List of Documents / Records To Be Verified During The Visit (Records of Last Three Years To Be Made Available, Wherever Applicable)
List of Documents / Records To Be Verified During The Visit (Records of Last Three Years To Be Made Available, Wherever Applicable)
List of Documents / Records To Be Verified During The Visit (Records of Last Three Years To Be Made Available, Wherever Applicable)
The list below is just a guideline. The Institution may prepare their own list of documents in support of
the SAR that they are submitting.
Institution Specific
I.1. Composition of GC/GB, Senate and other Academic and Administrative bodies, their functions and
responsibilities. List of all the meetings held in the past 3 years along with the attendance records,
minutes and action-taken reports of a few meetings of such bodies along with the list of current faculty
members who are members of such bodies.
I.2. Rules, policies and procedures published by the Institution including service book and academic
regulations along with the proof that the employees/students are aware of the rules and procedures.
I.11. Handouts/files along with Outcomes; list of additional topics to meet the outcomes.
I.14. Documented feedback received from the stake-holders (e.g., Industries, Parents, Alumni, Financiers,
etc.) of the Institution.
I.15. List of faculty along with their qualifications teaching first year courses.
111 Tier II
National Board of Accreditation
Program Specific
Each program for which an institution seeks accreditation or reaccreditation must have in place:
P.4 List/Number of students who cleared the program in 4 years (last 3 years data).
P.5 Average Grade point (CGPA) (last 3 years data of students’ CGPA/ percentage).
P.8 List of students’ papers along with hard-copies of the publications; professional society
publications/magazines, etc.
P.11 Faculty details with their service books, salary details, sample appointment letters, promotion and
award letters/certificates.
P.12 Faculty list with designation, qualification, joining date, publication, R & D, interaction details.
P.13 List of faculty publications along with DOIs and publication/citation details.
P.14 List of R & D and consultancy projects along with approvals and project completion reports
P.17 List of program specific labs and computing facilities within the department.
Tier II
Institutions 112
National Board of Accreditation
P.24 Course files, plan of course delivery, question papers, answer scripts, assignments, reports of
assignments, project reports, report of design projects, list of laboratory experiments, reports of
laboratory experiments, etc.
P.27. Direct and indirect assessment to show attainment of POs and PSOs.
113 Tier II