Undergraduate Faculty Brochure: Make Today Matter
Undergraduate Faculty Brochure: Make Today Matter
Undergraduate Faculty Brochure: Make Today Matter
In NAS you will learn to answer as-yet unanswered questions search for new solutions to old problems. Together they can
and be part of a scientific community dedicated to respond effect positive change in the world.
to the grand challenges facing humanity. Research is focused,
among others, on achieving food and water security in Africa, All the resources used by humans are extracted from the earth
making renewable energy affordable to African populations and or grown in the soil. NAS has world-class capabilities to support
eliminating poverty-related diseases. both these activities in ways that will ensure a more sustainable
future. I am excited about being part of the journey to realise this
Here you will be at the forefront of scientific research and will be future, and I hope you are too!
inspired to think innovatively. You will be able to pursue careers
ranging from the proverbial A to Z: from an actuary to a zoologist, As a student, you will be mentored by expert scientists while
from a forensic expert to a meteorologist. Moreover, you will developing your knowledge and skills in state-of-the-art research
not be limited to careers that already exist as the critical thinking facilities where you can access the support you need to excel in
skills that you learn at NAS will ensure that you will remain a challenging academic environment.
competitive in a rapidly changing job market.
We are looking forward to being part of your journey towards
The challenges facing humanity can only be solved by teams of becoming a scientist and making a difference that will benefit
scientists who work together across disciplinary boundaries. the world now and in the future.
These teams consist of dedicated experts in the various
disciplines who are already active in the Faculty, as well as
scientists who move comfortably between disciplines in their Email [email protected]
University of Pretoria iii
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the time of printing. Amendments to or updating of the information in this publication may be effected from time to time without prior notification. The accuracy,
correctness or validity of the information contained in this publication is therefore not guaranteed by the University at any given time and is always subject to
verification. The user is kindly requested to verify the correctness of the published information with the University at all times. Failure to do so will not give rise to
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1 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 2020/21
The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences is a diverse faculty with 13 departments, supported by more than 20 centres and
institutes. More than 5 000 students, of which 70% are undergraduate and 30% postgraduate, register in this Faculty annually.
All degree programmes are designed to develop problem-solving individuals who can easily adapt to changing circumstances and take
the lead in their chosen fields of specialisation. Our world-class qualifications provide access to numerous career opportunities for
dynamic and creative people. Some of the Faculty’s degree programmes are unique to the University of Pretoria, while others are also
offered at other institutions.
The Faculty presents undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the following fields:
Biological Sciences (BSc) Agricultural and Food Sciences (BSc and BScAgric)
Biochemistry Agricultural economics and agribusiness management
Biotechnology Animal science
Entomology Culinary science *
Genetics Food science
Human genetics Nutrition
Human physiology
Human physiology, genetics and psychology Plant and soil sciences
Medical sciences Plant pathology
Plant science Wildlife management (Postgraduate)
Physical Sciences (BSc) Mathematical Sciences (BSc)
Chemistry Actuarial and financial mathematics
Engineering and environmental geology Applied mathematics
Geography and environmental sciences ** Mathematical statistics
Geoinformatics Mathematics
Consumer Science (BConSci) BSc – Extended programmes
Clothing retail management Subject fields in the BSc – Extended programmes
Food retail management Biological and agricultural sciences
Hospitality management Physical sciences
Mathematical sciences
© Don Cowan
University of Pretoria 2
Undergraduate programmes
The closing date is an administrative admission guideline for non-selection programmes. Once a non-selection programme is full
and has reached the institutional targets, then that programme will be closed for further admissions, irrespective of the closing date.
However, if the institutional targets have not been met by the closing date, then that programme will remain open for admissions until
the institutional targets are met.
The following persons will be considered for admission: candidates who are in possession of a certificate that is deemed by the
University to be equivalent to the required National Senior Certificate with university endorsement, candidates who are graduates from
another tertiary institution or have been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution, and candidates who are graduates of
another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
Life Orientation is excluded from the calculation of the Admission Point Score (APS).
Grade 11 results are used for the conditional admission of prospective students. Final admission is based on Grade 12 results.
Please note that the Faculty does not accept GED and School of Tomorrow qualifications for entry into our programmes.
Note: The asterisks below refer to the minimum requirements for 2021 column in the tables below.
* Cambridge A Level candidates who obtained at least a D in the required subjects will be considered for admission. Students in the
Cambridge system must offer both Physics AND Chemistry with performance at the level specified for NSC Physical Sciences in the
tables below.
* International Baccalaureate (IB) HL candidates who achieved at least a 4 in the required subjects will be considered for admission.
Students in the IB system must offer both Physics AND Chemistry with performance at the level specified for NSC Physical Sciences
in the tables below.
Undergraduate programmes
Career opportunities include research in any of the subdisciplines of anatomy, in academia, in forensic science and in the health science industry. Other careers that
can be considered are in the sports sciences, virology, chemical pathology, immunology, health administration or ergonomics. Technical careers are also possible, for
example in the Anatomy or Physiology departments at universities.
Only 72 places are available in the first year of BSc (Medical Sciences). Students who apply for BSc (Medical Sciences) as their first choice before 30 September, and
who meet the minimum admission requirements, will be admitted until the places have been filled.
BSc (Microbiology)
[3 years]
Closing dates: 5 C 5 C 5 C 32
SA – 30 September
Non-SA – 31 August
Careers: Microbiologists can pursue a variety of careers involving activities ranging from practical application to basic research. Career opportunities are available in
the food, dairy, beer, wine, baker’s yeast and fermentation industries, and at mines where they will be involved in corrosion control. Graduates can also follow careers
as medical or veterinary microbiologists, researchers at organisations such as the CSIR, MRC or ARC, or lecturers and researchers at academic institutions.
University of Pretoria 4
Undergraduate programmes
Undergraduate programmes
Undergraduate programmes
Note: This programme will replace the BSc (Geography) and the
BSc (Environmental Sciences) programmes from 2021.
Careers: There are three main career fields in geography: teaching, research and the practical application of geographical knowledge and skills. Geographers can focus
on environmental management, urban issues such as squatting, regional and rural development, or environmental issues, including pollution and the destruction of
ecosystems through activities such as mining, agriculture and tourism. Geographers in the private sector are generally employed by real estate, planning, architecture
and engineering firms, banks, tourism organisations, environmental conservation bodies and industry. Government departments involved in forestry, water and land
affairs, the environment, tourism and education employ geography graduates.
Parastatal organisations such as the SABS and the CSIR offer career opportunities in the various specialised fields related to the earth and environmental sciences.
Many geographers are self-employed. They are mainly involved in areas such as marketing, planning, development, tourism, cartography, geographic information
systems (GIS), remote sensing, environmental analysis and environmental auditing. Graduates can also pursue academic careers.
Graduates could also be employed as environmental consultants, air quality managers, environmental impact analysts, environmental protection agents, hazardous
materials specialists, public health educators, researchers, water quality specialists, natural resource managers, risk managers, environmental educators, wetlands
scientists, wildlife conservationists, environmental planners and analysts, wastewater treatment experts, programme and project managers, natural resources experts
and researchers.
BSc (Geoinformatics)
[3 years]
Closing dates: 5 C 5 C 5 C 34
SA – 30 September
Non-SA – 31 August
Careers: Graduates are employed in areas such as agriculture, mineral exploration, engineering, forestry, water resource management, weather forecasting,
environmental impact assessment (EIA), land-use planning, land development, rural community development, transport planning, tourism, market research, crime
prevention, vehicle tracking, cartography, GIS technology, environmental planning and analysis, and disaster and environmental management. Graduates can apply for
professional registration as GIS technologists with the South African Geomatics Council (SAGC).
BSc (Geology)
[3 years]
Closing dates: 5 C 5 C 5 C 34
SA – 30 September
Non-SA – 31 August
Careers: Large international mining companies are major employers of geologists and other geoscientists in research, exploration and mining projects. However,
employment is increasingly to be found in smaller, entrepreneurial firms (‘juniors’). Interesting careers are also offered by the Council for Geosciences, the CSIR, and
the Council for Mineral Technology (MINTEK), the Department of Water and Sanitation, and at museums, engineering firms and consulting companies. Graduates may
even operate as self-employed consultants in their own firms. Laboratory specialists, for example mineralogists, identify and examine minerals using sophisticated
instruments and analytical equipment. Environmental and engineering geologists study the interaction between human activities and the geological environment,
such as the pollution of soil and groundwater. They investigate geological structures and soil, and rock properties at construction sites, for example dams, tunnels and
mines, in order to provide valuable information prior to construction. They also locate and evaluate suitable construction materials. The task of the hydrogeologist is to
look for groundwater and monitor the responsible exploitation of that water.
7 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 2020/21
Undergraduate programmes
This programme is not available for students who meet all the requirements for the corresponding mainstream programme.
Note: Only students who apply in the final year of their NSC or equivalent qualification will be considered for admission into any of the BSc – Extended programmes.
