Literature of Health Talk

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There is limited evidence on how patients are affected after healthcare students complete their
clinical rotations and leave the clinical sites. However, there is available evidence that indicates the
importance of physical mobility and why such interventions should be maintained throughout.
According to Forster, Lambley and Young, 2010 regular exercise is effective in improving mobility
and activities of daily living in individual who are in a long-term care setting and they further
emphasized the importance of performing exercises daily to improve mobility. Physical exercises
promotes good short term changes which enables the older adults to mobilize easily (Liubicich,
Magistro, Candela and Rabaglietti, 2012).

Consequences of Reduced/ ceased mobility in older adults

The loss of independent mobility in older adults reduce the quality of life, increase number of
diseases and promotes social disintegration (Manini, 2012). Once the mobility is decreased it can
serve as an indication for future health problems which will eventually lead to disability (Liubicich,
Magistro, Candela and Rabaglietti, 2012). Loss of the ability to walk is associated with causing
obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, poor cognitive function,
and depression (Satariano, Guralnik, Jackson, Marottoli, Phelan, 2012). Mobility difficulties in older
adults are characterized by an individual being dependent on others (Manini, 2012).

Older adults are most likely to have high quality of life and physical activity when in the community
compared to those living an old age home and therefore physical activity should be implemented
more in old age homes (Ramocha, Louw and Tshabalala, 2017). Caregiver-mediated exercises were
effective in improving quality of life and patient’s standing balance following a stroke (Vloothuis,
Veerbeek, Konijnenbelt, Visser‐Meily, Ket, Kwakkel, and Wegen, 2016).

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