Platts Global Petrochemical Trends h1 2020
Platts Global Petrochemical Trends h1 2020
Platts Global Petrochemical Trends h1 2020
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
any excess exported or kept within producers’ own blend The quantum of fall in PX prices in 2020 as a result of the
pools. However, if current pricing dynamics continue, it new capacity remained uncertain. There will certainly
will be difficult to see many exports out of Europe, which be a degree of reduction in operating rates in reaction to
remains close to the highest priced region globally as tightening margins, sources said.
strong prompt gasoline demand has kept flat prices high
and a steep gasoline backwardation has added too much New capacity may require about three to six months, or
risk to long-haul shipments. even longer, to ramp up to full operating rates. “While
news of a new plant starting up may impact prices,
While operating rates are expected to stay low in Europe, the supply-demand fundamentals is still dependent
should the current price trends persist, there is also on operating rate and whether it can be maintained,” a
the consideration that contractual volumes have to be trader said.
supplied. Besides, pricing in the European paraxylene
contract market has fared significantly better than PX spread to upstream, downstream markets narrows
the spot market in 2019. If this trend continues, there While PX prices may rise temporarily on firmer feedstock
remains an incentive for producers to minimize spot prices, PX and downstream PTA fundamentals remain
paraxylene volumes but run plants sufficiently to supply weak, making such price support unsustainable.
contractual volumes.
The average PX-naphtha spread in the first quarter of 2019
Meanwhile, US xylene prices are expected to be guided was $560.62/mt and has since narrowed to an average of
by gasoline demand during the first half of 2020 $267.49/mt in October, according to S&P Global Platts data.
amid weak chemical demand associated with new Margins fell and it seems that the “good old times are over,”
Asian paraxylene capacities. Paraxylene prices are a source said.
expected to remain soft on a supply glut associated
with the new refineries, a trend which has negatively Amid the downtrend in PX prices and narrowing spreads,
impacted prices in North America, where pricing sources noted that there is a floor to the collapse in prices
has been on a downtrend since the start of Q2 2019. as producers will begin reducing operating rates on eroding
Sources have said that gasoline blending will become PX production margins.
increasingly important, setting a floor for pricing
in 2020, with the market expected to tighten in Q1 In the second half of 2019, non-integrated PX producers
amid seasonal refinery maintenance, and demand — whose primary feedstock was isomer-grade mixed
improving late Q2 as refiners switch to summer-grade xylene — cut run rates as margins turned negative. This
gasoline production. trend is expected to spread to integrated producers as
dismal margins persist.
— Gustav Inge Holmvik, Benjamin Brooks, Kevin Allen
The same scenario was seen in Europe, where the main
feedstock is mixed xylene. Run rates were cut on eroded
New capacity to pressure paraxylene margins margins with plant operating far below breakeven levels.
New Chinese plants to dampen prices “Considering the prices today, there’s not much room
Asian term contract prices to reduce for prices to fall further on the back of new supply,
EU term CPs expected to stay robust producers might reduce run rates if margins continue
eroding, easing the impact of additional supply,” an
The near-term expectations for Asian paraxylene are bleak, Asian trader said.
as new Asian capacity will continue to come online in 2020,
pressuring margins.
The new capacity — mainly in China — impacted
production margins globally, which first began to fall in the 1200
second quarter of 2019. Support from downstream purified
terephthalic acid has been limited due to a slow polyester
market. For the US and Europe, their main export market, 800
The downtrend in PX prices and margins commenced with PX-naphtha
the startup of China’s Hengli Petrochemical’s 4.5 million 200 PX-MX spread
mt/year PX plant in March-April 2019. This will continue 0
into the first half of 2020, with further capacity expected to Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19
start up in the late first half of the year. Source: S&P Global Platts
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Long-term contractual volumes may also reduce due to thin Arbitrage economics between Asia, Europe and the US also
margins. Industry sources said that as negotiations for the look to be changing. Although the arbitrage from Europe
2020 term contracts commence, some Asian producers and the US to Asia looks firmly closed, Europe may look to
may reduce contract volume and increase spot cargo, with the US in 2020 to absorb some additional global supply.
a likelihood of lower operating rates in 2020.
