Nitin R Karmalkar: About Me

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Prof Karmalkar has research interest in Igneous petrology with special emphasis
on the mantle petrography and geochemistry, Rift related alkaline magmatism and
Economic geology.

1984-1988 Ph.D, Department of Geology SP Pune University, Pune
Petrography and Geochemistry of Ultramafites from parts of Indus
Ophiolite belt, Ladakh Himalaya, with special reference to Chromite

Nitin R Karmalkar 1983-1884 M.Sc, Department of Geology

Majoring in Geology
SP Pune University, Pune

Professor & HoD, SPPU 1979-1982 B.Sc, Department of Geology Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Majoring in Geology
i 11 January 1962
1977 High school SSC Board
B SPPU, Pune, India Specializing in chemistry, mathematics and physics.
T +91 9823011747
Ongoing Research Activities
Australia Petrologic and Geochemical fingerprints of the mantle xenoliths from
@ [email protected] alkaline rocks of Kutch, India and its bearing on the evolution of Dec-
can basaltic province with Prof. W.L. Griffin and S.Y. O’ Reilly of the
GEMOC Key Centre Macquarie University, Sydney 2109
About me Germany On the Significance of Nb/Ta ratio in the Carbonatites of Lake Chilwa
Island Malawi, East Africa with Prof. A. Hofmann of the Max-Planck-
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known
Institut Fur Chemie Mainz
scientist in the field of Igneous France Trace element Characterization of the Alkaline magmatism associ-
petrology. He currently is working as ated with the Deccan Volcanic Province India with Dr. Delphine Bosch,
Professor in Department of Geology CNRS, Cedex Universite Montpellier II, Pl. E. Bataillon, 34095 Mont-
and Head of Department of pellier Cedex 05
Environmental Science at SP Pune France Magma Types and source characterization of the Early Deccan Mag-
University, India. He also works as matism, Kutch region NW India: Insights from the geochemistry of
Director, IQAC and has been igneous intrusions with Michel Gregoire, Mathieu Benoit Guillaume
motivating academicians for Delpech Geosciences Environnement Toulouse CNRS-IRD-Universite
embellishments towards quality Paul Sabatier, Observatoire Midi Pyrenees, 31400 Toulouse, France
assurance.This provides him with and UMR CNRS 8148 IDES, Faculte des Sciences, Universite Orsay-
blend of strong academic/research Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex
experience with administrative Kolkata Geochemical characterization of the alkaline complexes associated
expertise. with the Deccan Volcanic Province, in parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan
states India, with Presidency College
Himalayas Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ultra High Pressure Eclogitic
Skills Rocks from the Tso Morari Complex, Ladakh
Himalayas Petrography and geochemistry of Mafic and Ultra Mafic sequences
from parts of Indus Ophiolite Belt, Ladakh
Maharashtra Surface Geological Investigation of Koyna - Warna Region to Evalu-
Communication ate Neotectonism with the Emphasis on Quaternary Sediments (using
remote sensing techniques)
Himalayas Petrographic and geochemical fingerprinting of the select ophiolite
sequences from Himalayan and Naga Ophiolite belt
India Investigation on Microbial Bioleaching of Uranium from Secondary
Dynamism Uranium Deposits

Leadership Visits Abroad

Australia GEOMOC ARC National Key Centre, Department of Earth and Plan-
etary Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia between
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 March 1997 and May 1997 as Post- Doctoral Research Fellow
Transparency?5.9 East Africa Republic of Malawi, East Africa. as consultant to the UNDP / World
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) Bank Aided project on the Resource Development two times in 1999,
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and 2000
is part of self-assessment.] Germany Max-Planck-Institute Fur Chemie Mainz Germany as Max-Planck Post-
Doctoral Research Fellow between December 1999 and March 2000.
Visits Abroad
Yemen Republic of Yemen to undertake sampling of the mantle xenoliths from
the Ataq region as well as pegmatitic rocks from Hadda region.
Iran Islamic Republic of Iran to undertake geological mapping and sam-
pling of the Khoy Ophiolite belt, Iran.

2017 M. K. Jonnalagadda, N. R. Karmalkar, and S. Harshe (2017) Morphol-
ogy and chemistry of Cr Spinel from the peridotites of the Spontang
Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh: insights into the petrogenesis of man-