University of Pretoria 8
Undergraduate programmes
List of Acronyms
AECI African Explosives and Chemical Industries NRF National Research Foundation
ARC Agricultural Research Council SAGC South African Geomatics Council
CANSA Cancer Association of South Africa SABS South African Bureau of Standards
CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research SACNASP South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions
GISc Geographic Information Science SANBI South African National Biodiversity Institute
GIS Geographic Information System SANSA South African National Space Agency
HSRC Human Sciences Research Council SAWS South African Weather Service
MRC Medical Research Council WRC Water Research Commission
NECSA Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa
9 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 2020/21
The BSc – Extended programmes are designed for students Subject fields in the BSc – Extended programmes
who show potential to succeed, but are not academically well Mathematical sciences
prepared. The programmes have lower entrance requirements Biological and agricultural sciences
and include an additional year of study to enhance students’ basic Physical sciences
Students who wish to follow careers in engineering should apply
These programmes are gateways to science and science- for the BSc – Extended programme – Physical Sciences, and
based programmes. Students admitted to the BSc – Extended those who wish to study health sciences or veterinary science
programmes will attend classes at the Mamelodi Campus during should apply for the BSc – Extended programme – Biological and
their first year. Students who successfully complete their first year Agricultural Sciences.
will attend lectures on the Hatfield Campus from their second
academic year onwards.
The programmes have two phases. The duration of the first phase
is 18 months (three semesters). During this phase, students
are academically and psychologically developed and trained for
further studies. Those who successfully complete the first phase
will obtain credits equivalent to the first semester of the first year
of the BSc and BScAgric programmes and may register for the
modules of the second semester of a preferred first year in BSc
or BScAgric. Transfer to the second year of these specific BSc or
BScAgric programmes takes place in the third year of registration.
Biological Sciences
Life at the cellular and molecular level depends on the specific © Paulette Bloomer
interaction and cooperation of many individual biomolecules. To
understand life at a fundamental level, biochemists study the role
of individual biomolecules and relate this function to its unique
structure. Challenges of global relevance, such as HIV/AIDS,
malaria, tuberculosis, antimicrobial drug resistance and other
human or animal diseases are addressed by using flow cytometry,
cell sorting, biophysical analysis, protein crystallography, genome
analysis, selective gene expression and metabolic profiles.
Biochemists can work in medicine, veterinary science, the food
and pharmaceutical industries and agriculture, and many
other fields.
Justin Harrison
Martin Wierzbicki
Rahil Samlal
Biological Sciences
Description of the programme Micro-organisms are important to health and agriculture due to
The Division of Genetics is an active player on the international the diseases they cause. In this regard, microbiologists study the
scientific stage and offers internationally recognised pathogens responsible for serious infectious diseases affecting
undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. These degrees are humans, animals, wildlife and plants in order to treat and control
research oriented and place strong emphasis on developing them. Microbiology also focuses on the different applications
analytical skills. The Division of Genetics offers both single- that use beneficial micro-organisms in food production, water
and dual-major options in its Genetics and Human Genetics purification and other industrial applications.
programmes. Students can therefore choose to either specialise
in genetics as a single major, or combine their genetics subjects Description of the programme
with a second multidisciplinary major, such as biochemistry, A microbiologist’s basic training is a three-year BSc degree. Apart
microbiology, plant science, zoology or human physiology in the from exposure to a range of subjects in the biological sciences,
Human Genetics programme. there is also a focus on specialised microbiology topics, such
as mycology, bacteriology, virology, microbial ecology, clinical
At the undergraduate level, students are provided with a thorough microbiology, plant pathology, molecular microbiology, microbial
background in the principles of genetics, as well as the application interactions and food microbiology. Students can combine
of these principles in fields as diverse as genomics, plant and microbiology with genetics, biochemistry, zoology or plant
animal biotechnology, diagnostics and risk determination, sciences as part of a dual-major degree.
bioethics, conservation ecology and population, behavioural and
evolutionary studies. Postgraduate studies are essential for a career in research. The
University of Pretoria has several internationally recognised
Biotechnology research programmes of which postgraduate students form
Molecular biotechnology involves the use of in vitro genetic an integral part. At the molecular and cellular level, the focus is
manipulation and recombinant DNA methods to genetically on issues such as the design of new vaccines, understanding
alter plants, animals and microbes for commercial gain. pathogenicity, and the development of new and improved ways to
Molecular biotechnologists aim to correct, modify, enhance detect and quickly identify microbes. There is also a focus on the
or exploit specific genetic traits in their target organisms for a discovery and description of new micro-organisms, and gaining a
wide range of practical purposes. This includes improving food better understanding of their evolution and diversity.
production, managing diseases, conservation and bioremediation.
Biotechnology will play a pivotal role in the future of the medical, Career opportunities
agricultural, veterinary and ecological sciences. Microbiologists can pursue a variety of careers ranging from
practical application to basic research. Career opportunities are
Description of the programme available in the medical and veterinary sector, as well as in the
The Biotechnology programme is an interdepartmental food, fermentation, agricultural, environmental and water sectors.
programme with a particular emphasis on molecular biology, Research can be conducted at organisations such as the CSIR,
which is aimed at empowering students to pursue their interest MRC or ARC. Microbiologists are also employed as lecturers and
in biotechnology. Undergraduate training includes exposure to researchers at academic institutions.
aspects of biochemistry, genetics and microbiology, in addition
to the other subjects chosen by the student. Students are
encouraged to decide on their postgraduate research direction
during the course of their undergraduate studies and to choose
their electives accordingly.
