Safety Data Sheet: 1. Identification of The Substance/Mixture and of The Company Undertaking

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Investment Casting Powder

SAFETY DATA SHEET Date: 28/02/2019

Rev: 11


UNDERTAKING 2.2 Label elements:
Classification Regulation EC 1272/2008:
1.1 Product Identifier Specific Target Organ Toxicant- STOT RE 2—This product contains less than 10%
Product Name: Investment Casting Powder respirable crystalline silica.
REACH Registration No: Exempted in accordance with Annex V.7
Synonyms: n/a H373: May cause damage to lungs through prolonged or repeated exposure via
Trade Names: Classic, Stonecast (White/ Blue), Brasscast, Inhalation.
Eurovest, Artcast, Cobra, Sculpture, Global, Silk,
Cadcast, Silk Pro, 116, 117, Silk Neo

1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised
against: Signal Word: Warning
Main Applications (non exhaustive list):
Casting of Jewelry and Industrial products Hazard Statements:

H373: May cause damage to lungs through prolonged or repeated exposure via
1.3 Details of the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet Inhalation.
Company Name: Specialist refractory services ltd.
Address: Spencroft Road, Holditch Industrial Estate Precautionary Statements:
Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 9JE, UK P260: Do not breathe dust.
Phone No. +44 (0)1782 663600 P284: Wear respiratory protection.
Fax No. +44 (0)1782 663611 P501: Dispose of contents/containers in accordance with local regulations.
Email address: [email protected]
2.3 Other Hazards:
1.4 Emergency telephone number:
This product is an inorganic substance and does not meet the criteria for PBT or
Emergency Telephone No. +44 (0)1782 663600
vPvB in accordance with Annex XIII of REACH.
Available outside office hours? No
This product is exempt from REACH Registration.

2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture:

This product contains respirable crystalline silica (RCS). The quantity of RCS
powder that is composed of particle sizes of less than 10 μm is less than 10%
therefore making this product a STOT RE 2 according to criteria defined in the
regulation EC 1272/2008 and harmful according to criteria defined in Directive
67/548/EEC due to the potential for generation of airborne respirable crystalline.

Airborne respirable crystalline silica may be generated during the handling and
use of the product. Prolonged inhalation of high levels of respirable crystalline
silica dust has been shown to cause silicosis, a nodular pulmonary fibrosis.

Workplace exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust should be monitored and


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Investment Casting Powder
SAFETY DATA SHEET Date: 28/02/2019
Rev: 11

3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 6.2 Environmental precautions:

No special requirements.
3.1 Mixture 6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
CAS # % Avoid dry sweeping and use water spraying or vacuum cleaning systems to prevent
Cristobalite 14464-46-1 20 - 50 airborne dust generation. Wear personal protective equipment in compliance with
Quartz 14808-60-7 20 - 60 national legislation (see section 8.2.2 for specific details).
Gypsum 7778-18-9 20 - 30 6.4 Reference for other sections:
See sections 8 and 13.
3.2 Impurities
Contains between 1 and 10% of respirable crystalline silica and is classified as STOT 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE
RE 2.
7.1 Precautions for safe handling:
4. FIRST AID MEASURES Avoid airborne dust generation. Provide appropriate ventilation at places where
airborne dust is generated. In case of insufficient ventilation,(10-15 air changes
4.1 Description of first aid measures: per hour recommended) wear suitable respiratory protective equipment (see
Eye Contact: Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If section 8.2.2 for specific details). Where 10-15 air changes per hour is not
irritation persists seek medical advice. achieved, suitable local exhaust ventilation is recommended. Handle packaged
Inhalation: Move exposed person to fresh air immediately and seek medi- products carefully to prevent accidental bursting. If you require advice on safe
cal advice. handling techniques, please contact your supplier or check the good practice
Ingestion: No first aid measures required. guide referred to in section 16.
Skin Contact: No first aid measures required.
7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects both acute and delayed Minimise airborne dust generation and prevent wind dispersal during loading and
No acute and delayed symptoms and effects are observed. unloading. Keep containers closed and store packaged products so as to prevent
accidental bursting.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment 7.3 Specific end use(s) :
needed: If you require advice on specific uses, please contact your supplier or check the
No specific actions are required. good practice guide referred to in section 16.
5.1 Extinguishing media: 8.1 Control parameters:
No specific extinguishing media is needed. Follow workplace regulatory exposure limits for all types of airborne dust (e.g. total
5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture: dust, respirable dust, respirable crystalline silica dust)
Non combustible. No hazardous thermal decomposition. -3
The WEL (Workplace Exposure Limit) for respirable crystalline dust is 0.1 mg/m
5.3 Advice for firefighters: in the UK, measured as an 8 hour TWA (Time Weighted Average).
No specific fire fighting protection is required. For the equivalent limits in other countries consult your local regulatory authority.
8.2 Exposure controls:
8.2.1 Appropriate engineering controls:
Minimise airborne dust generation. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventila-
6.1 Personal precautions, protective and emergency procedures: tion or other engineering control methods to keep airborne levels below the speci-
Avoid airborne dust generation, wear personal protective equipment in fied exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fumes or mist, use ventilation
compliance with national legislation. to keep exposure to airborne particles below the exposure limit. Apply
organistional measures, e.g. by isolating personal from dusty areas. Wash hands
before breaks and at the end of the day. Remove and wash soiled clothing.
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Investment Casting Powder
SAFETY DATA SHEET Date: 28/02/2019
Rev: 11

