved Parameter File........................................................................................................... 13
How to Show and Remove Saved Parameter Files ...................................................................................... 14
How to Return to Factory Default Settings ................................................................................................. 15
How to Save Changes to Control Card ......................................................................................................... 16
How to View Status Codes ............................................................................................................................ 17
Saving Status Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 18
How to Show and Remove Saved Status Code Files.................................................................................... 20
Closing and Clearing Status Code List ........................................................................................................ 20
How to View Saved Register Data and Saved Status Data......................................................................... 21
How to Save Register Data and Status Code Data In .RTF and .TXT Formats ........................................ 23
GE Sentry™ Software Program ........................................................................................................................ 24
Installation..................................................................................................................................................... 24
Description ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
How to Start GE SENTRY Program............................................................................................................. 24
How to Reset MIN and MAX Display........................................................................................................... 29
Graphing Mode .............................................................................................................................................. 30
How to Exit GE SENTRY Program .............................................................................................................. 31
2200 SRM 947 Computer System
Computer System
A personal computer (PC) can be used to set trac- a. A program to set traction or pump motor
tion or pump motor functions, indicate status codes functions, indicate status codes (possible
(possible faults), and make adjustments to the oper- malfunctions), and make adjustments to the
ating limits set in the control cards. After making operating limits set in the control cards.
control adjustments with a PC, the battery must be
disconnected and the capacitors discharged by honk- Table 1. Cable Connections - Computer
ing the horn or using a 50 , 50-watt resistor from Bat to Control
(Pos) to Bat (Neg) at the control before the new set-
tings will take effect. The PC must have the follow- Model EV-100ZX and EV-T100 CONTROLS
ing minimum configuration to program motor con- Computer Connector Controller Connector
trollers: (9-Pin) (14-Pin) Y-Plug
1. Requires Windows 95™ or 98 operating system, Pin 2 (Receive) Pin 14
a Pentium 133 MHz or larger processor with 32
Pin 3 (Transmit) Pin 13
MB of RAM, 3.5 MB free space on the hard drive,
and a CD-ROM drive. Pin 5 (Signal ground) Pin 4
Computer System 2200 SRM 947
Prevent movement of the lift truck and pos-
sible injury when making checks and adjust-
ments. Before the PC is connected or discon-
nected to the control card or SEM Display
Panel of the lift truck, do the following steps:
1. Raise the drive wheels as described in the
Operating Manual or the section Periodic
Maintenance of the Service Manual for
your lift truck.
2. Turn the key to the OFF position, discon-
nect the battery, and discharge the capaci-
tor(s) as described in the Motor Controller
section of the Service Manual for your lift 1. PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC)
The capacitors can be discharged on lift 3. ADAPTER (PART OF KIT HYSTER P/N 1361412)
trucks with the SEM Display Panel using 4. CABLE ASSEMBLY (PART OF KIT HYSTER P/N
the horn. Disconnect the battery connec- 1361412)
tor, move the key to the OFF position, and 6. BACK OF DISPLAY PANEL
the operate horn until it stops making a 7. LARGE (18-PIN) CONNECTOR FOR MOTOR
sound. Do NOT make a short circuit at any CONTROLLERS
of these motor controller terminals.
Figure 1. Connecting PC to Display Panel
NOTE: The Dash Program allows a technician to
use the HYTECH or GE SENTRY SOFTWARE™ Use this procedure to connect the computer to the
program through the SEM Display Panel. These control card or to the SR or SP motor controller in
programs allow the technician to create different units without the SEM Display Panel. Turn the key
lift truck operating parameters for different users. switch to OFF. Connect the PC adapter cable at the
The Dash Program is available on a CD-ROM. Refer connector Y-Plug on the control card (EV-100ZX,
to Display Panel For SEM Controls (Windows EV-T100) or to the 12-pin connector of the SR or SP
Version) 2200 SRM 942, for information on how to motor controllers. See Table 3.
start the ITW Switches program.
Table 3. Plug-Z Connection
Connect the personal computer (PC) to the small
(9-pin) connector on the back of the SEM Display Plug-Z 24 vdc Power Source
Panel (under instrument panel). Connect the PC as Pin 2 Negative terminal
shown in Figure 1. All other units, without the SEM
Display Panel, require connecting the computer at Pin 7 Positive terminal
the motor controller. Connect the battery. SR or SP Motor Ctrl. 24 vdc Power Source
Pin 1 (23-Pin) Positive terminal
NEG Power Terminal Negative terminal
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
SELECTING THE COMMUNICATIONS Select the Logon menu to start the program. The
PORT Card I/O dialogue box is displayed with the COM
PORT list shown in Figure 5.
