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B.Tech – II Sem L T P C

3 0 0 3
(19A02201T) Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Part A: Basic Electrical Engineering
(Civil, Mechanical, CSE, CSSE, IT and Food Technology)

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce basics of electric circuits.
2. To teach DC and AC electrical circuit analysis.
3. To explain working principles of transformers and electrical machines.
4. To impart knowledge on low voltage electrical installations

Unit 1 DC & AC Circuits:

Electrical circuit elements (R - L and C) - Kirchhoff laws - Series and parallel connection of
resistances with DC excitation. Superposition Theorem - Representation of sinusoidal
waveforms - peak and rms values - phasor representation - real power - reactive power -
apparent power - power factor - Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of RL - RC -
RLC series circuits.

Unit Outcomes: Able to

Recall Kirchoff laws (L1)
Analyze simple electric circuits with DC excitation (L4)
Apply network theorems to simple circuits (L3)
Analyze single phase AC circuits consisting of series RL - RC - RLC combinations (L4)

Unit 2 DC & AC Machines:

Principle and operation of DC Generator - EMF equations - OCC characteristics of DC
generator – principle and operation of DC Motor – Performance Characteristics of DC Motor -
Speed control of DC Motor – Principle and operation of Single Phase Transformer - OC and SC
test on transformer - principle and operation of Induction Motor [ Elementary treatment only ]

Unit Outcomes: Able to

Explain principle and operation of DC Generator & Motor.
Perform speed control of DC Motor (L2)
Explain operation of transformer and induction motor. (L2)
Explain construction & working of induction motor - DC motor

Unit 3 Basics of Power Systems:

Layout & operation of Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear Stations - Solar & wind generating stations –
Typical AC Power Supply scheme – Elements of Transmission line – Types of Distribution
systems: Primary & Secondary distribution systems.

60 Page
Unit Outcomes: Able to
Understand working operation of various generating stations (L2)
Explain the types of Distribution systems

Text Books:
1. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath - “Basic Electrical Engineering” - Tata McGraw Hill -
2. V.K. Mehta & Rohit Mehta, “Principles of Power System” – S.Chand – 2018.

1. L. S. Bobrow - “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering” - Oxford University Press -
2. E. Hughes - “Electrical and Electronics Technology” - Pearson - 2010.
3. C.L. Wadhwa – “Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy”, 3rd
Edition, New Age International Publications.

Course Outcomes:
Apply concepts of KVL/KCL in solving DC circuits (L3)
Choose correct rating of a transformer for a specific application (L5)
Illustrate working principles of induction motor - DC Motor (L3)
Identify type of electrical machine based on their operation.(L1)
Describe working principles of protection devices used in electrical circuits. (L2)

Part B: Basic Electronics Engineering

Course Objectives:
To provide comprehensive idea about working principle, operation and applications of
PN junction & zener diodes, BJT, FET, MOSFET and operational amplifier
To introduce fundamentals of digital electronics
To educate on principles of various communication systems
To teach efficacy of electronic principles which are pervasive in engineering applications

Unit I Analog Electronics

Overview of Semiconductors, PN junction diode, Zener diode, Applications of diode as switch
and rectifier, Zener diode as regulator, special purpose diodes: schottky diode, tunnel diode,
varactor diode, photodiode, phototransistor and LED.
BJT construction, operation, configuration and characteristics, JFET and MOSFET construction,
operation, characteristics (CS configuration), applications
Operational Amplifiers: Introduction, block diagram, basic op-amp circuits: Inverting, Non
Inverting, summer, subtractor, voltage follower.

Unit Outcomes:
Describe operation and characteristics of diodes and transistors (L2)
Make use of diodes and transistors in simple, typical circuit applications (L3)
Understand operation of basic op-amp circuits (L2)

61 Page
Unit II Digital Electronics
Introduction, Switching and Logic Levels, Digital Waveform, characteristics of digital ICs, logic
gates, number systems, combinational circuits - adders, multiplexers, decoders; introduction to
sequential circuits, flip flops, shift register, binary counter.

Unit Outcomes:
Explain different logic gates using truth table (L2)
Distinguish combinational and sequential circuits (L2)
Analyze various combinational circuits such as adders, multiplexers and decoders
Understand functionality of flip-flops, shift registers and counters (L2)

Unit III Communication Systems

Introduction, Elements of Communication Systems, EM spectrum, basics of electronic
communication, Amplitude and Frequency modulation, Pulse modulation, Communication
receivers, Examples of communication systems: Microwave & Satellite, Fibre optic, Television,
mobile communication (block diagram approach).

Unit Outcomes:
Describe basic elements of a communication system (L2)
Explain need for modulation and different modulation techniques (L2)
Understand functioning of various communication systems (L2)

Text Books:
1. D.P. Kothari, I.J.Nagrath, Basic Electronics, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill
Education(India)Private Limited
2. S.K. Bhattacharya, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2nd edition, Pearson
India Private Limited.

Reference Books:
1. R. Muthusubramanian, S. Salivahanan, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”,
Tata McGraw-Hill Education, Reprint 2012.
2. David Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits: Oxford University Press, 5th EDn., 2008.

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In any linear, bilateral, multi source network the response in any element is equal to the
algebraic sum of the responses obtained by each source acting alone while all other sources are set
equal to zero.

Steps for Solving circuit by Superposition Theorem

Considering the circuit diagram A, let us see the various steps to solve the superposition

Step-1: First find the current (I3) through load resistance (R3) as shown in Circuit Diagram-A.
Take only one independent source of voltage or current and set all other sources to zero.
Step-2: In the Circuit Diagram-B shown above, consider the source E1 and set the other
source E2 by zero (Voltage Source is short circuited).
Step-3: If there is a voltage source than short circuit it (V=0), and if there is a current source
than just open circuit it (I=0). Find the Current (I3’) through load resistance (i.e., R3).
Step-4: Now consider the other source E2 and set the source E1 to zero as shown in the Circuit
Diagram-C. Determine the current (I3’’).
Step-5: Now to determine the net branch current utilizing the superposition theorem, add the
currents obtained from each individual source for each branch (I3’ + I3’’).
Step-6: Finally superposition theorem is verified by I3 = I3’ + I3’’.
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