The economics are moving towards that direction toward
In Europe, contract prices may continue to trend the end of 2019, but the US buyers may not have the
far above spot prices. The average premium for the appetite for additional supply.
European CPs over monthly average spot values was
$149/mt from January to October 2019, according to — Regina Sher, Kevin Allen, Benjamin Brooks
Platts data. In the second half of 2018, when spot PX
premiums over mixed xylene were at multi-year highs,
the ECP premium was $106/mt. PTA under pressure amid rising supply
despite expansion downstream
The US was no exception to this trend of narrowing margins.
On a spot basis, the PX-MX spread in the US fell to as low New PTA expansions to pressurize H1 2020 prices
as $25/mt in early November, Platts data showed. On a Emerging signs of trade flow shifts
contract basis, economics were slightly favorable, though it
still narrowed nearly 60% during the first three quarters of The purified terephthalic acid market is expected to
the year. weaken in 2020 as supply increases due to new capacity
coming on stream, although weak upstream paraxylene
The Asian PTA-PX spread has also narrowed, hovering at prices amid mega-expansions in Asia, particularly China,
a 21-month low in late-2019. Sources have attributed the and continuing downstream expansion are likely provide
weakness in the PTA and polyester markets to US-China some support.
trade tensions. Additionally, new PX capacity is expected
to outpace demand from additional PTA supply in 2020, Asian PTA trade participants generally expect the PTA/
causing an oversupplied market. PX spread to be squeezed in 2020 after it was initially
discussed in the range of $100-$120/mt for the spot PX
While PX may track its feedstock market on narrow index-linked PTA contract formula for the year.
spreads, it may not be sustainable as support from
downstream PTA has been limited. Besides its spread Moreover, there was talk that some Asian customers have
to upstream, narrow PTA-PX spread is also expected to lowered their 2020 term contract bids for the spread to
persist into at least the first half of 2020. below $100/mt after the spot PTA/PX spread hit a 21-month
low at around $85/mt in mid-November; producers say this
PX market structure changed in late 2019 will be hard to accept.
Asian PX market has been in a backwardated structure
for most of 2019 but the market is expected to flip into The tightening margin outlook for the first half of 2020
a contango structure in 2020 on the longer supply. The comes after the Asian PTA/PX spread averaged $153/
market in 2019 has moved into a contango briefly before mt in H1 2019 and $147/mt over July-October for dollar-
flipping back, especially during periods of slow buying dominated PTA cargoes, based on S&P Global Platts
interest. Sources noted that a switch in the market data. This indicates the profit margin for PTA was strong
structure may only happen on steady production and in 2019, remaining well above the typical breakeven level
physical delivery from the new plants. of $85-$120/mt, assuming 0.665 mt of PX is required to
produce 1 mt of PTA.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
H1 2020, will be delayed to end 2020 or early 2021, a source November. The startup of the company’s 1.3 million mt/
close to the company said. year PTA unit at the same site will be delayed to 2022
from the initial plan of 2021.
Despite the capacity expansion, China’s PTA supply was
seen likely to remain balanced or lengthen slightly in In Europe, PTA demand has waned due to a weak local PET
H1 2020, given the country’s current PET and polyester market amid a slowing economy and competition from
capacity of around 56.5 million mt/year, with another 2 Chinese PET. As a result, European PTA producers are
million-3.5 million mt/year slated to be brought online increasingly seeking export opportunities in Asia.
by H1 2020, according to sources. Around 0.86 mt PTA is
needed to produce 1 mt of PET or polyester. European PTA exports to China totaled 22,992 mt in
September, Chinese customs data showed. Exports are
There are no PTA expansion plans outside China in 2020, typically zero, or negligible at best. In addition, India
keeping the effective PTA capacity stable at around 20 imported 9,001 mt of PTA from Belgium in July and 11,987
million mt/year elsewhere in Asia and at a combined 10.2 mt in August, after rarely importing from the country
million mt/year in Europe and the Americas. earlier, latest Indian customs data showed.
