Research Proposal Stealth Marketing

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I wish to thank and express my sincere gratitude to Dr.

Marilyn May for providing me all the support to complete my project
successfully under her guidance. Respected madam this work would not
have come out so well without your valuable suggestions and
encouragement. Even though you were hard at times later I understood that
it was for my own benefit. The advice and guidance provided by you have
helped me to work focused and bring a good work. I will be grateful all my
life for your guidance that helps me moves forward in life. Finally I also
wish to thank my parents without whom all these would have been only a

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the problem................................................................................5
1.2 Research Question...................................................................................................6
1.3 Objectives of the Research......................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................7
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................14
3.1 Research Philosophies...........................................................................................15
3.1.1 Positivism:...........................................................................................................15
3.1.2 Interpretivism......................................................................................................15
3.1.3. Realism................................................................................................................15
3.2 Research Approaches............................................................................................16
3.2.1 Inductive Approach............................................................................................16
3.2.2. Deductive Approach..........................................................................................16
3.3 Research Choices...................................................................................................17
3.3.1 Multi Method......................................................................................................17
3.3.2 Justification Multi-method.............................................................................17
3.4 Research Strategy:.................................................................................................19
3.5 Data Gathering.......................................................................................................19
3.6 Data analysis...........................................................................................................20
3.7 Time Horizon..........................................................................................................21
3.8 Resources................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER 4: LIMITATIONS...........................................................................................23
4.1 Sample size.............................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 5: ETHICAL ISSUES.....................................................................................25
CHAPTER 6: CREDIBILITY AND RELIABILITY........................................................25
CHAPTER 7: REFERENCE.............................................................................................27
Survey questionnaire...................................................................................................31

An analysis on the major effects of Stealth


This research is based on the explanatory research which mainly deals with the ethical
implications of Stealth marketing and it deals with the arguments on whether this must be
One of the best definitions for stealth marketing was quoted by Broyles, Sheri. (2006) as, the act
of involving in the advertisement of the services, products in such a manner that they trigger the
people and make them buy them. People are nowhere aware of the fact that they are being played
in others hands and are made to buy the product.
Organizations have started to use the new kind of marketing which gives several false scopes and
this prevents the people from looking in to any new product or advertisement and in a way it
cheats the people for their personal benefits. This is completely un ethical practice and the main
aim of this research is to open the eyes of the consumers to make them really understand which is
real and this will prevent the consumer deception. More over consumers should think diversely
and this will present in the elimination of the arrow thinking when they are buying products.
The evolution of media and communication in form of the Smart phones, TV and others have lead
to the growth of marketing and this has lead to huge competition as more amount of businesses
have emerged and every one are using the same medium to broadcast their advertisements. As
more amount of competition has raised this has created huge problem in the marketing industry
and this has made them to the false marketing practices where they are in to cheating people.
In this work it deals with the customers and their views as a result the customers are interviewed
on the several items and their opinion is collected regarding the marketing trends and the
promises made to them through the advertisements. Many of which focuses on the reflections on
what they had seen and did they really gain those in reality what they had seen.
Many organizations are involved in this type of the marketing where they use the stunts to attract
the customers and these stunts are all done by their own people who gain benefits from them and
this will attract customers because the ad film makers focus on the point where the consumers

will get flattered and they know what to tell or show in order to make the product successful in
the market.

The main purpose of this research is to open the eyes of the Advertisement Standards Agency in
country like India and other parts of Asia where they are not much aware of it.
The main reason for choosing this topic is the social view of the common man and protecting
them from getting cheated as the researcher has also been a victim of Stealth marketing. This
work will be a firm stem against the mentality of the organizations to cheat the people by their
false marketing practices

