Smart Sensors: Analysis of Different Types of Iot Sensors
Smart Sensors: Analysis of Different Types of Iot Sensors
Smart Sensors: Analysis of Different Types of Iot Sensors
Department of Computer Science and Applications, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, Haryana (India)
[email protected] and [email protected]
Abstract— Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary voice service. Amazon's new "Tap to Alexa" feature enables
technology. It is revolutionizing our world with trillions of speech and hearing impairment. Users trigger common
sensors and actuators by creating a smart environment around "Alexa" tricks with the only tap on the screen without
us. In scientific research, sensors are considered as a prospective conversation. It is more helpful for people with a disability
field. Ubiquitous sensing abilities offer shared information to
like blind and deaf. Such devices are used in IoT enabled
develop a common operating picture. IoT sensors are efficiently
used in various IoT applications for creating a smart environments for entertainment, listening to music, to explore
environment. This paper presents several IoT sensors and also nearby places, to set a timer, news updates, weather updates
explains various sensor based IoT applications. Furthermore, and etc. These devices are available in the market with screen
after analyzing different sensor applications, this article and without screen. Without screen, devices provide only
enlightens which IoT application requires which type of sensor. audio services and with screen devices also provide services
In the future, this work will serve as the basis for further with a display. IoT smart environment is really affecting
research work in the related area. human life.
Keywords— IoT sensors; types of IoT sensors; sensor In any smart application, sensors are very important. It
applications; IoT and sensors, IoT sensor types. detects any physical/chemical change and after processing the
collected data sensors automate the application/devices to
I. INTRODUCTION make it smart. IoT integrates various types of sensors, devices
Internet of Things (IoT) connects all, animate and and nodes having the capability to communicate with each
inanimate things that lead to revolutionary changes. Objects other without intervention of human [6]. In any IoT
are connected using different network media. The main application, sensors bring the physical world very close to the
digital world that can be implemented by leveraging fog
objective of IoT is to make things more dynamic and
convenient. IoT domain significantly increased the number of
smart things/devices. It enables many objects (devices) to act This paper presents various types of sensors in IoT like
as smart things. Objects enabled with IoT technology have proximity sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors,
been embedded with smart capabilities through the use of chemical sensors, position sensors, motion sensors, pressure
various tools and technologies like sensors, RFID and many sensors, and etc. Different types of sensors are used by
other forms of embedded computing [1]. IoT technology has various IoT applications to create an IoT enabled smart
led people to pervasive connection and smart services. It is environment. This paper analyzes several sensors based IoT
now being deployed widely in various smart applications and applications and explains which IoT application requires
creates a wide range of business opportunities [2]. which type of sensor.
IoT is comprised of various areas including cloud, mobile The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In section 2,
devices, virtualized environments, sensors, Radio Frequency we briefly introduce the enabling technologies in IoT. Section
Identification (RFID), and Artificial Intelligence [3]. Also, 3, presents different types of sensors and briefly explains their
various intelligent services are offered in IoT based networks use in different application areas to create a smart environment
that have led to the cloud-based IoT networks [4]. and finally, section 4 concludes the paper.
In this smart environment of IoT, devices can exchange II. INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT)
information and provides many convenient services. For
In the IoT field, various resource constraints devices
example, echo enabled Alexa devices and many other IoT
communicate in the network using RFID (Radio Frequency
enabled smart devices provides many facilities to the owner Identification Devices) which is a fast-growing technology
like turning on/off indoor and outdoor electronic devices such that allows automated identification of items having RFID
as lights, water heater, washing machine, AC, and etc. tags. These RFID tags are integrated circuits having an
remotely and hand free [5]. Devices such as Echo Spot and antenna. An RFID reader, through the radio interface,
Alexa make audio-video calls, play music, watch videos, communicates with these RFID tags. Fig. 1 shows how IoT
watch news bulletins, see the calendar, to-do lists, traffic works using various technologies including RFID that
management, view social media accounts like Facebook identifies and tracks data of things, sensors play the role of
photos, watch kids from outside, control lights, switches and collecting and processing of data for detecting changes in
much more. These devices use far-field voice recognition and physical things, smart-tech enhances network power by
connect to Alexa echo devices; that works using a cloud-based developing the capabilities in network and nanotech that
enable smaller things to connect and interact with other things that what it measures, and the application field. Fig. 3 depicts
in the network [7]. various types of sensors in IoT which are explained below.
similar application of this type of sensor is given by authors can also measure heat emission. This type of sensors can be
in [12]. used for home automation for monitoring and controlling
home appliances like turning On/OFF lights [22]. It can also
D. Motion Sensors be used for smart security [23], waste collection systems [24],
A motion detector is a device used to sense all the kinetic smart parking [25].
and physical movement in the environment. An application
for monitoring homes in the absence of homeowner can make L. Gyroscope Sensors
use of motion sensors and whenever motion is detected the Gyroscope sensors detect any tilt or angular movement in
photos or videos can be uploaded on the server. Authors in the object by measuring angular velocity. It is widely used in
[13] used the motion detection sensor for home security. The 3D mouse games, for the training of sportspersons, robotics,
python script is executed in the proposed approach to detect industrial automation and many more [26].
