All Saints Bulletin 2009-01-25

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Grief Support Group will meet Thurs., 9:45am in the Resource room.
There is a certain urgency in today’s Gospel as Jesus calls His first GROCERY/GAS GIFT CERTIFICATES
disciples – Andrew and Simon, James and John. Each one follows Jesus AFTER ALL WEEKEND MASSES
immediately, unhesitatingly abandoning nets and boats and father and WE ARE NOW OFFERING FRESH MARKET CERTIFICATES
fellow-workers. To what is Jesus calling me – at this moment, in these Certificates are available during the week in the parish office.
circumstances? What will I need to abandon in order to follow Him?
VOCATION THOUGHT (Annie N., Youth Minister)
Come after Me. Jesus called Andrew and Peter and James and John. He Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770
calls still in our day. Are you willing to drop your nets and follow? Read
Mark 1: 14-20. Sr. Hi Youth Group will meet Thursday at 6:00pm to caravan to
assemble meals for the homebound at Mobile Meals. There are 20 spots
PARISH CALENDAR available for teens to participate due to space restrictions. Permission
Sun. Jan. 25 10:00am Children’s Liturgy (Parish Hall) forms are to be returned to Annie by Tues., Jan., 27. Adult volunteers
6:00pm High School Rel. Ed., Gr. 9-12(Parish Hall) also needed. We will return between 8:30 and 9pm at the church.
Mon. Jan. 26 9:30am “Just Moved” Ladies Guild (Lounge) Contact Annie if you are willing to help with the project or drive.
7:00pm RCIA class (Parish Hall)
7:00pm Dave Ramsey course (Ed. Bldg.) Did you get a new cell phone for Christmas? Please consider donating
Tues. Jan. 27 9:30am Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room) your old phone or ink cartridge to Youth Ministry. We can recycle them
Wed. Jan. 28 9:30am Newsletter preparation (Parish Hall) and raise funds for our mission trip. Please drop in the collection box in
10:00am Friends and Crafts Guild (Lounge) the church narthex or office lobby.
6:30pm Rel. Ed., Grades 1-5 (Ed. Bldg.)
7:00pm Choir Practice CATHOLIC SINGLES
7:30pm Rel. Ed., Grades 6-8 (Parish Hall) Sun., Jan. 25 Tennessee Right to Life “March for Life.” Meet at
Thurs. Jan. 29 9:45am Catholic Women and Friends (Parish Hall) Calvary Baptist Church at 2pm. There will be buses to take you back to
10:00am Grief Support Group (Resource Room) Calvary Church from Tyson Park. For more info, or if you would like to
6:00pm High School Youth Ministry (Off-site) carpool, please call Pat. D. at [phone omitted].
Sat. Jan. 31 7:00pm Father/Daughter Dance (Parish Hall)
Wed., Jan. 28 SERVICE PROJECT for Ronald McDonald House.
PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS The families appreciate home-cooked food after spending hours at the
Coffee and Donuts Unless we have volunteers signed up the week hospital. Prepare a casserole, some chili, soup – or bring fresh fruit, 2%
before, we will not be serving. Thank you for volunteering.! milk, or paper supplies to the house by 6:30pm. For more info, contact
Donna T. at [phone omitted]. We need YOUR help to keep it going!
SOCIAL ASAP. Please contact Karen S., [phone omitted] for more info. Thur., Jan. 29 Planning meeting and dinner social, 6:15pm at
Aubrey’s at 9208 Middlebrook Pike. Join us to help decide the events for
Please help with our Children’s Liturgy Project: Donate old towels, March-April and to make suggestions for future activities. If you can’t
blankets and any old cat or dog items to the Animal Shelter. Donations make the meeting but still want to offer suggestions or host an event,
may be placed in the container in the narthex. contact Gail B. [phone omitted]. Don’t forget your school coupon!

