Files 3-Lesson Notes Lecture 17
Files 3-Lesson Notes Lecture 17
Files 3-Lesson Notes Lecture 17
Fig. 1: First-order LPF (a) Bode plot (b) passive realization (c) active RC realization
* This transfer characteristics can be implemented with simple series RC circuit
shown in Fig. 1(b). The TF can directly be found by VDR:
1/ sC
Vi ( s ) =
Vi ( s)
R + 1/ sC
sCR + 1
V ( s)
1/ CR
Vi ( s ) s + 1/ CR
Vo ( s ) =
Thus, the 3dB corner frequency will be at o =1/RC and the lowpass gain is unity.
Example 1: Find the TF of the active RC filter shown in Fig.1 (c).
Solution: the TF can be obtained by writing KCL equation at v-=0 and then solving
for Vo(s) as follows:
0 Vi 0 Vo
+ (0 Vo ) sC = 0
Vo ( s )
1/ CR1
Vi ( s )
sCR1 R2 + R1
s + 1/ CR2
Therefore, o=1/CR2 and dc gain of R2/R1. This gain can be controlled via R1
without changing the corner frequency.
2. Fist order highpass filter (HPF):
* The TF of first-order HPF is given by:
T (s) = 1
s + o
T(s) has zero at dc frequency. The Bode plot of the magnitude response of T(s) can
be `developed as shown in Fig. 2(a)
Fig. 2: First-order HPF (a) Bode plot (b) passive realization (c) active RC realization
* This transfer function has a corner frequency of o. The HP gain is obtained by
letting s resulting in gain of a1.
* The passive realization of HPF is obtained by taken the voltage a cross the resistor
of the RC series connection shown in Fig. 2(b) resulting in o =1/RC and the HP
gain of unity
Example 2: Find the TF of the op amp based first-order HPF shown in Fig. (c).
Solution: Writing a single KCL at v-=0 and solving for Vo yields:
0 Vi
0 Vo
R1 + 1/ sC
Vo =
R1 + 1/ sC
Vo( s )
R /Rs
= 2 1
Vi ( s )
sCR1 + 1
s + 1/ CR1
It can be seen that the corner frequency is o =1/CR1 and the high frequency gain is
3. First-order general filter
* The standard form of the general first order filter is given by:
a s + a0
T (s) = 1
s + o
T(s) has zero frequency at a0/a1. The Bode plot of the magnitude response of T(s)
can be developed as shown in Fig. 3(a).
Fig. 3: First-order general filter (a) Bode plot (b) passive realization (c) active RC
* At low frequencies is less than o, the dc terms in the denominator and numerator
are dominant thus the transfer function will be approximately a0/ o, Whereas at
high frequencies where is more than a0 / a1 , the s terms become dominant and
the transfer function becomes approximately a1 . For frequencies between o and
hen, solving for Vo results in:
Vo ( s )
sC + 1/ R1
sC / C + 1/( R1C2 )
= 1
= 1 2
Vi ( s )
sC2 + 1/ R2
s + 1/( R2C2 )
, a0 / a1 =
, dc gain =
C2 R2
C1 R1
( j ) + ( o )
( j ) + ( o ) o
T ( j ) = a1
= a1
Thus the allpass filter has a constant gain for all frequencies.
* However, its phase response shows frequency dependent characteristics. The
phase of T(s) can b obtained as follows.
( j ) = tan 1 ( / o ) tan 1 ( / o ) = 2 tan 1 ( / o )
Therefore, for low frequencies the phase will be approximately zero. At o the
phase will be -90. Finally, at high frequencies the phase approaches -180 as
shown in Fig. 3(b).
* The first-order allpass filter can be used to adjust the phase of an input signal by
any value between zero and -180.
* An allpass first order filter can be implemented by the passive circuit of Fig. 4(c)
or the active circuit of Fig. 4(d).
Example 4: Find the transfer function of the circuit of Fig. 4(d).
Solution: the TF can be found as follows.
1/ sC
Vi =
R + 1/ sC
sCR + 1
v V v V
By KCL: i + o = 0 v = (Vi + Vo )
But v+ = v
Vi = Vi + Vo
sCR + 1
Vo ( s ) sCR + 1
sCR 1
s 1 / CR
Vi ( s )
sCR + 1
sCR + 1
s + 1/ CR
By VDR: v+ =
Fig. 4: