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CIP 35 - Testing Compressive Strength of Concrete

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CIP 35 - Testing Compressive Strength of Concrete

WHAT is the Compressive Strength of Concrete?

Concrete mixtures can be designed to provide a wide range
of mechanical and durability properties to meet the design
requirements of a structure. The compressive strength of
concrete is the most common performance attribute used
by the engineer when designing structures. Compressive
strength is measured by breaking cylindrical concrete
specimens in a compression-testing machine. Compressive
strength is calculated from the failure load divided by the
cross-sectional area resisting the load and reported in units
of pound-force per square inch (psi) or megapascals (MPa).
Concrete compressive strength can vary from 2500 psi (17
MPa) for residential concrete to 4000 psi (28 MPa) and
higher in commercial structures. Some applications use
higher strengths, greater than 10,000 psi (70 MPa).

WHY is Compressive Strength Determined?

Compressive strength results are used to ensure that the
concrete mixture as delivered meets the requirements of the Fractured Test Specimen at Failure
specified strength, ƒ´c, in the job specification.
Strength test results from cast cylinders may be used for To comply with the strength requirements of a
quality control, acceptance of concrete, for estimating the specification both the following acceptance criteria
strength in a structure, or for evaluating the adequacy of apply:
curing and protection afforded to the structure. Standard- x The average of 3 consecutive tests should equal or
cured cylinders are tested for acceptance and quality
exceed the specified strength, ƒ´c
control. Field-cured cylinders are tested for estimating the
in-place concrete strength. Procedures for standard-curing x No single strength test should fall below ƒ´c by more
and field-curing are described in ASTM C31. Cylindrical than 500 psi (3.5 MPa); or by more than 0.10 ƒ´c when
specimens are tested in accordance with ASTM C39. ƒ´c is more than 5000 psi (35 MPa)
Standard sizes of test specimens are 4×8 in. (100×200 mm) The same strength acceptance criteria are applicable for
or 6×12 in. (150×300 mm) concrete cylinders. The smaller either cylinder size. It is important to understand that an
specimens tend to be easier to make and handle in the field individual test falling below ƒ´c does not constitute non-
and the laboratory. compliance with the strength acceptance criteria. The
A strength test result is the average of at least two strength probability of not complying with these acceptance
specimens made from the same concrete sample and tested criteria is about 1% and that for an individual strength
at the same age. In most cases strength requirements for tests to be less than the specified strength is about 10%.
concrete are at an age of 28 days. This is based on the assumption that the average of
strength tests are around the required average strength,
Design engineers use the specified strength ƒ´c to design
ƒ´cr at the same level of variability of the assumed
concrete members. The specified strength is stated in
standard deviation
project specifications. The concrete mixture is designed to
produce an average strength, ƒ´cr, higher than the specified When strength test results indicate that the concrete
strength so that the possibility of strength tests failing the delivered fails to comply with the acceptance criteria, it
acceptance criteria is very low. Historical strength test is possible that the failure may be in the testing, and not
records from a similar concrete are used to establish the the concrete. This is especially true if the fabrication,
target average strength of concrete mixtures. TIP 2 handling, curing and testing of the cylinders are not
discusses the process of establishing the required average conducted in accordance with standard procedures. See
strength for concrete mixtures. CIP 9, Low Concrete Cylinder Strength.
HOW to Test the Strength of Concrete? concrete sample used to make test specimens; maximum
and minimum temperatures during initial curing for
x Requirements for strength testing machines are stated standard cured specimens, or details of field curing.
in ASTM C39. x Most deviations from standard procedures for making,
x The diameter of the cylinder used should be at least 3 curing and testing concrete test specimens will result in a
times the nominal maximum size of the coarse lower measured strength.
aggregate used in the concrete. x The coefficient of variation between companion
x Recording the weight of the specimens before testing cylinders tested at the same age should be about 2 to 3%.
provides useful information in case of disputes. If the difference between companion cylinders exceeds
x To provide for a uniform load distribution when 8% for two or 9.5% for three more than 1 time in 20, the
testing, cylinders are capped with sulfur mortar testing procedures should be evaluated and rectified.
(ASTM C617) or neoprene pad caps (ASTM C1231). x Strength test results made by different labs on the same
Sulfur caps should be applied at least two hours and concrete sample should not differ by more than about
preferably one day before testing. Neoprene pad caps 14% of the average.
can be used to measure concrete strengths between x If one or both of a set of cylinders break at strength
1500 and 12,000 psi (10 to 80 MPa). Durometer
below ƒ´c, evaluate the cylinders for obvious problems
hardness requirements for neoprene pads vary from 50
and hold the tested cylinders for later examination,
to 70 depending on the strength level tested. Pads
possibly for petrographic examination. This provides an
should be replaced after 100 uses; 50 when testing
opportunity to correct a problem. In some cases
strength between 7000 and 12,000 psi (50 and 80 additional reserve cylinders are made and can be tested if
MPa). TIP 5 discusses capping concrete specimens. one cylinder of a set breaks at a lower strength.
x Cylinders should not be allowed to dry prior to testing. x A 3 or 7-day test may help detect potential problems
x The cylinder diameter should be measured in two with concrete quality or testing procedures at the lab but
locations at right angles to each other at mid-height of is not a basis for rejecting concrete, with a requirement
the specimen and averaged to calculate the cross- for 28-day or other age strength.
sectional area. If the two measured diameters differ by x ACI 318, ACI 301 and ASTM C1077 requires that
more than 2%, the cylinder should not be tested.
laboratory technicians involved in testing concrete must
x The ends of the specimens should not depart from be certified.
perpendicularity with the cylinder axis by more than x Reports of compressive strength tests provide valuable
0.5º and the ends should be plane to within 0.002
information to the project team for the current and future
inches (0.05 mm). projects. The reports of all strength tests should be
x Cylinders should be centered in the compression- forwarded to the concrete producer, contractor and the
testing machine and loaded to complete failure. The owner’s representative as expeditiously as possible.
loading rate on a hydraulic machine should be
maintained in a range of 28 to 42 psi/s (0.20 to 0.30 References
MPa/s) during the latter half of the loading phase. The 1. ASTM C 31, C 39, C 617, C 1077, C 1231, Annual Book of
type of break should be recorded. A common break ASTM Standards, Volume 04.02, ASTM, West
pattern is a conical fracture as seen in the figure. Conshohocken, PA, www.astm.org
x The concrete strength is calculated by dividing the 2. CIP 9, Low Concrete Cylinder Strength, Concrete in Practice
Series, NRMCA, Silver Spring, MD, www.nrmca.org
maximum load at failure by the average cross-
sectional area. C39 has correction factors if the length- 3. TIP 2 and 5, Technology in Practice Series, NRMCA, Silver
Spring, MD.
to-diameter ratio of the cylinder is between 1.75 and
4. In-Place Strength Evaluation - A Recommended Practice,
1.00, which is rare. At least two cylinders are tested at
NRMCA Publication 133, NRMCA RES Committee,
the same age and the average strength is reported as NRMCA, Silver Spring, MD
the test result to the nearest 10 psi (0.1 MPa)
5. NRMCA/ASCC Checklist for Concrete Pre-Construction
x Information to be included in the report include the Conference, NRMCA, Silver Spring, MD
specimen identification, average measured diameter, 6. Review of Variables That Influence Measured Concrete
cross-sectional area, test age, maximum load applied, Compressive Strength, David N. Richardson, NRMCA
compressive strength, type of fracture, any defects in Publication 179, NRMCA, Silver Spring, MD
the cylinders or caps and, when determined, the 7. Tips on Control Tests for Quality Concrete, PA015, Portland
density to the nearest 1 lb/ft3 (10 kg/m3). Information Cement Association, Skokie, IL, www.cement.org
required by C31 should be available—location of 8. ACI 214R, 301 and 318, American Concrete Institute,
concrete in the structure represented by test specimens; Farmington Hills, MI, www.concrete.org
date, time and individual molding cylinders; slump, air
content, temperature and density measured on the 2003, 2014

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