Nitin R Karmalkar 2017

tle peridotites. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-
M K. Jonnalagaddaa, N. R. Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami, S. Harshe,
Professor & HoD, SPPU Sarah Gain and W. L. Griffin. (2017) Formation of Atoll Garnets in the
UHP Eclogites of the Tso Morari Complex, Ladakh, Himalaya. Jour.
i 11 January 1962
Earth System. Sci. In press.
B SPPU, Pune, India 2016 Kale, M.G, Duraiswami, R., A. Pundalik, Karmalkar N.R. (2016) Soft
Sediment Deformation structures from Kahri River Section of Rudra-
T +91 9823011747 mata member, Jhuran Formation, Kutch: A testimony of Jurrasic Seis-
mites. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind. Vol. 87, pp. 194-204
m 2016 Karmalkar N. R., Raymond A. Duraiswami, R.A. Jonnalgadda, M.K.,
@ [email protected] Griffin, W.L, Gregoire, M, Benoit, M. Delpech, G. (2016) Magma Types
and source K characterization of the Early Deccan Magmatism, Kutch
region NW India: Insights from the eochemistry of igneous intrusions.
About me 2014
. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind. Sp. Publ. No. 6, pp. 195-210
Duraiswami, R.A. Karmalkar, N.R. Kale, M.G. Sarkar, P.K. Shaikh T.N.
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known and Jonnalagadda M. K. (2014) Pumpellyite-Yugawaralite aggregates
scientist in the field of Igneous in serpentinised harzburgite near Hanle, Nidar Ophiolite Belt, Ladakh
petrology. He currently is working as Trans-Himalaya, India and their significance - Himalayan Geology, Vol
Professor in Department of Geology 35, pp. 22 - 30.
and Head of Department of 2014 Karmalkar, N. R. Duraiswami, R. A. Jonnalagadda M. K and Griffin W.
Environmental Science at SP Pune L. (2014) Mid-Cretaceous Lamproite from the Kutch region, Gujarat,
University, India. He also works as India: Tectonic implications - Gondwana Research. Gondwana Re-
Director, IQAC and has been search v. 26, pp. 952-956.
motivating academicians for 2010 Karmalkar, N.R. and Duraiswami, R.A. (2010) Ultramafic xenoliths
embellishments towards quality from Kutch, northwest India: samples of relic cratonic keel. In: Ori-
assurance.This provides him with gin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust (Eds. N.R. Karmalkar,
blend of strong academic/research R.A. Duraiswami, N.J. Pawar and. Ch. Sivaji) Narosa Publishing house,
experience with administrative New Delhi, pp. 237-260.
expertise. 2010 Karmalkar, N.R., Duraiswami, R.A. and Hoffman (2010) Unusual rift
related magmatism from southern Malawi, southeast Africa and its
role in crustal evolution. In: Origin and Evolution of the Deep Conti-
Skills nental Crust (Eds. N.R. Karmalkar, R.A. Duraiswami, N.J. Pawar and.
Ch. Sivaji) Narosa Publishing house, New Delhi, pp. 153-173.
Hypocrity 2009 Karmalkar, N.R., Duraiswami, R.A., Chalapathi Rao, N.V. and Paul, D.K.
(2009) Mantle-derived mafic-ultramafic xenoliths and the nature of
Communication Indian Sub-continental Lithosphere. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind. v. Vol.73,
2008 Karmalkar, N.R., Kale, M.G., Duraiswami, R.A., Jonalgadda, M. (2008)
Magma underplating and storage in the crust building process be-
neath the Kutch region, NW India. Curr. Sci., v.94, no.12, pp.1582-
Dynamism 1588.
2005 Karmalkar N.R. Sonal Rege, Griffin W.L. and O’Reilly S.Y. (2005) Al-
kaline magmatism from Kutch, NW India: Implications for Plume-
lithosphere interaction Lithos Vol. 81 pp. 101-119.
2004 Deo, S. Ghate, S. Rajguru, S.N., Karmalkar N. R. and Kale M. (2004)
Discovery of an Acheulian Site in Association with Tephra at Rajbag,
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 Taluka Supa, District Pune, Maharashtra. Man and Environment Vol.
Transparency?5.9 XXIX (1): 108.
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) 2004 Duraiswami, R.A. Karmalkar N.R. and Pawar N.J. (2004) Geochem-
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and
is part of self-assessment.] istry of the basic-ultrabasic rocks from the Dongargarh Supergroup,
Central India. Recent Researches in Economic Geology, Vol. 2. pp.
2003 Yedekar, D.B., Karmalkar, N., Pawar N.J. and Jain, S. C. (2003)
Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Central Indian Terrain. Gond. Geol.
Magz. Spl. V. 7, pp. 67-88.
2003 Karmalkar, N.R. and P.K. Sarma (2003) Plume affected upper man-
tle beneath Kutch: evidence from spinel lherzolite xenoliths and host
alkali basalts DCS-DST News Letter Vol. 13. pp 2-3.
2003 Karmalkar, N.R. and Porittran K. Sarma (2003), Characterisation and
origin of Silicic and alkali rich glasses in the Upper mantle-derived
spinel peridotite xenoliths from alklali basalts, Deccan Trap, Kutch,
northwest India. Current Science. Vol. 85 pp 386-392.
Nitin R Karmalkar 2002 Karmalkar, N.R. and Rege, S. (2002) Cryptic metasomatism in the up-
per mantle beneath Kutch: evidence from spinel lherzolite xenoliths.
Professor & HoD, SPPU Current Science. Vol. 82 pp 1157-1164.
2001 Karmalkar, N.R, Pawar N.J., Patwardhan A.M. (2001) Petrography and
i 11 January 1962 geochemistry of basic and ultrabasic rocks from Bhandara Craton,
Central India- Insights in to the Mantle source characteristics DCS-
B SPPU, Pune, India DST News Letter Vol. 11.
2000 Karmalkar, N.R., Dessai, A.G., Duraiswami, R.A. (2000) Alteration of
T +91 9823011747
chromite from Dunites of Indus Ophiolite Belt, Ladakh Himalaya, In-
m dia. Gondwana Geological Magazine V. 15 pp. 27-34.
2000 Karmalkar, N.R., Griffin, W.L. and O’Reilly, S.Y. (2000) Ultramafic xeno-
@ [email protected] lith from (NW India): Plume-related mantle samples? International
Geology Review V. 42 , pp. 416-444.
1999 Karmalkar, N.R., Duraiswami, R.A., Griffin, W.L. and O’Reilly, S.Y.
About me (1999) Enigmatic orthopyroxene-rutile-spinel intergrowth in the
mantle xenoliths from Kutch, India. Current Science V. 76 (5), 687-
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known 692.
scientist in the field of Igneous 1998 Karmalkar, N.R., Soman, G.R., Duraiswami, R.A. and Phadke, A.V.
petrology. He currently is working as (1998) Rare fissure type of eruption from the southern part of the
Professor in Department of Geology Deccan Volcanic Province, India. Gondwana Geological Magazine. V.
and Head of Department of 13. no. 1. Pp. 13-19.
Environmental Science at SP Pune 1998 Sarkar, P.K., Friedman, G.M., Karmalkar, N.R. (1998) Speleothem de-
