Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model Predictive Control Torque-Split Strategy Incorporating Engine Transient Characteristics
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model Predictive Control Torque-Split Strategy Incorporating Engine Transient Characteristics
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model Predictive Control Torque-Split Strategy Incorporating Engine Transient Characteristics
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3 authors:
Kaisheng Huang
Tsinghua University
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Abstract—This paper presents a model predictive control Nice,ini Engine initial speed (in revolutions per
(MPC) torque-split strategy that incorporates diesel engine tran- minute).
sient characteristics for parallel hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) Npt Powertrain speed (in revolutions per
powertrains. To improve HEV fuel efficiency, torque split between
the diesel engine and the electric motor and the decision as minute).
to whether the engine should be on or off are important. For Nmax _speed_start Engine idle speed (in revolutions per
HEV applications where the engines experience frequent transient minute).
operations, including start–stop, the effect of the engine tran- Powem,in Power into the EM (in watts).
sient characteristics on the overall HEV powertrain fuel economy Qc Battery energy capacity (in joules).
becomes more pronounced. In this paper, by incorporating an
experimentally validated real-time-capable transient diesel-engine RTor Torque-split ratio.
model into the MPC torque-split method, the engine transient SOClow_ lim Lower bound of SOC.
characteristics can be well reflected on the HEV powertrain su- SOCup_ lim Upper bound of SOC.
pervisory control decisions. Simulation studies based on an HEV SOCact Actual battery SOC.
model with actual system parameters and an experimentally vali- SOCini Initial value of battery SOC.
dated diesel-engine model indicate that the proposed MPC super-
visory strategy considering diesel engine transient characteristics tst Desired engine start-up time (in seconds).
possesses superior equivalent fuel efficiency while maintaining t Time (in seconds).
HEV driving performance. tk Time instant of the start of the kth predic-
Index Terms—Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), model predictive tion horizon.
control (MPC), torque split. td Time duration of the prediction horizon.
Tpt,req Required driving torque (in Newton-
ΔNfilt Filtered first derivative of engine speed. TICE,req Required engine output torque (in
ηem (Tem,act , wem ) Electric motor (EM) power efficiency. Newton-meter).
FARlim Maximum fuel air ratio (FAR). Tem,req Required EM output torque (in Newton-
FARact Actual FAR. meter).
key_on Engine key status. Tem,act Actual EM output torque (in Newton-
K_start Speed-dependent multiplicative correc- meter).
tion factor. Vt Battery output voltage (in volts).
ṁair Engine transient air mass flow rate (in Vo Battery open-loop voltage.
kilograms per second). Rd Equivalent battery internal resistance.
ṁf Engine mass flow rate (in kilograms per
ṁf _corr_1 Engine fuel mass flow rate output after the
start-up correction.
Desired engine start-up speed (in revolu-
T HE HYBRID electric vehicle (HEV) is one of the
promising solutions for improving ground vehicle energy
efficiencies and emissions [1], [2], [15]. Typically, an HEV
tions per minute).
includes dual power sources, which are the internal combustion
engine (ICE) and the electric capacity device, respectively [10],
Manuscript received August 3, 2011; revised December 29, 2011 and [14]. The advantages of an HEV are mainly due to its capability
February 19, 2012; accepted April 26, 2012. Date of publication May 4, 2012;
date of current version July 10, 2012. The review of this paper was coordinated
of regenerative braking and the potential of optimizing the
by Dr. D. Cao. operations of its power sources [4], [5]. To fully utilize the
F. Yan and J. Wang are with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace second attribute, the power management strategy becomes a
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]; [email protected]). critical issue in HEV control. In the upper level controller,
K. Huang is with the Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua including the interpretation of the driver’s intention and gear-
University, Beijing 100084, China (e-mail: [email protected]). shifting mechanism, the required total torque for the powertrain
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. system can be determined based on the desired and actual
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2012.2197767 vehicle operating conditions, such as the vehicle speed and road
0018-9545/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
With the start–stop mechanism in a HEV configuration, the To be noted, according to (2)–(4), there is one more degree