CAUTION The program will indicate the available ports and
Selecting a port already in use can cause show the Controller found if the correct connec-
unpredictable results or can lock up the com- tions have been made. Port selection is automatic.
Select OK or Retry as required.
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
VERIFICATION OF CONTROLLER AND NOTE: The hourmeter data is the time the control
LIFT TRUCK card has been in service since this data field was re-
set. If a new control card is being installed or if the
The program will display the Card information as control card is now used on a different truck, enter
shown in Figure 6. The fields may be updated as the hourmeter time for the lift truck.
shown below.
3. Card Hourmeter
1. Truck Serial Number
The Card Hourmeter field shows the number of
This field accepts numbers and letters as shown hours the truck has been run. This field only
in Figure 6. The first and fifth positions must be accepts numbers. The hourmeter time will be the
alpha characters and the other positions must be same time as that indicated on the instrument
numeric characters. panel.
2. Truck I.D.
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
SELECT LIFT TRUCK SERIES If the program recognizes the control type, a menu of
the truck series using the control type is displayed.
CAUTION See Figure 7. The program also automatically deter-
mines if the control is a traction control or a hydraulic
The Model Undefined option will permit the
pump control. If the control type is not recognized,
user to set Cards (parameter numbers) and
the screen shown in Figure 8 appears.
values that can cause damage to the motor
controller and the lift truck. Do not use this
option without the instructions from a HYS-
TER Company service engineer.
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
Select the lift truck series. The Card Information is selected from the truck model menu, you must en-
screen will be updated to the selected model and op- ter the correct data in all of the data fields to make
tions as shown in Figure 9. The lift truck operating the lift truck operate.
parameters are also displayed. If Model Undefined
CONTROLLER CARD REGISTER The columns in Figure 9 contain the following infor-
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
6. Max
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
Enter a filename in the Save as box and any desired HOW TO LOAD A SAVED PARAMETER
notes in the Notes box, and select Save. The file will FILE
appear on the left side as shown in Figure 12. After
making control adjustments with a PC, the battery Select Card - Save Register Data to File to access
must be disconnected and the capacitors discharged the screen shown in Figure 12. In the left-hand box,
by honking the horn or using a 50 , 50-watt resistor select the desired file to load. In this case TruckA
from Bat (Pos.) to Bat (Neg.) at the control before has been selected. Select the Load button to retrieve
the new settings will take effect. the previously saved parameters.
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
HOW TO SHOW AND REMOVE SAVED be used to show saved parameter files as shown in
PARAMETER FILES Figure 13 or to remove unwanted data files using the
Show and Remove buttons.
In addition to saving and loading parameter files, the
Card - Save Register Data to File selection can
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HOW TO RETURN TO FACTORY DEFAULT Select Card - Set to factory defaults and select
SETTINGS OK on the Save Factory dialog box that appears as
shown in Figure 14.
NOTE: This step only loads the Card column in the
program. The changed settings must be saved to the
control card. See Figure 15.
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
HOW TO SAVE CHANGES TO CONTROL After making control adjustments with a PC, the bat-
CARD tery must be disconnected and the capacitors dis-
charged by honking the horn or using a 50 , 50-watt
Select Logoff and OK. The Save Changes dialog resistor from Bat (Pos) to Bat (Neg) at the control be-
box will appear as shown in Figure 15. Select YES fore the new settings will take effect.
to save the changes and log off.
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
SAVING STATUS CODES shown in Figure 16. The Status Codes dialog box
appears as shown in Figure 18. Enter the desired
While the Status Codes window is open as shown filename in the Save as box and select the Save but-
in Figure 17, you may save the codes using the Card ton. The new file will show up in the left window.
- Status Codes - Save Status Codes selection as
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
In addition to saving status code files, the Card - The Status Codes window may be closed by select-
Status Codes - Save Status Codes selection can be ing the X in the upper right-hand corner or by typ-
used to show saved status code files or to remove un- ing Ctrl+F4. When the Status Codes window is
wanted files using the Show and Remove buttons. closed, the dialog box Clear Status Codes appears
as shown in Figure 19. Select Yes to clear the status
When a saved status code file is selected, the File - codes.
Print option is available.