University, India. He also works as posits developed in caves and tunnels of Deccan-trap basalt’s, Maha-
Director, IQAC and has been rashtra, India. Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 13, no. 2. 132-135.
motivating academicians for 1998 Karmalkar, N.R., Ghate, S.N., Mishra, S. and Rajaguru, S.N. (1998)
embellishments towards quality Morphology of the volcanic ash from the Kukadi river section, Pune
assurance.This provides him with District, Maharashtra. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 51, 213-218.
1996 Phadke, A.V. and Karmalkar, N.R. (1996) Highly siliceous volcanic ash
blend of strong academic/research
from Pune district, Maharashtra, India: A natural fine grained Abra-
experience with administrative
sive. In the Proceedings of Int. Cong. Appl. Mineral. Poland.
1997 Karmalkar, N.R., Desai, A.G., Duraiswami, R.A. (1997) Morphological
and chemical changes in spinels and their bearing on the cumulate
Skills or residual nature of the peridotites from the Indus Ophiolite, India.
Indian Mineralogist, v. 31, 12-23.
Hypocrity 1996 Duraiswami, R.A. and Karmalkar, N.R. (1996) Unusual xenolithic dyke
at Mandaleshwar and its episodic nature. Gondwana Geol. Mag., v.
Communication 11 (1), 1-10.
1995 Karmalkar, N.R., Dessai, A.G., Duraiswami, R.A. and Leblanc,M. (1995)
Evidence of garnet to spinel peridotite transition in the harzburgites
Integrity of Indus ophiolite belt: An indication of their mantle origin. Current
Science, v. 69 (9), 767-770.
Dynamism 1995 Patwardhan, A. M., Karmalkar, N.R., Panaskar, D.B. and Meshram, D.C.
(1995) Seismicity impact in Patan Taluka, District Satara, Maharash-
tra. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 46 (3), 275-285.
Leadership 1992 Dessai, A.G., Karmalkar, N.R., and Leblanc, M. (1992) Podiform
chromites in Mantle Peridotite from Indus Ophiolite belt, Ladakh Hi-
malaya. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., v.39, 29-38.
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 1992 Phansalkar,V.G., Kale, A.S., Karmalkar, N.R. and Kale, V.S. (1992) Re-
Transparency?5.9 ply to comments on "An unusual evaporite association from Papaghini
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) Group, Cuddapah Basin". Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 39, 257-259.
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and
is part of self-assessment.]
1991 Phansalkar,V.G., Kale, A.S., Karmalkar, N.R. and Kale, V.S. (1991)
An unusual evaporite association from Papaghini Group, Cuddapah
Basin. Jour. Geol. Soc. Ind., v. 37, 75-79.
1989 Karmalkar, N.R., Dessai, A.G. and Leblanc, M. (1989) SEM morphology
and geochemistry of podiform chromites from ultramafites of Indus
ophiolite belt, Ladhak Himalaya. In: Phanerozoic Ophiolites of India
and associated Mineral Resources. Ed. N.C. Ghosh. Sumna Publish-
ers, Patna. 118-132.
1983 Dessai, A.G., Pardeshi, R.G., Karmalkar, N.R. and Powar, K.B. (1983)
Petrology of the mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Indus Ophiolite
Nitin R Karmalkar Belt, Ladakh Himalaya. In: Ophiolites and Indian Plate Margins, (Eds.)
Ghosh, N.C. and Varadrajan, S. Sumna Publs., Patna, 63-73.
Professor & HoD, SPPU
Books/Abstract/Technical Reports Edited
i 11 January 1962
2014 Abstract Volume published as conference proceedings on National
B SPPU, Pune, India Conference on Energy and Environment (NC2E) - Energy and Envi-
ronments security through Cutting Edge technology. Editors - S. V.
T +91 9823011747 Ghaisas, N.R. Karmalkar, S. Jadkar, A. Supekar, S. Gosavi, M. Jonnala-
m gadda, M. More and V. Waman - Success Publications ISBN no - 978-
@ [email protected] 2013 Abstract Volume published as conference proceedings on Synergy of
Geochemistry, Geology, Geophysics towards Natural and Energy re-
sources, Environment and Health. Editors - N. R. Karmalkar, R.A. Du-
About me 2012
NIASM Technical Bulletin - 4, Groundwater Exploration, Development
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known and Management in NIASM watershed, Malegaon Khurb, Baramati.
scientist in the field of Igneous Editors: U. K. Maurya, R.A. Duraiswami, KPR Vital, N. R. Karmalkar,
petrology. He currently is working as S.V. Ghadge.
Professor in Department of Geology 2010 Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust. Editors: N. R.
and Head of Department of Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami, N. J. Pawar and Ch. Sivaji. Narosa Pub-
Environmental Science at SP Pune lishing House, New Delhi.
University, India. He also works as 2010 Field Guide: Dyke Swarms of Deccan Volcanic Province. 6th IDC,
Director, IQAC and has been Varanasi India. Editors: N. R. Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami.
2008 Abstract Volume published as conference proceedings on National
motivating academicians for
Conference on Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust.
embellishments towards quality
Editors: N. R. Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami, N. J. Pawar and Ch. Sivaji.
assurance.This provides him with
blend of strong academic/research Additional Activities / Responsibilities
experience with administrative
expertise. from 2013 Head, Department of Environmental Science, SPPU.
from 2011 Coordinator, IQAC Cell SPPU.
Skills 2017 Co-convener for the International Conference on ‘Capacity Building
for conservation in Asia’ held at the Department of Environmental Sci-
Hypocrity ence, SPPU, jointly with ERT, London.
2016 Convener for the field workshop of 21st Annual Meeting of the Inter
Continental Drilling Programme Science Advisory Group.
Communication 2014 Convener for the National Conference on ‘Energy and Environment’
held at the Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune.
Integrity 2013 Convener for National Conference on "Synergy of Geochemistry, Ge-
ology and Geophysics towards natural and energy resources, envi-
ronment and health" Jointly organized by the Department of Geology,
Dynamism University of Pune, and Indian Society of Applied Geochemist (ISAG)
Leadership 2012 Coordinator for the Inspire Internship Program of the DST between
11th and 15th December 2012.
2010-13 Head, Department of Geology, SPPU.
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 2010 Co-convener for the National Conference on ‘Hydrogeology of the vol-