13 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 2020/21
Biological Sciences
Human Physiology
BSc (Human Physiology)
BSc (Human Physiology, Genetics and Psychology)
Description of the programme Plants are fascinating organisms and much is still unknown about
During the first year of study towards a BSc (Human Physiology) their potential uses. It is, however, well known that plants are the
degree, students are exposed to a generic, basic range of best factories for synthesising valuable natural products. The
subjects in biological and agricultural sciences. In the second Department of Plant and Soil Sciences is a large department that
year, physiological systems (neurophysiology, haematology, offers both BSc and BScAgric degrees. (Information about the
cardiovascular physiology, pulmonary physiology, renal BScAgric degree follows later in this document.)
physiology, nutrition and digestive physiology, endocrinology
and reproductive physiology) are studied with biochemistry The Department is dynamic, innovative, modern and relevant.
as a compulsory subject. Staff members undertake world-class research and 70% of them
have received NRF ratings. Much of the research is of an applied
The programme is concluded in the third year with a selection nature, and contributes to the improvement of agricultural crops
of integrated physiology modules, namely sports physiology, and methods, knowledge of plant diseases, the use of plant-
nutrition and development, psycho-neuroimmunology and cell derived compounds, biodiversity and plant biotechnology.
physiology, as well as industrial physiology. At the third-year level,
students can select some elective modules. Psychology and In medicinal plant science, students learn about the discovery
genetics are compulsory subjects in all three years of study. and use of plant medicines and phytotherapeutically important
molecules obtained from plants. In plant biotechnology, molecular
Career opportunities tools and the use of model plants are discussed to study whole-
Research is performed in cooperation with medical teams in plant physiology. Gene and promoter identification, transfer
private and government research laboratories such as the CSIR, techniques for plant improvement and the analysis of plant
MRC and SABS, pharmaceutical firms, universities, veterinary and transcriptomes for plant improvement using micro-arrays are
industrial institutions, state departments (eg the Department of investigated. In the study of plant diversity and ecology, students
Health) and health farms. learn about South Africa’s rich and diverse vegetation and how
to facilitate conservation and management strategies for future
Physiologists also work in other fields, such as education generations.
(teachers, lecturers and instructors), sports physiology,
biostatistics, bioengineering, industrial hygiene, journalism and Description of the programme
medical technology, and in the industry as representatives of During the first two years of study, students are exposed to a
pharmaceutical firms. Graduates who completed their degrees range of subjects in the biological sciences. They can specialise
with Genetics and Psychology as majors also have access to during their third year. The Department specialises in plant
postgraduate programmes offered by the Department of Genetics diversity and ecology, plant biotechnology and medicinal plant
and the Department of Psychology (in the Faculty of Humanities). science. In the third year, students do several practical sessions
and experience plants in their natural habitat during a field
excursion. Postgraduate degrees are also offered. The one-
year full-time or two-year part-time honours degree includes a
research project and some theoretical modules. At the master’s
and doctoral degree levels, students are required to complete
research projects in one of the Department’s research fields.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities range from working in a laboratory to
studying plants in their natural environments. Opportunities
for employment could be at biotechnology and pharmaceutical
firms, South African National Parks, private ecological companies,
research institutions such as the CSIR, ARC and SANBI, and
University of Pretoria 14
Biological Sciences
Student contribution
Shante Mhlaba
(Animal Sciences)
University of Pretoria 16
The BSc (Food Science) undergraduate programme is a three-year The BSc (Culinary Science) undergraduate programme is a three-
full-time degree programme. Food scientists are concerned with year full-time degree programme. Culinary scientists focus on the
the chemical composition, structure and nutritional value of foods. art and science of food and food preparation.
They monitor chemical, physical and biological changes that occur
in foods during processing, preservation and storage. Nutrition Career opportunities
scientists deal with the human requirements for food and the BSc (Culinary Science) graduates are employed as culinary
effects of food on health and well-being. Culinary scientists focus scientists, culinologists, sensory analysts, food researchers, food
on the art and science of food and food preparation. Programmes product developers, food service managers, and food safety and
are both academic and practical and prepare students for quality assurance managers.
economically satisfying careers.
