State Variable Oscillators PDF
State Variable Oscillators PDF
State Variable Oscillators PDF
S.S. Gupta
The CO, FO and NEs for this case are given by:
C1RI = C2R3 (12)
Fig. 1 Synthesis of SRCO based upon matrix [ A ] of eqn. 4 The circuit implementation of eqns. 14 and 15 is shown
Each CFOA is characterised by i, = 0 , v, = vy. i7 = 1, and vIv = vi in Fig. 3, whereas its ST-version is shown in Fig. 4. In
case of the circuit of Fig. 3, NT is possible between
nodes a and a'; however, N T does not apply for the
structure of Fig. 4.
136 IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst., Vol. 145, No. 2,April 1998
Cuse 111. If we take u l , to be a function of R2 also, for cuits possessing the desired type of tuning laws in
example, a l l = (l/CI)(- l/Rl - 1/R2 + l/Rq) then, in which CO is independently adjustable with R I , whereas
order that. with C1 = C,, the terms corresponding to R2 FO is noninteractingly controllable with R,.
cancel in (all + u2,), the element U,, has to be li(CzR2). In this context, note that, whereas the circuits of
The product a11u22suggests that the product a12u21 Figs. 5 and 6 do require C1 = C, to achieve the
should be (l/ClC,)(-l/(&,R2) - l/(R,2)) which means u I 2 intended decoupling of CO and FO, no such conditions
can be either (l/C,)(l/~, + 1/R2) or -1/(ClR2). As in are needed in case of the circuits of Figs. 1-4. Also, the
earlier cases, the latter khoice is not of interest and is circuit of Fig. 6 can easily provide a current mode out-
rejected. Thus, a I 2 = I(I/C~)(~/R~ + 1/R2) fixes the put by ungrounding terminal ‘p’ and connecting it to a
choice of u21 as -l/(C2R2). The resulting matrix, thus, is load resistor R,.
written as: The following other features, of the circuits evolved
here, are worth noticing:
Grounded resistor controls: SRC control of FO through
a grounded resistor makes it easier to incorporate
FET-based voltage controlled resistors (VCR) thereby
An oscillator based upon the matrix [A] of eqn. 16 will leading to VCO realisations, whereas SRC control of
have CO as: CO through a grounded resistor is desirable from the
viewpoint of easy incorporation of amplitude stabilisa-
tionicontrol circuitry. The circuits of Figs. 1, 3 and 4
which reduces to RI = ,R3,
for C1 = C,. On the other provide FO control through grounded R,, whereas that
hand, FO is given by: of Fig. 2 provides only the control of CO through a
grounded resistor R I . The circuit of Fig. 1, however,
fo = 1/274~2R3CIC2) (18) provides controls of CO and FO through separate
The above choice of parameters results in the following grounded resistors R I and RZ, respectively, and is,
NEs: therefore, superior to all other SRCOs from this view-
ESf;.ct of z-pin parasitic cupucitunces: In case of the cir-
cuits of Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 5 , the z-pin parasitic capaci-
tances can be merged with the main external
capacitances and hence, these parasitics do not affect
The implementation of above NEs results in the circuit the circuit behaviour in any way. On the other hand, in
shown in Fig. 5 wherkas its ST-version is shown in the remaining circuits of Figs. 4 and 6, where only one
Fig. 6. It may be ncted that, in this case, N T is appli- capacitor is connected to z-terminal, it is noted that the
cable to node pairs u k ‘ and h-h‘ in the circuit of parasitic capacitance at the z-terminal of the second
Fig. 5, whereas it is applicable to only one node pair CFOA is shorted out and made ineffective by the z-ter-
e-e’ in case of the circuit of Fig. 6. mina1 being connected to ground (as in Fig. 6) or vir-
tual ground (as in Fig. 4).
Design of active-R SRCOs: Out of all the circuits pre-
sented here, those of Figs. 1 , 2, 3 and 5 facilitate the
realisation of active-R SRCOs by incorporating z-pin
internal parasitic capacitances (typically 4.5-5.5pF) in
place of the external capacitors C1 and C2 (similar to
the techniques employed in [6-81). The circuits of Figs.
4 and 6 may also provide this feature by accounting y-
I terminal parasitic capacitance of the second CFOA.
Fig.5 SRCO Imed upon r d t r m ( A ] of cqn 16 Finally, it may be mentioned that, out of the six
SRCOs derived here, that of Fig. 2 has been published
earlier in [7]; as Far as is known, all the remaining five
SRCOs are new. Also, the circuits presented here do
not exhaust all possible SRCOs which could be made
from two CFOAs, three resistors and two GCs. Based
upon a systematic generation of all possible forms of
matrix [A], a complete catalogue of two-CFOA-three-
resistors-two-GC SRCO circuits has been generated
and is currently being investigated. Details of this
work, including experimental and simulation studies,
will be forwarded for publication at a later date.
138 IEE Pvoc.-Ciucuit.r Devices Syst.. Vol. 145, No. 2, April 1998