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Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36

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Effectiveness of hermetic systems in controlling maize storage pests in Kenya

Hugo De Groote a, *, Simon C. Kimenju a,1, Paddy Likhayo b, Fred Kanampiu a, Tadele Tefera a, Jon Hellin c
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), P.O. Box 1041-00621, Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), P.O. Box 57811-00200, Nairobi, Kenya
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico D.F., Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To protect their maize from pests such as the larger grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus), and from theft,
Accepted 14 January 2013 farmers in Africa are abandoning traditional storage structures: they shell their maize earlier and tend to
store the grain inside the house in polypropylene bags. However, losses due to insects during storage
Keywords: remain high. Hermetic storage containers, such as metal silos (soldered airtight) and super grain bags
Maize (made from high-density polyethylene to reduce gas exchange), may enable farmers to reduce post-
harvest losses. To test the different containers’ effectiveness to control insect pests, on-station trials
were conducted at three sites in Kenya under artificial infestation with maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais)
Larger grain borer
Metal silos
and larger grain borers (P. truncatus). The experiment consisted of six treatments, using three different
Super grain bags types of containers and two different insecticides: i) polypropylene bags without insecticides; ii) poly-
Post-harvest loss propylene bags with Actellic Super; iii) super grain bags without insecticide; iv) metal silos without
insecticide; v) metal silos with Actellic Super; and vi) metal silos with Phostoxin. Treatments were
replicated three times per site. The results demonstrated that metal silos are very effective in controlling
maize weevils and the larger grain borer. The use of both Actellic Super and Phostoxin in the metal silos
did not lead to a significant increase in insect mortality or reduction in grain weight loss. Super grain
bags controlled insect pests well, but insect mortality was not complete and all bags in the trial were
perforated, almost certainly by P. truncatus. We conclude that it is technically feasible to control storage
insects without insecticides in Africa by using hermetic storage, either metal silos or super bags. The
super bags, however, might not be suitable in areas with a high incidence of P. truncatus.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction at 4%e5% in both cobs and shelled grain before the arrival of the
LGB, with an increase in losses of 1% in grain and 2%e3% in cobs
In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the dominant insect pests that attack after the arrival of the LGB. In Kenya, only one rigorous study is
stored maize are the larger grain borer (LGB), Prostephanus truncatus available, from prior to the LBG arrival, and this estimated loss in
(Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and the maize weevil Sitophilus maize storage at 5% (de Lima, 1979).
zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (Vowotor et al., Farmers have traditional storage methods but these are not
2005). Prostephanus truncatus is more damaging, particularly in effective against the LGB. Many households have responded by
small-scale and on-farm storage; in large-scale stores, fumigation is a shelling maize earlier, since shelled maize is less susceptible to
popular and cost-effective control option (Birkinshaw et al., 2002). LGBs (Cowley et al., 1980). They also tend to store their shelled grain
A review by the African Post Harvest Information Systems in polypropylene bags inside the house in order to prevent theft.
synthesized 43 studies after taking into account home consump- Storage in polypropylene bags, unfortunately, reduces aeration and
tion and standardizing the storage period to nine months (Hodges, can accentuate pest problems.
undated). The average loss due to insect pests in maize is estimated Generally, if the grain is dry, with 12%e13% moisture content,
P. truncatus can be controlled quite easily with fumigants such as
Phostoxin (Hodges, 1986). In most countries in Africa, however,
only licensed technicians are authorized to handle Phostoxin.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ254 722 4604; fax: þ254 722 4601. Farmers can use a mixture of pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic) and
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. De Groote).
Current address: Department for Agricultural Economics and Rural Develop-
permethrin, commercially sold as Actellic Super. In Tanzania, a
ment, Georg-August-University Goettingen, Heinrich-Düker-Weg 12, 37073 Göt- well implemented campaign to control the LGB was based on
tingen, Germany. shelling the maize, treating it with Actellic Super, and storing it in

