Trevor Emdon - Law of Attraction The Missing Ingredient

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The author discusses discovering that listening to negative people and media was holding him back from success with the law of attraction. Having a coach to ask questions to and interact with helped him make changes that led to improved relationships, finances, and more.

The author says the missing ingredient is having a coach to ask questions to and interact with, as well as being part of a group of like-minded people for support and feedback.

The author suggests having a coach to ask questions to directly and get personalized feedback from could help with understanding and applying the law of attraction principles much faster than trying to learn from books or videos alone.

Law Of Attraction: The Missing

by Trevor Emdon
Law Of Attraction: The Missing
Up until a few years ago I never really had any success with the law of attraction. A
few happy coincidences maybe ... things that could happen to anyone. But my love life
was in the doldrums. My bank account was worse. My car was falling to pieces.

I was pretty much a compulsive buyer of self help books and I’d been on a ton of courses.
I had good friends, a steady income, (even though it wasn’t enough to pay all my bills),
and if I’m honest, complacency had started to set in.

This was just how life was. Get over it.

One day I was talking to a friend - who also happens to be a life coach - about the rut I felt
I was drifting along in. He asked me a couple of questions and then came out with what
was, for me, the perfect answer.

He said, “You’re looking in the wrong places. You already have the answers but you
believe other people when they tell you it’s difficult to move out of your rut!”

It hit me like a thunderbolt. I was listening to all the “naysayers.”

The world is full of them. The media fills your head with negative stuff too. That just gives
your friends a breathing space!

After a little more discussion with my friend, I made a clear decision and the results were
little short of astonishing.

Within months, I met and married the woman of my dreams. (I’m a double divorcee who’d
had some huge issues with relationships ... until I made a few simple changes inspired by
my friend’s conversation. We’ve been blissfully happy together since 2006).

My dream car - a Mercedes Kompressor - and the money to buy it for cash - showed up on
the same day.

My bank balance is healthier than its ever been ... and we’re in the midst of the worst
recession in living memory!

I could go on.

So let me spell out what the missing ingredient is because now it’s your success at

Let me put it this way:

What if I gave you the greatest information in the world about how to attract success,
abundance, love and happiness into your life but you weren’t sure you were doing it right?
What if something in the training confused you, or made you uncomfortable or went
against something you strongly believe in?

You can’t ask a book the questions. You can’t even talk to a video. And, frankly, although
it was an impromptu conversation between friends, if I hadn’t been able to talk with Jason -
if I’d just read those words somewhere - I might still be floundering.

You can’t interact with printed matter.

But you can interact with a coach. And you can interact with a peer group of
upbeat, like minded thinkers - just like you!

If you could access the person who’d walked the walk, ask them directly, how much faster
would you progress? How much more easily would you understand?

And if you were surrounded, day after day, by people who believed in you and who wanted
you to succeed - at whatever you want to do, be or have in life - how much difference
would that make?

Having the personal touch would mean you could try something, and if you were unsure
you can contact your coach and just ask. Then you’ll know if you’re on the right path or

I think of it like a safety net. Imagine you’re walking a tightrope in the circus and it’s your
first time. How much scarier and stressful would it be if you didn’t have a safety net to
catch you if you fall?

(I think the answer to that is ... very scary!)

But how much easier would it be for you to walk that tightrope knowing that you couldn’t
come to any harm? That even if you slipped there would be a net to catch you. And that
you could come back tomorrow and walk it again. And again. And again. Until you finally
reached the other side.

Are you seeing what I saw here?

When people sell you just some printed matter, they like to trick you into thinking that if you
only had the information, you’d succeed. That’s hogwash.

All of these things create negative emotions and stress. No wonder it’s hard to take action
even on good information. The reason why people procrastinate is because they feel
uncertain. They’re nervous because they don’t know if they’re doing it right.

And they look around them and everyone tells them to quit. Dreams just don’t come true,
they say.