In India, JBF Industries’ 1.25 million mt/year PTA plant However, while PTA producers in Europe are expected
in Mangalore is unlikely to start up in 2020, given its to continue exploring export opportunities in Asia,
neighbor ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd., which is some trade participants doubt the flow will prove
due to supply PX to JBF Industries’ PTA operation, was sustainable due to packaging and logistics challenges
seen recently offering 570,000 mt of PX via tender for — as well as the increase in competing PTA production
January-December 2020. in China.
Corpus Christi Polymers LLC, a joint venture between Asia facing rise in supply, challenges in upstream markets
Alpek, Indorama and Far Eastern, has revised the Market expectations point to bearish sentiment in 2020
startup date of its new 1.1 million mt/year PET unit in due to supply length, slowing global economies and weaker
Texas from 2020 to Q4 2021, Indorama announced in feedstock prices.
($/mt) (’000 mt)
1200 200
600 100
200 PTA-PX spread
0 0
Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 2017 2018 2019
Source: S&P Global Platts Source: Eurostat
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
The Asian PET profit margin was calculated at around $27/mt This was set to change in 2020, with the slated start-up of
in the first half of 2019 ahead of the traditional peak season, a 1.1 million mt/year PET plant near Corpus Christi, Texas,
but turned negative from July to October, averaging minus $1/ with an associated 1.3 million mt/year purified terephthalic
mt, amid lackluster demand, S&P Global Platts data shows. acid plant due to start up a year later in 2021.
Rising supply will continue to weigh on Asian PET prices However, co-owner Indorama’s revised schedule released
in 2020. in early November showed the PET complex now coming
online between Q4 2021 and Q1 2022.
Chinese PET capacity has hit around 10 million mt/year,
and three new startups expected by 2020 will increase With the US staying as a net importer, it retains bandwidth
this by 1.7 million mt/year, Platts data showed. Producers to absorb added expansions in Asia in 2020.
in Vietnam are also adding around 650,000 mt/year
of capacity. Impact from the recycled-PET market will also likely
be small in 2020 and is not expected to dent virgin
The Chinese polyester yarn and fibers market has grown at volumes significantly
a steady rate of 5-7% in recent years, according to market
sources and Platts data. To satisfy this, 1 million-2 million There is progress in this field, namely, Indorama’s
mt/year of new polyester yarn and staple fiber plants are joint venture with Canada’s Loop Industries to provide
planned by H1 2020 in China, according to sources. sustainable polyester resin for beverage and consumer
packaged goods companies, targeted for Q1 2020 but US
Despite this growth, market sentiment is bearish due collection and recycling rates remain too low to provide
to weak upstream PX, PTA and MEG markets. Increased significant amounts of R-PET to measurably displace virgin
supply will add to uncertainty already there due to trade PET in 2020.
tensions and slowing global economies.
The key focus in the US, therefore, will be the source of its
This will lead to reverse integration by major Chinese PET imports and the impact it brings to local prices.
polyester makers, which some sources expect to happen
in 2020, in order to create feedstock cost advantages. This Europe cautious of year ahead
may put non-integrated polyester producers in Asia and European market participants welcomed an easing of
globally under pressure. volatility in the feedstock market at the end of 2019.
Consumers took the opportunity to forward book material
With demand for PET and polyester in the region expected for Q1 2020 delivery, locking in multi-year low prices.
to reain weak into 2020, Asian producers will need to
continue to seek export opportunities, particularly for Whether prices stay like this depends on how the
PET. In 2019, Europe was a ready buyer, but with the US paraxylene and monoethylene glycol markets react to
remaining net short in 2020, Asian exporters may look extra capacity slated for the end of 2019 and 2020. Further
there instead. supply length, mainly in Asia, will lead to further bearish
feedstock prices and will hurt PET sentiment and prices.
US could be outlet for asia supply length
The US is likely to remain a net PET importer in 2020 Significant volumes were imported from China in 2019 as
after the start-up of a large-scale PET plant was Chinese producers sought to balance their market. This
postponed to 2021. The US imported around 2.2 million trend may continue but Asian exporters may also look to
mt of PET in 2018. the US as an export market.