0022-474X/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36

polypropylene bags. This provided good control (Farrell and 2. Materials and methods
Schulten, 2002). When applied correctly, it can protect stored
maize and other grains against insect pests for periods of at least 40 2.1. Description of the trial sites
weeks (Stathers et al., 2008). Actellic Super is now widely used in
East and Southern Africa (Lalah and Wandiga, 2002). The potential The three sites Kiboko, Embu and Homa Bay (see Fig. 1) were
of insect pests developing resistance (and the potential health ef- selected based on different climate conditions, the availability of
fects of storing grain with insecticides), inspired the search for research facilities, and the confirmation from local farmers that
alternative storage methods (Golob, 2002), including inert dusts, weevils and LGBs were serious post-harvest storage pests. Embu is
wood ash, botanicals, biological control and others, but none were located on the slope of Mount Kenya at an altitude of 1350 m, and
particular efficient and cost-effective (Golob, 2002; Golob and has a cool and humid climate. Kiboko is located in the east of Kenya
Hanks, 1990; Smith et al., 2006). at 961 m in a dry, hot plain, while Homa Bay is located on the shore
Recent years have seen a growing interest in the use of of Lake Victoria at an altitude of 1166 m and has a hot, dry climate.
hermetically-sealed containers to control the LGB. Low oxygen The trial sites in Embu and Kiboko were located at KARI’s research
concentration causes insect mortality, so hermetic storage such as stations, while the site in Homa Bay was situated in the compound
Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage (PICS), super grain bags, cocoons of the Catholic Diocese.
and others, are being promoted as cheap and effective ways to
control storage insect pests in Asia (Quezada et al., 2006), and 2.2. The treatments
recently in Africa (Jones et al., 2011; Phiri and Otieno, 2008). PICS
bags, consisting of a double layer of high density polyethylene Metal silos, super grain bags and polypropylene bags (the
(HDPE) bags, within the standard polypropylene woven bags, were farmers’ common storage practice) were tested at each site. The
shown to effectively protect cowpeas against bruchid beetles in polypropylene bags and the metal silos were tested in combination
West Africa (Baoua et al., 2012a, 2012b; Murdock et al., 2012). Super with Actellic Super (a.i. ¼ Pirimiphos-methyl 16 g/kg þ Permethrin
grain bags consist of a single high density polyethylene bag used as 3 g/kg), a common insecticide used for storage pests in Kenya. The
a liner in the standard polypropylene bags and have been suc- metal silos were also tested in combination with Phostoxin
cessfully disseminated in Asia (Villers et al., 2008). (a.i. ¼ aluminum phosphide, 57% w/w). The super grain bags were
Metal silos, also hermetically sealed but physically stronger, not tested with insecticides, because they work on the principle of
have been heavily promoted in Central America (Hellin and oxygen depletion and would, therefore, not benefit from the in-
Kanampiu, 2008) and their feasibility is currently being explored secticides. While the same principle would apply to the metal silos,
in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Tefera et al., 2011a). However, metal it was important to test the silos’ efficiency both with and without
silos are relatively expensive (Kimenju and De Groote, 2010), insecticides, as the silos have conventionally been promoted in
especially compared to the super grain bags. The POSTCOSECHA conjunction with the use of an insecticide, and seldom without.
program (the Spanish term for ‘post-harvest’), promoted metal The experiment consisted of six treatments, using three
silos in several Central American countries from the early 1990s different types of containers and two different insecticides. The
until 2003 (Hellin and Kanampiu, 2008), and was particularly treatments were: T1: polypropylene bags without insecticides
successful in El Salvador, where farmers now use approximately (untreated control); T2: polypropylene bags with Actellic Super;
65,000 silos (Bokusheva et al., 2012). In Central America, grain in T3: super grain bags without insecticide; T4: metal silos without
the metal silos is treated with Phostoxin, a highly poisonous insecticide; T5: metal silos with Actellic Super; and T6: metal silos
fumigant (Yusuf and He, 2011). In Kenya, as in most African coun- with Phostoxin. The insecticides were applied only once, at the
tries, Phostoxin use is restricted to registered fumigation agents beginning of the trials. The treatments were arranged in a
(Guantai and Seward, 2010, p. 154). completely randomized design with three replications in the three
In Western Australia, sealed metal silos in combination with sites resulting in a total of 18 storage containers in each site, 54 in
carbon dioxide treatment are popular for storing wheat and grain total. The containers were placed in a room roofed with corrugated
legumes (Andrews et al., 1994). Further, a range of sealed flexible iron. In Kiboko and Embu, the walls consisted of open mesh wire,
storage structures, including super grain bags and cocoons, based while in Homa Bay, the walls were made of concrete but were well
on the replacement of oxygen by carbon dioxide during the respi- ventilated with open windows. In each of the three sites, the
ratory metabolism of the biological agents of the grain, are now different treatments were arranged in three rows, with .3 me1 m
being used in 32 countries worldwide (Villers et al., 2008). distance between the rows and .3e.5 m within the rows. All the
Based on the success of the metal silos in Central America and treatments were kept under ambient conditions. The temperature
the growing popularity of PICS and super grain bags, hermetic and relative humidity were recorded on a daily basis. The coolest
storage technologies are now being promoted in East and Southern place was Embu, with a mean temperature during the trials of
Africa. Before widely promoting such new technologies in Africa, 21  C (and monthly averages from 19 to 22  C), followed by
however, they should be thoroughly tested under local conditions. Kiboko with 22.5  C (20e24  C), while the hottest place was
Moreover, the use of Phostoxin by smallholders in Africa is prob- Homa Bay with an average of 26  C (26e27  C). Relative humidity,
lematic, so alternatives such as Actellic Super should be considered. on the other hand, was highest in Embu, with an average of 70%,
Finally, if the metal silos are expected to deplete the oxygen quickly followed by Kiboko (55%) and Homa Bay (50%).
and kill the insects, the use of insecticides might not even be
necessary. 2.3. Description of the storage containers, grains and infestation
Trials were, hence, conducted at three sites in Kenya to compare with insects
the efficiency of metal silos and super grain bags with the farmers’
current practice of using polypropylene bags with or without The metal silos, made from gauge 24 galvanized metal sheet
Actellic Super, in controlling the major storage pests, maize weevils (0.6 mm), had a grain-holding capacity of 90 kg. They were made by
and LGBs. Further, to assess the need of using insecticides in the trained local tinsmiths, but different tinsmiths at each site, leading
metal silos, they were tested with two popular insecticides, Phos- to slight differences in dimensions: between 60 and 89 cm in
toxin and Actellic Super, and compared to a control without height, and 47 and 53 cm in diameter. The polypropylene bags were
insecticides. bought from the local market; their dimensions were 130 cm
H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36 29

Fig. 1. Map of study sites and agroecological zones.

(height) by 75 cm (width), and they hold 90 kg of grain. To ensure Before filling the containers, the grain was sampled and the
that the silos are hermetically sealed, the seams of the metal sheets moisture content, germination rate and grain damage were
need to be properly soldered, a technique covered during the analyzed (Table 1). While the maize in Embu and Kiboko was of
training of the artisans. After filling the metal silos with grain, ox- good quality, the maize in Homa Bay had high levels of discolored
ygen was depleted by burning a candle, placed on top of the grain; (17%) and damaged grains (7.1%). The moisture content of the maize
at the same time the inlet (the main opening in the top) and outlet in Embu was 13.6%, slightly higher than the recommended 13.5%.
were covered with a lid and sealed with a rubber band (Tefera et al., Maize weevil and LGB adults were obtained from the Kenya
2011a). Agricultural Research Institute’s (KARI) post-harvest insect labo-
The super grain bags were provided by GrainPro Inc., the ratory in Kiboko. The two insect species were raised separately on
manufacturer ( maize variety H-513, a popular hybrid susceptible to storage in-
php), through their agent in Kenya. Their dimensions were the sects. Two kg of grain were placed in 4-L glass jars that were then
same size as the polypropylene bags so they can be used as liners. covered with perforated lids. About 200 unsexed LGB adult insects
The super grain bags are manufactured in high density poly- and maize weevil were introduced in separate glass jars. After
ethylene that reduces gas exchange. Most agricultural commodities seven to 10 days of oviposition, all adult maize weevils were
stored in these bags will develop a modified atmosphere of low removed, and the jars stored for raising progeny. Progeny emer-
oxygen and high carbon dioxide content, created by respiration of gence was monitored daily and all emerged progeny were trans-
living organisms such as insects and fungi (Villers et al., 2008). After ferred to other glass jars with fresh grain and kept at experimental
filling the super grain bag with grain, the free plastic portion (above conditions until a sufficient number of such weevils were obtained
the grain) was squeezed in order to remove excess air. The opening (Tefera et al., 2011b). However, both the LGB parent and LGB
was then closed by tightly twisting the free portion and sealing it progeny insects were reared together; unlike the maize weevil. It
with a special strap fastener provided by the manufacturer. The top was difficult to remove the LGB after introduction to the grain for
end of the bag was twisted once more, folded back and sealed with oviposition, as the LGBs bored and entered the grain a few hours
another fastener. As recommended, the super grain bags were used after introduction. Each container was filled with 90 kg of maize
as a liner bag inside polypropylene bags, which provide support grain, and 540 adult weevils and 540 adult LGBs were released into
and ease in handling. The outer bag was also closed. each container.
In the three sites, different maize varieties were used, but all
were susceptible to storage insects. The grain was first cleaned by
Table 1
removing broken and discolored seeds. Because of the quantities of
Grain quality analysis at the time of setting the trials.
grain needed, sufficient grain could not be obtained from one va-
riety, so mixtures of three or four varieties were used, although the Site Insect Discolored Moisture
damage (%) grain (%) content (%)
grain was thoroughly mixed before filling the different containers.
In Kiboko and Embu, grain was obtained from the CIMMYT maize Kiboko .2 1.8 11.8
Embu 1.5 1.9 13.6
breeding program. In Homa Bay, maize grain was purchased from Homabay 7.1 17 12.4
the local market in the Trans-Mara region of Kenya, and dried.
30 H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36

2.4. Data collected counted and weighed, leading to an underestimation of losses.

Nevertheless, because of its simplicity, the method is widely used.
From each container, grain samples were obtained with a
compartmentalized grain sampling spear (Seedburo Equipment 2.6. An empirical model to analyze storage loss in trials over time
Company, Chicago, USA), six times at one month intervals, from
June to November 2009. The sampling spear was 1 m long, with five The purpose of the research reported here is to analyze the ef-
slots, 15 cm long, evenly-spaced, and separated from each other by fect of the different treatments on storage loss over time. Standard
a 2.5 cm-long wooden plug. For this study, maize samples of about ANOVA is problematic, because the dependent variable is not
30 g per slot were taken with the bottom three slots. normally distributed, and losses from samples taken from the same
Each container was sampled in the center and at the periphery, containers at different times are likely to be correlated. These
following the four directions (North, East, South, and West), problems can be avoided by regressing losses over time, using a
providing samples from five probes for each container, and each random error model, and accounting for the different sites and
probe with a sample at the three depths, a total of 450 g. For each treatments.
container, the samples for each depth were placed on different We assume there is no storage loss at time zero, and that loss
receptacles and the number of live and dead weevils and LGBs were increases in an approximately linear trajectory over time. We are
counted. only interested in the change of loss over time, and how this change
The samples were then transferred to a clean, labeled plastic bag differs between the treatments and technologies.
that was sealed with rubber bands and then transported to the The dependent variable is weight loss yijtk in site i, under
laboratory. For the metal silos treated with Phostoxin, the envelope treatment j, at time t, in replicate k (in % of weight, estimated by the
which had contained the Phostoxin capsule was removed at the count and weigh method). The independent variables are time t (in
first sampling and burned in an incinerator. After each sampling months of storage, t ¼ 1, 2, . 6), a vector with binary variables for
from the metal silos, oxygen was removed by the lighted candle sites z, and a vector with binary variables for treatments x. The sites
method and the silos resealed; in the case of the super grain bags, vector z has three binary variables (z1 ¼ 1 if the site is Embu, z1 ¼ 0
the air was again squeezed out of the bag, as described above, and elsewhere; z2 ¼ 1 if the site is Kiboko, z2 ¼ 0 elsewhere; z3 ¼ 1 if the
then the bags were resealed. site is Homa Bay, z3 ¼ 0 elsewhere). The treatment vector x has six
In the laboratory, the samples were mixed for each container binary variables, one for each treatment (x1 ¼ 1 if the treatment is
and a sub-sample of approximately 225 g was taken. The damaged polypropylene bags without insecticide and x1 ¼ 0 otherwise;
and undamaged grains were separated and counted, and their x2 ¼ 1 for polypropylene bags with Actellic Super and x2 ¼ 0
weight recorded. The moisture content of the grain was measured otherwise, and so on).
using a Dickey-John Moisture Meter. The moisture content of the In its simplest format, a model to analyze storage loss yijtk in site
grain ranged from 11.8% in Kiboko to 13.6% in Embu. i, under treatment j, at time t, in replicate k, can be expressed as:
2.5. Measuring grain damage and weight loss in storage Yijkt ¼ g’ z þ a’ x t þ uijk þ eijkt (2)

Grain damage usually refers to physical spoilage or the apparent

where g is a vector of coefficients for the sites, a a vector of co-
evidence of deterioration such as holes, cracks and discoloration. It
efficients for the treatments, uijk the random effect of container ijk,
is of a qualitative nature and is usually reported as a percentage of
and eijkt the remaining error term.
grains damaged in a sample (Boxall, 2002). Grain weight loss, on
If losses differ substantially between sites, we are also interested
the other hand, refers to the disappearance of food, and is usually
in analyzing how treatment effects differ over sites. This can be
expressed as a percentage weight loss. Several methods of esti-
analyzed by including a matrix of site by treatment interaction
mating damage and weight loss in storage have been developed,
effects A in the long model:
most based on experience in developed countries (Harris and
Lindblad, 1978), but many have also been reviewed for use in  
developing countries (Boxall, 1986).
Yijkt ¼ g’ z þ a’ x þ z’ Ax t þ uijk þ eijkt (3)
The count and weigh method is the most common method to
measure loss by insect pests in storage (Adams and Schulten, 1978). where Aij represents the interaction effect of site i on treatment j.
The weight loss in the sample is estimated by calculating the Three sites and six treatments provide 18 interactions.
average loss per damaged grain. This is determined by the differ-
ence between the average undamaged grain weight wu and the 3. Results
average damaged grain weight wd, and multiplying this by the
number of damaged grains Nd. The percentage loss is calculated as 3.1. Number of live S. zeamais and P. truncatus in the samples
the weight loss over the estimated weight of the sample if none of
the grains was damaged which, in turn, is determined by multi- At the time of sampling, the number of live S. zeamais and
plying the average undamaged grain weight by the total number of P. truncatus were counted in each sample (approximately 450 g). All
grains in the sample, damaged as well as undamaged (Nu). control methods provided good weevil control for four months
(Fig. 2). Super grain bags, however, were less effective after four
ðwu  wd ÞNd months, especially in Kiboko, while Actellic Super was not effective
%weight loss ¼ (1)
ðwu ÞðNu þ Nd Þ after that period in Homa Bay. ANOVA results indicate significant
differences between sites, treatment, and their interactions, but not
The method has its drawbacks. Most importantly, if insects between repetitions. The results are, therefore, presented by site.
prefer larger grains, the weight of the damaged grains can be higher In Embu, the control (T1: polypropylene bags without in-
than that of the undamaged ones, leading to a negative enumerator secticides) was heavily infested with weevils from the second
in the equation and negative storage loss estimations. Further, if month on, and the numbers increased gradually over the following
damage causes the grains to break into small fragments, as is often months. All other treatments were very effective in controlling the
the case with heavy LGB infestation, these grains would not be weevils, except the super grain bags, where a low but consistent
H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36 31

3.2. Larger grain borers

While the trials were infested with equal numbers of larger

grain borers (LGBs) and weevils, the samples showed far fewer
LGBs than weevils (Fig. 3). As with the weevils, the results showed
substantial differences in LGB infestation over time and space and
between treatments. In Embu, the number of live LGBs only
exceeded an average of two in the last month in the control,
reaching an average of 10 LGBs per sample. All five other treatments
provided good control of LGBs, even up to the sixth month.
In Kiboko, the number of live LGBs in the control increased
rapidly from three in the first month to 30 in the fourth month. In
the fifth month, however, the numbers declined dramatically and
there were no insects left in the last month. The polypropylene bags
with Actellic Super (T2), on the other hand, had no or very few live
LGBs in the first three months, but afterward numbers gradually
increased to an average of 17 in the sixth month. In the last month
of the trial, there were no live LGBs in any of the treatments.

3.3. Damage

At all sites, grain in the control (T1: polypropylene bags without

insecticides) was heavily damaged (about 60% of the grains) from
the fourth month, reaching 70%e80% in the sixth month (Fig. 4).
Most of the damage likely comes from weevils, because few or no
LGBs were found in Embu (apart from the sixth month) or Homa Bay,
yet they showed an increasing damage pattern similar to Kiboko’s.
In Embu, all pest control treatments provided good control of
insect damage. Only the polypropylene bags with Actellic Super
(T2) and super grain bags (T3) recorded damage of more than 5%
(5% and 7% respectively). Although damage in the metal silos was

Fig. 2. Infestation levels of maize grain weevil in different storage containers over
time, by site (number of live insects per sample of about 450 g) (PP ¼ polyproplylene
bag, SGB ¼ super grain bag, MS ¼ metal silo, NI ¼ no insecticide, AS ¼ actellic super,
FT ¼ Phostoxin).

number of weevils was found (on average between five and 12 per
sample in all months).
In Kiboko, there were few weevils during the first three months.
In the fourth month, however, a sharp increase in numbers was
observed, which was substantially reduced in the fifth and sixth
months. Again, few live weevils were found in any of the other
treatments, except for the super grain bags, where they steadily
increased from an average of two in the first month to 77 in the last.
At this site, however, some live weevils were found in the metal
silos, especially those without insecticides (from three to 20 per
sample), but also in the one with Phostoxin (six weevils in the sixth
month). Actellic super, on the other hand, controlled the weevils
very well for up to five months.
In Homa Bay, the samples were infested from the first month,
likely because grain for the trial in this site was purchased from the
market and was already infested. Here, Actellic Super only
controlled the weevils during the first two months, with only a light
infestation during the third and fourth months. Starting in the fifth
month, however, the population increased rapidly to reach an
average of 34 weevils in the sixth month. Super grain bags only
showed a very light infestation (up to an average of three in the last
month), but the metal silos without insecticide showed a medium
infestation, of up to 10 weevils in the fifth month.
Fig. 3. Larger grain borer infestation levels of different storage containers over time
Dust was observed on the ground and around the super grain (number of live insects per sample of about 450 g) (PP ¼ polyproplylene bag,
bags. Close inspection of all super grain bags during the second visit SGB ¼ super grain bag, MS ¼ metal silo, NI ¼ no insecticide, AS ¼ actellic super,
found that all the bags had been perforated. FT ¼ Phostoxin).
32 H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36

Fig. 5. Crop loss in percentage of weight, calculated by the count and weigh method
(only non-negative values) (PP ¼ polyproplylene bag, SGB ¼ super grain bag,
MS ¼ metal silo, NI ¼ no insecticide, AS ¼ actellic super, FT ¼ Phostoxin).
Fig. 4. Maize grain damage in storage over time (% of kernels) (PP ¼ polyproplylene
bag, SGB ¼ super grain bag, MS ¼ metal silo, NI ¼ no insecticide, AS ¼ actellic super,
FT ¼ Phostoxin).
months for super grain bags and polypropylene bags with Actellic
Super, although the losses only amounted to 3% in the last month.
small, it was not zero. It was 4% in the metal silos without in- In Homa Bay, the polypropylene bags with Actellic Super suffered
secticides and 1%e2% in the metal silos with insecticides. higher losses than the control (18%), and the super grain bags
In Kiboko, polypropylene bags with Actellic Super protected the recorded losses of 9%. The metal silos treated with Actellic Super
grain four months, but afterward a slow increase was observed, also recorded substantial losses, but this was likely the result of one
reaching 18% of grains in the last month. Similarly, super grain bags outlier.
kept damage low for three months, followed by a gradual increase
in damage, reaching 13% in the sixth month. The metal silos with 3.5. Statistical analysis of storage losses
insecticides kept the damage generally at or below 1%, but in those
without insecticides the damage reached 8%. The storage weight loss data, excluding the negative losses, were
In Homa Bay, damage in the polypropylene bags with Actellic first analyzed using ANOVA. The results showed significant differ-
Super reached 20% in the fourth month and 50% in the sixth month. ences between the treatments (F5, 72 ¼ 25.93; P ¼ 0.01) and storage
At this site, however, the initial damage of the grain was 7%, and time (F5, 72 ¼ 14.61; P ¼ 0.01) for grain weight loss. The least grain
both the super grain bags and metal silos with Phostoxin kept it at weight loss was recorded from the three metal silo treatments (T4,
that level for the whole trial period. However, in the metal silos T5 and T6) and the super grain bags (T2) (Table 2). Grain stored in
without insecticide and in those with Actellic Super, damage star- polypropylene bags without insecticides (T1 or control), suffered
ted increasing after three to four months to reach 11% and 12% the highest weight loss, followed by polypropylene bags treated
respectively by the sixth month. with Actellic Super (T2). There were no differences between
treatments in grain weight loss in the first three months after
3.4. Grain weight loss in storage storage, although significant weight loss was observed six months
after storage. Treatment by storage time interaction was also sig-
The results of the grain weight losses were similar to the results nificant (F5, 72 ¼ 3.52; P ¼ 0.01), due to differences in responses of
of damage (Fig. 5). In all sites, the grain stored as control (T1), the treatments with increasing storage time.
suffered substantial weight losses, although they varied from 33% Because ANOVA does not take into account the progress of loss
in Embu to 15% in Kiboko, and 11% in Homa Bay. The peak in the over time, or the correlations between observations of the same
fourth month was caused by a measurement of 50% weight loss in containers at different times, the regression without interaction,
one of the replications in Kiboko. based on Equation (2), was estimated (Table 3). For easy interpre-
In Embu, all pest control treatments kept the losses at low levels. tation of the significant coefficient, two different specifications of
In Kiboko, there was a clear increase in losses over the last two the base category were used. In Model 1, the site with the lowest
H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36 33

Table 2
Average grain weight loss per month and per treatment (in % of weight, negative results excluded). Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD, 5%).

Treatment Storage time (months) Treatment

main effect
1 2 3 4 5 6
T1 (PP-NI) .66  .61 1.57  .61 2.98  .21 11.83  4.44 11.20  .81 23.99  9.81 8.71  2.49c
T2 (PP-AS) .43  .08 1.22  .71 .65  .08 3.93  3.03 5.00  1.68 8.24 þ 4.05 3.25  1.01b
T3 (SGB-NI) .29  .13 .41  .08 .32  .07 .75  .12 1.84  .55 6.34  1.86 1.66  .59a
T4 (MS-NI) 1.28  .08 .28  .14 .81  .07 .82  .09 .83  .46 1.36  .43 .90  .14a
T5 (MS-AS) .21  .32 .37  .20 1.55  .82 .44  .18 .31  .28 1.24  1.05 .69  .23a
T6 (MS-FT) .59  .18 .45  .18 .41  .15 .52  .23 .52  .24 .73  .57 .54  .11a
Time main effect .58  .12a .72  .18a 1.12  .25 ab 3.05  1.25bc 3.28  .98c 6.98  2.49d 2.62  .53

Mean values with the same letter(s) within a column (treatment) and row (storage time) are not different at P ¼ .01. ANOVA for treatments (F5, 72 ¼ 25.93; P ¼ .01); ANOVA for
storage time (F5, 72 ¼ 14.61; P ¼ .01); ANOVA for storage time by treatment interaction (F5, 72 ¼ 3.52; P ¼ .01).

storage weight loss (Embu) and the treatment with the lowest negative (Model 2, Table 3). This indicates that all treatments reduce
weight loss (T6: metal silos with Phostoxin) were used as base storage losses significantly as compared to the control, and that both
categories, so the coefficients are interpreted as the difference with Embu and Kiboko suffered less weight loss than Homa Bay.
this base. The results show that the trend over time is not signifi- Because there were significant differences between sites within
cant, indicating there was no increase in storage weight loss over treatments, the interaction effect of sites with treatments were
time. This was expected since no loss was observed in the base introduced in the model, as specified in Equation (3) (Table 4).
treatment at the base site. However, there were significant differ- Again, we first consider the best site and treatment as the base
ences for the control (T1: polypropylene bags without insecticides) (Model 3). In this model, there is again no main effect of time in the
and polypropylene bags with Actellic Super (T2). The effect of the base categories, but also no main effect of sites, because these have
control was .027, indicating an increase of crop of 2.7% per month, been catered for in the interaction effects. In the main effects of
as compared to the base, the metal silos with Phostoxin. treatments, only the control is significant now, with a coefficient of
The effect of the polypropylene bags with Actellic Super was .03, indicating an increase of average loss of 3% per month. There
.009, or an increase in weight loss of .9% compared to the base. are no significant interaction effects with Kiboko, indicating that
There were no significant effects of the other treatments, indicating this site is no different from Embu, but there are two significant
that storage loss in metal silos without insecticides or metal silos interaction effects with Homa Bay. The interaction of Homa Bay
with Actellic Super did not significantly differ from loss in metal with the control is negative (.019), indicating that increases in
silos with Phostoxin. In other words, in none of the three metal silo losses are 1.9% less per month in the control here than in Embu. The
treatments, weight loss was significantly different from zero. There interaction effect with T2, polypropylene bags with Actellic Super,
was, however, a significant effect of site: the treatments in Homa is, however, positive (.019), indicating that in Homa Bay, the losses
Bay had a loss that was, on average, .6% higher per month than in are 1.9% higher per month in this treatment than in Embu.
Embu. The coefficient for Kiboko x t was not significant, indicating In the alternative specification of the model with interactions,
that the losses in Kiboko were not significantly different from those the site and treatment with highest losses (Homa Bay and T1) are
in Embu. again used as base category (Model 4, Table 4). The results show
If we use an alternative specification, and change the base cate- that the main effect of time is now significant and equal to .015,
gory of the regression to the site with highest storage loss (Homa indicating a 1.5% increase of loss per month in the base categories.
Bay) and the treatment with the highest loss (T1, polypropylene However, the main effects of sites are also significant, indicating
bags without insecticides), all coefficients are significant and that the loss in the control increased more strongly in Embu (by
1.6% per month) and in Kiboko (1.7%) than in Homa Bay. The main
effects of the treatments were, however, not significant, indicating
that they did not significantly reduce storage loss over the control
Table 3
in Homa Bay. In Embu and Kiboko, however, a significant effect for
Basic linear regression model (dependent variable is weight loss in storage with
negative values excluded, explanatory variables are interaction effects with time). all treatments was observed.

Variable Model 1: Base categories are Model 2: Base categories

those with lowest loss: Embu are those with highest 4. Discussion
for site and T6 for treatment loss: Homa Bay for site
and T1 for treatment 4.1. Effect of the hermetic containers and insecticides in controlling
B Std. Sig. B Std. insect pests and losses
error error
t: trend in .001 .003 .789 .032 .003 .000 *** The research reported here demonstrates that metal silos, when
baseline used correctly, are very effective in controlling S. zeamais and
Embu  t .006 .003 .031 P. truncatus. A few insects of both species, however, were found to
Kiboko  t .001 .002 .705 .005 .002 .052
Homa Bay  t .006 .003 .031 * have survived in the metal silos that were not treated with in-
T1  t (PP e NI) .027 .004 .000 *** secticides. It is possible that the silos became re-infested with in-
* ***
T2  t (PP e AS) .009 .003 .012 .019 .003 .000 sects during reopening for sampling. In general, metal silos when
T3  t (SGB) .004 .004 .305 .024 .004 .000 used alone were as effective as metal silos combined with Phos-
T4  t (MS e NI) .001 .004 .879 .027 .003 .000
toxin or Actellic Super in controlling the insects. The effectiveness
T5  t (MS e AS) .001 .004 .746 .026 .004 .000
T6  t (MS e FT) .027 .004 .000 *** of metal silos and super grain bags to control insect pests without
R2 .394 .394 insecticides contributes to the trend to reduce pesticide use and
Sigma .063 .063 increase integrated pest management (IPM) applications (Arthur,
N 258 258 1996). Our research suggests that it is technically feasible to con-
* ** ***
¼ P > 0.05, ¼ P > 0.01, ¼ P > 0.001. trol maize storage insects without insecticides in Africa by using
34 H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36

Table 4
Linear regression model with interactions between sites and treatments (Dependent variables is weight loss in storage with negative values excluded, all explanatory variables
are interaction effects with time).

Explanatory variables Model 3 Model 4

Base: best site (Embu) and Base: worse site (Homa Bay) and
treatment (MS þ P) treatment (PP without insecticide)

Coeff. Std. err. Coeff. Std. err.

t: trend in baseline .000 .004 .015 .005
Embu  t .016 .007
Kiboko  t .000 .006 .017 .006
Homa Bay  t .003 .006
T1  t (PP e NI) .030 .006
T2  t (PP e AS) .001 .006 .009 .006
T3  t (SGB) .002 .007 .007 .007
T4  t (MS e NI) .000 .006 .012 .006
T5  t (MS e AS) .000 .006 .007 .007
T6  t (MS e FT) .012 .007
Embu  T1  t (PP e NI)
Embu  T2  t (PP e AS) .038 .009
Embu  T3  t (SGB) .022 .010
Embu  T4  t (MS e NI) .018 .009
Embu  T5  t (MS e AS) .024 .009
Embu  T6  t (MS e FT) .019 .009
Kiboko  T1  t (PP e NI) .002 .008
Kiboko  T2  t (PP e AS) .002 .008 .037 .008
Kiboko  T3  t (SGB) .002 .009 .021 .008
Kiboko  T4  t (MS e NI) .001 .008 .019 .009
Kiboko  T5  t (MS e AS) .000 .008 .025 .009
Kiboko  T6  t (MS e FT) .021 .009
Homa Bay  T1  t (PP e NI) .019 .009
Homa Bay  T2  t (PP e AS) .019 .008
Homa Bay  T3  t (SGB) .003 .009
Homa Bay  T4  t (MS e NI) .000 .009
Homa Bay  T5  t (MS e AS) .005 .009
Homa Bay  T6  t (MS e FT)
R2 .454 .454
Sigma .061 .061
N 258 258
* ** ***
¼ P > 0.05, ¼ P > 0.01, ¼ P > 0.001.