What I’d failed to realise - the thing that slowed me down from achieving results in my own
life for year upon year - is that all the information you can get in self help books is not
nearly as powerful as the authors - and the publishers - want you to believe it is ...
because no matter how hard they try ... no matter how well it’s written ... it can’t be specific
to you.
I learned more in that half hour chat with my friend Jason than I’d learned in years from
books. What I discovered was that I had all the tools and skills I needed to live a very
happy and successful life. Actually, I think that more than 90% of the people reading this
report have all the tools and skills too.

There were only two things that I was missing: the right approach, (how to apply my
knowledge in a very specific way), and the right state of mind.

But that 90% of people who have all they need may not know what they have or how to
use it. That’s what I determined to address.

In short, there is no substitute for the incredible value of having someone available to give
you knowledge tailored specifically to you and your situation.

What my friend did for me was much more than give me good information. First, he gave
me assurance. He was able to empathise with me because when he first went from failure
to success he experienced similar obstacles - the internal as well as the external kind. He
hit those same brick walls that I was coming up against.

Just knowing that I wasn’t some kind of freak - but that what I was going through was
normal was a huge benefit for me. That instantly changed my state and made me eager to
take action.

He also asked me questions. He wanted to know things like: What were my ultimate
goals? What outcomes was I shooting for and how would I know when I’d achieved them?

When I floundered and sputtered instead of being able to give clear answers it became
painfully obvious to me ... no wonder I was having trouble getting results - I didn’t even
know for sure what I wanted from my life!

See, that’s something you can’t get with a book - or even an e-course - on its own. You
can’t get tailor-made information because it can’t interact with you.

Which leads me to my next point: my friend-come-coach was able to look at me and my

situation objectively. It’s hard to be objective - almost impossible - about yourself. As an
example, have you ever seen yourself on video? You notice a freckle or a mannerism that
you think everyone must see ... and the truth is, nobody notices - except you! (You don’t
notice other people’s mannerisms - unless they’re extreme - when they’re on camera, do
you? You just listen to what they’re saying!)

So a coach is able to see what you’re doing wrong - and what you’re doing right simply
because they’re able to look at you objectively.

That’s huge!

Another big breakthrough I came away with after speaking with my friend, (who has used
success tools like the law of attraction to great effect all his life), was a feeling of
confidence - almost for the first time since I began working with the law of attraction and
other success tools. Just knowing that I was on the right path boosted my confidence -
and my progress - massively.
From then on I could, at the drop of a hat, contact my friend and get some feedback
whenever I felt uncertain. It was a life saver - and a life changer.

Eventually, he laid out some practical, simple steps for me to follow. I followed them and
within a matter of months I had turned my life around. In fact, it’s fair to say that within a
matter of hours I felt happier than I had done in years - maybe decades.

I had confidence, but more than that, I had hope and I had belief in myself and my ability
to achieve my dreams.

Even more than that - I had passion for them again.

That’s such a good feeling - waking each day eager to start another day of the life you’ve
been dreaming of! Sadly, I think many people never have that once they’ve passed
childhood and by their early twenties, if not younger, they’ve forgotten what it even feels

Here Was The Practical System I Followed

What I discovered was that to make the law of attraction work consistently and attract all
the success and happiness you want, you need two things:

1. Instant Feedback

I don’t know about you, but I found that I had trouble sticking to an idea or a technique if I
couldn’t see results fast. Or at least, feel them! Often I’d end up losing focus, falling back
into old negative patterns or tell myself this was “boring” and move onto the next new
“shiny idea” - always with the same results.

So I decided that if I was seriously going to make a difference to my life I needed a way of
getting guidance, occasionally reassurance, that I was on the right track. To me, that was
better than a safety net on a tightrope - it felt like solid ground under my feet.

And there were two sources I could get that feedback from:

1: A good coach.

2: A like-minded, positive peer group!

Both are massively important. You see, we all want to be liked. That’s human nature.
The problems come when we get into the rut of believing that people will only continue to
like us if we get into their pool of misery and negativity and paddle around with them!

The truth is, no one’s helping anyone in there. Instead, you’re all just splashing each other
with the same mucky water while everyone complains about how wet they’re getting!

Getting out of the pool doesn’t make you - or me - better than anyone else. What it means
is that you set an example. You show it can be done. Some will follow you, some will stay
in the pool.