1.1 Background of the problem

The old practices in the marketing were more ethical in nature. Purely based on the values and
they were very straight, purely truth and honest. They never meant to cheat people. The old
practices were more transparent. More focused on their stake holders, mainly the customers and
they took care of all the problems.
The new methods of marketing are more unethical; and this is more on stealth marketing. The
basic line of stealth marketing is that it focuses more on the weak points of the customers and
hence they never focus on exposing the real facts to them. Celebrities are used to advertise the
product as they use it even if they dont. Hence this kind of marketing should be prevented to
avoid people from getting cheated.
Deceptive advertisement is one that makes a statement on the product which is not true or creates
an false illusion among the people on the product, leading creation of a favorable impact on their
product on the customers thus purely deceiving them (Thomas 2004).
This is a type of the covert marketing where the individual involved in the process of the
advertisement hides the information that he/she is with the organization (Shin 2006). One very
famous recorded incident of stealth marketing is the case of Sony Ericsson where they made
celebrities act like tourist in order to advertise their product. These faked artist were responsible
for calling the common people and asking them to take photos; pretending to be the tourist.
(Branscum 2004; Vranica 2002)
The research topic was selected on background reasons of unethical advertisement practices of
companies and the effect of it in the consumer market. This work is more suitable for the
researcher and based on the researchers personal experience as the researcher has been a sales
person. The researcher has personally felt the dissatisfaction among the people when they dont

get what they had seen or said in the advertisement. Hence this research will help the researcher
in bringing out a solution for the problem that has been in mind for a long time for the benefit of
the society.

1.2 Research Question

The research questions for evaluation are;

1. Why stealth marketing is consider as unethical issue?

2. What makes stealth marketing to be a social evil which deceives the people?
3. What are the ways in which people have been affected by Stealth marketing?
4. What has been the major action taken against the stealth marketing legally by the
Government in the developed countries?
5. What are the positive implications of Stealth marketing and can this is used positively?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

The main aim of this study is examining the implications of stealth marketing and this work
focuses on the ethical issues. As in many of the countries they are still not sure of what is stealth
marketing; this work mainly aims to be an eye opener for those nations to understand the real
problems faced due to the Stealth marketing and works on resolving them to provide a better
optimal solution which will avoid the customers falling in the hands of the wrong people ion the

1. To analyze the different consumer attitudes with respect to buying and their views
on the stealth marketing
2. To analyze the different practices of stealth marketing and its effect on the people
3. To identify the ethical issues in stealth marketing
4. To identify the possible solutions and give recommendations to avoid customer


Stealth marketing is purely the act of deceiving the people and making them believes in the false
information on the products purely for the profits and the benefits of the organization. (Koslow,
Scott, 2000)
They can involve the;
a) False promises
b) No straight descriptions and mostly leading to the false illusions on the product
c) Only showing the people the good testimonials and hiding the negative testimonials done
against them
d) Cloud leading to the false assumptions

As per the opinion of many people they argue that stealth marketing helps them in taking them to
the right customers by actually moving the process of marketing to the place where the common
people live, move around and this is a very casual process. (Wasserman, Todd 2006).
Many directors encourage this form of stealth marketing rather than trying to explain the concept
over television sitting in some part of the remote world where they can never feel the taste or
choices of the customers but in reality they do believe that in the process of the stealth marketing
the people involved also will have a real feel for the process of the marketing because they feel
and see every one as real and this thrill will die off when they come to know the people involved
in this process are being paid to do so. (Shin 2006).

This process of the stealth marketing will help in the coordination and building in a harmonious
relation with the customers. Hence the organizations have come in to the belief that this type of
the marketing are more casual and will help in close interactions with the clients, common people
than other big stunts which are a complete wastage of the money and other resources. Thus
stealth marketing can be used as a tool to attract the right customer at the right time. (Branscum,

As per the opinion rules of the American national marketing Association AMA the process of the
stealth marketing is not legal as it is completely on the unethical and dishonest grounds because
according to the rules mentioned in this the process of the marketing should always help in
fostering the trust and the belief in the people.(Journal of Marketing, 1948) It should also bring
them the belief in the system and the society and this integrity will help in the process of gaining

confidence from them, For example as per the principles they will have to go in for the process of
honesty, openness, trustworthiness, fairness, truth and when not satisfying these principles under
the AMA then they are classified as illegal or the cheap marketing tricks.