Transparency?5.9 canic terrain’ organized jointly by the Department of Geology, UoP,
Geological Society of India Bangalore and GSDA Pune in 2010.
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness)
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and
2009 Convener for the refresher course on ‘Understanding the Planet
is part of self-assessment.] Earth’ for the college and post graduate teachers in Geology.
2006 Convener: DST sponsored National Seminar on ‘Origin and Evolution
of Deep Continental Crust’ jointly Organized by the Department of
Geology, UoP and Mineralogical Society of India, Mysore.
Additional Activities / Responsibilities
from 2006 Professor in the Department of Geology, SPPU, Pune- 411007.
2005 Co-convener for the National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in
Geotechnology’ jointly Organized by the Department of Geology, UoP
and Indian Geotechnical Society, Pune Chapter.
2003 Convener for the refresher course on ‘Watershed and Disaster man-
agement’ for the college and post graduate teachers in Geology.
1999-2000 Worked as consultant to the UNDP / World Bank Aided projects in the
Republic of Malawi, East Africa.
1988-2006 worked as lecturer at the post graduate level in the Department of
Geology, University of Pune, Pune, 411 007
Nitin R Karmalkar 1988-1994 Worked as the Visiting Faculty at the School of Environmental Sci-
ences, University of Pune, Pune, Pune- 411007.
Professor & HoD, SPPU 1987-1988 worked as Research Associate in the D.S.T. Sponsored project "Cli-
matic Changes in the north western-part of India".
i 11 January 1962 1985 Attended a course on "Use of trace element Geochemistry in Igneous
petrogenesis" organized by Pro. V. Rajamani, at the Jawaharlal Nehru
B SPPU, Pune, India University New Delhi.
1984-1986 Junior Research Fellow, in the D.S.T. Sponsored project "Geology of
T +91 9823011747 the Dras Ophiolite belt Ladakh Himalayas".
1992-2013 Resource person for Refresher courses for college teachers in both
Earth and Environmental Sciences.
@ [email protected]
Administrative Responsibilities
from 2013 March 2013 - till date appointed as Head, Department of Environmen-
About me tal Science, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411007.
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known from 2010 Chairman, Examination Committee, Department of Geology, Savit-
scientist in the field of Igneous ribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411007.
2010-13 Head, Department of Geology, SPPU, Pune - 411007
petrology. He currently is working as
Member Central Purchase Committee of the S.P. Pune University.
Professor in Department of Geology
Since 2011 Director Internal Quality Assurance Cell S.P. Pune University
and Head of Department of
Member Alumni Association, Placement and Corporate relation Cell S.P. Pune
Environmental Science at SP Pune
University, India. He also works as Member Board of Governance ‘Center for Intelligent Systems’ (RUSA Spon-
Director, IQAC and has been sored), S.P. Pune University
motivating academicians for C-Member Council Member, Geological Society of India, Bangalore
embellishments towards quality 2010-12 Member, Central Purchase Committee of SPPU, Pune
assurance.This provides him with 2010-12 Senate Member, SPPU, Pune
blend of strong academic/research 2008-2010 Member on the Board for the recruitment of ‘Geologist’ by UPSC for
experience with administrative the Geological Survey of India, GoI, New Delhi.
Professional Development activities
Skills Member Academic Council, S.P. Pune University.
Chairman Board of Studies in Environmental Sciences, S. P. Pune University
Co-ordinator Board of Studies in Geology, 2016-2017
Communication Member Board of Studies and Research and Recognition Committee in Geol-
ogy, University of Pune, Member BOS, in Geology Mumbai University,
Research and Recognition Committee in Geology, Shivaji University
Kolhapur, North Maharashtra University Jalgaon.
Chairman for paper setting in Earth and Atmospheric Science SET Examination
Dynamism for the state of Maharashtra and Goa.
Paper Setter for the KSET Examination in Earth Sciences for the state of Karnataka.
Paper Setter for Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) Examination for
Leadership the Post of Jr. Geologist.
Paper Setter for Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission Examination for
the Post of Jr. Geologist 2013, 2014.
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 Member Expert Panel for the sanction of Major Research Projects in Geology
Transparency?5.9 of the UGC, New Delhi.
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) Reviewer Peer Reviewer of the research projects submitted for funding to the
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and DST New Delhi MoES, GoI, Kothari Fellowship.
is part of self-assessment.]
Reviewer Peer reviewer for Journal of Geological Society of India (Springer),
Journal of Earth System Science (Springer), Gondwana Research (El-
sevier), Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier) etc.
Professional Development activities
Co-ordinator 2007 - 2012: Special Assistance Programme (SAP), UGC Phase I:
Funds Received: 48 Lacs.
Co-ordinator 2013 - till date - Coordinator - Special Assistance Programme (SAP),
UGC Phase II: Funds Received: 74 Lacs.
Co-ordinator DST FIST programme Phase I: Funds received: 48 Lacs.
Co-ordinator 2012 - till date - DST FIST programme Phase II: Funds received: 1.85
Co-ordinator 2014 - Bachelor Vocational (B. Voc.) in Gemology and Jewellery De-
signing at the Skill Development Center, University of Pune, Pune
Sponsored by UGC. Funds received: 1.85 crores.
Co-ordinator Certificate course on ‘Advance and Innovative Techniques in Environ-
Nitin R Karmalkar ment and Watershed Management’ run under the Design Innovation
Center, SPPU.
Professor & HoD, SPPU Examiner PhD Examiner in the subject of Geology and Environmental Science,
for University of Delhi, University of Kolkata, Osmania University, Hy-
i 11 January 1962 derabad, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay (Mumbai), Shivaji
B SPPU, Pune, India University, Kolhapur etc. Solapur University, Solapur.
Mentor Initiated the Western Chapter of the Geological Society of India under
T +91 9823011747 the auspices of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.

