Study and Thinking Skills

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Study and Thinking Skills

Good study habits are practices or routines 5. Memorizing

that enable you to succeed as a student. They Memorizing is act or process of remembering.
pertain to the following:
1. Allotting a STUDY TIME Techniques that can help in memorizing
Techniques that allows learners to
2. Allotting a STUDY PLACE
remember information using short retrieval
3. Knowing WHAT TO STUDY cues

4. Knowing WHY YOU STUDY Types of Mnemonics

5. Knowing HOW TO STUDY Chunking

Breaking up complicated lists into sensible groupings
e.g. cellphone/ telephone numbers (484-**-**)
1. Organizing Using the first letter from a group of words to form a
Study area new word
Long-term and short-term goals e.g. ROYGBIV (colors of the rainbow)
Study materials Visualization
All necessary supplies Creating pictures on your mind or on paper
2. Scheduling Linking Method
Write down all activities and due dates on a Linking each item using crazy images
large monthly calendar Peg Method
Make a sched that fit your needs Visualizing words literally attached to familiar
Schedule a daily and weekly review time objects
3. Managing time Method of Loci
(setting your priorities and having time for Uses locations to cue memory
everything) Place Method
Estimating how long will the task take before Uses numbers and a poem instead of landmarks
starting Chaining
Start from your least favorite subject to get it Create a story where each word or idea you have to
over with remember cues the next idea you need to recall
Give yourself a reward, a break and a Keywords
limitation Using sound likes; imagine an image that involves the
4. Concentrating keyword
Concentration is the ability to direct your Acrostics
thinking. Create sentences from the first letter of every word
BEST PRACTICES that needs to be remembered
Be here now Rhymes and Songs
Worry / think time Create your own songs and rhymes to remember.
Tally mental wanderings Movement Learning or Hands-on Learning
Visualize Same as rhyme and songs the difference is the person
has to take physical action to remember.
Taking Notes and Summarizing
One of the best ways to retain what you have read

Face Association 4. Clipping
Looking at a person’s face closely, but discretely “shortening” / reducing parts of a word
finding a feature to make it stand out in your mind Types of Clipping
Image-naming a. Back clipping – retains the first part
Creating relationships between the name and the e.g. Advertisement – Ad Doctor – Doc
physical characteristics of the person to remember b. Fore-clipping – retains the last part
the person’s name e.g. charcoal – coal examination – exam
Rhyme-keys c. Middle clipping – middle of the word is retained
Using two or more words that if combined rhymes e.g. influenza – flu detective – tec
the word you want to remember d. Complex clipping – one or two parts are clipped
Repetition e.g. optical art – op art science fiction – sci-fi
5. Blending
Forming of words from parts of two other words
Learning Styles Ways of Blending
Plata, 2005 a. Beginning of the other + ending of the other
e.g. brunch; splutter; infotainment
1. Active vs Reflective b. Beginnings of both words
2. Factual vs Theoretical e.g. cyborg; sitcom
3. Visual vs Verbal c. One complete word + part of the other
4. Linear vs Holistic e.g. guesstimate
d. Multiple sounds from two component words are
Menoy, 2010
1. Auditory e.g. chortle; aerobicize;telecast
2. Visual 6. Acronyming
3. Tactile Forming of word from the initials of words in a set
4. Kinesthetic phrase
7. Derivations
Neologism The forming of new words through the addition of
A newly coined word or phrase 8. Reduplicating
The root or stem of a word, or part of it, is repeated
The process of coining or using of new words
Types of Reduplication
To coin is to invent a word or phrase a. Rhyming reduplication
e.g. claptrap; hokey-pokey; honey-bunny
PROCESS OF WORD FORMATION b. Exact reduplication
e.g. bye-bye; choo-choo; night-night
1. Coinage c. Ablaut reduplication
Using generic terms as part of the whole e.g. bric-a-brac; chit-chat; criss-cross
E.g. Pampers = diaper Tempra = paracetamol 9. Abbreviating
2. Borrowing The process or result of representing a words by a
The using of loanwords or taking from another shorter form of the word.
language e.g. Acct. - account; Jrnl. – journal; Wd. – word
E.g. piano=Italian robot=Czech
3. Compounding
Use of two or more roots to form a word
Kinds of Compounding
a. Close – bittersweet, countdown
b. Open – pushcart vendor, optical art
c. Hyphenated – merry-go-round, officer-in-charge

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