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HYTECH™ Windows Software Program 2200 SRM 947
Selecting File - Saved Registration Data opens window opens as shown in Figure 21. The File -
the Register Data box as shown in Figure 21. When Save as and File - Print options are now available
a file is selected, the Remove, Show, and Close but- as shown in Figure 21.
tons become available. When the Show button is se-
2200 SRM 947 HYTECH™ Windows Software Program
HOW TO SAVE REGISTER DATA AND files may be saved: text format by selecting TXT in
STATUS CODE DATA IN .RTF AND .TXT the Save as type: box or rich text format by selecting
FORMATS RTF in the Save as type: box. Enter a file name
in the File name box and select the Save button.
Selecting the File - Save as option opens the Save An extension is not required, as the .TXT or .RTF
as dialog box shown in Figure 22. A drive and folder extension is added by the program.
may be selected using the Save in: box. Two types of
GE Sentry™ Software Program 2200 SRM 947
2200 SRM 947 GE Sentry™ Software Program
GE Sentry™ Software Program 2200 SRM 947
2200 SRM 947 GE Sentry™ Software Program
GE Sentry will try to establish communications with shown in Figure 27. If the program does not recog-
the control card through the serial communication nize the control type, you will be asked to specify the
port. If the connection is successful and the program appropriate control type.
recognizes the card type, the screen will appear as
GE Sentry™ Software Program 2200 SRM 947
Select Start from the Begin Sentry window. The di- b. Digital value received from the register on
alog box shown in Figure 27 will appear, along with the control card.
the message, Turn the Key Switch to ON Posi-
tion. c. Current real-time converted analog reading.
Turn the key switch ON and select OK. d. Minimum hold reading, lowest reading since
the last reset.
7. The ZX Control Status Monitor window will
appear as shown in Figure 28, showing six e. Maximum hold reading, highest reading
columns of data. The six columns have the fol- since the last reset.
lowing data:
f. Units, actual unit measurement reading
a. Function description. shown in volts, amps, etc.
2200 SRM 947 GE Sentry™ Software Program
HOW TO RESET MIN AND MAX DISPLAY When the ZX Control Status Monitor screen is
shown, the lift truck can be operated normally. The
When the ZX Control Status Monitor screen is monitor will continuously show the real-time status
shown, select the Reset Values button as shown in of the control and can also record the maximum and
Figure 28. The Maximum and Minimum columns are minimum values of selected functions.
reset. New Maximum and Minimum levels are then
GE Sentry™ Software Program 2200 SRM 947
GRAPHING MODE the user can plot two functions on the screen with
respect to time. This can be useful if the user is trying
Select the Graph button to enter the graph mode, to capture two separate events at one time and view
and the screen will appear as shown in Figure 29. them simultaneously.
In this mode, the computer becomes a two-channel
digital storage oscilloscope (DSO). With this feature
2200 SRM 947 GE Sentry™ Software Program
The Channel Selection window has two boxes Time - Selects the time scale for the graphs. Selec-
which allow you to make one of the following selec- tions can be from 1 to 20 for a graph length of 1 to 20
tions for each channel: seconds.
1. Motor Amps
2. Accel Volts Trigger Level - This box is set to a value of between
3. Mv Ref/Regen Amps 0 and 255. This is the digital value shown in the
4. Battery Volts Value column in the ZX Control Status Monitor
5. T2 Volts screen, as shown in Figure 28. For example, a value
6. Capacitor Volts of 181 will cause the DSO to trigger when the accel-
erator voltage exceeds 3.55 volts if a positive slope is
The Settings selection window has the boxes which selected.
control the trigger and the time base record length.
The following settings can be made: Select the Apply button to accept the settings from
the Channel Selection and Settings windows, and
Slope - Selects a positive or negative slope on which start the DSO.
to trigger. Use positive if you want to trigger on an
increasing value, and use negative if you want to trig- Select the Settings button to stop the DSO and
ger on a decreasing value. For example, if you want change the settings.
to see the motor amps as the accelerator is depressed,
Select the Close button to return to the ZX Control
set the slope to negative. The accelerator voltage de-
Status Monitor screen.
creases as the accelerator is depressed.
Mode - Selects Auto, Single of Auto Level as the HOW TO EXIT GE SENTRY PROGRAM
trigger mode. Auto causes the DSO to trigger auto-
Select the Close buttons on the DSO Screen and Be-
matically without regard to any input. Single causes
gin Sentry window, if open. Select File - Exit or use
the DSO to trigger one time when the trigger require-
the close X box in the upper right-hand corner to close
ments are met. Auto Level causes the DSO to trigger
the program.
every time the trigger requirements are met.