m Infrastructural Development

@ [email protected] 1) Strengthening of the geochemical analytical facility at the Central In-
strumentation facility of S.P. Pune University by addition of Laser Ab-
lation ICPMS.
About me 2) Strengthening of the Geochemistry Laboratory at Geology Depart-
ment through the addition of analytical facilities such as AAS, HPIC,
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known ED - XRF, ICP-OES, Micro-digestion, Millipore Water purification sys-
scientist in the field of Igneous tem.
petrology. He currently is working as 3) Restructuring and strengthening of the Petrological Laboratory
Professor in Department of Geology through the addition of Petrological Microscopes, Raman Microscopy,
and Head of Department of FTIR, Micro- cutting and polishing and powdering unit at Geology De-
Environmental Science at SP Pune partment.
University, India. He also works as 4) Completion of the expansion and renovation of the Environmental Sci-
Director, IQAC and has been ence Department at SPPU.
motivating academicians for 5) Strengthening of the analytical Laboratory at the Department of En-
embellishments towards quality vironmental Sciences, S. P. Pune University through the addition of
assurance.This provides him with analytical facilities such as AAS, ICP-OES, Real Time PCR, Micro-
blend of strong academic/research digestion, Millipore Water purification system.
experience with administrative 6) Creation and development of Gem testing laboratory for the Bachelor
expertise. of Vocation Degree Course in Gemology and Jewellery Designing.

