Demystifying Tdls Focus On l22 The New Kid On The Block
Demystifying Tdls Focus On l22 The New Kid On The Block
Demystifying Tdls Focus On l22 The New Kid On The Block
Focus on Link 22
Due to the lack of Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) resistance provided by Link 11 using an easily
jammable single frequency system, and a lack of Beyond Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) capability when using
Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS)/Link 16 (without relay), North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation (NATO) recognised the need for a new system which could overcome both of these issues.
This was particularly important for naval platforms, as MIDS/Link 16 using Ultra High Frequency (UHF) would
only provide connectivity for around 20 miles. To achieve Link 16 connectivity over greater distances
airborne relay platforms would be desirable, however, not always available. Hence Link 22 was born to
overcome these problems, while also providing several other improvements over Link 11. The aims of Link
22 may be described as: to replace Link 11, thereby removing its inherent limitations; to improve allied
interoperability; to complement Link 16; and to enhance the commanders’ war fighting capability.
Link 22 History
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and the United States of America signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop and sustain the core products necessary to meet the
NATO requirements for Link 22. These seven nations are referred to as the NILE Nations. The core element
of the Link 22 system, the System Network Controller (SNC) has been jointly developed by the NILE
nations. The SNC software is only available through the NILE programme office; the aim being to ensure
Interoperability (IO) between users who will all be using the same software. The other elements of a
complete Link 22 system: the Tactical Data System (TDS); the Data Link Processor (DLP); the SNC; and the
radios, are procured as a national responsibility. The final element, the Link Level Communications
Security (COMSEC) (LLC) unit, has been developed in the United States (US) and is available via US
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) procedures.
• Automatic relay between all NILE Units (NUs) using available networks without the need of an
airborne relay;
• Network Management is highly automated, relatively simple and includes features such as
dynamic bandwidth allocation;
• No requirement for a Net Control Station (NCS). Designed with no single point of failure.
Detailed Look
• Link 22 messages are part of the J-Series family (specifically F and FJ messages). Link 22 uses the
same data dictionary as Link 16 and thus makes translation and forwarding relatively easy
compared to Link 11.
• Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), without the need for a Network Time Reference (NTR);
• Late Network Entry (LNE) capability to allow units to join the network seamlessly after initiation;
• Flexible Addressing techniques, allowing more efficient delivery of data.
To better understand the improvements in the above list, we will now take a more detailed look at each
An anti-jamming capability can be achieved when using UHF by utilising frequency hopping radios. This
capability was also originally planned for HF, but the development of frequency hopping HF radios for
Link 22 appears to have been shelved. UHF EPM radios will hop within the same band as utilised by the
fixed frequency system. EPM radios will require a Time Of Day (TOD) input to achieve synchronisation with
their peer systems.
The selection of differing waveforms allows Link 22 to provide reliable data exchange in poor conditions,
and also to optimise the media for operations in good conditions. However, optimisation of the media to
achieve best reliability, will generally result in a reduction of throughput.
When using HF, or UHF EPM, a parameter known as the Media Setting Number (MSN) will determine the
reliability versus throughput selection. When initialising a Link 22 network, it is possible to utilise a function
known as Probing, which allows the selected frequency to be tested using various MSNs before selecting
the preferred option. A further function known as Fragmentation Rate, which determines how data is
fragmented before transmission is also available, and will further affect the throughput and robustness of
Automatic Relay
To overcome the UHF LOS issue, and to assist where HF propagation does not achieve the desired A R T I C L E
connectivity, automatic relay may be employed. Units carrying out the relay function do not require
specific transmission capacity for relay (like Link 16), they will simply utilise their existing capacity to relay
appropriate messages. The SNC will determine the most efficient relay path based on connectivity
information shared between active units. In the diagram over the page, if NU01 needs to send data to
NU05, 2 relay paths are available (via NU04 or NU06). The SNC will determine the most efficient path to
Network Management
Network Management (NM) is a mainly automated function, vastly decreasing the requirement for
operator interaction. This is achieved through the use of system generated NM messages. The
management of the Link 22 network is designated through 2 duties, the Super Network Management Unit
(SNMU) who is responsible for the whole architecture, (which may comprise up to 8 individual networks),
and a Network Management Unit (NMU) who is responsible for their own network, reporting upwards to
the SNMU. (See diagram over the page.)
Detailed Look
NU 04
NU 01
NU 06 NU 05
Link 22 Messages
Link 22 utilises a combination of F and FJ-Series messages to pass tactical data. These messages are part
of the J-Series message family, and as such are planned for development for the foreseeable future. FJ
messages are replicas of their Link 16 J-Series counterparts, whereas F messages are unique to Link 22.
Due to their transmission characteristics these messages provide for a more efficient use of the available
For example, in Link 22 the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) message can be sent without the associated
track update message, however, in Link 16 to achieve the same update, both initial and continuation
words of a track message would need to be sent. Link 22 also uses a separate set of variable format
technical messages for NM and other network maintenance functions.
Detailed Look
Flexible Addressing
Link 22 provides various addressing capabilities designed to make best use of the available bandwidth.
The capabilities are:
• Totalcast Where all units in a Super Network are addressed;
• Neighbourcast Where all units within RF range are addressed;
• Mission Area Sub Network (MASN) Messages will be addressed to a specified group of units
with a shared operational interest (e.g. Electronic Warfare), who may or may not be in the same
Network. MASNs may be predefined, or created / altered during operations, on order of SNMU.
• Dynamic List A non pre-defined list of between 2 and 5 units to which messages will be sent;
• Point-to-Point A single unit is addressed.
This article has been created with the aim of providing a high-level overview of some of the functionality
provided by Link 22, and how it has been designed to make the most efficient use of the system. We will
welcome any observations or questions.
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