Classical Conditioning Worksheet

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Classical Conditioning worksheet


Starter Task: Using the diagram above, describe in your own words, this classical experiment as
conducted by Ivan Pavlov.

Use the terms (as outlined above in the figure) to assist in

describing how classical conditioning can be applied to the
following scenarios
Carol has developed a phobia of travelling in cars.

In explaining the situation to a friend, she describes how

traumatic a recent car accident was:
“My car went out of control. It crashed into a telegraph
pole, rolled over and I was trapped inside the vehicle. I
broke my pelvis and suffered severe head lacerations. Every
thing about it was just horrible.”

She is now anxious and fearful if she has to ride in a car

Illustrate the classical conditioning components of Carol’s phobia.

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After some time Carol would even get nervous at the sight of a car. She would, on occasions, turn off
her TV during scenes that involved car accidents. Explain why Carol would fear other cars in this

Explain why Carol may have this phobia of cars for many years, if she continues to avoid cars.

Carol’s fear of cars was widespread, however it did not occur when she saw bicycles, trains, airplanes
etc. Explain why this occurs.

Joan hates going to the dentist.
I’m not too bad until I sit in the chair and the dentist starts to use
the drill. I freeze and become extremely anxious. Recently I have
been avoiding any appointment reminders.

Illustrate the classical conditioning components of Joan’s reluctance

to keep appointments.

Joan going to the Dentist


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3. Some years ago Phil was crazy about a girlfriend who was Italian. Phil did not like Italian food,
but she always insisted on eating out at Italian restaurants and to keep her happy he often
obliged. Although they have long been separated, Phil now loves Italian food

Illustrate how classical conditioning has contributed to Phil’s current love of Italian food





Illustrate the classical conditioning components of this






In Watson and Rayner’s experiment “Little Albert”, they

attempted to obtain stronger evidence that fear could be
conditioned. Initially Albert was not frightened by the site of a
“cuddly white rat”. They discovered that after pairing loud
noises with the sight of a white rat, Albert would cry. After
several days they exposed Albert to coloured blocks and other
“furry white or grey objects”. Albert displayed no fear to the
coloured blocks, but cried when shown white furry objects.

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Explain in classical conditioning terms, why this occurred.

6. Describe a situation whereby you have been involved in learning through a conditioning process.

7. Jenny confides to you that she has had a terrible fear of bees that prevents her from
enjoying the outdoors. She avoids any places where bees may be present. Explain why Jenny is
unlikely to overcome her fear of bees.


The diagram on the left illustrates how classical

conditioning has been used to assist in the treatment of
paedophiles. Construct a similar diagram that may
illustrate how classical conditioning could be use to assist
people in overcoming drug or alcohol addiction.

9. During his first horse-riding lesson, 10-year-old Ken was thrown from a horse named Buster.
He became afraid of Buster and would not get back on. A week later, when it was time for his
next ride, he was still afraid of Buster, but he was not afraid to get on a much smaller horse,
Buttercup. The fact that Ken was not afraid of Buttercup best illustrates which of the
following learning principles?

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a. spontaneous recovery

b. higher-order conditioning

c. stimulus generalization

d. discrimination

The cartoon on the left is a comical view of
classical conditioning.
Explain how this illustrates learning
through classical conditioning.

Before Conditioning

During Conditioning

After Conditioning

12. An unconditioned response is _________ and a conditioned response is_________.

a. unlearned; learned
b. unlearned; unlearned
c. learned; unlearned
d. learned; learned

13. Whilst driving to work on a wintry morning Rachel, noticed that the brake lights of all the cars
just ahead came on. As a consequence she hit the brakes and watched in horror as her car
glided into a 4 car pile up. She was badly shaken by the accident. Two weeks later she was
driving in similar conditions and noticed that every time she saw brake lights come on ahead of
her, she tensed up. Fill in the diagram (below) identifying the (UCS), (UCR), (CS) and ((CR).


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Kathryn is terrified of snakes. Treatments such as “Exposure Therapy”
expose people to the feared stimulus (CS) without any UCS. Explain how this
may assist Kathryn in overcoming her fear of snakes.

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