Study and Thinking Skills
Study and Thinking Skills
Study and Thinking Skills
Face Association 4. Clipping
Looking at a person’s face closely, but discretely “shortening” / reducing parts of a word
finding a feature to make it stand out in your mind Types of Clipping
Image-naming a. Back clipping – retains the first part
Creating relationships between the name and the e.g. Advertisement – Ad Doctor – Doc
physical characteristics of the person to remember b. Fore-clipping – retains the last part
the person’s name e.g. charcoal – coal examination – exam
Rhyme-keys c. Middle clipping – middle of the word is retained
Using two or more words that if combined rhymes e.g. influenza – flu detective – tec
the word you want to remember d. Complex clipping – one or two parts are clipped
Repetition e.g. optical art – op art science fiction – sci-fi
5. Blending
Forming of words from parts of two other words
Learning Styles Ways of Blending
Plata, 2005 a. Beginning of the other + ending of the other
e.g. brunch; splutter; infotainment
1. Active vs Reflective b. Beginnings of both words
2. Factual vs Theoretical e.g. cyborg; sitcom
3. Visual vs Verbal c. One complete word + part of the other
4. Linear vs Holistic e.g. guesstimate
d. Multiple sounds from two component words are
Menoy, 2010
1. Auditory e.g. chortle; aerobicize;telecast
2. Visual 6. Acronyming
3. Tactile Forming of word from the initials of words in a set
4. Kinesthetic phrase
7. Derivations
Neologism The forming of new words through the addition of
A newly coined word or phrase 8. Reduplicating
The root or stem of a word, or part of it, is repeated
The process of coining or using of new words
Types of Reduplication
To coin is to invent a word or phrase a. Rhyming reduplication
e.g. claptrap; hokey-pokey; honey-bunny
PROCESS OF WORD FORMATION b. Exact reduplication
e.g. bye-bye; choo-choo; night-night
1. Coinage c. Ablaut reduplication
Using generic terms as part of the whole e.g. bric-a-brac; chit-chat; criss-cross
E.g. Pampers = diaper Tempra = paracetamol 9. Abbreviating
2. Borrowing The process or result of representing a words by a
The using of loanwords or taking from another shorter form of the word.
language e.g. Acct. - account; Jrnl. – journal; Wd. – word
E.g. piano=Italian robot=Czech
3. Compounding
Use of two or more roots to form a word
Kinds of Compounding
a. Close – bittersweet, countdown
b. Open – pushcart vendor, optical art
c. Hyphenated – merry-go-round, officer-in-charge