But your life will change for the better - like a rocket - the day you do it.
2. A System

Self help gurus always talk about the importance of techniques but they rarely show you
how to do it. At least that’s been my experience.

Here’s the big insight I figured out: a good system is one that takes your conscious mind
out of the equation! It just needs to work - straight out of the box. No need to fumble
through instruction manuals or call up the manufacturer!

Watch truly successful people - people you admire, maybe your heroes. Do they question
their decisions all the time, fumble through life or check to see what everyone else’s
opinion of them might be?

No! They just keep taking action - and the reason is they have an “internalised system”
that just lets them get on with life. And life just keeps on giving them good stuff.

What’s great is that when you develop a system for success and happiness that allows
your mind to go on “auto pilot” then you don’t have to think about it. You just do it. It
comes from deep within you. You’re not thinking, “Gee, what will I do if this doesn’t work
out?” or “What if I make a mistake?” Or any of those other thoughts that lead to hesitation,
procrastination and failure.

I’ve now got my system for being successful and happy to the point where it’s on autopilot.
It still surprises me when people comment how “lucky” I am or how “life has really come up
trumps for you these past few years.” The problem is I simply can’t do it justice by trying to
explain it to you with the written word.

I have to show you, live, in front of your eyes, so you can see it for yourself. And I have to
include you in the process so I can slightly tweak it so it’s tailored to you specifically.

Finally, I’ve decided this can be done. Based on the results from not only my personal life
but also my personal coaching clients, I know I can do it. And that’s the reason I’ve
decided to go public with my system.

The Law Of Attraction System That Could Change Your

I’ve now put together a coaching program that includes all the ingredients - called “The
Wow! Factor” - like a super recipe for success!.

It will show you how to build the life you dream of, the confidence in yourself you need, the
trust in life itself to deliver happiness, success, fulfillment and joy in all you do - for ever

The ideas can be applied quickly - instantly in many cases - and you will get the feedback
you personally need to know you’re on the path. You will get personal attention from me to
ensure the system works for you.
That’s the upside. The downside is that since it requires a high degree of personal
commitment on both sides, I had to consider that I can only give my time to those who are
serious about changing their lives.

This is tricky because, whilst I believe every one of us is more than capable of achieving
all of our dreams, I have to be honest with myself and you and accept that there are some
people who will try every self help product out there and then leave them to collect dust
like abandoned candy a child sucked and left on the kitchen shelf.

I needed to find a way that people will self eliminate. Only the serious ones will join - but
at the same time I don’t want to price the program at a level that’s out of reach.

And then I thought about the reality of this!

Let me tell you how this program works.

The fee for the course will be over five instalments. I believe the price strikes a good
balance between what is affordable for anyone who genuinely wants to take their life to a
new level and what I sincerely believe provides outstanding value. The program will
continue long beyond the fifth and final payment you make.

As soon as you enrol you will have immediate access to the first module - video coaching
and some other materials that should certainly wake you up and start you off from day 1
living a whole new way!

Then you will get access to the second module a week later.

After that, you’ll have a new module every two weeks.

(There may well be some additional “surprises” in between, but that’s the core of the WoW
Factor Coaching program).

In addition, you have access to me via a private Facebook group.

Now, as you are reading this, the program is still quite new. (Obviously I don’t know the
exact date you’re reading, but I launched the WoW Factor in mid-June 2012).

I can, of course, talk to an unlimited number of people on Facebook. But they can’t all talk
to me - not all at once.

And that’s not fair on the newcomers. So here’s what I realised: one or both of two
things are going to happen - and they’ll happen naturally as membership grows:

1. I will need to close the program to new members from time to time and/or
2. I will need to significantly raise the cost to slow membership down as time goes by.

So, I can’t tell you the exact price you’ll need to pay today - all I can say is that the sooner
you apply the lower the cost to you is likely to be. If membership has grown too fast, you
may even find the doors closed, so you should take action now to avoid what could truly
be a life changing disappointment.
All the details - including what you can expect and how to enrol - are to be found here -
just click this link ... and do it now!

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