Students are provided with ample opportunities to gain
career exposure during practical training sessions, visits to
The BSc (Nutrition) programme is a three-year full-time degree.
food companies, attendance at conferences and events, and
Nutrition scientists deal with the human requirements for food
participation in competitions and mentorship programmes. They
and the effects of food on health and well-being.
are also actively involved in the South African Association for Food
Science and Technology (SAAFoST), the Nutrition Society of South
BSc (Nutrition) is an interfaculty degree programme, jointly
Africa and industry associations for meat, dairy products and
presented by Food Science (Faculty of Natural and Agricultural
cereals. Students organise activities through the student body
Sciences) and Human Nutrition (Faculty of Health Sciences).
BScAgric (Applied Plant and Soil Sciences) During the first two years of the BScAgric (Plant Pathology) degree,
BScAgric (Plant Pathology) students are exposed to a range of subjects in agricultural and
biological sciences that include the more fundamental subjects
Ever-increasing human populations and increased such as biochemistry, genetics and biotechnology, as well as the
industrialisation exerts pressure on our natural resources. Some more applied subjects in agriculture.
of the greatest challenges in developed and developing countries
around the world are sustainable food production and soil Specialisation occurs in the second year. Students take subjects
utilisation, as well as the protection and reclamation of soil and in plant biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, plant production,
groundwater resources. These challenges can be met through a entomology and plant pathology. During the third year, they
broad understanding of plant and environmental interactions and study plant diseases directly and visit various production systems,
insight into chemical, physical and biological processes. businesses and farms where they observe plant protection in
action. This takes place during field excursions and holiday work.
The agricultural component of the Department of Plant and Soil In the final year of study, students complete a research project
Sciences consists of five broad disciplines: agronomy, horticultural and a number of theory modules.
science, soil science, pasture science and forestry science.
Postgraduate studies in this programme include honours,
The Department of Plant and Soil Sciences is a large department master’s and doctoral degrees. At the master’s and doctoral levels,
that offers both BSc and BScAgric degrees. (Information about the students are expected to complete a research project in one of
BSc degree can be found on page 13 of this brochure.) the research areas in the Department.
The Department is dynamic, innovative, modern and relevant. The Department offers the following postgraduate programmes:
Staff members undertake world-class research and 70% of them BScAgricHons (Crop Science)
have received NRF ratings. Much of the research is of an applied BScHons (Environmental Soil Science)
nature and contributes to the improvement of agricultural crops MScAgric (Agronomy), MScAgric (Horticulture),
and methods, knowledge of plant diseases, use of plant-derived MScAgric (Pasture Science), MScAgric (Soil Science)
compounds, biodiversity and plant biotechnology. MSc (Soil Science), MSc (Biotechnology), MSc (Forest Science),
MSc (Forest Management and the Environment)
Applied Plant and Soil Sciences PhD (Agronomy), PhD (Horticulture), PhD (Pasture Science),
PhD (Soil Science), PhD (Forest Science), PhD (Biotechnology)
The BScAgric (Applied Plant and Soil Sciences) degree is a four-
year, full-time programme. Each discipline has specific focus areas, Career opportunities
which in many instances involve cross-cutting research projects. Graduates from the various disciplines of the Department of Plant
Multidisciplinary training, as well as specialisation in agronomy, and Soil Sciences have the following career opportunities:
horticultural science, pasture science and soil science, enables Education and training: Graduates can work at universities,
both graduate and postgraduate students to embark on a diverse colleges and schools.
range of careers in the agricultural and environmental fields. Plant pathologists: Graduates are in demand in various
industries. Careers range from researchers to practitioners
Students who have successfully completed their undergraduate who work in laboratories, on commercial farms (which includes
programmes have the option to register for a one-year honours fieldwork) or in the food trade industry.
degree on a full-time basis. Research and management: Graduates are also hired at
research institutes, government departments, seed, fertiliser
and agro-chemical companies, municipalities and in the mining
Plant Pathology Extension services for technology transfer: Grower
associations, national and provincial Departments of
Plant pathology is the study of plant diseases. Whereas the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Environmental Affairs,
medical and veterinary careers focus on human and animal Tourism, Mineral Resources, Energy, and Water Affairs and
health, the plant pathologist focuses on plant health, which Sanitation also hire graduates.
ensures healthy plants and enough food for the increasing global Entrepreneurial: Graduates can work as consultants or in
population. The effects of climate change, chemical residues and production.
other toxic substances on plant health are important aspects in
plant pathology. Food security and food safety are also important
focus areas in modern plant pathology studies.