($/mt) Virgin PET FD NWE (Eur/mt)
1600 1200
1400 1100
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
The first quarter of 2020 may well be a quiet quarter as GLOBAL MEG PRICES FALL TO 10YEAR LOW
consumers have already booked material. In the second ($/mt)
quarter, all eyes will be on weather forecasts for spring and
summer. Producers would like to avoid building too much stock,
having been caught out in 2019. Europe therefore may take a 1000
more cautious approach to pre-demand season stockpiling.
Attention on recycled PET is stronger than ever in Europe and
will affect sentiment in the virgin market. However, volumes
remain relatively small and it is not seen as the biggest CFR China
threat to virgin demand in the short term, sources have said. FOB USG
May-18 Nov-18 May-19 Nov-19
— Benjamin Brooks, Miranda Zhang, Kristen Hays Source: S&P Global Platts
Continuous expansion despite supply glut Asian MEG margins averaged minus $13/mt, minus $112/
US origin MEG to explore other markets mt and minus $48/mt for naphtha-, ethylene- and coal-
based MEG respectively over January-October, Platts data
Monoethylene glycol prices are expected to come under showed. European naphtha-based MEG margins averaged
further downward pressure in the first half of 2020 as minus $17/mt over July-October.
additional capacity comes on stream, adding to ongoing
uncertainty over how increasing US production can be Total global MEG capacity stood at 38.1 million mt/year in
absorbed in Asia while largest importer China maintains November, exceeding global demand by 10%-15%, based
tariffs on imports from the US. on Platts data. Global MEG capacity has increased by
around 18% since the start of 2018.
Trade flows shifted in 2019 after China imposed tariffs on
US-origin in August 2018 and as Lotte Chemical, Sasol and Despite this, another 3.2 million mt/year of new
MEGlobal brought a combined 1.7 million mt/year of new conventional MEG plant capacity is poised to start up by
MEG capacity online in the US in the year. mid-2020 — Pengerang Refining and Petrochemical’s
740,000 mt/year unit in Malaysia, Hengli Petrochemical’s
This also came after 1.9 million mt/year of supply came on 900,000 mt/year phase 1 project at Dalian and Zhejiang
stream in China in late 2018, pressuring MEG prices globally Petrochemical’s 750,000 mt/year MEG unit at Zhoushan in
by August 2019 to the lowest since April 2009, S&P Global China, and Nan Ya Plastics’s 828,000 mt/year MEG plant in
Platts data showed. Texas in the US.
With the exception of ethane-based MEG producers in A further 1 million mt/year of coal-based MEG capacity
the Middle East and North America, MEG manufacturers in China is also expected to come on stream by early
2020 — Xinjiang Tianye’s 600,000 mt/year line at Shihezi
and Inner Mongolia Rongxin Chemical’s 400,000 mt/year
Company Location Capacity TA duration/
(’000 mt/year) new expansion
Maruzen Ichihara, Japan 115 May-Jul (4 weeks)
The supply glut is expected to continue with even more
Maruzen Yokkaichi, Japan 100 Mar-Apr (4 weeks) capacity coming online in 2022 in the US, and coal-based
Mitsubishi Kashima, Japan 300 May-June MEG plants in the pipeline in China. In the US, cheap ethane
Lotte Chemical Daesan, South Korea 400 Oct-Nov (3 weeks)
Lotte Chemical Yeosu, South Korea 160 June (2 weeks)
feedstock has encouraged ethylene cracker and MEG
CNOOC Shell PC Huizhou, China 480 March-April (2-3 weeks) expansions, while in China, the key drivers are downstream
Nan Ya Plastics Mailiao, Taiwan 360 July (30 days) polyester reverse integration for feedstock competitiveness
Nan Ya Plastics Mailiao, Taiwan 360 Sep (30 days)
Nan Ya Plastics Mailiao, Taiwan 720 August (15 days)
and utilizing domestic coal stocks.
Petro-Rabigh Rabigh, Saudi Arabia 600 March-April
Polychem Serang, Indonesia 145 Q1 (3 weeks) Estimated annual global growth for downstream polyester
Pengerang Refining Pengerang, Malaysia 740 New: Test run on-going
and Petrochemical
is around 4% in 2020, according to Platts analytics.
