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Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): _______Visual Arts________ Grade: ____4_____

Teacher(s): ______Keziah Silva__________________
School: _____Lincoln Elementary__ Date:___________

1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:

Speaking and Listening:
SL.4.1 Students engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners o
others ideas and expressing their own clearly.

2. State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts):

Visual Arts:
4.0 Aesthetic Valuing Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About Works in the Visual Arts...Students analyze, assess, and d
including their own, according to the elements of art, the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.

3. ELD Standard Addressed: (include Part I, II; Communicative Modes A. Collaborative, B. Interpretive, C. Productive;
Emerging, Expanding, Bridging)
ELD.I.4.1.Ex: Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and a

4. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?) STUDENT-F
I will look carefully a
SWBAT look carefully at works of art, talk about what they observe and examine, back up their ideas observe. I will back u
with evidence, listen to and consider the views of others, and discuss many possible interpretations. and listen to others
(Blooms analyzing). possible interpretatio

5. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Why are these STUDENT-F
outcomes essential for future learning?)(TPE1.3)
I need to be able to
Students must be able to analyze works of art in order to appreciate artifacts from a culture to its notice about them so
fullest extent. They must also be able to discuss their ideas and express their feelings in order to I also need to be ab
engage in society as a participating member. feelings so that I can

6. Essential Questions (TPE1.5):

How does your idea connect to _________s Idea?

Who has an idea to share?

Who would like to build on what ______ said?

What other ideas or examples relate to this idea?

Why is art important?


7. Class Information:

a. Total number 13 girls, 12 boys, 25 in total.

b. English Learners/Standard English Learners There are three ELs in the classroom; one Russia
Spanish. The teacher did not offer much more information than this. Only the Russian and Spanish E

All other students are relatively at the same academic levels.

c. Students with Special Needs There is one SLP (Speech Language Pathology), one HIP student (H

for a student who has PTSD, and two students who are recommended for assessment.
d. Academic language abilities, content knowledge and skills in content area- Most students

understanding of academic knowledge with the exception of the ELs. However, the teacher says tha

academic vocabulary quickly and manage to stay on the same page with the rest of the class. The cl

when it comes to classroom discussions. The students have background information in learning abou

principles of design, which will contribute to the lesson.

e. Linguistic background The entire class can effectively communicate in English with each other a

every student speaks with fluency.

f. Cultural background (home/family) There is a diverse cultural population in the classroom. Cul

the children in the classroom are Argentinian culture, Hindu Culture, and Russian Culture. The home

the students are predominately higher class. Most students come from homes with parents who are

often with higher education and careers that are either self-owned or higher up in the corporate worl
g. Health considerations (if any) There is one student with environmental allergies and five studen

with the one student who is Hearing impaired.

h. Physical development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content are

poster) n/a
i. Social development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content area
instruction in the classroom is the amount of students who come from divorced parents or a broken h

backgrounds that impact the lessons.

j. Emotional development factors that may influence instruction in this academic content ar

developmental factors also fall under this category by possibly being impacted during a lesson becau
k. Interests/Aspirations (relevant to this academic area) The students have interests in having

open and enjoy doing it, especially in groups. This is going to help the lesson plan be conducted effe

8. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the content? Plea
English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with special needs. )):

What will be difficult with the student with a 504 is keeping her engaged throughout the entire lesson. This student tends to g
or even in her desk. For the ELs, I anticipate they may not understand the academic vocabulary in this lesson and they may
instructions and share their opinions to the class. For the student with speech and language, I anticipate that she may have a
opinion on the visual in the lesson. However, this student is not shy to speak out in front of the class, so I do not see much of


9. Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you going to make based on the anticipa
modifications/accommodations for English Learners, Standard English Learners, and/or students with special needs. )

For the student with a 504, I will be seating her in the front of class for easier monitoring. I will also implement the behavior p
up in class for her to keep her on track and not distracted. This plan would be to start with bringing her to the front and involvi
her for help and leading instruction with always staying in communication with her. For the ELs in the class, I have structured
their pair shares discussing the art, they have sentence frames to help them effectively agree or disagree with their partner a
the class. For the speech and language student, I will make sure to reinforce her after she shares to the class using the sente

10. 21st Century Skills Circle all that are applicable

Communication Collaboration Creativity Critical Thinking

Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson (TPE1.5,3.3):
Communication: Student will discuss and provide opinions in pairs to describe the work of art.

Collaboration: Students will work with their table or shoulder partner to elaborate on opinions about the work of art.

Critical Thinking: The students will thinking critically about different aspects of the work of art to create and form opinions and
about the elements of art and analyzing the art works being presented in this lesson through these ways.

11. Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson? (TPE4.4, 4.8)

Google Slides-

Youtube video-

12. Visual and Performing Arts How will you provide the students with opportunities to access the curriculum by incorpora
arts? (TPE1.7)
I will be using a visual thinking strategy in this lesson by having the students orally share their opinions on art cooperatively w


13. Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? What spec
product/process? What does success on this lessons outcomes look like?)

a. Formative: I will walk around the room and record students appropriate responses according to their opinion on the a

b. Summative (if applicable):

c. Attach rubric here ( and copy and paste your objective above your rubric):

SWBAT look carefully at works of art, talk about what they observe, back up their ideas with evidence, listen to and consider
many possible interpretations. .
3 2 1

Use of Criticial Uses the cards two times Uses the cards once in their Shows no evidence of using
Thinking Cards or more in their discussions. the language provided in the
conversations with their cards.

Provides The evidence that they Has some evidence, but is not Does not explain what their
evidence for their used to create their clearly able to explain what viewpoint is at all, or does not
viewpoint viewpoint is clear and that evidence is. provide any evidence for their
evident. viewpoint.

d. How do you plan to involve all students in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals and progres

At the end of the lesson, students will reflect on the objective, explaining whether or not they feel as if they achieved it. They
the image was about was different from what the actual image was about.


14. Instructional Method:

Circle one Direct Instruction Inquiry Cooperative Learning

15. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

Google Slides presentation

Critical Thinking Cards
Youtube video -
16. Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions that you are planning

1. The class will watch a youtube video to grab their attention and introduce the elements of art. (

2. After the students have watched the opening video, they will be divided into their pairs for the lesson. To grab their attentio
their response being Yes, yes. This way I have every students attention before I start dividing them off into pairs. (Face to
3. I will show the students a Power Point slide presentation.
a. On the presentation, there will be artwork that the students will be developing opinions on by having conversations using Cri
b. The artwork on this lesson is Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell, and The Flower Carrier by Diego Rivera.
4. I will begin the activity by modeling to the students how I want them to utilize their Critical thinking cards. I will introduce th
which specific cards I wanted them to use and how they were to use them in their conversations by modeling a conversation
painting Freedom of Speech by Norman Rockwell.
5. After the activity has been modeled, I will begin by showing the next work of art, The flower Carrier, on the PowerPoint and
a. What is going on in this picture?
b. What do you see that makes you say that?
c. What more can we find?
6. After the first question, What is going on in this picture? is asked, I will dismiss the students into their pairs to discuss the
thinking cards as prompts to give appropriate responses in their conversations. (Social Skills) (Group Processing)
7. After each question is discussed between the pairs, I will call on the students to share out what they talked about in the pa
which will be answered as a class. (Positive Interdependence).
8. Once each question has been discussion, I will reveal the name of the work of art and read a description of the piece to the
they observe the art.

9. Students will be given closing questions to discuss and share how the artwork makes them feel in a closing discussion with
whole class.
10. The students will be asked How is your guess about the painting different than the real meaning of the painting? How is
meaning of the artwork make you feel?
11. Once the students have discussed these questions with their partners, I will select groups by drawing sticks to share wha
the lesson.


1. Please include your rubric data here. Include 5 student work samples low, medium, high, EL, & Student with Special Ne
please include scores according to rubric categories.

2. Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?

a) If so, explain which areas in which students were successful, according to your data analysis.

b) If not, explain which areas in which students were not successful, according to your data analysis. Why do you think they
objective in these areas?

3. What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective? Which subject-specific pedagogic
students be successful? (Reference TPE Part 2: Subject-Specific Pedagogy)
4. What would you change about the lesson and why (according to your data analysis)?

Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student
work related to this lesson. Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, low, EL, and Student with Special
Needs, and write your comments on the copies.

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