Don’t forget we have a wonderful nursery during the 10am Mass for Sat., Jan. 31 ANNUAL CHILI COOK-OFF, 6pm at the home of Gail
children 4 and under. The nursery is not open holiday weekends. B. Call Gail [phone omitted] or email [email omitted] to RSVP or to sign
up as a contestant. Bring a dish to share and beverage of choice. Soft
We have received a second printing of our best-selling parish cookbook! drinks will be provided.
If you need hostess gifts, birthday, Mother’s Day or other gift occasions,
this is a beautiful book that shares information about our parish. Just Sun., Feb. 1 Super Bowl Party. Join host Rich S. a half hour before the
$15, they are available in the office on weekdays. game starts and help cheer your favorite team to victory! Bring a finger
food appetizer to share and beverage of choice. (You might want to
There will be three different Virtus Sessions on Mon., Feb. 23rd at 1pm; bring a chair, also). Please RSVP to Rich at [phone omitted].
Sat., March 7th at 1pm and Mon., May 18th at 1pm. here at All Saints. All
volunteers 21 or older, working with children are required by the diocese CATHOLIC WOMEN
to attend one of these sessions; this is not optional. Please register “Catholic Women and Friends” will meet Thursday at 9:45am in the
online at or call Peggy at 531-0770. parish hall. We will by studying Paul’s Letter to the Romans.

The 2nd annual SPRING FLING will be held on Sat., May 9th on the
church grounds. Please mark this date on your calendar!
MEN’S CLUB The 11th annual Mardi Gras Dinner and Dance will be held at the school
Our annual Father/Daughter Dance, “Winter Snow Ball,” is Sat., Jan. on Sat., Feb. 21st. This exciting event has been sold out the last two years
31st from 7-10pm in the Parish Hall. Dad’s, make a date with your so purchase your tickets as soon as possible. Please contact Ami C. at
daughter and plan on attending this special event. Fathers and daughters [phone omitted] or visit the school’s website at
of all ages welcome. Professional D.J. and light refreshments provided.
Admission is FREE! Please email [email omitted] or call Ken S. at SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL SCHOOL
[phone omitted] to register your attendance. Open House will be held on Sun., Jan. 25th from 9am-12 noon in the
school library. There will be school tours available as well as
FAITH FORMATION opportunities to meet with teachers, administration and parents
Renew-Why Catholic?-The Sacraments The Lenten sessions begin the
week of Feb. 22-28. (Some groups may start earlier). If you missed the fall ST. MARY SCHOOL
sessions or need to change groups, sign-ups will be after all Masses this Open House will be held Sunday, Jan. 25th from 9am-2pm. We will
weekend. Contact Dave or Barb W. at [phone omitted] for more info. begin accepting applications for the 2009-10 school year. You may also
call Cheryl K., [phone omitted] for a private tour of our facility.