engine may start and stop at a much higher frequency than that of freedom in terms of selecting the polynomial coefficients,
for conventional vehicles, and consequently, the fuel consump- which is the initial engine acceleration
tion during each engine start-up may become nontrivial due to
the accumulative effect. During an engine start-up process in Ṅice,st (0) = Ṅice,ini (5)
the parallel HEV powertrain, the engine needs to be accelerated
as an indication of the initial engine torque at the beginning
from idle speed to smoothly match with the motor/clutch-out
of the accelerating process. With the boundary conditions
shaft speed and couple with the powertrain output shaft via a
1–3 being satisfied, by properly selecting this initial engine
clutch within the desired engine start-up time duration. While
speed acceleration, the engine start-up fuel consumption can
the fuel consumption from cranking to idle is quite constant
be optimized. For instance, Fig. 3 shows the comparisons
under engine warmed-up conditions, which is attributed to the
among different selections of the engine initial accelerations
engine dynamics and fuel efficiency characteristics, different
and the corresponding fuel consumptions. Assume that the
engine speed accelerating trajectories (from idle to the desired
required boundary conditions are the following: tst = 3 (s),
speed) may result in different fuel consumptions for the start-
Nice,ini = 520 (r/min) (idle speed), Npt (tst ) = 1500 (r/min),
up process. To achieve smooth engine start-up and engagement
and Ṅpt (tst ) = 100 (rad/s2 ). In Fig. 3, Ṅice,ini were selected
with the clutch-out shaft, a cubic polynomial function in the
as 50 rad/s2 (Trace 1), 100 rad/s2 (Trace 2), and 150 rad/s2
following form can be generated for the desired engine speed
(Trace 3), respectively. As can be seen, among these three, the
during the start-up process:
optimal accelerating trajectory in terms of fuel consumption for
Nice,st (t) = a1 t3 + a2 t2 + a3 t + a4 , for t ≤ tst (1) the engine idle-to-desired speed process is Trace 1.
To be noted, the simulation results plotted in Fig. 3 were
where t refers to time; tst is the engine start-up time duration; obtained by simulations based on an experimentally validated
ai , i = 1, . . . , 4 are the polynomial coefficients to be deter- real-time-capable transient diesel-engine model recently devel-
mined; and Nice,st is the desired start-up engine speed. oped in [3].
To meet the speed smoothness requirement of the engine
start-up process (from idle to the desired speed), three boundary III. C ONTROL -O RIENTED M ODELS
conditions need to be satisfied. FOR H YBRID E LECTRIC V EHICLE S UBSYSTEMS
1) Nice,st (0) = Nice,ini , where Nice,ini refers to the engine The control-oriented models for the HEV system include
initial speed (i.e., idle speed). a transient diesel-engine model, an EM model, and a battery
model. Such models are computationally efficient and real-time experimental tests in crank-to-idle conditions, and cond is the
capable for integration into the MPC algorithm. condition described in
f (ΔNfilt > 0 & N < Nmax _speed_start ), TRUE
cond =
A. Transient Diesel-Engine, Fuel-Consumption, and Torque else, FALSE.
Predictive Model (7)
In most of the HEV control designs, engine fuel mass flow Here, ΔNfilt is obtained by low-pass filtering the first derivative
rates were estimated through steady-state engine maps, whose of the engine speed, and Nmax _speed_start is a constant value of
inputs are engine speed and the required torque and output 520 r/min as the idle speed for the diesel engine. The calibration
is the fuel mass flow rate. While such steady-state engine of the crank-to-idle correction factor was performed through
maps can represent engine characteristics to a large extent, an optimization process for minimizing the difference between
they may conceal opportunities of further improving the HEV the measured instantaneous fueling mass flow rate trace and the
fuel economy by explicitly considering the effect of engine transient mass flow rate output of the model in several crank-
transient operating characteristics, which is more pronounced to-idle traces.
for some HEV applications where the engines experience fre- Aside from the crank-to-idle correction, the smoke limits
quent transient operations including start–stop. However, due in diesel engine transient operations were also specifically
to the complexity and nonlinearities of diesel engine air-path addressed in the model, as indicated in [3]. The following ex-
and fuel-path dynamics and interactions, accurately describing pression was developed for describing the diesel engine smoke
the diesel engine transient instantaneous fuel consumption and limits during transient operations:
torque, which are the two most important quantities for HEV ⎧
⎨ if (FARact
powertrain control, can be quite challenging. Due to the closed- ṁf = > FARlim (N, Treq )) , FARlim (N, Treq ) · ṁair
loop control efforts by the engine control unit (ECU), the ⎩
else, ṁf _corr_1 .
input–output dynamics of the overall engine system, which (8)
consists of a diesel engine and its ECU, become simpler and
more predictable. By utilizing this feature of the overall engine Here, ṁf _corr_1 is the modeled fuel mass flow rate output
system, in the authors’ recent work [3], a real-time-capable, after the crank-to-idle correction, ṁair is the transient air mass
diesel-engine, instantaneous-fuel-consumption, and torque pre- flow rate, FARlim is a map of the maximum FAR obtained
dictive model was developed and experimentally calibrated by the experimental data of the diesel engine, and FARact =
for a medium-duty diesel engine, which fits with the HEV ṁf _corr_1 /ṁair . Details on the derivation of the diesel engine
powertrain application considered in this paper. By integrating air-path fresh air mass flow rate ṁair are neglected here; see
the overall engine system steady-state maps and first-order [3].
dynamics, the model can accurately predict the diesel engine In this paper, a simplified first-order dynamic model in [3]
fuel consumption and torque at both steady-state and transient was utilized for torque prediction, where the transient torque
operations including the start-up and shutdown processes. The Torquetr can be estimated as follows:
simplicity of the overall engine system dynamics also makes the d(Torquetr )
model computationally efficient for real-time implementations. τtorque (Treq )· +Torquetr = Torquess (N, ṁf ). (9)
While the details regarding the aforementioned diesel-engine
model and its transient driving-cycle experimental validation Here, the steady-state torque Torquess can be illustrated as a
are available in [3], several transient features of the model function of engine speed N and fuel flow rate ṁf as
are highlighted here. Owing to the complexity of the real
diesel engine crank-to-idle process, involving the fuel injection, Torquess = (b1 + b2 N + b3 N 2 ) 1 − b4 · ṁbf5
ignition, and combustion at relatively low engine speeds, the 120
·ṁf · LHVf · − Tfr (N ) (10)
accurate fuel consumption cannot be effectively indicated in the N · Vd
steady-state fueling maps, which are typically obtained based
where b1 to b5 were calibrated by experimental data, LHVf is
on extrapolated values for normal engine operating conditions.
the lower heating value of the fuel, Vd is the engine displace-
The techniques in [3] gave an effective and computationally
ment, and Tfr is the friction torque (illustrated as a polynomial
efficient solution through a transient engine start-up model by
function of engine speed). The time constant τtorque (Treq ) in
multiplying a set of factors at different engine speeds. Here,
(9) was modeled in the following logic:
the transient model correction factors were obtained through
several real engine crank-to-idle tests. The transient fueling if(ΔTreq > 0), τ3
τtorque (Treq ) = (11)
correction can be described by the following formulas: else, τ4
if (cond = TRUE), K_start(N )· ṁf _ss where τ3 and τ4 depend on the diesel engine experimental data.
ṁf _corr_1 = (6)
else, ṁf _ss . The engine-out torque cannot exactly match the required
torque by the upper level torque-split strategy, with the
Here, ṁf _ss is the steady-state fuel flow rate on the basis of considerations of engine-out torque steady-state limitations
steady-state engine operation map, K_start is an engine-speed- and transient dynamics. As shown in Fig. 7, the engine-out
dependent multiplicative correction factor identified from the torques, which were derived by the aforementioned engine
Thus, the cost function derived in the kth prediction horizon is Here, RTor (t) indicates the torque-split ratio. With this torque-
expressed as follows: split ratio, the torque values for the diesel engine and the EM
can be calculated by (16) and (17).
The outputs in the control-oriented model (22) are
J(k) = α1 ṁf (t)dt
y = [ṁf (t), SOC(t), key_on(t)] . (24)
+ α2 [SOC(tk ) − SOC(tk + tp )]
With the outputs of the control-oriented model, the cost func-
+ α3 [1 − key_on(tk + tp )] (18)
tion (18) can be calculated in each prediction horizon.
For computational simplicity, the control-oriented model was
subject to
discretized with the sample time of 1 s. The prediction horizon
is selected as 10 s, and the implementation horizon is selected as
SOClow_ lim < SOC < SOCup_ lim (19)
1 s. Thus, the input vector in (23) for the kth prediction horizon
was discretized as
where SOClow_ lim and SOCup_ lim are the lower and upper
bounds of SOC, respectively. key_on ∈ {0, 1} refers to the uk = [u(tk ), u(tk + 1), . . . , u(tk + tp )] (25)
diesel engine key position, i.e., “1” represents the engine “on”
and “0” represents the engine “off”; tk is the time instant of the where u(tk +i) = [key_on(tk +i), RTor (tk +i)], i = 1, . . . , tp .
start of the kth prediction horizon; and tp is the time duration As a local optimization method, the selections of the initial
of the prediction horizon. input values at each step are crucial for the MPC algorithm. The
As can be seen from the preceding definition, the cost initial input value selections follow four criteria.
function consists of three terms: 1) the diesel engine fuel 1) In the first prediction horizon, the initial input values are
consumption; 2) the equivalent energy cost of battery; and key_on = 1 and RTor = 1.
3) the penalty of the engine key-off status at the end of the 2) Supposing that the optimal inputs for the kth prediction
prediction horizon. αi , i = 1, 2, 3 are the weighting parameters. horizon was calculated as
The first two terms indicate the overall equivalent fuel cost of
the powertrain. Therefore, the following relation holds: uopt
k = uopt (tk ), uopt (tk + 1), . . . , uopt (tk + tp ) (26)
α2 then the initial input value for the (k + 1)th prediction
= Csoc_fuel (20)
α1 horizon is selected as
where Csoc_fuel is a multiplication factor, indicating the equiv- uini
k+1 = uopt (tk + 1), uopt (tk + 2), . . .
alent ratio between SOC and fuel consumptions. The third uopt (tk + tp ), uopt (tk + tp ) . (27)
term in the cost function α3 [1 − key_on(tk + tp )] accounts for
the fuel penalty at the end of the prediction horizon, i.e., if 3) If the initial diesel engine speed in the (k + 1)th predic-
key_on(tk + tp ) = 0, then the engine needs to start up in the tion horizon is zero, which indicates that the diesel engine
future and thus pay the fuel cost associated with it. α3 can be is off, then another set of initial input values was selected,
selected through the following equation: where the initial values of key_onini = 0 and RTor ini
= 0.
4) Following criterion 3, with the optimal solutions by cri-
= mfuel_start (21) teria 2 and 3, compare the corresponding cost functions,
α1 and choose the better one (with a smaller cost function
value) as the control input. Here, u_k is calculated based
where mfuel_start is the nominal fuel consumption for the diesel
on a “Trust-Region Reflective” optimization method by
engine start-up process, which includes the engine start from
using the command fmincon in Matlab/SIMULINK.
stop to idle and from idle to launch. The former was illustrated
by a transient compensation model in Section III-A, and the
latter was described by a polynomial speed approximation in V. T ORQUE -S PLIT C ONTROL A LGORITHM E VALUATIONS
Section III-C. In this section, the effectiveness of the proposed MPC
To be noted, the penalty of the diesel engine initial key- method is evaluated through a calibrated HEV simulator with
off status in the prediction horizon, i.e., key_on(tk ) = 0, was system parameters from an actual HEV city bus and an experi-
indirectly taken into account through the transient start-up fuel mentally calibrated medium-duty diesel-engine model [3].
cost and thus is not contained in the cost function (18).
For this cost function (18), the control-oriented model can be
A. Torque-Split Control Algorithms
represented as follows:
To show the effectiveness of the proposed diesel-engine
y = f (u(t), t) . (22) transient-model-based MPC methodology in torque-split con-
trol, three torque-split control methods were proposed for
The inputs in (22) are the comparison purpose. Method 1 is the proposed MPC-
based method with a transient diesel-engine model, and the
u(t) = [key_on(t), RTor (t)] . (23) simulation results were noted with “-TR” in Figs. 6 and 7.
Fig. 11 shows the key status and the torque-split ratio. The
benefit of transient fuel correction can also be quantitatively
indicated through the cost function calculation in the imple-
mentation horizon, which can be calculated by substituting tp
by tk+1 in (18). The implementation cost function comparisons
are shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 11. Engine key status and torque-split ratio by Method 2.
Fig. 13 shows the diesel engine operation under the PID-
based SOC regulation method (Method 3). Under this strategy,
Fig. 10 shows the engine operating conditions when control the engine was kept “on,” even though it was not required to
Method 2 was employed. (Fig. 11 shows the engine key sta- generate any power. This caused the low fuel efficiency when
tus and torque-split ratio correspondingly.) In this torque-split the engine was idling and did not provide torque for quite a long
method, the engine start-up was based on a steady-state map. period. The low limit on the engine speed curve is the engine
The discrepancies between the steady-state fueling-map-based idle speed.
