1 Fluid 03
1 Fluid 03
1 Fluid 03
• Molecules are not stationary, but move about with high velocities.
• The molecules collide with each other and strike the walls of a container in
which they are confined.
• Gives rise to the pressure exerted by the gas.
• If volume increases (at a constant temperature):
• Number of collisions (per unit area) decreases
• Hence pressure decreases.
• If temperature increases:
• Velocity of molecules increases
• Hence pressure increases .
Celsius to Kelvin
Fahrenheit to Rankine
• For gases:
• Significant changes in density (~4%) - Compressible.
• Small density changes (under 3%) - Incompressible.
• The speed of sound in a liquid can be found using the Bulk modulus of
elasticity and density, as shown above.
2 × (2π Rσ )
• h: Capillary rise
• D: Diameter
• p: Density
• σ: Surface tension
• p: Absolute pressure
• ρ: Density
• T: Absolute temperature
• R: Gas constant
The gas constant is found
using the universal gas
constant and the molar mass.
• States that when a system changes from State 1 to State 2, its energy
changes from E1 to E2.
• This energy change is heat transfer or work.
• Heat Transfer to the system and work done by the system are positive.
• Energy (E) for the total energy consists of kinetic energy ( 𝑚𝑉 " ), potential
energy (mgz), and internal energy (𝑚𝑢&).
• 𝑢&: Internal energy per unit mass
• For a small pressure wave in a gas (at low frequency), the wave speed in
an isentropic process is:
• When making calculations, the answer should have the same number of
significant digits as the least accurate number used in the calculations.
• The density, or specific weight, of a fluid can be found if the specific gravity
is given: