Module 2 2024 2nd Quarter Final

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LECTURE NOTE 2: Types of Speeches.

WEEKS 3 & 4 (Second Quarter)
3. Lastly, because everything is planned based on the time allotted, you will surely want
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
to cover everything in your speech before you run out of time. This might affect your
1. Distinguishes types of speeches. (CG)
connection with the audience, as there is a tendency to ignore the audience and neglect
2. Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative
responding to their feedback when busy with the speech. Pay attention and make sure
strategy affects language form, duration of interaction, relationship of speaker,
to check and adjust if the audience displays anxiety, impatience, or boredom.
role and responsibilities of a speaker, message and delivery. (CG)
3. Uses principles of speech delivery in different situations. (CG)
Strategies in Organizing and Delivering the Manuscript Speech
a.Practice! Practice delivering the speech several times. Mark the text. Even if it’s a
manuscript, know the speech by heart. Only if you do these can you keep frequent eye
LESSON 1: TYPES OF SPEECHES contact with the audience.
B. According to Delivery
b. Adapt! Even if you have a manuscript, feel free to modify the text when the situation
demands it. If you observe that your audience is bored, you may use shorter yet more
1. Reading from a manuscript
vigorous words. If your audience is impatient, add words of strong motivational power.
- When speaking from a manuscript, you write and deliver a speech word for word. The
If your audience is anxious, share personal anecdotes to lighten the mood.
question is, for whom is the manuscript method most advantageous.

Tips in Using the Manuscript Method

a. Public Figure
-Since public figures are always constrained by a hectic schedule, they need ghost
1.Prepare! Keep your text easy to use by neatly composing in to triple space.
writers. Consequently, they would have to read the text of the speech as it is. The
2.Mark! Own your manuscript by highlighting keywords and phrases. This way you will
President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) is a concrete example of this situation.
be guided during the speech delivery.
3.Practice! You can make a lot of notes on the draft of your manuscript during the first
b. Media Personalities
few rehearsals, but make sure to reprint your script, especially if you make too many
-Speakers on radio and television always battle with time limits. For example, a televised
panel discussion about a social issue may require radio and TV anchors to critically
4.Practice some more! Read the text over and over orally. This will help you avoid
choose and refine the words of their speech in advance.
mispronounced words, faulty starts, and wrong pauses. As you practice, vary the
volume, rate and pitch of your voice during appropriate points in the speech.
c. Spokespersons for government and private organizations
5.Concentrate! Concentrate on keeping eye contact, but do not stare at only one
-This public speaking role requires a great deal of contemplation and preparation. For
section of the audience. It is best if you familiarize yourself with the most important
example, we have speeches of different country’s spokesperson in an international
parts of your speech. If you do this, you will be more confident in looking at your
seminar on climate change.
audience during the key points of the speech.
6. Act it out! Use a lectern or a podium when practicing the speech. If you can
Potential Problems with the Manuscript Method
find one before the actual speech delivery, practice using it so that you will be used
1.Since this type of speech follows a word-for-word method, you might be tempted to
to laying your notes flat on the podium and looking at them once in a while.
skip practicing the speech.
2. Memorized Speech
2.In relation to the previous point, if you fail to practice your speech and decide to read
-Memorized speech requires you to commit the speech to memory so that you do not
it during the time of delivery itself, you might be glued to the speech all throughout.
bring your notes when delivering it. As with the manuscript speech, you also run the risk
You may overlook making eye contact with your audience. Note that glancing at the
of sounding mechanical during a memorized delivery. For this reason, keep your
audience only at the end of a sentence is not sufficient to establish and maintain
memorized speech short and work harder on your facial expressions and the tone of
rapport during the speech.
your voice.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 1| P a g e
LECTURE NOTE 2: Types of Speeches.
WEEKS 3 & 4 (Second Quarter)
6.Record and listen! (I-record at making.)
When should you memorize? 7.Use note cards!
Although keeping a speech in memory is needed only on very rare occasions,
memorizing a speech can help you achieve a smooth and effortless delivery. You do not 3. Impromptu Speech
need to focus on notes or a manuscript. You can concentrate on maintaining eye Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no time for preparation. In most
contact with your audience, establishing rapport (Pagbuo ng koneksiyon), and Instances, you are called to speak at the spur of the moment because you are expected
interacting with your audience. to be knowledgeable about the subject.
Since memorizing can be very tough and mechanical (walang buhay hindi natural), it
is best that you memorize short speeches for special occasions. A memorized speech Strategies in Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech
works best for the introduction of a guest, acceptance of award or recognition, toast,
eulogy, tribute and the like. 1. Past, Present, Future.
-In this strategy you should have sufficient knowledge about events and many things in
Disadvantages of the Memorized Speech the past, at the moment or current issues and you should also know how to think in
advance. Tips: Be updated with such events that happened in the past, is happening
1.You might forget what you are supposed to say. Long pauses can create a very now and will happen in the future.
awkward moment between you and your audience.
2.You might memorized the speech mechanically. This can result in a very unnatural 2. Opening, rule of three and clincher.
delivery. -This strategy requires you to organize a catchy opening to get the attention of the
3.You might focus on content. Consequently, groping for the right words might make audience followed by the rule of three which can be place in the body of your speech or
you look uptight and stiff. these are the three points which supports your topic sentence or main idea. Lastly, the
4.You might be too tied to remembering your script. This will give you no chance to pay clincher or also known as the conclusion which summarizes your whole speech.
attention and respond to the audience feedback. In some cases, you may find yourself unaware of or uninterested in the topic. This
usually happens and it is inevitable (hindi maiiwasan). Distinguished Toastmaster Craig
Advantages of the Memorized Speech Harrison (2010) shares the following strategies that can help you address the problem.

