Project 4 Lesson Task 1

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TCH LRN 409 Project (4)

Project 4: Lesson Task (Final Project)


1. Develop an authentic lesson task for the subject/skills you are going to teach; use the project format provided below.
2. Provide criteria or a rubric to assess student content and language learning. You may adapt or adopt some activities and materials available in
digital and paper-based resources. Please, do not plagiarize!
3. Make sure you align your objectives, standards, activities, and assessment.
4. Include all materials that you will be using during the task.
5. Write 1-2 page long commentary (Times New Roman, 12, double spaced, 1” margins on all sides) to justify your lesson task, assessment
activity, and rubric. You will use the textbook and other course readings to justify your design choices.
6. Provide links and/or references for all resources you used.
7. Fill in the table provided below using Times New Roman, 12 single-spacing. Save it as a Word document.
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)


The purpose of this lesson is to have students continue to recognize and practice writing conventions that they have been learning throughout

the year, while beginning to learn about adjectives. The lesson task will give them practice and prepare them for the assessment. The guided practice

and individual practice will help me understand where the students are at in the learning process. This will help me determine if students are learning

or if they are struggling and need more instruction. This is an especially important point in the lesson for ELLs who may not be understanding the

material because this is 1st grade and they may not be super comfortable speaking English yet. Basing my lesson off of content and language

standards will help students with their language development (Gottlieb, p. 39, 2016). The language standards help to keep in mind language learners

and make sure they are progressing. The language standards tie with the language proficiency levels which can help track where language learners

are with proficiency which helps teachers understand their progression and can help them with future planning (Gottlieb, p. 50, 2016). This is what I

would do in my classroom to ensure they are progressing, which is why it is important to utilize language standards in lessons.

I would classify my assessment as assessment for learning. My assessment is intended for formative purposes and uses student work as the

data source (Gottlieb, p. 23, 2016). This is the type of assessment that will occur often throughout the year to check in where students are in the

learning process. The guided practice and individual practice could be considered assessment as learning because it is more beneficial for students.

Both of these types of assessment are intended for formative purposes, which is the purpose of my assessment. According to Gottlieb, the formative

process begins with stating learning goals for a lesson and then making adjustments as needed throughout instruction (Gottlieb, p. 161, 2016). This is

exactly what my plan was for this lesson. I created learning goals for the class which will be communicated with them from the beginning and then

throughout instruction I will be observing all students to make sure they are meeting the goals. If they are not, I will adjust as needed, whether that be

more instruction or a different type of instruction, I will do it to ensure all students are meeting the learning goals. My whole lesson is based off of
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
standards that will help students meet learning goals and progress through the proficiency levels. The assessment is intended to track progress and

allow for me, the teacher, to see how well students understood the lesson. This feedback helps me to see what I could do better to ensure that every

student is meeting the goals.

TCH LRN 409 Project (4)

Gottlieb, M. (2016). Assessing English language learners: Bridges to educational equity: Connecting academic language proficiency to student
achievement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, A SAGE Company. DOI: December 14, 2020
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
Content Area: ELA

Grade Level: 1st grade

Topic/Focus: Adjectives and writing conventions

Content Objective(s): SWBAT write a sentence with upper-case and lower-case letters when appropriate.
What will students learn? SWBAT to use adjectives in a sentence to add descriptions.
SWBAT end a sentence with a period.

Content Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1.A

What WA K-12 learning standards Print all upper- and lowercase letters.
will the task address? CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.1.F
Use frequently occurring adjectives.
Use end punctuation for sentences.

Language Objective(s): SWBAT discuss information from a book read in class.