The most important of all is to follow in the principles of the fairness where they are open to the
consumers and tell them the current abilities of their products rather than boasting some stunts
which are not possible in the reality. Any form of the false promotions should be completely
avoided and this will help in the process of the promotion of their product in a large scale.
(Walker, Rob 2004)

Hence by communicating clearly, openly and by going in for a large scale marketing campaign
they can prove themselves because they can use the principles of the honesty as a competitor
advantage. This will help in attracting more people by the word of mouth as this will spread
everywhere (Vranica 2002)

The Procter & Gamble way of the marketing is different because they never pay more to their
people to involve in the additional marketing where they are using this to communicate with the
people and here the people who are interacting with the people are not thought to communicate or
what to speak to the people; hence they have openness and directness in communicating with the
people. They have more freedom and independence in the process of the communication. But the
only process they fail is they exploit the relations in the society for their own personal benefits
where they are giving some commissions or benefits for the people who are involved in this
process. (Roehm, Michelle 2007) here they use their friendship or the relation to sell their
products and this type of the marketing exploits the social factors and disturbs the relationship as
if found people start examining why their friends / relatives are focusing on them to buy those
products and once found they will start to disrespect them because they will lose the faith in
them. (Horovitz , Bruce 2005)

WOMMA code is up against the principle of the intrusion because they view this as a process
which is against the rights of the customers and it completely disturbs their privacy because their
independence is completely disturbed and they are put in to constant trouble. (WOMMA Word
of mouth marketing association 2007)

In many cases the main factor which is disturbed is the personal lives of the people, their
independence as they are forced to concentrate on a specific product by the false marketing.
WOMMA is one of the most prominent organizations fighting against the customer deception.
Different types of the ethics involved are;
a) Price Ethics: Fixing the right price
b) Value based ethics: Telling the customers only what the product can do rather than giving
the false scope. They were more based on preserving the values.
c) Never indulge in decreasing the quality / quantity in order to gain the attraction of the
people to sell the goods at low price compared to the competitor
d) They never indulged in attacking the privacy of the customers
e) All their advertisements were based on the current product, its real taste and features;
they never gave the negative advertisements which marketed falsely on the product and its
features. They also never used the false people who pretend to be the customers and thus indulge
in cheating the people
f) More cautious on the ethical issues relating to sex and the violence involved in their
advertisements made

In the recent times there has been a new trend in the process of the marketing where in they use
their products in the movies and in the theaters. For example they have recently used the cars of
General motors in the Matrix, Transformers and in Star wars movies. Thus they use the strategies
of the movies for the purpose of the digital marketing because they use this as a competitor
advantage over the others. (Crain, Rance 2007)

Initially people were against this and they didnt even allow the marketing of the products in the
theaters and later they accepted and now even in the movies we can see the products being
advertised and they spend in huge amount on such kind of marketing. But how ever there are
certain classes of people who are more addicted in to the marketing in movies where they see a
super hero using a brand car and they also want to use the same for the pride of owning it.
(Boyer, 2007)

The theaters are also in to the process of advertising on the products only for their own benefits
and they never care on the quality of the good or the service offered. (Rowan, David, 2006).
As per the ideas of Martin and Smith (2008), stealth market can be used to certain extent if they
are going in for the marketing of the right product but if they are using this to market the false

product then the entire process will be of cheating the innocent people. Hence this needs to be
taken very seriously as it is a sin to deceive some one even in the context of the religions.

This is considered as one of the greatest social evils because the people who are cheated loose the
hope of the society and hence they are guided to the wrong things. It is completely against the
principles of honesty and truth because here they are more on deceiving the people and the people
will feel bad and also loose the hope on the society. (Shin, Annys 2006) They will also not
believe any other good products as they have lost the hope and some also will start involving in
cheating or deceiving others as they believe they can gain good profit in this. Thus it is the
beginning of all the social crimes which has to be taken very seriously. (Donaton, Scott 2004)

In some cases they tell the customers certain facts un knowingly and this is a very rare probability
but most of them do it wontedly for their own personal good and hence this is considered against
the ethics (Turner, J.H., 1994) Sony Ericcson could have done the marketing straightly to the
people but they involved in some thing which makes them loose their image among the people as
the people will never believe them again; one most important thing to be considered between the
organization and the customer is the honesty in their relation. They can use the social media to
effectively market their ideas to the public instead of cheating the public. (Riedl, et. al, 2002)

