Chevening Answers

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Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage

with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen
profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your
networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.

Strong networking ability is the backbone for the successful business and life, as it open
the closed doors and enable the people with the same interest to communicate and share
information and experiences thus facilitating life challenges through sharing the personal
experiences with each other .

I strongly believe that the skills and knowledge can be grown by the proper training,
learning and through the practical experiences so I tried to enrich and built up my ability
in this from the time of my high school . Volunteer work is the shortest way to gain and
improve the networking skill, thus I decided to participate with different non-profit
organizations that work in different fields like youth participation & involvement in
policy making and governance, child issues, environment issues. On 2014, I along with
other friend established an youth group named Rising Pattipa Youth Club in our own
community to discover problems the youth and children are facing and the problem that is
lacking the development of our community and thus trying to apply practical intelligent
solutions for those problems. Because every changes has to start from oneself. While
participating with the organization I develop a strong connections with other youth who
share the same interest like mine.

I participated in different conferences, events virtual events to extend my networking and

to develop my skills, which help me quite well for extending my networks with the
national and international youths.

Thus, I try to expand my network everyday with every new person I meet and I am
confident enough that my networking skills will surely help me to expand my connections
more by applying to Chevening scholarship. Thus, I could pursue some more volunteer
and charitable work in Nepal in the field of Information Technology in a more
professional way with the knowledge and experiences I gain in the field during my
Chevening period.
Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain
how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your
plans for the future.

I have selected to pursue my master degree in information Technology and security in

three different universities: University College London
. All three universities have an international reputation for the quality of their teaching
methods which will fill my current needs. I believe that with my determination,
independence and communication skills I can successfully complete any of the three
programme I have selected.

As I have completed my Bachelor degree in Information Technology, and working as IT

personnel in different organizations yet, I would like to expand my technological
knowledge through applying at this course as a practical training to prepare myself for the
advance field of information technology management and security. As security plays a
vital role in the information technology field. Practicing the ability of analytical thinking
and finding out the security and management issues related to information technology in
a professional way, is my target from this course.

On the other hand, development in science and technology is changing the living standard
of people, way of connecting and communicating with each other with profound effect on
the economical development. They are the key factors for the development as scientific
and technological revolution advances the economy, health system, education and
infrastructure of the country. But unfortunately, being an developing country Nepal is
lacking the development in Information Technology. We lack the investment in the field
of Technology which holds the endless potential for the overall development of the
country like ours. I have decided to join one of these three universities for their world-
leading with outstanding information technology and security courses. With the aim to
work in the information technology development and security related field this
scholarship will help to be one step closer to my dream of advancing the technology
development in the rural area of Nepal so that the people living there can have access to
the better education, health and communication with others living in the urban areas.
Something I am sure that it will have a great impact on the Nepalese future specially in
the development of technology in rural area of Nepal and the overall development of the
Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please
outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career

Successful and happy individuals can tell the importance of having a clear career plan as
its the core of success. Clear career plan is like having the professional insurance policy.
A person’s organized and determined thinking for doing his best to reach his goals are
reflected by such career plan. Knowing the importance of the clear career plan I had
defined my vision and strategy and immediate post-study plan and plans for the long term

As soon as I return home, I have a plan to establish a group of youth with the interest and
knowledge in technology and the interest to volunteer. I will carry out different activities
like teaching about the technology and other related factor for the development of the
country to the information technology students by transferring the theoretical knowledge
together with the practical experiences thus creating a new generation of highly qualified
technologist updated with the latest guidelines and ready to face any challenge in the

On the other hand, working in the healthcare industry has helped to understand the
necessity of state of art technology development and the use of technology in providing
the healthcare services to the patient. The use of technology can help to improve the
traditional health system for providing the better satisfaction among the patients. The
technology can be used to connect the doctors of super-specialty hospital to the patients
of rural areas where there is no availability of the doctors and thus facing the untimely
deaths to provide the virtual consultation and services thus decreasing the number of
patients who died because of not getting the health consultation at time. Thus, I will use
my knowledge and connections to bring closer those doctors and patients of the rural
areas of Nepal with the development and use tele-medicine technologies which are still in
lesser use than those compared to developed countries.

With the group of people with the knowledge and skills of technology and the heart for
mankind by providing their services and help through volunteerism, I have a plan to
develop a research center in the field of the Information technology as in Nepal the
research center are very less in number and the one in the Technology is the one must
have for the development of the country and its economy with the secure and accurate
data. I have a dream to play an important role in the Nepalese development by supporting
the educational passion with knowledge, skills and research in the field of technology.
Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in
their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples
of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer. (minimum
word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

“If your action inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you
are a leader” — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS

This famous quotes of John Quincy Adams inspires me to work hard and use all my
efforts to achieve my goals. I have a vision of establishing a research center and if my
action of doing so will help other to dream more like and learn more then I am a leader
because of my action not because of my designation.

To be a chosen one Chevening Alumni among of over 50,000 outstanding world leaders
worldwide is a dream of everyone who is applying for this prestigious, influential and
highly regarded a group. Thus, I don’t find its a secret that I would like to become a
Chevening scholar and for which I have skills, professional experiences and leadership
potential to lead and influence others of my country.

I bring more than 5 years of experience in non-governmental organizations, private

sectors as teacher, trainers, and executive in IT field. I am the founder of Rising Pattipa
Youth Club, a non-governmental organization which works for the community
development and empowering and educating children and youth about the problems and
issue affecting the development of the community and the environmental problems. I am
also the member of Dynamic Youth Forum, a non-government youth-led forum working
for the youth right advocacy and empowering youths. I am a global member of Internet
Society working with the vision The internet is for everyone.

At my current job I am on a regular basis participate at various thematic events like

conferences and forums related to energy, investment and public-private partnerships
issues. For instance, in May of this year I have organized two panel sessions within the
Astana Economic Forum related to EXPO-2017, where I invited Prof. Yelena
Kalyuzhnova from the University of Reading to be a moderator in one of our session.
Later in August I have participated as a speaker at the workshop “Promotion of Clean
Energy in Resource-Rich Countries: Case Study of Kazakhstan”, which was organized by
the University of Reading with support of the Newton–Al-Farabi Partnership Programme,
British Council. The outcome of that workshop was the proposals for the Astana EXPO-
2017; I was one of judges in committee and I encouraged academic scholars both from
UK and Kazakhstan to provide their practical recommendations for EXPO-2017. Six
teams were drafted Development Proposals showcasing the policies that their fictional
country adopts to address the six Key Conceptual Challenges of the Exhibition: 1.
Promoting renewable energy and other energy alternatives; 2. Energy efficiency and
responsible consumption; 3. Electrification of transport; 4. Universal access to clean
energy 5. Energy Security; 6. The inseparability of energy and matter, life and human
beings in the context of the Environmental Challenges.

Furthermore, from last year as a visiting lecturer I have started to deliver module on
Strategic Management and Business Policy for an Executive MBA students both at
KIMEP University and at Business School of Kazakh Humanities and Law University
(KAZGUU). Hence, upon returning home I will speak and write about my Chevening
experience as widely as possible and I will support the Chevening Program in my country
through other various activities.

I would like to summarize my vision with the next quote: “Leadership isn’t about
position; it’s about behavior.” (James Kouzes and Barry Posner).

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