Physical Sciences
Career opportunities
Chemistry Graduates are employed in most technology-based institutions
and work in the laboratories of industrial, research or academic
BSc (Chemistry) institutions. A chemist must be able to participate in teamwork
in a multidisciplinary environment in a wide variety of enterprises
Everything around us involves chemistry. Chemists recognise in both the private and public sectors. It is important to note that
the major role science plays in supporting modern lifestyles. the type of work available in chemistry depends on the level of the
Chemistry is responsible for many aspects of our lives: the clothes qualification obtained.
we wear are made from synthetic fabrics produced by chemical
processes; the drugs used for curing many illnesses are the result Advanced qualifications will eventually lead to positions
of intensive chemical research; a chemical process produces in research and/or production management and require
the paper we write on, and the ink we write with is a mixture of management and financial planning skills. Many career
many chemicals. Chemistry assures the quality of the food we opportunities are found in the fields of education, research,
eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink. Our bodies are journalism, environmental protection, food and beverages,
a complex mixture of chemicals, and the principles of chemistry energy, water, health, sport, pharmaceutics and cosmetics,
are fundamental to understanding the processes involved in the geology, mining and law enforcement. These include the well-
functioning of all living organisms and the development of new known professions of synthetic chemist, materials scientist,
medications and materials. It is the interaction and collaboration chemical pathologist, forensic chemist, analytical chemist, drug
of chemistry with the other sciences and engineering that meet analyst, patent lawyer, environmental chemist, geochemist, food
the ever-increasing demands of a modern society. chemist, polymer chemist and soil chemist.
Postgraduate degrees in chemistry-based programmes are The Department offers two major undergraduate programmes:
research oriented. The one-year honours degree consists of BSc (Geology) and BSc (Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology).
advanced modules in analytical, organic, inorganic and physical
chemistry and includes two practical projects undertaken with Geology
departmental research teams of the student’s choice. MSc and
PhD studies involve research projects in the specialised fields
of organic and organometallic synthesis, electrochemistry, Undergraduate studies cover diverse topics that are of
nanotechnology, computer modelling of compounds and importance to our daily life and promote the general well-being
materials, chemical education and separation science, with the of our society. This includes the study of minerals and rocks,
emphasis on industrial, environmental, food, forensic and clinical mineral and energy resources (eg iron, gold, coal, oil and gas),
applications. Experienced research leaders and excellent research surface water reservoirs (eg rivers, beaches, lakes and glaciers),
facilities are available to expand the international research profile groundwater, volcanoes, earthquakes, plate tectonics, global
of the Department and expose students to the frontiers of climate change and the evolution of life. Geologists investigate the
research in their field of choice. earth’s history of 4.5 billion years to find new resources and to
better understand the past, present and future development of
the planet.
21 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 2020/21
Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences
Graduates with a BSc (Geoinformatics) degree readily find work Physics is the study of the laws of nature. Its principles form the
with GIS vendors (ESRI or Intergraph) or organisations such as foundation of all the basic sciences, such as astronomy, biology,
the CSIR, GIS consultants (AfriGIS, GeoTerra lmage, GISCOE), civil chemistry and geology. Physics also forms the foundation of
engineering consultants (Aurecon, SSI), SANSA, South Africa’s applied science and engineering, which led to major technological
National Mapping and National Geospatial Information (NGI) or developments from the horse-drawn cart to the supersonic
any municipality in the country. Many government departments, jet, from the candle to the laser, from smoke signals to satellite
such as Environmental Affairs, Science and Technology, Rural transmission.
Development and Land Reform, Water Affairs and Sanitation,
and Statistics South Africa, also employ GISc professionals. Description of the programme
Physics students will develop their creativity, inventiveness and
problem-solving abilities, which will enable them to advance to
Meteorology management positions at all levels of industry.
Weather and climate are extremely important in people’s Physicists is the Department of Physics are trained in a wide range
lives as they can affect many of our daily activities, such as of sub-disciplines, such as astronomy, biophysics, theoretical
agriculture, sports, travel and tourism. In the long term, they may physics, materials science and physics education. Materials
even determine whether humankind survives or not. There is are studied for nuclear applications and their properties are
increasing concern that human activities may irreversibly change investigated during irradiation. Materials for solar cells and opto-
the earth’s weather and climate. Serious concerns are also electronic equipment, as well as carbon-based magnetic systems,
expressed regarding the effects of air pollution. Meteorologists are also investigated. Furthermore, active studies are undertaken
and atmospheric scientists are interested in understanding how in biophysics, astronomy, mathematical physics, high-energy
the physics and dynamics of the atmosphere work. theory, quantum theory (resonances and information theory),
solid-state physics, incorporating computational physics and the
Description of the programme effect of symmetries. The Department has a high international
Undergraduate modules include physics and calculus, standing and many international collaborators.
atmospheric structures and processes, the South African climate
and weather patterns, physical meteorology, remote sensing, The useful and transferable skills that students learn in
geographic data analysis, dynamic meteorology, vector analysis experimental, theoretical and computational physics enable them
and a weather forecasting module. The practical component to become competent physicists. They can also use their skills in
is presented by a professional meteorologist using specialised a variety of career options outside of academia, for example in
software. Additional electives can be chosen from mathematics commerce and industry.