The customers will expect the organization to be honest in their promises, product and services as
this will put an end to most of the problems like Stealth marketing. (Martin, Kelly, 2008) One
common argument being put forward is that when they are going to produce a good product then
what is the need for going in for such cheap king of the tricks to sell their products. Hence these
organizations fail to focus on the ethical factors of stealth marketing (Kaikati and Kaikati, 2004)

Key Words Author

Customer Relationship, Resource Branscum Stealth marketing can be used for a better relationship
utilization with people and help in the reduction of the resources in the process
of large scale marketing

Intrusion, Independence of people WOMMA this organization has codes against the organizations
using the intruders who disturb the independence of the people and

involve in the process of SM

Benefits of customers Rowan, David Organizations are more focused on their own profits
and never care of the people

Deceiving, Sin Martin and Smith If SM is used for marketing a right product then
it is good but vice versa is deceiving the customers

Cheap publicity, Stealth marketing Crain - Getting noticed merely will not satisfy the process of the
failures, lacking customer focus marketing and a good example is the failure of the movie Snake on
the plane after all the tricks they played. The products of the Sony
Ericson also have not been success in the market in the recent times
mainly because they had spent in more time in these cheap publicity
stunts and lost focus on their product

Future of marketing, Social media, Riedl, et. al, 2002 The next future of the marketing lies in the social
Face book, Cost effective, positive media sites as most of the organizations have started to focus on the
marketing latest media sites like the Facebook and Twitter where they see big
opportunities to gain the attention of the people. They also have
gained confidence in gaining the insight of the people rather than
spending on millions in the false marketing campaigns. The process
of the marketing has been made more easier, simple and the cost
effective due to the emergence of the internet and latest computer

Positive shades, protector, film Donaton - one of the great advantages of the SM is that it can be
industry, advantages, latest used in the positive side for saving a diminishing industry. It is well
technologies known in the recent times the movie producers and the distributors
have been highly affected due to the piracy and if spending in
millions always make them afraid of the game. But to help those the
companies mainly like GM, BMW have helped the production
houses by sponsoring them their latest cars to be shown in their

movies and this also has brought down the production cost

Positive tool, Positive product, Martin and Smith - SM can be used as a positive tool and it will
Reputation, loss faced by the grant success only when it is used to market a good and efficient
organizations involved in SM product. Rather if they use it to market the false product the people
will come to know about it at some point of time and they will have
to pay a huge price by losing their reputation

Research Aims / Questions Author

To analyze the different consumer Branscum SM can be used as a positive tool by
buying behaviors and their views on the aligning them with the consumer buying behavior
stealth marketing

To analyze the different consumer Riedl - this can be used to give a new shade and
attitudes with respect to buying and innovative dimension to the process of the marketing. In
their views on the stealth marketing future the process of the marketing should be based on
the latest technology and not like the old times.
By using the modern methods like Social sites they can
easily understand the attitude and the needs of the
customers very easily

What are the ways in which people have been Horovitz SM in most of the cases affect the personal
affected by Stealth marketing? lives of the people involved also like the case of the
Procter and Gamble company where they played by
using family members to market their product. In the
view of the organization they can lose a customer but in
most of the cases it has brought chaos on the lives of the
family and affected the relationship among the people.

Why stealth marketing is consider as unethical Kaikati and Kaikati Stealth marketing is a kind of
issue? covert marketing where the people involved are hidden
and show as non beneficial to people. It is directly
cheating the people and crashing their belief

What makes stealth marketing to be a social Martin and Smith Stealth marketing is a process of
evil which deceives the people? deceiving the people because they are hidden and a
mind game to manipulate the psychology of the people


The research methodology is defined as a systematic and logical plan by which the research will
be conducted. It is compared to the blue print of a building created by the architect.
The research methodology explains the suitable research philosophy, the selected research
approach, the strategy used and the data collection and interpretation steps which define the
research method. (kumar, 2008)

Research approach



Mixed method
Data collection section
& analysis

Case study


Research strategy

Research choices

Time horizon

Techniques and procedures

3.1 Research Philosophies

3.1.1 Positivism:

As the name implies it is completely positive and based on the truth; namely it is completely
based on the methods to research and prove the truth. This is achieved by using the real facts
which are completely true and this method is a very much scientific and at the same time a
realistic method. (Ritzer, 1996)
It is completely based real world experience. It also involves verifying the data as it is more
affiliated to the quantitative than the qualitative because more amount of the numerical datas are
involved here.