1.Bringing your notes is optional. Since the speech is memorized, you do not have to a. Bridging
worry about when to read and when to glance at your audience. -This entails building a connection between what you do know and what you do not
2.You can plan gestures, facial expressions, and movement. When you know the speech know.
by heart, it will be easier for you to work on nonverbal communication. b. Reframing
3.You can concentrate on visual aids and props. A memorize speech will help you focus -This means rephrasing or redefining the topic into something that you want to talk
more on your props if you have any. about. This usually occurs if you think the topic is inappropriate or it is not meant for
4.You will feel more confident. If you know that you have committed the speech to you.
memory, you will not be anxious about running out of words or not knowing what to c. Playing Devil’s advocate
say. -This refers to you standing the opposite side.

Tips in Memorizing a Speech Some Useful Tips in Effective Impromptu Speech Delivery
1.Break it down! Before the Speech
2.Build it up! 1.Smile
3.Speak out! 2.Relax by thinking about positive things. Keep telling yourself, I can do this.
4.Identify keys! (Isaalang-alang ang mga susi sa iyong talumpati upang maiwasan ang 3.Identify your purpose. Is it to inform, to welcome, to congratulate, to apologize, or to
pagkalimot.) give birthday greetings?
5.Have a break! (Magpahinga.)


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 2| P a g e
LECTURE NOTE 2: Types of Speeches.
WEEKS 3 & 4 (Second Quarter)
4.Think of one big word that can serve as your main point. If you think you have 2.Capture! State the central idea of your extemporaneous speech in one declarative
enough think of three supporting points. sentence. Keep your sentence specific. Ask yourself what you want your audience to
5.Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say first. Be reminded that your first few know exactly.
words are crucial, so make them strong, powerful and catchy. 3.Develop! Now that you have a clear central idea, you are ready to map out the
supporting points in an outline.
During the Speech 4.Introduce! In the introduction make sure you:
-grab the attention of the audience with a striking one-liner.
1.When you are called, keep composed. Walk slowly to the lectern or center stage. -give a short background by explaining why they have to listen.
2.Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if necessary. 5.Check! Develop at least three main points and check each of them with these
3.As you stand to deliver, establish eye contact, and begin right away with your opening questions:
statements. Part of your opening is greeting the audience. -Does each point have one/single idea?
4.From your initial idea to the next, use appropriate transitional devices. -Does each point reiterate the thesis statement?
5.Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues. -Does each point prepare the discussion of the next main point?
6.Observe time limit. Remember, you barely have five minutes to say something. 6. Supply! Make sure that each main point has enough examples, testimonies, statistics,
or cases. In doing this, you give the audience new information or views to learn from.
After the Speech 7. Conclude! Reinforce your introduction by coming up with a closing attention-getter
1.Say thank you that is related to your opening. Connect the needs and interest of your audience with
2. Return to your place comfortably. the theme of your speech. Restate your thesis or review your main points.

4. Extemporaneous Speech
-An extemporaneous speech is a planned and prepared speech. Unlike
memorized and manuscript speeches which are delivered word-for-word, an
extemporaneous speech is delivered with the help of short notes and clear outline in
your head. It is more spontaneous and personal.

Three Steps in studying your Extemporaneous Topic

1.Identify the type of extemporaneous question that you have to answer.
a.Is it a question of fact?
-This type of question is typically answerable by “Yes” or “No.” It revolves around
whether something is true or not, existent or not.
b. Is it a question of policy?
-It is focused on what policy or rule should be followed.
c. Is it a question of value?
-It is centered on whether a topic is good or bad, moral or immoral, just or unjust.
2. Determine the purpose appropriate to your topic.
3. Stick to your topic and look at all of the sides and angles of the problem.
Steps in Preparing for a Successful Extemporaneous Speech

1.Reinforce! You may explore other main points, but always refer back to your thesis.
This will greatly help your audience remember your message.

Activity: Reporting as a Form of Manuscript Speech.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 3| P a g e
LECTURE NOTE 2: Types of Speeches.
WEEKS 3 & 4 (Second Quarter)
maintains the consistently of monotone
Name: ______________________________________________________________________ interest of maintain the enthusiasm voice.
Date: ______________________ the audience audience and the tone
Grade & Section: _____________________________________ and displays interest, but of voice
enthusiasm displays minimally
Score: _____________________
and variance lesser maintains
for the entire enthusiasm. the
Direction: Using your module or other sources, make a video reporting or discussion speech. audience
about any of the 4 types of speeches according to delivery. attention.
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Points
Body Language Movements Made Very little No
seemed movements movement movement
effective and or gestures or or
helped the that enhance descriptive descriptive
audience articulation. gestures. gestures.
Eye Contact Holds Consistent Displayed No eye
attention of use of direct minimal eye contact with
entire eye contact contact with the
audience with the the audience.
with the use audience. audience.
of direct eye
Introduction and Student Student Student
Closure delivers clearly uses does not
opening and Student either an display clear
closing display clear introductory introductory
remarks that introductory or closing and closing
capture the or closing remarks, but remark.
attention of remarks. not both.
the audience
and set the
Poise Student Makes minor Displays Tension and
displays mistakes, but mild nervousness
relaxed, self- quickly tension, has is obvious,
confident recovers trouble has trouble
nature about from them; recovering recovering
self, with no displays little from from
mistakes. or no mistakes. mistakes.
Voice The tone of The tone of Displays Consistently
voice the voice some level use a


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 4| P a g e

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