and applied mathematics, physics, statistics, chemistry, computer
science, geography and geology. Career opportunities
Graduates can work as academics at universities, where their
Career opportunities duties include lecturing, research and the supervision of
Meteorologists are employed by institutions involved in the study, postgraduate students. They can also work as researchers in
interpretation and prediction of weather and phenomena relating national laboratories, such as the Nuclear Energy Corporation of
to the climate. SAWS, the CSIR, some universities, agricultural South-Africa (NECSA), the South African Astronomical Observatory
institutions, municipalities and industries employ meteorologists and iThemba LABS (Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences).
who practise as specialists in mainly the following areas:
Researchers: All aspects of weather and climate are Graduates can become researchers in industry, for instance at
researched to improve our understanding of atmospheric the CSIR or Element Six, or science advisors for non-governmental
phenomena. Atmospheric modellers use supercomputers organisations, industry or government. They can also work
to simplify and solve complex flow dynamic equations of the as radiation scientists, medical researchers and biophysicists,
atmosphere. Air quality and the effect of air pollution on society atmospheric scientists and climatologists, developers of
is constantly monitored, and the impact of climate change renewable energy sources, geophysicists, innovators and
receives increasing attention. entrepreneurs, and computational scientists. For more
Weather forecasters: They analyse data and predict the information, please visit the Department of Physics website at
weather by using models run on supercomputers. Weather www.up.ac.za/physics.
forecasts are issued on different time scales, from very short-
range forecasting to forecasts that are valid for months ahead,
as well as seasonal forecasts. Some private positions, such as
presenting the weather forecast on television, are available.
Climatologists: They manage important data sets that contain
large volumes of information gathered by SAWS and other
Meteorologists: They work as consultants in the private sector
and at universities to provide specialised research services.
Academic positions: These are available at some South African
universities for candidates who have completed a master’s or
doctoral degree in Meteorology. Academics ensure that the
training of meteorologists meets international standards.
23 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences 2020/21
Mathematical Sciences
Career opportunities
Actuarial Science Many actuaries follow careers in the more traditional fields of
insurance and retirement funds. However, actuaries are also
BSc (Actuarial Science) making headway in other fields due to the recognition they are
earning for their unique analytical skills. This includes health care,
The Department of Actuarial Science is extremely proud of its financial consulting, risk management and banking. Because
alumni. Former students occupy the highest positions in the of their unique skills, many actuaries are appointed to senior
insurance and investment world, not only in South Africa, but management positions after their initial role in solving problems
also abroad. We strive to keep our programme competitive and by using mathematical and statistical calculations and models.
to make it possible for our students to leave the University with
a number of exemptions from the examinations of the Actuarial Financial engineers can be employed by banks and financial
Society of South Africa (ASSA). Our lecturers include highly skilled institutions, brokerage firms and investment institutions. They
academics who serve on various ASSA committees. are essential in portfolio and risk management. Activities include
asset management (trading in bonds, futures and derivative
Description of the programme instruments such as options), designing new financial products
Developments in the modern financial industry have led to a and devising strategies to control credit risk.
rapidly changing financial world. These changes create a growing
need for graduates who are thoroughly skilled in the financial
models and quantitative techniques that are used in modern Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
actuarial and financial mathematical applications. Throughout
their three years of study, students who are enrolled for a BSc (Mathematics)
BSc (Actuarial and Financial Mathematics) degree can choose BSc (Applied Mathematics)
between an actuarial or a financial mathematics option for their
coursework. The programme provides students with a broad Mathematics, which originated from arithmetic and geometry, is
education that will serve them beyond what is usually expected of about pattern and structure and is the language of science and
a graduate in these fields. technology. Applied mathematics is concerned with the modelling
and treatment of real-life problems in a variety of fields, such as
The actuarial programme is structured to provide the aspiring engineering, finance, statistics, physics and biology. The power
actuary with the opportunity to comply with the requirements of mathematics and applied mathematics lies in their abstract,
for exemption from the ASSA examinations in the shortest analytical and computational nature. Nowadays, mathematics is
possible time. In order to achieve the maximum exemptions, a essential for all technological, financial and managerial industries
follow-up honours degree is recommended. Students who elect that form the backbone of the South African economy.
not to complete the follow-up course will be well equipped to
enter the financial services industry or apply for a host of other The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics is not
postgraduate degree options. only one of the largest departments on the Hatfield Campus, but
also one of the largest mathematics departments in the country,
For aspiring financial analysts or engineers, the programme with approximately 19 500 student enrolments for mathematics
provides depth and develops the student’s ability to design modules. The Department prides itself on excelling in both
and analyse financial products. The analytical techniques that teaching and research, as well as in community-based activities.
are essential for modelling the stochastic behaviour of financial
processes and analysing the resulting effects on investment The diverse and competent staff complement has expertise
portfolios are studied. in various fields. Researchers regularly travel abroad to attend
Mathematical Sciences
conferences and to pay research visits. The Department has successfully completed the undergraduate programme have
29 researchers who have received NRF ratings in fields ranging the option to register for an honours degree in Mathematical
from the more traditional abstract analysis to contemporary Statistics. Master’s and doctoral degrees can be subsequently
epidemiology, where the modelling of biological phenomena leads obtained.
to exciting options. The Department regularly hosts international
visitors. Career opportunities
Large companies require statisticians and data scientists to
A degree in mathematics trains students to apply, evaluate make sense of large sets of consumer information, to increase
and adapt existing problem-solving techniques, or to develop their annual revenue and to make informed decisions about
new mathematical models and techniques to solve problems their consumers.
stemming from natural, technological and financial phenomena. Google Analytics use statistics to track internet users to
generate leads for their recommended engines.
The Department offers two undergraduate programmes: Movement information captured by cell phones is used by
BSc (Mathematics) and BSc (Applied Mathematics). statistical predictive models to predict traffic congestion and
suggest less congested routes.
Description of the programmes Statisticians make use of statistical methodologies to detect
BSc (Mathematics): Compulsory subjects are analysis, abstract fraud, assist with credit-related portfolios and forecast financial
algebra, geometry (third-year level), calculus, linear algebra, economic trends.
differential equations, discrete structures (second-year level), Health insurance companies employ statisticians to study
mathematical modelling, mathematical statistics, numerical lifestyle behaviour to improve health care plans in South Africa.
analysis and dynamical processes (first-year level). Retail companies study customer satisfaction and customer
BSc (Applied Mathematics): Compulsory subjects are analysis, experience using statistical models.
continuum mechanics, numerical analysis, partial differential Spatial statistics can provide useful information about climate
equations, dynamical systems (third-year level), calculus, linear changes, crime hotspots and rhino-poaching geographical
algebra, discrete structures, differential equations (second-year maps.
level), mathematical modelling, mathematical statistics and Statisticians advise animal scientists on factors affecting animal
dynamical processes (first-year level). nutrition and genetic breeding models.
Government employs statisticians to understand how
Career opportunities population demographics, health risks and other factors
Graduates in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics are influence sustainable development programmes.
employed by research institutions, educational bodies (universities
and schools), the public sector (government and medical
institutions) and the private sector (engineering companies, Community engagement
financial institutions and the computer industry). The training initiatives
of these graduates in abstract, analytical and computational
thinking provides them with the background required to easily
adjust to changing circumstances in the professional environment Sci-Enza
and to construct mathematical models of natural, technological
Sci-Enza (previously known as the Exploratorium) is a science
and financial phenomena. Mathematicians and applied
centre where the general public, mostly groups of learners, can
mathematicians apply, evaluate and adapt existing problem-
discover aspects of science and technology. A variety of interactive
solving techniques or develop new techniques to solve those
exhibits in physics, plant science, zoology, mathematics and
engineering are available. Organised groups visiting the centre
are given a science show, as well as a guided tour of the botanical
Statistics garden and a visit to the Camera Obscura on the Hatfield
Campus. A reading corner containing popular scientific books,
BSc (Mathematical Statistics) magazines and video facilities can be used by visitors.
Sci-Enza is open during office hours on weekdays.
Statistics is the science of collecting, analysing and summarising
data. It involves computer programming skills, mathematical Please contact +27 (0)12 420 2865/3767 for more information; or
thinking and the ability to make sense of information. Statisticians to make an appointment.
are needed by people in many professions, such as actuaries,
economists, biologists, engineers and marketing executives.
She also had great praise for the UP with Science Programme*.
‘It was a wonderful programme that played a large role in inspiring
Prof Elsa du Toit (left) and Ms Elmien Coetser (right) me to go into natural sciences after school. This programme
showed us that science is very broad and very exciting and that
you don’t need to be a ‘Sheldon’ to become a scientist. They
made science so much fun and got me excited to study’
* The UP with Science Programme was a science enrichment programme for high school learners presented by UP from 1998 to 2016.
University of Pretoria 28
Dr Carly Hamilton, IVVN Network Manager, emphasised the Dr Carly Hamilton (IVVN Network Manager)
importance of this outreach. ‘The IVVN is committed to increasing Email [email protected]
the number of women working in the field of veterinary
vaccinology across Africa. As part of our activities, the IVVN Prof Christine Maritz-Olivier (University of Pretoria)
African Schools Outreach Programme provides training and Email [email protected]
University of Pretoria
Private Bag X20, Hatfield, 0028, South Africa
Tel +27 (0)12 420 4111, Fax +27 (0)12 420 4555