3.1.2 Interpretivism

This is more based on the society and the social aspects; as this is the research conducted on all
the human aspects like their relationships and the main drawback of this research is that not
everything likes the human emotions are not measurable. But as the name implies it is more
interpretative and it is completely based on the real time experiences gathered which makes this
research special one (Browne, 1992)
As this research is based on the real human experiences and is more based on the social aspects
this work is more a socialistic approach.

3.1.3. Realism

This is one of the researches about realism; and it is an external research which proves that out
our mind there exists is completely based on the scientific approach and at any point of
time can be proved and validated (kumar,2008)
This research is more based on the human perceptions as the companies strategically use their
weak points and they cheat them because they know how their mind will perceive the things.
The main situational factors in this study are the specific places like the developed nations and
the developing nations. The other factors like the influence on the social and the cultural factors
in the process of influencing the people to become prey for the stealth marketing is discussed in

3.2 Research Approaches

There are different types of the research approaches and the main ones used here are the Inductive
and the Deductive approaches.

3.2.1 Inductive Approach

It is a bottom up method where they first formulate a hypothesis and then climb the ladder to do
the research to prove the hypothesis and it is more based on the qualitative data (Gill & Johnson,
This approach is based on the ideology of the Interpretivism, where the things are all understood
from the real world happenings and real experiences of the researcher. This is more based on the
interpretation of real time happenings. This approach helps the researcher to analyze things and
work on the reasoning of the question under study. It is more linked in specificity to the topic
under study and is based on linking the real world happenings and experiences based on the topic
under discussion. The amount of uncertainty involved in this research is higher and so is the risk
and lacks guarantee for the proof.

3.2.2. Deductive Approach

This approach is about the current theories and the models based on which the data is collected
which are mostly quantitative to prove the theories. Using this more analysis can be made and it
is a top down approach where they can also end up in formulating new hypothesis also. (Robson,
The given study also is more exploratory study and it is highly deductive as we use the existing
journals and articles based on the stealth marketing for the research. This is more based on the
philosophy of positivism and there is a range of hypothesis to be proved. This is more generalized
and is not specific like the inductive approach. Here the researcher needs to think more generic
and apply those ideas to the research under the study.

The success of any research depends on choosing the appropriate kind of the research
methodology and applying them in the right manner.

3.3 Research Choices

Quantitative methodology and Qualitative methodology:

The quantitative data consists of numeric values indicating how much or how many and are based
on either the ratios or interval scale form of measurement. The Quantitative methods are based on
frequencies and numbers done through questionnaires, experiments and other kinds of tests rather
than the experience or the meaning of the product. This methodology provides results which are
reliable and statistically easy to analyse. This method fails to provide the in-depth analysis of a
Qualitative data are based on either the ordinal or nominal scale of measurement and describe the
quality of the data rather than the numeric form of it. (Punch, 2005). This method follows systems
susch as case studies and interviews and are more valid rather than their reliability. This
methodology provides an in-depth and extensive result on the research.

3.3.1 Multi Method

As the methodology in this work involves

1. Quantitative methodology &
2. Qualitative methodology
This is more of a multi-method research. The quantitative method provides statistical data backed
up with the sources of qualitative method.

3.3.2 Justification Multi-method

The researcher uses both quantitative method and qualitative method through survey
questionnaires and interviews respectively.
Survey Questionnaire are defined as a list of research related questions that are handed out to the
target group customers in order to attain a required or specific information. The questionnaire
serves the basic purpose of collecting specific data, making them analysable and keeping the
research unbiased, while Interviews are personal, formal meetings conducted by the researcher
with an important official in the sector in order to attain the qualitative results.
Survey questionnaires will be used to collect primary data from the target group of customers as it
is easy for processing and interpreting the data and also the sample size can be met. Meanwhile

interviews will be conducted with the officials to get their opinion which is mainly the quality
issue of stealth marketing. This research therefore provides both the numerical values and quality
of the research and hence is a mixed method of research.