Zhejiang Petrochemical Zhoushan, China 750 New: Dec 2019 – early 2020
Rongxin Chemical Dalad, China 400 New: Dec 2019 – early 2020 As a result, MEG demand growth is unlikely to keep pace
Xinjiang Tianye Shihezi, China 600 New: Early 2020
Hengli Petrochemical Dalian, China 900 New: End Q1 - Q2
with the supply increase. However, the potential for sharp
Nan Ya Plastics Texas, US 828 New: End Q2 price declines remains limited as record-low margins
Source: Market sources prompt less competitive MEG makers to reduce rates.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
China, which imported 10 million mt of MEG in 2018 and is While 2019 contract prices were based on fixed-price
on track to surpass this in 2019, has imposed 25% tariffs on monthly settlements between producers and sellers, some
US MEG since August 2018. European buyers are demanding a floating price contract
formula for 2020 that includes spot prices due to the wide
US-origin MEG accounted for only around 2% of China’s spread between 2019 term contract and spot values. Some
total imports in 2017 and H1 2018, limiting the impact of the MEG producers were heard to have agreed, and one trader
tariffs on China’s MEG market. However it has forced US reported being poised to agreeing to include references
producers to explore other markets, as China was the US’ to Asian spot pricing in some of its 2020 European term
second-largest export market behind Mexico in 2017. contract formulas.
US exports to China fell 58% year on year to 27,073 mt The gap between European spot and monthly contract
over January-August, US International Trade Commission prices has averaged 24% to date in 2019, according to
data showed. Platts data, with spot prices still significantly cheaper
despite the typical discount of 15%-17% offered for 2019
However, total US exports surged 83% over the same term contract volumes, a trader said.
period, pointing to increased buying appetite for US MEG
outside China. Belgium has overtaken China to become the There was also discussion about the contract price
second largest destination for US MEG, receiving 138,406 mechanism being based on naphtha costs given the
mt over January-August, more than doubling from 58,983 increased use of LPG as feedstock for crackers in
mt the year before. Europe. Naphtha currently accounts for 65% of cracker
feedstock and LPG the balance, and some contend
Contract talks prove challenging that reflecting cheaper LPG feedstock costs in pricing
Term contract negotiations for 2020 have proven mechanisms would more accurately reflect their lower
challenging amid weak macroeconomic indicators and the MEG production costs.
increase in capacity.
— Miranda Zhang, Kristen Hays, Miguel Cambeiro
Initial indications by Chinese buyers were at a double-digit
discount to the CFR China price index for 2020; discounts
for 2019 were mostly at low single digits. Weaker demand to hit Asia OX H1 2020,
but tighter supply may counter
These bids were met with resistance from most Asian MEG
producers grappling with weak margins. Changing downstream requirements to hit demand
China becomes more self-reliant on OX
For Asian polyester producers, supply reliability may be Suppliers and buyers in gridlock
more critical than a bigger discount as MEG is a secondary
feedstock, a trader said. As such, contract volume The Asian orthoxylene market looks balanced to slightly
demand from Asian end-users should remain high, the long in the first-half of next year due to weaker downstream
source added. demand from phthalic anhydride manufacturers while
supply also tightens as co-product paraxylene’s producers
Buyers in Europe are increasingly shunning local naphtha- trim run rates, hitting both PX and OX output.
based MEG due to the availability of lower-priced ethane-
based MEG from the US, forcing changes to traditional term Demand from PA producers is expected to decline on lower
contract arrangements. operating rates at their plants, while PX producers reduce
run rates amid low prices and margins.
US MEG TRADE FLOWS SHIFTING AMID USCHINA TRADE WAR “The entire chain is [suffering],” an OX buyer at a PA plant
(’000 mt) in South Asia said, adding that the plant’s production will
Mexico be reduced from December due to low prices and high
feedstock costs.
PA plants were recently hit by tanking prices as demand
evaporated in late 2019, and this looks set to continue,
market sources said. The PA CFR China weekly marker fell
2019 to $800/mt on November 14, from $905/mt CFR on January
3, according to S&P Global Platts data.