8.2.2 Individual protection measures such as personal protective equipment 9.2 Other information:
Eye / face protection: Safety goggles to protect the eyes against dust in- No other information.
gress. Conforms to EN 166.1.B.3.4.9
Skin protection: No specific requirement. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY
Hand protection: Wash hands at the end of each work session. Use
barrier cream / pre work cream. No specific protective 10.1 Reactivity: No data available.
gloves required, however natural rubber/ latex gloves 10.2 Chemical Stability: Chemically stable.
or equivalent are advised. 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions: No hazardous reactions.
Respiratory protection: In case of prolonged exposure to airborne dust con- 10.4 Conditions to avoid: No data available.
centrations, wear respiratory equipment (e.g. respira- 10.5 Incompatible materials: No data available.
tor, powered air respirator) of FFP3 or APF 40 stand- 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products: No data available.
ards or equivalent. 11.1 Information on toxicology effects:
8.2.3 Environmental exposure controls:
Avoid wind dispersal. 11. TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION
Based on available data, the classification is not met.
9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties: b) Skin corrosion/irritation:
Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Appearance: Fine, white powder.
Odor: Odorless c) Serious eye damage/irritation:
Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Odor threshold: No components are considered hazardous.
d) Respiratory or skin sensation:
pH 7- 8 Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Melting point/ freezing point: No components are considered hazardous.
e) Germ cell mutagenicity:
Initial Boiling point: No components are considered hazardous. Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Flash point: No components are considered hazardous. f) Carcinogenicity:
Evaporation rate: No components are considered hazardous. Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Flammability: No components are considered hazardous. g) Reproductive toxicity:
Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Upper/ lower flammability exposure No components are considered hazardous.
limit: h) STOT-single exposure:
Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Vapour pressure: No components are considered hazardous.
i) STOT-repeated exposure:
Relative density: No components are considered hazardous. This product contains respirable Cristobalite and respirable quartz as an
Water solubility: Non soluble Impurity and is classified as STOT RE 2 according to criteria defined in the Reg-
ulation EC 1272/2008.
Partition coefficient: No components are considered hazardous.
Prolonged inhalation of high levels of to respirable crystalline silica dust may
Auto ignition temperature: No components are considered hazardous. cause silicosis, a nodular pulmonary fibrosis caused by deposition in the lungs
Decomposition temperature: No components are considered hazardous. of fine respirable particles.
j) Aspiration hazard: Based on available data, the classification is not met.
Viscosity: No components are considered hazardous.
Explosive Properties: No components are considered hazardous.
Oxidising properties: No components are considered hazardous.
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Investment Casting Powder
SAFETY DATA SHEET Date: 28/02/2019
Rev: 11


15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the

12.1 Toxicity: No data available. substance or mixture:
12.2 Persistence and degradability: No data available. International legislation/requirements:
12.3 Bioaccumulative potential: No data available.
Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000: Not relevant
12.4 Mobility in soil: No data available.
Regulation (EC) No 850/2004: Not relevant
12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: No data available
Regulation (EC) No 689/2008: Not relevant
12.6 Other adverse effects: No specific adverse effects known
15.2 Chemical safety assessment:
No chemical safety assessment has been carried out by the supplier.
13.1 Waste treatment methods:
Where possible, recycling is preferable to disposal. This should be carried out in Training advice:
compliance with local regulations. Employees must be trained in the proper use and handling of this product as required
Packaging: under applicable regulations.
Dust generation from residues in packaging should be avoided and suitable work Guidance Books:
protection assured. The re-use of packaging is not recommended. Recycle and EH40/2005 - Workplace Exposure Information
disposal of packaging should be carried out in compliance with local regulations EH44/1997 - Dust: General Principles of Protection
and authorized waste management company EH75/4 (2002) - Respirable Crystalline Silica - Phase 1
14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION EH75/5 (2003) - Respirable Crystalline Silica - Phase 2
HSG37 - An Introduction to Local Exhaust Ventilation
14.1 UN Number: No data available. Liability:
14.2 UN proper shipping name: No data available. Such information given on this safety data sheet is to the best of the company’s
14.3 Transport hazard class(es): knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no
ADR: Not dangerous goods. representation, warranty or guarantee is made as its accuracy, reliability or completeness.
IMDG: Not dangerous goods. It is the users responsibility to satisfy itself as to the suitability and completeness of such
ICAO/IATA: Not dangerous goods. information for their own particular use.
RID: Not dangerous goods. Indication of the changes made to the previous revision of the SDS:
14.4 Packing group: No data available. 25/02/2016– First Issue.
14.5 Environmental hazards: No data available. 30/03/2016– Rev 5, 5 new items added.
14.6 Special precautions for user: No data available. 19/04/2016– Rev 6– Ultra silk & Fifty added.
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II 03/03/2017– Rev 7– Impurities added.
of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code: No data available. 10/05/2017– Rev 8– Removal of reference to EC 453/2010.
10/10/2018– Rev 9– Document reviewed.
30/11/2018– Rev 10– Silk NEO added.
28/02/2019– Rev 11– Document review with additional information added to section 9.

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