Comparison: Qualitative Vs Quantitative research

Source : (McCullough)

3.4 Research Strategy:

The research strategy is a general process through which the research is carried out. This research
is done by conducting survey questionnaires for the quantitative data and interviews for the
qualitative data. With both qualitative and quantitative data gathered, this follows a multi method
research methodology. This research is more of a quantitative method as survey questionnaire is
used to collect data which is easy and reliable while interviews are time consuming and at times
becomes difficult to get an appointment with the officials. Therefore the researcher has adopted
the questionnaire method to gather primary data.

3.5 Data Gathering

The planned research is mainly conducted and the data gathering is made from customers visiting
the common places like the show rooms and shopping malls where they ask for the details and
then data is collected by handing out survey questionnaire to the respondents, which is mostly
formed of closed end questions and a few open ended questions where the customers are given

space to express their opinion. The selection of respondents for the survey is done randomly by
selecting an nth customer passing through the main corridor in the shopping mall or showroom.
This method is more based on the random sampling method where the data collected from the
target group randomly and this will help in ensuring the collected data is based on the target
group of consumer. Also the qualitative method of data collection will be done through
interviews (face-to-face) conducted with the officials of the advertisement agency and

3.6 Data analysis

Data analysis in general is defined as the process of analyzing or computing the gathered
summaries collected during the data collection process. (Mirkin, 2011) Data analysis is mainly of
2 types namely confirmatory data analysis and exploratory data analysis. The former is based on
confirming the research with existing sources while the latter is more of an exploring procedure.
This research is more of exploratory procedure and will use data analysis tools such as histogram
and pie chart. MS-Excel will be used for the purpose of data analysis and interpretation.

3.7 Time Horizon

The approximate time line for the accomplishing the research is as follows;


Evaluation of
with respect
to the
under study
Initial report

W - Week

3.8 Resources

Primary research:

The primary research provides specific and exploratory data required for the research. The
primary research is carried out with questionnaires and interview with the target group.
The primary resources are:
Questionnaire and Interview data collected from;
1. common customers,
2. government officials
3. Officials in the Marketing department
4. Advertisement agencies
Secondary research
Secondary research is done by the researcher by comparing the gathered data with existing
sources or materials of the relevant research. The data collected for this are mostly dated as they
already exist.
Secondary sources
1. News papers
2. Journals
3. Magazines
4. any valid articles from the web on the Stealth marketing

1. Primary data - Nil
2. Travel Expenses - 300 Pounds ( Subjected To change)
3. Data collection
/ Internet usages - 250 Pounds
4. printer charges - 150 Pounds
5. Binding - 50 Pounds
6. Miscellaneous - 100 Pounds
850 Pounds


The limitations of the study are;

1. This is a student level work and hence the chance of gaining in the financial support /
grant is very less
2. The sample size is defined as the group or number of people selected for the research and
is very large here and in a short span of time collecting all the data becomes a great
3. The reliability on the web sources / the survey data on web site is less

4.1 Sample size

The sample size for a research is generally based on certain factors such as the accuracy for the
result; available budget etc. In this case, the researcher has chosen a sample size of 100 and will
be handing out questionnaires to the same. Also interviews will be conducted with the officials of
the advertisement agencies and the government which is done for qualitative purpose. The
number of interviews to be conducted with the officials will depend on their appointment
availability and time factor.

4.2 Sampling techniques

In general there are 2 types of sampling techniques namely, Probability sampling and Non-
probability sampling.

Probability sampling:
Probability sampling is a technique that uses random selection of respondents for the research
through some random selection process such as selecting an nth person coming out from the stall
as in this research. This research will follow probability sampling as random sampling will be
Random sampling is carried out for this research as it is the easiest way to gather data from a
known target group rather than conducting interviews to the consumers which is time consuming.