fuel mass flow rate prediction and the actual fuel consumption In Fig. 14, the fuel consumptions and the battery SOCs
caused inefficient usage of the engine. Compared with control for the three torque-split methods are compared. The battery
Method 1, the engine start–stop frequencies are much higher in SOCs of all the three control methods were within the upper
some circumstances where the usage of the engine is not nec- and lower bounds and ended up close to each other. For the
essary. This is due to the underestimations of fuel costs in the fuel cost, Method 3 shows the worst performance. The steady-
diesel engine crank-to-idle and start-up processes by the steady- state MPC method (Method 2) shows better fuel efficiency
state map-based prediction method. The other type of inefficient improvement than Method 3. However, due to the transient fuel
operation can be observed around the 273th second (as indi- consumption mismatch during engine transient operations and
cated by the ellipse region in Fig. 10). Due to the mismatched the transient fuel estimation error, the equivalent fuel efficiency
diesel engine start-up fuel consumption prediction, the engine is still not optimal. Method 1 shows the best fuel efficiency
speed did not catch up with the desired speed (powertrain-out among the three. Compared with Method 1, the increase in
speed) to couple with the powertrain for contributing the torque fuel consumption by Method 2 is mainly due to two facets:
output and stopped again under the consequent control law. In The first one is the higher engine start–stop frequency, which
this case, the inefficiency is apparent as the engine started up elevated the crank-to-idle and start-up fuel cost, and the second
(fuel was consumed) but did not contribute useful torque output comes from improper calculation of optimal solution due to
to the vehicle. the inaccuracy of the engine control-oriented model used in the
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applications. Comparative simulation studies based on a city-
driving-like cycle have been conducted for three different
HEV supervisory control strategies. Results have indicated that,
while all three methods can satisfy the vehicle velocity tracking
requirement, the MPC-based method can improve the HEV fuel Fengjun Yan received the B.E. degree in control sci-
ence and engineering from Harbin Institute of Tech-
economy. Moreover, the incorporation of the transient diesel- nology, Harbin, China, in 2004 and the M.S. degree
engine model in the MPC algorithm can further benefit the in power engineering and engineering thermophysics
HEV fuel economy by taking into account the effect of diesel from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2006.
He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree
engine transient characteristics, which is more pronounced in with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
HEV applications where vehicle/engine experiences frequent Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus.
transient operations including start–stop events. The control His research interests include dynamic system
modeling, nonlinear system control and estima-
method assumes that the vehicle future powertrain torque de- tion, and diesel engine advanced combustion mode
mands are available from the given driving cycles. controls.
Junmin Wang (M’06) received the B.E. degree Kaisheng Huang received the B.E. degree in auto-
in automotive engineering and the M.S. degree in motive engineering, the M.S. degree in power ma-
power machinery and engineering from Tsinghua chinery and engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in
University, Beijing, China, in 1997 and 2000, respec- power engineering and engineering thermophysics
tively, the second and third M.S. degrees in electrical from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1993,
engineering and mechanical engineering from the 1996, and 2007, respectively.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, in 2003, and He was an Assistant Professor and Lecturer
the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the with the Department of Automotive Engineering,
University of Texas at Austin in 2007. Tsinghua University, in 1996 and 1998, respec-
He has five years of full-time industrial research tively, and has been an Associate Professor since
experience (May 2003–August 2008) with South- 2003. He is an author or coauthor of more than
west Research Institute, San Antonio, TX. Since September 2008, he has been 40 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings. His research
an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace interests include control, modeling, estimation, and diagnosis of dynamical
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus. He is an author/coauthor systems, specifically for engine, powertrain, after treatment, hybrid, and electric
of more than 110 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings. ground and underground mining vehicles, as well as intelligent unmanned
He is the holder of ten U.S. patents. His research interests include control, vehicles and transportation.
modeling, estimation, and diagnosis of dynamical systems, specifically for Dr. Huang received the Scientific and Technological Progress Award from
engine, powertrain, after treatment, hybrid, flexible fuel, alternative/renewable the Chinese Automotive Industry (second prize) in 2006 and 2011.
energy, (electric) ground vehicle, transportation, energy storage, sustainable
mobility, and mechatronic systems.
Dr. Wang is a member (as the Liaison for IEEE Control Systems Society)
of the IEEE Transportation Electrification (Electric Vehicle) Steering Com-
mittee (since 2012). He has been the Chair (2010–2012) of the Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE) International Control and Calibration Committee
and the Secretary (2010–2012) of the American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers (ASME) Automotive and Transportation Systems Technical Committee.
He serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON V EHIC -
ULAR T ECHNOLOGY and on the Conference Editorial Board of the ASME
Dynamic Systems and Control Division, the American Control Conference, and
the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. He received the SAE
Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award, the National Science Foundation CAREER
Award, The Ohio State University Lumley Research Award in 2012, the SAE
International Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award in
2011, the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program Award in
2009, and the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty
Enhancement Award in 2009.