How will students learn and what SWBAT write a claim with evidence to support it.
language functions will they use to
demonstrate their competencies in

ELP 1.3: An ELL can . . . speak and write about grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts
Language Standard(s):
and topics.
What WA ELP standards will the ELP 1.4: An ELL can . . . construct grade appropriate oral and written claims and support them with
task address? reasoning and evidence.
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
If possible, I would have each student have Green Eggs and Ham so it is easier to read together. Students
Materials and tools:
will need a journal or paper and a writing utensil to complete the writing portion. They will also need
What will students need to complete colors to use on their picture that goes with the writing.
lesson task activities? I will need the Green Eggs and Ham book or a video of someone reading it. I will also need to hand out
What will I need to model the task papers for the students to use for their writing.
and guide student learning? Read aloud:

I will ask students if they know how to begin and end a sentence. This should be something that has been
Anticipatory Set/Hook:
discussed throughout the year, so this should activate prior knowledge and get them ready for the lesson. I
How will I activate students’ prior will also ask them about adjectives, it should be something they are familiar with, but maybe haven’t
knowledge and experiences? mastered yet.

I will tell students we are going to learn about adjectives and how to use them in a sentence after reading a
How will I explain to students what
they will learn by the end of the

Instructional Input:  After reading the book, we will talk about the sentences in the book and adjectives we noticed in it. I will
How will I explain/provide then tell them that each student is going to write their own sentence using an adjective and evidence. We
instructions for the task to students? will talk about adjectives and evidence and what they mean so they know what to do.

Modeling/I Do:  I will give them an example: I like green eggs and ham because it is good. I will tell them that it uses an
How will I demonstrate the adjective, begins with a capital letter, ends with a period, and has evidence. I can come up with another
competence students are expected to sentence or ask students to help me make one to help them gain a better understanding before going off on
perform? their own.
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
Checking for Understanding:  I will ask a few students to tell me what an adjective is and how evidence supports it. After students share,
How will I do a comprehension I will ask the whole class to give me a thumbs up, thumbs to the side or thumbs down to represent how
check of my input and modeling? they feel about this lesson. This will tell me if I need to give more instruction/modeling or if we can

Guided Practice:  I will ask students to pair up and come up with adjectives they can use in a sentence. They will make a list
How will I engage students in of adjectives and discuss what they could write about with those adjectives. As they are doing this, I will
activities under my supervision and go around the room and check to see how the groups are doing. I will talk with groups who may need more
with my support? help.

Independent Practice:  I will have students write a sentence with an adjective, evidence, and a picture to go with it as independent
What activities will I suggest to practice.
have students work on their
own/without my support?

Assessment Steps/Sequence/Time: The assessment will consist of students reading a few short sentences. In this part they will underline any
What will happen during each part adjectives they see and circle important conventions (i.e.: punctuation, capital letter). (10 minutes, more or
of the assessment activity? less as needed)
Next, students will write down three adjectives that they can think of. (5 minutes)
How long will each part of the
Finally, students will write at least 3 sentences about what they like to do using 3 adjectives and proper
assessment activity take?
conventions. (15 minutes, more or less as needed)
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
Assessment Evidence: I will know that the content learning has taken place if students can recognize and use adjectives properly.
How will I know that the content I will also know if they can recognize and use the conventions we discussed (capital letter to start a
learning has taken place? sentence and punctuation to end it).
If students can write a claim and support it, then I know that language learning has taken place.
How will I know that the language I will create a rubric with all the requirements for the assessment.
learning has taken place?

What criteria/rubric will I develop

to assess student content and
language learning (to meet my

Application of Assessment Data: If all/most students did well on the assessment (i.e.: they seem to understand, recognize, and apply the
How will I use the data from content objectives) then I know that content learning has taken place. If not, then I know that content learning has
learning? not taken place.
I will use the data to know whether I should continue on with the unit or if I need to reteach and come up
How will I use the data from with new activities and ways of teaching the lesson so that students better understand the concepts.
language learning?

Underline any adjectives and circle punctuation and capital letters in the correct spot.
1. I like green eggs and ham because I like food that is green and yummy.
2. My dog is fluffy and white.
3. I like red and green apples with a good lunch.