Non- probability sampling:
Non-probability sampling does not support random selection of the sample. Non -probability
sampling is done when there is no practical or theoretical possibility to do random sampling.
(Nonprobability sampling)
The following is a brief discussion of the sampling techniques

Source: Black, T. R. (1999). Doing quantitative research in the social sciences: An integrated
approach to Research design, measurement, and statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
Publications, Inc. (p. 118


Since this research is more of the stealth marketing it should be based on the ethical practices.
Any participants or the public should not be forced to respond for the survey questionnaire.
Moreover as a lot of government officials and people from leading organizations are interviewed
for the research; all their names and details are kept confidential and they are nowhere referred
anywhere in the research except this of the variables like Person X / Y. Similarly all the laws and
the regulations are followed, they are very open in the process of interviews; no bias has been
followed anywhere in the research to wards any person or the group.
All the works are clearly cited in this work and this work is completely dedicated for the benefit
of the common people as it is a preventive measure against the social evil called the stealth


This refers to how far this research is credible; is it reliable and is it believable.
Credibility refers to establishing the results of a qualitative research. In a qualitative research it is
only the participant who is able to understand the concept of the research since it is based on the
participants point of view. Reliability on the other hand is a fraction or ratio, in scale, it is said to
be the ratio of the true level of measure to the entire measure. It is more like a comparison with
the existing records and is for the quantitative data. (Mertens, 2008)
This work is highly reliable because it is based on the past works in this field and it deals with
one of the social factors affecting the people called as the stealth marketing. It is a research more
on the social implications.
Here the sample space is very vast as it is based on the study on the common people here the
sample taken are the common people in the specific regions. Hence they can be easily generalized
to the larger population space of the region as all the people in the region can never be
interviewed at the same time. The target group for this research includes youths, businessmen and
housewives. The target groups were identified on the basis of consumers having some knowledge
about stealth marketing and as the research cover stealth marketing of electronic devices and
household appliances where the research issue prevails commonly, it included mostly of the
selected target groups. More over by using random sampling here the population is questioned

randomly and there is no chance of a particular set of people being left off and all the people in
the given sample space will be covered.
A pilot test or study is a mock or a practice that the researcher intends to carry out with a group of
known individuals prior to carrying out the actual survey. This gives the researcher more
confidence to carry out the survey to the target group by preparing earlier itself. It is like a
smaller version of the full study. The researcher in this case decided to carry out a pilot test with
his friends and could alter the questionnaire as per their suggestions if any difficulties prevail.
This pilot test will help to improve the reliability of the research.
The given work is valid work as it is more based on results from
1. the survey questionnaire,
2. interview data
- Which are all recorded and can be proven for their validity
This work is based on the existing proven theories and this has been expanded based on
the experiments conducted. New ideas and the theories have been formulated based on
the grounded theory approach.


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Survey questionnaire
Sample Questions asked to target group customers

1) Do you receive all the promised features of the products at the end of the day?
Please specify your satisfaction level? 5 being highest 1 2 3 4 5

2) Do you think the people you say on the shop floor or the pavement using the particular
product or praising them are doing the Stealth marketing? YES / NO

3) Have you had any such experience and if yes please share it? YES / NO

4) Do you feel cheated at the end of the day? YES / NO

5) What is your feeling on the consumer deception? Do you feel like being a scope goat?

6) Do you feel Government has to be stricter on preventing such issue? YES / NO

7) What do you feel can be a preventive solution for this problem?

8) What are the effects of stealth marketing on your personal lives?

9) Do you believe on the modern methods like the social sites and do they do a real
marketing? YES / NO

If no, explain how you or someone you know became a victim of the false marketing on the social

10) What makes you buy a specific product?

11) Why do you get attracted to that?

Rate the following in scale of 5 with 5 being the highest

- The suggestions of your friends and relatives on a specific product 1 2 3 4 5

- The advertisements shown on the television 1 2 3 4 5

- The influence of some strange and his opinion on the product 1 2 3 4 5

- Your belief on the product 1 2 3 4 5

- The brand reputation 1 2 3 4 5

- The price 1 2 3 4 5

- The value 1 2 3 4 5

- Their principle of ethics and honesty 1 2 3 4 5


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