Consultancy Projects
Skills 2016 Biodiversity Assessment in and Around Kas dam for Satara Nagar
Hypocrity Parishad (INR 1,50,000/-)
2016 Green Audit of the Engineering College, AISSMS, Pune (INR
Communication 2013 Geological Mapping and Geochemical Characterization of the hot
springs on west coast region of Maharashtra for Thermax Ltd, Pune.
Integrity (Rs. 7,50,000/-)
2013 Salt water intrusion studies for the JSW Thermal Power Project
Jaigad, Amount Sanctioned (Rs.5,00,000/-).
Dynamism 2012 Consultancy projects: Heavy Mineral Analysis for Adani Petrochemi-
cals Ltd. Ahmadabad. (Rs. 4, 87, 000/-).
Leadership 2012 Groundwater Exploration Development and Management at NIASM
Watershed, Malegaon Khurd, Baramati (Rs. 600,000/-).
2010 Sedimentation studies for the Kalu River, Malshej Ghat for NTPC
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 (Rs.1,200,000/-).
Transparency?5.9 On demand Consultancy for the projects such as tunnels and express way for Gov-
ernment of Maharashtra and GoI.
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness)
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and
is part of self-assessment.] Memberships of Professional / Academic Bodies
Council-M Council Member, Geological Society of India, Bangalore
Fellow Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, India.
Fellow Geological Society of India, Bangalore.
Memberships of Professional / Academic Bodies
Member Gondwana Geological Society Nagpur.
Member Mineralogical Society of India, Mysore.
Member IGCP project 240 on ‘Mantle Dynamics related to Tethyan Collision’
L-Member Life Member Indian Geotechnical Society, New Delhi.
EC-Member Executive Council Member Indian Geotechnical Society, Pune Chap-
Expert Subject expert for the award of Major research projects of the UGC,
MoES and DST.
Member Board of Studies in Geology, SPPU, 2010-2013.
Member Research and Recognition Committee in Geology since 2010.
Nitin R Karmalkar I-Member
Invited Member Board of Studies in Environmental Sciences, SPPU
Board of Studies in Geology, Mumbai University, since 2011.
Professor & HoD, SPPU Member Research and Recognition Committee, North Maharashtra University
i 11 January 1962 Member Research and Recognition Committee, Shivaji University Kolhapur.