the motion and this application takes continuous snapshots
till motion is detected and also captures videos from the start M. Optical Sensors
of motion till the end of a motion. Optical sensors are useful in detecting the electromagnetic
energies like light. Being passive to all forms of electrical
E. Velocity sensors interfaces, these are widely used in IoT applications like in
It is a sensor that calculates the rate of change in constant digital cameras. Optical sensors are good for IoT applications
position measurement and position values at known intervals. related to energy, health, environment, oil refineries,
Velocity sensor may be linear or angular. A linear velocity chemical, industries, aerospace and etc. [26].
sensor detects the speed of an object along a straight line
whereas angular velocity sensor detects how fast a device N. Chemical Sensors
rotates. It can be used in smart city applications for intelligent Sensors which response by sensing any chemical reaction,
vehicle monitoring [14, 15]. chemical substance or a set of chemicals is known as
chemical sensors. This type of sensors can be used for
F. Temperature sensors detecting environmental events, building health, agriculture
Temperature sensors are helpful in detecting the physical conditions, and etc. [27].
changes in one’s body by measuring heat energy. Authors in
[16] used temperature sensors for the monitoring of IV. SENSOR APPLICATIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD
environmental conditions of the surroundings. The data Sensors are used in almost every area so as to create a
collected is then sent to the cloud using Wi-Fi for the analysis. smart IoT environment. Various researchers are working in
This is all done though android smartphone. A similar type of the area of IoT sensors. In this section, we have presented
sensor is also used by the authors in [17] for smart agriculture some of the applications of IoT sensors.
and enable farmers to increase their overall yield and product
quality by getting real-time live data of their land. A. Smart Cities
G. Pressure Sensors Different types of sensors are used in a smart environment
to create a smart city, it includes:
Pressure sensors sense the amount of force and convert it
in signals. This type of sensors can be used in health 1) Smart parking: this area of smart city deals with
monitoring [18]. monitoring and smartly parking of vehicles in the city by
finding proper parking spaces.
H. Chemical Sensors
A chemical sensor is an analytical device used to measure 2) Structural health: by monitoring the different
the chemical composition of the environment. Air quality conditions like material conditions and amount of vibrations
monitoring can be done using a wireless chemical sensor of buildings, bridges, monuments, and roads, it is possible to
network by monitoring chemical plumes in the environment suggest improvements to be made well on time [28].
[19]. 3) Smart noise handling: Sound monitoring can be
I. Humidity Sensors done to prevent any type of mishappening in the bar area and
crowded zones in real time. For intelligent monitoring of
A humidity sensor measures air temperature as well as vehicle noise in the smart environment of IoT, a system is
moisture and signals the humidity in the environment. proposed in [29].
Authors in [17] used humidity sensors for smart agriculture
and enable farmers to increase their overall yield and product 4) Smart traffic management: Monitoring of vehicles
quality by getting real-time live data of their land. A similar and congestion on any route can be used to suggest and
application is proposed by [20] where the collected data is optimize driving and walking routes at a real time.
sent to the open source platform, Thingspeak. 5) Smart waste management: Trash collection routes
J. Water Quality Sensors can be optimized by detecting levels of waste in different
containers. Furthermore when smart waste management is
Water quality sensors are used for Ion monitoring. Water
combined with smart traffic management then routes can be
quality is measured by water quality sensors. Researchers in
suggested to the waste container vehicles for the collection of
[21] presented a design of a low-cost system by measuring
waste, according to the level of wastes and traffic congestion.
temperature, PH, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen of
the water and monitored the water quality in the IoT scenario. 6) Smart lighting: Turning on/off street lights according
to the weather conditions and requirements (whenever a
K. Infrared Sensors vehicle pass through the way) results in saving a huge amount
Infrared Sensors emits or detect infrared radiations in of energy. This intelligent and adaptive lightning is
order to sense some characteristics of certain objects. They
successfully implemented by various researchers in this area sensors play a major role in providing security is discussed in
both on roads and at homes. the following section:
7) Smart roads: highways can be made smart highways 1) Smart Perimeter Access Control: A smart perimeter
or intelligent highways when timely warning messages and around some specific areas can be made with sensors and
routes can be given according to climate conditions and alarms can be implemented to alert the entry of non-authorized
unexpected events such as traffic congestion or accidents or people in restricted areas. An intelligent intrusion system
catastrophic conditions. attached at door, named ADXL 345 accelerometer is designed
by the authors in [31].
B. Smart Environment/ Smart Earth
When sensors are used in monitoring environmental 2) Smart explosive detection: Detection of harmful gas
conditions then it adds to the development of the country to a levels, radiation levels, and leakages can be done smartly with
great extent. Worldwide, earth monitoring is gaining interest the use of sensors. Sensors can be attached to the walls or
and is challenging too. This is all because of the harsh containers at factories, mines, and industries where there is a
operating conditions and high deployment and maintenance danger of any leakage exists.
difficulty level [30]. Some such applications of sensors in F. Smart Retail
creating smart environment are discussed in the following
section: Monitoring and controlling stocks, purchases, payments
and etc. in retail industry can also be done with the help of
1) Forest fire detection: Alert zones can be defined and sensors. The intelligent advice and suggestions can be given
warnings can be given on time when sensors monitor the in the shopping according to the choices, habits, preferences
preemptive fire conditions and combustion gases. and other contributing factors of every customer [32].
2) Air pollution: Sensors can be used to monitor and G. Smart Transport
control the emissions of harmful and toxic gases of factories Quality of shipping conditions can be improved by
and vehicles. This, if handled timely can protect the monitoring the amount of vibrations and strokes. Items can be
environment to a great extent. Some such applications in this traced easily using GPS like systems [28].
area are given by researchers in [30].
H. Smart Agriculture
3) Catastrophic early detection: Monitoring earth
vibrations, density, moisture in the soil, and etc., it is possible Sensors are widely used in numerous agriculture
to identify danger well on time for any landslide or applications for various purposes like detecting the amount of
earthquake. moisture in the soil, monitoring climate conditions and
automatic sprinkling water and pesticides to the crop. Sensors,
C. Smart Water when attached to the ground soil, can detect the moisture in
Monitoring water quality, it's ground level, pollution level the soil and according to the humidity in the air and
and any sort of leakages in containers can save water. Some temperature appropriate amount of watering can be done.
such smart sensors can be used for applications in the proper 1) Meteorological Station Network: Sensors detect the
management of the water [31]. weather conditions in the environment and forecast the snow
1) Water leakages: For this water pressure can be falling, ice formation, rain, and drought. So proper
measured on outside tanks and pipes so that timely leakages management can be made timely to prevent any kind of
can be protected. damage to the crops. An application model is presented by the
authors in [33] which detects the humidity, moisture in soil,
2) Controlling pollution level of the sea: Additions of rainfall, pH value of soil, temperature and seed recognition.
harmful or any sort of leakages or wastes to the sea can be Another study in [34] used a drone for smart agriculture.
monitored through sensors to prevent the sea water.
2) Golf Courses: The selective sprinkling in only dry
3) Smart swimming pool: The conditions of a zones reduce the required amount of water. This ultimately
swimming pool can be monitored through sensors and timely improves the production of fruits, vegetables and crops, and
management can be carried out in this direction. their quality. Water sprinkling in IoT agriculture is presented
4) River floods: Monitoring the level of water and its in [35], it is a case of vertical farming.
variations from time to time in rivers, dams and reservoirs is 3) Compost: Intelligently sensing humidity and
essentially an important task. temperature levels for the prevention from fungus and other
D. Smart Metering microbial contaminants is essentially an interesting area in
creating smart agriculture.
Meters can be used to smartly monitor different
parameters of things in IoT like energy consumption; water, I. Smart Homes
oil or gas level; silos stock calculation and solar energy plants. Sensors attached to different things at home for creating
By monitoring different parameters and controlling according a smart environment includes intelligently switching on/off
enhances the performance to a great extent. Various appliances, detecting intruders, detecting the amount of
researchers in this area have developed systems which use ingredients used in cooking. This is done by sending alerts and
sensors to monitor day to day life things [32]. resulting in a better lifestyle. Some applications in smart
E. Smart Security: homes are as follows:
Sensors can be deployed in various areas to ensure 1) Remote Control Appliances: Intelligently switching
security in the surroundings. Some such applications where on/off appliances make the life easy and safe by preventing
from accidents and it also saves energy.
2) Intrusion Detection Systems: Intruders can be Smart Retail Light, Gyroscope, Chemical, Magneto,
detected by the sensors at the entry and timely report can be Accelerometer, Pressure, Position
sent to the concerned authorities. This makes life safe and
easier as a person can watch their home from anywhere CONCLUSION
without worry. This can be implemented when entry is Internet of Things (IoT), is revolutionizing our world by
allowed only after proper validation and door open only for creating a smart environment around us. In any IoT based
the authorized persons. Authors in [36] presented an intrusion smart application, sensors play a key role in the automation
detection system which senses motion in door and intimates of application by making it smarter to respond without any
the owner through a message. human intervention. This paper presents various types of
sensors in IoT enabled smart environment. IoT sensors can
3) Energy and Water Saving: Advice given to control be effectively used for health, water, transport, home
the consumption of water and electricity is possible with the appliances, garbage, agriculture, cattle, and etc. In any
help of sensors. particular smart application, IoT integrates various types of
J. Smart Health sensors having the capability to communicate with each other
wisely and remotely. This paper analyzes different IoT
IoT changed the life of a human to a great extent. Smart
sensors and sensor-based IoT applications and enlightens
health or e-health is one such example where sensors can be
which sensors are used in different IoT applications. In the
worn by patients at home, at work or at hospitals. These
future, this study will help us to develop a sensor based IoT
sensors detect the conditions of a person and in any abnormal
conditions, it sends alerts to the concerned. Smart bands worn
by patients and doctors at hospitals helps to manage the REFERENCES
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