Nitin R Karmalkar: About Me
Nitin R Karmalkar: About Me
Nitin R Karmalkar: About Me
Prof Karmalkar has research interest in Igneous petrology with special emphasis
on the mantle petrography and geochemistry, Rift related alkaline magmatism and
Economic geology.
1984-1988 Ph.D, Department of Geology SP Pune University, Pune
Petrography and Geochemistry of Ultramafites from parts of Indus
Ophiolite belt, Ladakh Himalaya, with special reference to Chromite
Professor & HoD, SPPU 1979-1982 B.Sc, Department of Geology Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Majoring in Geology
i 11 January 1962
1977 High school SSC Board
B SPPU, Pune, India Specializing in chemistry, mathematics and physics.
T +91 9823011747
Ongoing Research Activities
Australia Petrologic and Geochemical fingerprints of the mantle xenoliths from
@ [email protected] alkaline rocks of Kutch, India and its bearing on the evolution of Dec-
can basaltic province with Prof. W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’ Reilly of the
GEMOC Key Centre Macquarie University, Sydney 2109
About me Germany On the Significance of Nb/Ta ratio in the Carbonatites of Lake Chilwa
Island Malawi, East Africa with Prof. A. Hofmann of the Max-Planck-
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known
Institut Fur Chemie Mainz
scientist in the field of Igneous France Trace element Characterization of the Alkaline magmatism associ-
petrology. He currently is working as ated with the Deccan Volcanic Province India with Dr. Delphine Bosch,
Professor in Department of Geology CNRS, Cedex Universite Montpellier II, Pl. E. Bataillon, 34095 Mont-
and Head of Department of pellier Cedex 05
Environmental Science at SP Pune France Magma Types and source characterization of the Early Deccan Mag-
University, India. He also works as matism, Kutch region NW India: Insights from the geochemistry of
Director, IQAC and has been igneous intrusions with Michel Gregoire, Mathieu Benoit Guillaume
motivating academicians for Delpech Geosciences Environnement Toulouse CNRS-IRD-Universite
embellishments towards quality Paul Sabatier, Observatoire Midi Pyrenees, 31400 Toulouse, France
assurance.This provides him with and UMR CNRS 8148 IDES, Faculte des Sciences, Universite Orsay-
blend of strong academic/research Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex
experience with administrative Kolkata Geochemical characterization of the alkaline complexes associated
expertise. with the Deccan Volcanic Province, in parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan
states India, with Presidency College
Himalayas Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ultra High Pressure Eclogitic
Skills Rocks from the Tso Morari Complex, Ladakh
Himalayas Petrography and geochemistry of Mafic and Ultra Mafic sequences
from parts of Indus Ophiolite Belt, Ladakh
Maharashtra Surface Geological Investigation of Koyna - Warna Region to Evalu-
Communication ate Neotectonism with the Emphasis on Quaternary Sediments (using
remote sensing techniques)
Himalayas Petrographic and geochemical fingerprinting of the select ophiolite
sequences from Himalayan and Naga Ophiolite belt
India Investigation on Microbial Bioleaching of Uranium from Secondary
Dynamism Uranium Deposits
2017 M. K. Jonnalagadda, N. R. Karmalkar, and S. Harshe (2017) Morphol-
ogy and chemistry of Cr Spinel from the peridotites of the Spontang
Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh: insights into the petrogenesis of man-
Consultancy Projects
Skills 2016 Biodiversity Assessment in and Around Kas dam for Satara Nagar
Hypocrity Parishad (INR 1,50,000/-)
2016 Green Audit of the Engineering College, AISSMS, Pune (INR
Communication 2013 Geological Mapping and Geochemical Characterization of the hot
springs on west coast region of Maharashtra for Thermax Ltd, Pune.
Integrity (Rs. 7,50,000/-)
2013 Salt water intrusion studies for the JSW Thermal Power Project
Jaigad, Amount Sanctioned (Rs.5,00,000/-).
Dynamism 2012 Consultancy projects: Heavy Mineral Analysis for Adani Petrochemi-
cals Ltd. Ahmadabad. (Rs. 4, 87, 000/-).
Leadership 2012 Groundwater Exploration Development and Management at NIASM
Watershed, Malegaon Khurd, Baramati (Rs. 600,000/-).
2010 Sedimentation studies for the Kalu River, Malshej Ghat for NTPC
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 (Rs.1,200,000/-).
Transparency?5.9 On demand Consultancy for the projects such as tunnels and express way for Gov-
ernment of Maharashtra and GoI.
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness)
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and
is part of self-assessment.] Memberships of Professional / Academic Bodies
Council-M Council Member, Geological Society of India, Bangalore
Fellow Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, India.
Fellow Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
Memberships of Professional / Academic Bodies
Member Gondwana Geological Society Nagpur.
Member Mineralogical Society of India, Mysore.
Member IGCP project 240 on ‘Mantle Dynamics related to Tethyan Collision’
L-Member Life Member Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi.
EC-Member Executive Council Member Indian Geotechnical Society, Pune Chap-
Expert Subject expert for the award of Major research projects of the UGC,
MoES and DST.
Member Board of Studies in Geology, SPPU, 2010-2013.
Member Research and Recognition Committee in Geology since 2010.
Nitin R Karmalkar I-Member
Invited Member Board of Studies in Environmental Sciences, SPPU
Board of Studies in Geology, Mumbai University, since 2011.
Professor & HoD, SPPU Member Research and Recognition Committee, North Maharashtra University
i 11 January 1962 Member Research and Recognition Committee, Shivaji University Kolhapur.
2005 ‘Prof. C. Naganna Gold Medal’ of the Mineralogical Society of India
Integrity (Mysore) 2005 for contributions in the field of Alkaline Magmatism of
the Kutch region, Gujarat.
Dynamism Ph.D’s Guided
2015 Petrographic and geochemical studies of dykes from parts of
Narmada-Tapi dyke swarm, Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), India.
Bibhas Sen
2014 Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ultra high pressure (UHP)
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 eclogite enclaves from the Tso Morari Dome, Ladakh, NW Himalaya,
Transparency?5.9 India. Mallika Jonnalagadda
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) 2008 Petrography and Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths in the alkaline
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and rocks from Kutch, Gujarat and their bearing on the mantle beneath
is part of self-assessment.]
Kutch- R.A. Duraisawmi
Ph.D’s Guided
2007 Industrial Characterization and petrogenesis of pegmatitic rocks from
Hadda region, Republic of Yemen
Ph.D’s Ongoing
Current Characterization of the alkaline magmatism associated with the NW
Deccan Volcanic Province, India- P.K. Sarma.
Current Petrography and Geochemistry of the alkaline rocks of the Rajpipla
and surrounding area of Bharuch district Gujarat- S.P. Chauhan
Current Engineering geological assessment of mass wasting prone areas of