B SPPU, Pune, India Invited Talks

T +91 9823011747 2013 Flood Basalts a journey through the Deccan Trap- Invited lecture in
the National workshop on ‘Dharwar to Deccan Traps An integrated
Geoscientific approach’ between 29th and 31st August 2013, jointly
@ [email protected] organized by the SRTM University Nanded and Indian Geophysical
Union, Hyderabad.
2012 Mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths from Kutch, NW India: Petroge-
About me netic constraints on the nature of Sub-continental Lithosphere - In-
vited lecture in the National workshop on ‘Geology of Kutchh’ Or-
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known ganized by the Department of Geology Kutchh University Gujarat
scientist in the field of Igneous jointly with Geological Society of India between 26th and 28th Jan-
petrology. He currently is working as uary 2012.
Professor in Department of Geology 2011 Deccan Traps - Invited lecture in the International Workshop on Deep
and Head of Department of Scientific Drilling to Study Reservoir Triggered Earthquakes in Koyna,
Environmental Science at SP Pune India - held at Hyderabad and Koyna between 21st and 25th March
University, India. He also works as 2011.
Director, IQAC and has been 2007 Mantle Xenoliths as probes to the Earth’s Interior - Kelkar Memorial
motivating academicians for Lecture of the Deccan Volcanological Society Pune.
embellishments towards quality
assurance.This provides him with Papers Presented
blend of strong academic/research 2017 M. K. Jonnalagadda, N. R. Karmalkar, and Shivani Harshe, Morphol-
experience with administrative ogy and chemistry of Cr Spinel from the peridotites of the Spontang
expertise. Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh: insights into the petrogenesis of man-
tle peridotites presented at the European Geoscience Union General
Skills 2016
Assembly 2017.
M. K. Jonnalagadda, N. R. Karmalkar and R. A. Duraiswami, Quartz-
Hypocrity Coesite phase transformations in garnet from Tso Morari Eclogites,
Ladakh, NW Himalayas, India: Evidence from Raman Spectroscopy
presented at the International seminar on Mineral Processing Tech-
nology MPT 2016 - Innovations in Mineral Processing.
2013 M. Jonnalagadda, N. R. Karmalkar and R. A. Duraiswami, Petrography
Integrity and Geochemistry of the UHP eclogite enclaves from the Tso Morari
Crystalline Complex, NW Himalaya, India: Insights into subducting
Dynamism and exhumation process presented at the National Seminar on Syn-
ergy of Geochemistry, Geology and Geophysics towards natural and
energy resources, environment and health at Pune.
Leadership 2011 M. Jonnalagadda, N. R. Karmalkar and R. A. Duraiswami, Significance
of the atoll garnets from the eclogites of Tso Morari Complex, Ladakh,
India in understanding the Himalayan Subduction process presented
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 at the National Seminar on Geodynamics and Metallogenesis of the
Transparency?5.9 Indian Lithosphere and AGM of Geological Soc of India, Varanasi.
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) 2006 N. R. Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami, P. K. Sarma, S. P. Chauhan and M.
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and
is part of self-assessment.]
K. Jonnalagadda, Peeping into the Interior of the Western Continental
Margin of India: A xenolith based perspective presented at Group Dis-
cussion on The Evolution Of The Indian Continental Crust And Upper
Mantle: Recent Advances And Future Thrust, Hyderabad.
Papers Presented
2006 N. R. Karmalkar and R. A. Duraiswami, Alkaline Magmatism from Parts
of Kutch and Murud Janjira area presented at Group discussion on
Indian Dykes at Banaras.
2006 N. R. Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami, P. K. Sarma, S. P. Chauhan and
M. K. Jonnalagadda, ‘Origin and composition of the sub-continental
lithospheric mantle beneath Kutch’ Presented at National Seminar on
‘Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust’ Pune.
2006 N. R. Karmalkar, R. A. Duraiswami, Hofmann A. Unusual rift related
carbonatite magmatism from Southern Malawi, Southeast Africa and
its implications in crustal evolution, Presented at National Seminar on
Nitin R Karmalkar 2006
‘Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust’ Pune
Mallika. J, N.R. Karmalkar, R.A. Duraiswami, Magmatic Underplating
Professor & HoD, SPPU as a crust building process: Evidence from the sills in Kutch, Gujarat,
NW India, Presented at National Seminar on ‘Origin and Evolution of
i 11 January 1962 the Deep Continental Crust’ Pune.
B SPPU, Pune, India M.Sc. Dissertations Supervised
T +91 9823011747 2014 Petrography and Geochemical characterization of the ultramafic en-
m claves emplaced within the gneissic complex of Nilambur, Kerala (Ms.
Neha Bhave - 2014).
@ [email protected] 2013 Geochemical characterization of the Unhavare hotsprings near
Dapoli, Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra (Ms. Shraddha Jagtap - 2013).
2012 Petrographic and Geochemical characterization of the igneous in-
About me trusion at the Ghumeri near Lakhpat, Kutch, Gujarat, NW India (Mr.
Stephen Abhang - 2012).
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known 2012 Petrography and Geochemical characterization of the gabbro se-
scientist in the field of Igneous quence from the Nidar Ophiolite Complex, Eastern Ladakh, NW Hi-
petrology. He currently is working as malayas, India (Mr. Kapil Bhagwat - 2012).
Professor in Department of Geology 2011 Petrography and geochemistry of the Sasawne dyke near Alibaug,
and Head of Department of Maharashtra (Ms. Ragi Nair - 2011).
Environmental Science at SP Pune 2009 Petrographic and Geochemical characterization of impactites and im-
University, India. He also works as pact glass associated with Lonar crater (Ms. Sneha rode - 2009).
Director, IQAC and has been 2006 Petrography and geochemical characterization of the dyke rocks from
motivating academicians for the Kutch region, NW India (Ms. Mallika Jonnalagadda - 2006).
embellishments towards quality 2002 Petrography of the alkaline rocks from Sarnu-Dandali, District,
assurance.This provides him with Barmer; Rajasthan. India (Mr. Vilas Bhoskar - 2002).
2001 Petrography of the Felsic and Basic units from Musala Pluton of
blend of strong academic/research
the Mundwara Igneous Complex, District Sirohi, Rajasthan (Ms V.
experience with administrative
Tharthare -2001).
expertise. 2001 Geology of the Toa Pluton Mundwara Igneous Complex Sirohi District
Rajasthan (Ms. Zuchano Jami - 2001).
Skills 1994 Petrology and Geochemistry of the dyke rocks from Mandaleshwar
region, Khargaon District, Madhya Pradesh (Mr. R.A. Duraiswami -
Hypocrity 1994).