Mon., Feb. 2nd is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. On this day,
The annual “Luck of the Irish Party” to benefit Project Graduation for
you are asked to bring in your candles from home to the services and
the class of 2009 will be held Feb. 7th from 7-11pm in the gym. Please
have them blessed by the celebrant.
join us for food, drinks, prizes and games. All proceeds will help insure a
safe night of fun for our seniors on graduation night. Ask any KCHS
Tues., Feb. 3rd is the Feast of St. Blasé. The celebrant will bless throats
senior for tickets or feel free to make a donation at the door. You must be
after each Mass.
21 to attend. For more info, call Polly, [phone omitted] or Mindy,
SOCIAL ACTION [phone omitted].
Help is needed for cooking the meal at the Volunteer Ministry Center
on Sunday, Feb. 1st. Please sign up on the Bulletin Board by the coffee
and donuts area.
Fight FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) being proposed in Washington!
This weekend our diocese will join the other 194 diocese in the US to
The 2009 March for Life will be held Sun., Jan. 25th at Calvary Baptist
demonstrate our solidarity in opposing FOCA (creates the “fundamental
Church beginning at 2pm. There will be a brief service followed by a
right” to abortion all 9 months) by signing and submitting POSTCARDS
march past the abortion clinic to Tyson Park. A shuttle bus will be
at all the masses this weekend.
provided back to Calvary Baptist. Please join others from All Saints and
other churches in this important demonstration of support for life.
Support Group for Caregivers and Family Members: Our mission is
to provide support for caregivers and family members of those affected
CATHOLIC CHARITIES by chronic illness, including dementia through spiritual nurturing,
Now is the time to sign up for Catholic Charities’ “Serve One Another”
education and shared experiences. We meet every 3rd Thursday of each
Tennis Event on Feb. 7-8. Saturday night features a social with “dancing
month in the small meeting room at Sacred Heart Parish Office. For
on the court” exhibition matches AND Serena Williams and Andy
more info, please contact Bob C. at [phone omitted].
Roddick autographed items to purchase at auction. Tournament play is
Sunday afternoon. For more info or to register online, go to
Early notice: On Sat. afternoon, Feb. 7th, the Office of Family Life and All proceeds benefit Catholic Charities’ shelter and
Adult Christian Living will sponsor a couples’ enrichment opportunity
housing programs for homeless seniors and families.
for both married AND dating couples at OLPH Parish Life Center in
Chattanooga. The program will begin with lunch at 12 noon and
conclude at 4pm. Cost for the retreat is $30 and includes lunch. For
Due to severe overcrowding in our sorting and storage room, we request
more info, please contact Dale at [phone omitted] or Marian at 423-
that all clothing and household items be held until after the first of Feb.
[phone omitted]. To register, go to and
look for Family Life Events under “Ministries and Outreach.”
Help Needed: We are in need of a volunteer to help in the pricing and
sorting room as well as to help clients with clothing vouchers on Wed.
mornings. The hours are 9:30am-1:00pm. If you can work every Wed. OTHER
morning or only one or two Wed. mornings per month, please call Jo S. The Ulster Project of Oak Ridge is hosting Late Nite Catechism, a
at [phone omitted]. family-friendly comedy act from Chicago, on Feb. 7 at 7:30pm at the
Grove Theater in Oak Ridge. Tickets are $30. Advance tickets available
from 1-877-FUNNYNUN (toll-free) or
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS The Ulster Project is a nonprofit organization promoting peace and
understanding between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland by
Come visit us on Sunday, January 25 for an Open House from 2-4pm.
hosting Northern Irish teens for a month in the summer.
You will have an opportunity meet the principal and visit classrooms.
For more info about our Pre-K-8th grade program, call [phone omitted] or
It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone,
but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone!
Today’s Readings are on page 987 in the Hymnal
Mon. 2 Tm 1: 1-8 Mk 3: 22-30
Tues. Heb 10: 1-10 Mk 3: 31-35
Wed Heb 10: 11-18 Mk 4: 1-20
Thur. Heb 10: 19-25 Mk 4: 21-25
Fri. Heb 10: 32-39 Mk 4: 26-34
Sat. Heb 11: 1-2; 8-19 Mk 4: 35-41
Sun. Dt 18: 15-20 1 Cor 7: 32-35 Mk 1: 21-28

Mon., 01-26 9:00am Albert B. by the family
12:10pm Communion Service
Tues., 01-27 9:00am Sr. Dominica G., OP by Leonard
12:10pm James H. by the family
Wed., 01-28 9:00am Tom C. by Marilyn B.
12:10pm John L. by Mary T.
Thur., 01-29 9:00am Special Intention for the W. family
12:10am Communion Service
Fri., 01-30 9:00am Gerard N. by Marilyn B.
12:10pm Special Intention for Robert
Sat., 01-31 9:00am John and Rose Y. by the family
5:00pm Jerome K. by Tom and Michelle L.
Sun., 02-01 8:15am Robert C. by the family
10:00am Joseph S. by Jo and Dick F.
11:45am People of All Saints parish

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