Write down three adjectives you can think of that are different than the ones above.
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
Write three sentences about what you like to do. Use three different adjectives and proper conventions. (conventions=capital letters,
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Rubric for Assessment: out of 30

0 5 10
Part 1 Didn’t underline any adjectives Underlined 6 or less adjectives. Underlined at least 7 adjectives.
or circle any conventions. Circled 5 or less conventions. Circled at least 6 conventions.
Part 2 Wrote 0 adjectives. Wrote down 1 or 2 adjectives. Wrote down 3 different
Part 3 Wrote 1 sentence. Only used 1 Wrote 2 sentences. Used 2 Wrote 3 sentences, used 3
adjective. No proper adjectives. Some proper adjectives, mostly used proper
conventions. conventions. conventions.
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
Rubric for Assessment
Exceptional Adequate Developing Limited Score
Relationship of Language standards are Language standards are not There is a loose or peripheral There is no relationship 0–3
content and presented and they link presented, but the academic relationship between the state between the content
language naturally to the specified language in focus links content standards and academic standards and the
standards content standards. naturally to the specified language; in other words, the language standards. There
content standards. academic language chosen are serious gaps in
relates minimally to the knowledge of what
specified content standards. constitutes state content
and language standards.
Clearly stated, Measurable content and Measurable content and The language objective The language objective is 0–3
measurable language objectives are language objectives are minimally relates to the content not measurable and has
content and written in grade written in grade of the task. The language little or no relationship to
language appropriate language. The appropriate language. The objective is measurable and the content of the task.
objective(s) language objective aligns language objective aligns written in grade appropriate
with a language standard. with academic language language.
demands of the task.
Activities that The task describes multiple Attempts at instructional Instructional supports for There are few if any 0–5
integrate instructional methods that supports for language and language and content are supports for language and
instructional engage learners in language content are described but mentioned but their content. There is no
methods and and content. Cognitive and not fully developed. The effectiveness is questionable. evidence that the
cognitive language supports are fully task suggests that activities Differentiated instruction does activities are achievable
supports elaborated. There is clear are differentiated by not fully consider language for ELLs at lower levels of
evidence of full integration proficiency level, but these proficiency and thus it is likely proficiency.
of ELLs in differentiated are also not fully developed. that the activities will not be
tasks by proficiency level. achievable or engaging for the

Formative and The assessment aligns with The assessment aligns with The assessment aligns with the There is no relationship 0–5
summative the content and language the content and language stated content and language between the assessment
assessment objectives. They illustrate objectives. They illustrate objectives but the value of the and objectives. They
interesting and creative interesting and creative information provided by the provide superficial or
ways to provide ways to provide assessment is questionable. How peripheral information at
information on student information on student the data will be used to modify best on student
performance. The performance. The instruction is not fully performance. No
interpretation of the data interpretation of the data developed. explanation is provided
considers language considers language A rubric or criteria for on how the assessment
proficiency. Some proficiency. Some assessment does not aligns well tools will be used to
explanation is provided on explanation is provided on with objectives, learning and modify instruction.
how data from the how data from the assessment activities. There is no alignment
TCH LRN 409 Project (4)
Exceptional Adequate Developing Limited Score
assessment tools will be assessment tools will be between a rubric/ criteria
used to modify instruction. used to modify instruction. for assessment with
An exceptional assessment A rubric or criteria for objectives, learning and
of content learning also assessment aligns with assessment activities.
includes reference to the objectives and assessment
language standards. A activities.
rubric or criteria for
assessment aligns with
objectives, learning and
assessment activities.

Professionalism You address all the You address most You address most the You address most 0–4
questions/issues specified in questions/issues specified in questions/issues specified in questions/issues specified
instructions. You post your instructions. You post your instructions. You post your project in instructions. You post
project on time and in the project on time and in the on time and in the correct place. your project after the
correct place. correct place. The quality of Digressions from print conventions deadline.
The quality of writing writing has several editing are frequent. In addition, they The print convention
matches the expectations oversights but they do not evidence a systematic pattern of digressions detract from a
for a teacher of writing. The interfere with a reader errors that suggest a reader’s attention to the
product has few if any grasping the central points. In misunderstanding about print text. Overall, the quality of
digressions from expected addition, they do not evidence conventions that upper elementary writing falls substantially
print conventions. a misunderstanding of a students must know and apply. short of that expected of
convention teachers should writing teachers.

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