2005 ‘Prof. C. Naganna Gold Medal’ of the Mineralogical Society of India
Integrity (Mysore) 2005 for contributions in the field of Alkaline Magmatism of
the Kutch region, Gujarat.
Dynamism Ph.D’s Guided
2015 Petrographic and geochemical studies of dykes from parts of
Narmada-Tapi dyke swarm, Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP), India.
Bibhas Sen
2014 Petrography and Geochemistry of the Ultra high pressure (UHP)
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 eclogite enclaves from the Tso Morari Dome, Ladakh, NW Himalaya,
Transparency?5.9 India. Mallika Jonnalagadda
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) 2008 Petrography and Geochemistry of ultramafic xenoliths in the alkaline
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and rocks from Kutch, Gujarat and their bearing on the mantle beneath
is part of self-assessment.]
Kutch- R.A. Duraisawmi
Ph.D’s Guided
2007 Industrial Characterization and petrogenesis of pegmatitic rocks from
Hadda region, Republic of Yemen

Ph.D’s Ongoing
Current Characterization of the alkaline magmatism associated with the NW
Deccan Volcanic Province, India- P.K. Sarma.
Current Petrography and Geochemistry of the alkaline rocks of the Rajpipla
and surrounding area of Bharuch district Gujarat- S.P. Chauhan
Current Engineering geological assessment of mass wasting prone areas of

Nitin R Karmalkar Mahabaleshwar and surrounding areas, District Satara, Maharashtra.

- Yogesh Pacchhapurkar.
Professor & HoD, SPPU Current Geochemical fingerprinting of the Ophiolite sequence from Khoy
Ophiloite Sequence Islamic Republic of Iran - Parisa Javadisabet.
Current Petrographic and geochemical studies of the alkaline-carbonatite ig-
i 11 January 1962
neous complexes from Gujarat and Rajasthan states, India with spe-
B SPPU, Pune, India cial reference to their economic potential - Sagar Kamble.
T +91 9823011747 Research Projects completed
m 2001 DST sponsored project entitled: Petrography and geochemistry of ba-
sic and ultrabasic rocks from Bhandara Craton, Central India. (2001)
@ [email protected]
(PI- N.R. Karmalkar).
2000 Project Title: "Geochemical characterization of the alkaline com-
About me plexes associated with the Deccan volcanic province, in parts of Gu-
jarat and Rajasthan states, India." Principal Investigator: Prof. N.R.
Prof Nitin R Karmalkar is a well known Karmalkar (Amount sanctioned: Rs. 16.12 lakhs).
scientist in the field of Igneous 2000 Petrographic and Geochemical characterization of eclogites from Tso-
petrology. He currently is working as Morari crystallines from Eastern Ladakh. Principal Investigator: Dr. N.
Professor in Department of Geology R. Karmalkar (Amount sanctioned: Rs 3,00,000/-).
and Head of Department of 2015 DST sponsored project entitled ‘Mineralogical and Geochemical at-
Environmental Science at SP Pune tributes of the magmatic rocks of Island belt, Kutch, Gujarat: Impli-
University, India. He also works as cation on the early Deccan Volcanism and nature of sub-continental
Director, IQAC and has been mantle.’(Amount sanctioned: Rs 16,00,000/-).
2015 Sponsoring Agency: ONGC Energy Centre, New Delhi. "Studies on
motivating academicians for
Naturally Occurring Uranium in Sedimentary Rocks for Possible ex-
embellishments towards quality
traction as Nuclear Fuel". Project Investigator: Dr. N. R. Kar-
assurance.This provides him with
malkar.(Amount sanctioned: Rs 38,00,000/-).
blend of strong academic/research 2016 DST sponsored project on "Petrographic and Geochemical character-
experience with administrative ization of the Nidar Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh Himalaya" Principal
expertise. Co-Investigator: Prof. N.R. Karmalkar (Amount sanctioned: Rs. 11
Skills Ongoing minor and major research projects
MoES MoES sponsored project entitled “Petrographic and geochemical fin-
gerprinting of the select ophiolite sequences from Himalayan and
Communication Naga Ophiolite belt". (PI- Dr. N.R. Karmalkar) (Amount Sanctioned:
60 lakhs) - Sanctioned.
Integrity ONGC ONGC Energy Centre (OEC), New Delhi sponsored project entitled
Proof of concept on “investigation on microbial and bioleaching of
uranium from secondary uranium deposits. (PI- Dr. N.R. Karmalkar)
(Amount Sanctioned: 15 lakhs)"- Sanctioned.
UGC UGC Sponsored through UPE Grants project entitled “Capacity build-
Leadership ing in biodiversity assessment of Western Maharashtra. (PI- Dr. N.R.
Karmalkar) (Amount sanctioned: Rs: 24 lakhs)".
MOES Surface geological Investigations of Koyna-Warna region to evaluate
Amicability?5.8 Administration?5.7 neotectonism with the emphasis on Quaternary sediments (using re-
Transparency?5.9 mote sensing technique) MOES GoI 15.33 Lakh
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness)
to 6 (Expert). The rating is done by Prof Karmalkar and -- (Professor Nitin R. Karmalkar)
is part of self-assessment.]

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