hermetic storage, as has been demonstrated with PICS bags against P. truncatus, rendering the super grain bags largely ineffective. It
bruchid beetles on cowpeas in West Africa and with large metal was not clear, however, whether the LGB had survived low oxygen
silos for different crops in Australia (Andrews et al., 1994). within the bags and subsequently perforated them or whether
Polypropylene bags treated with Actellic Super are effective in insects originating outside the super grain bags caused the damage.
controlling both insect species for up to four months. The exception Perforation of PICS has also been reported in studies with cowpeas
was for Homa Bay, where the product was less effective. Actellic in West Africa (Baoua et al., 2012b; Hell et al., 2010), although this
Super in the polypropylene bags also controlled weevils relatively was mostly limited to the inner bag HDPE bag.
better than P. truncatus. The effectiveness of Actellic Super in con- The level of control of the insects by the different treatments
trolling weevils (S. zeamais), especially in grains, is well docu- was directly related to the grain damage levels observed. Under the
mented (Dales and Golob, 1997; Golob et al., 1985). The product control treatment and under artificial infestation, there was pro-
used could have been adulterated, a practice also reported in Kenya nounced insect damage: more than half the grains are damaged at
and in neighboring Tanzania (Urono, 1999), however, this is very three to four months, and more than three quarters after six
unlikely in the experiments reported here because the same months. Levels of weight loss in storage also reflected the damage
product of the same batch was used in the three sites. Actellic Super levels. Substantial grain weight losses were observed in the control,
kept insect damage to almost zero in Embu, and provided good and in a linear approximation they can be estimated at 3% per
protection for the first four months in Kiboko. In Homa Bay, how- month in storage. This is, of course, under high levels of artificial
ever, heavy damage was observed from the fifth month. Although infestation and might not necessarily reflect the situation observed
synthetic insecticides can work well, constraints regarding human by farmers (Hodges, undated). The improved storage technologies
and environmental safety and insect resistance have led to more (hermetic storage containers as well as the use of Actellic Super)
sustainable methods of pest management through affordable kept storage losses within acceptable levels. The exception was
techniques. Super grain bags and metal silos are safer to use and polypropylene bags with Actellic Super in one site, a result that we
can be considered a good alternative to maize storage practices that are unable to explain as the Actellic Super used at this site came
require the use of insecticides. from the same batch as that used at the other sites.
The super grain bags were effective in controlling the two insect
species for three to four months. The effectiveness of hermetic 4.2. Improving the methods for storage loss assessment
containers against P. truncatus has been reported before in Mexico,
with 100% mortality of P. truncatus after only a few days when Our results indicate that several methodological issues remain.
storing grain in glass containers (Quezada et al., 2006). In our First, despite repeating the same methodology at the three sites,
research, however, the super grain bags were perforated by substantial differences were observed between the different sites
H. De Groote et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 53 (2013) 27e36 35

for the treatments in bags (T1eT3), so interactions needed to be least six months. Where they are economically feasible, they should
included in the analysis, leading to small sample sizes per treat- be recommended. The use of insecticides in metal silos is not
ment and site (three repetitions only). Unfortunately, high vari- recommended.
ability within each treatment was also observed, leading to the Super grain bags also work, but if they are perforated, they can
small statistical power of the tests. Future testing of storage tech- only be used for one season. Until further research determines the
nologies should increase the number of repetitions per site and cause of perforation, it would be prudent not to recommend them
bring the initial conditions in the different sites closer to each other, in areas with P. truncatus infestation, except for emergency storage
in particular the conditioning of the grain and using insecticides over one season.
from the same batch. Actellic Super provides good control for up to four months, at
Second, the analysis was hampered by the relatively high least when the product is not adulterated. The product is cheap,
number of negative results when calculating loss using the stan- easy to use, and has low toxicity, and can, therefore, be recom-
dard formula. This could be caused by the high variation in the error mended for the short-term storage of small quantities with
(measurement or sampling), or by the preference of insects for repeated application every four months. This confirms the experi-
larger grain. Frequently, the damage and loss estimates in one ence in Tanzania (Dales and Golob, 1997; Urono, 1999).
period are lower than the damage observed in the previous, indi- Finally, the results of the control show that, even under heavy
cating high measurement errors. More research is needed to esti- artificial infestation, if the maize is properly dried, damage and loss
mate the level of measurement error, as well as the preference of for the first three months are relatively small. For storage of small
both species for larger grains, to improve the quality of future loss quantities over such a short period of time, more sophisticated
assessment trials, especially for on-farm trials. storage methods in terms of hermetically-sealed containers and/or
Finally, opening the metal silos for sampling purposes might use of insecticides such as Actellic Super may not be necessary.
have led to re-infestation by insects. Initially, the trial was
conceived without re-sampling. Unfortunately, this would have
made the trial five times the present size, which was beyond the
means of the project. On the other hand, repeat sampling from the
The authors would like to thank Charles Marangu for his help in
same containers reflects the situation in the field i.e. farmers open
taking samples and counting the insects; Stephen Mugo for his
the metal silos and super grain bags at regular intervals to provide
advice with the design of the experiments; Marianne Banziger for
food for their households.
initiating the Efficient Grains Storage Project that made this study
possible; and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
4.3. Further research
for funding this project. We also thank the directors and staff of the
KARI centers in Kiboko and Embu, and the bishop and staff of the
While the metal silos are very effective, they are also expensive.
Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay for hosting these trials, Kathleen
Because half of their cost comes from the metal sheet, the cost per
Sinclair for editing the manuscript, and two anonymous reviewers
kg of grain stored decreases with the volume of the container.
for their insights and invaluable comments.
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which silos become economical, under different price conditions.
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