0 50 100 150 200 250 Additionally, PA manufacturers said demand in the second-
Source: US International Trade Commission Data is based on Jan-Aug half of the year has been hit partially by US-China trade
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
tensions, leading downstream dioctyl phthalate producers in October, with a nameplate OX production capacity of
to reduce or shutdown operations at their plants. 100,000 mt/year. OX production from the Sinopec Hainan
plant is 2,000-5,000 mt/month and feeds Sinopec’s
PA demand in China, Taiwan and other markets has also key term customers within China, a source close to the
been dented as downstream plasticizer makers’ move to company said.
purified terephthalic acid-based dioctyl terephthalate
feedstock, market sources said. The move to DOTP Currently, most OX production within China is from
feedstock — which is of lower quality than DOP but is Sinopec-owned refineries, although Fuhaichuang, which
safer for human usage — represents a longer-term shift closed one of its PX production lines during September
for plasticizer producers. This move would hit PA, DOP and only to restart in early October, also supplies cargoes
subsequently feedstock OX demand, a major PA producer in domestically, market sources said. Sinopec aims to
the region said. export OX cargoes to Southeast Asia or Europe, a source
close to the company said, but current domestic OX
Asian PA plants have suffered due to these negative prices have pushed Chinese suppliers to supply cargoes
factors, with prices falling and plants reducing operations to domestic buyers only. During November, the Sinopec
across China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. listed price for OX was Yuan 6,300-6,700/mt, which
translates to $764.10-$813.40 on an import parity basis,
Another trend hitting China’s domestic demand is the price with an exchange rate of 7.0397.
competition between OX and naphthalene feedstock, which
has shifted a few Chinese PA manufacturers operations’ to Stalemate between buyers and sellers
naphthalene-based feedstock, producers said. In October, On the supply side, a stalemate between buyers and sellers
Chinese domestic PA produced from OX feedstock was has limited OX cargoes available for sale, market sources
pricing around Yuan 7,000/mt, while naphthalene-based said. OX producers can’t lower prices because feedstock
PA was priced around Yuan 6,000-6,200/mt, said a market mixed xylenes prices have been robust since August.
source who owns capacity in China.
The marker for isomer-MX averaged at $707.70/mt CFR
China’s self-reliance on OX increases Taiwan during October-November, versus an OX average
China, the largest OX buyer in Northeast Asia, imported price of $768.60/mt CFR China over the same period,
only 55,190 mt from January until October, down 78% from according to Platts data. PA manufacturers are currently
the same period last year, according to China customs data. willing to pay a maximum of $730-$740/mt CFR China for
It also exported 8,003 mt during the same period, compared OX cargoes as they struggle with negative PA margins, the
with none a year earlier, showing its switch in roles. buyers said.
China’s self-reliance and ability to export OX is due to new South Korean and Chinese aromatics producers, which
aromatics capacity additions in 2019. Although China include Lotte Petrochemical, SK Global Chemical and
exported some cargoes during H1 2019, the trend has not Qingdao Lidong whose units run on MX feedstock, reduced
sustained due to domestic prices being higher than export or completely shutdown production as PX margins became
prices, keeping the barrels within the country. adverse in September, sources close to the company said.
This also curtailed the supply of Asian OX cargoes in the
Chinese supply increased with the March start-up of export pool. The situation is expected to continue into the
Fuhaichuang’s No. 2 aromatics unit at Gulei, in Fujian new year as swing OX producers from India, Thailand, South
province, with a nameplate capacity of 240,000 mt/year Korea and Japan limit OX cargo supply.
of OX, as well as Sinopec Hainan’s No. 2 facility start-up
Meanwhile, demand from European buyers has shifted
from OX to Russian DOTP imports from the new Sibur-
MARGINS FOR OX PRODUCTION NARROW IN 2019 owned 100,000 mt/year DOTP plant commissioned in June
($/mt) in the city of Perm, sources close to the matter said. Due
to the freight advantage, European buyers find it cheaper
OX CFR China
800 to take Russian DOTP, and this also caters to changing
requirements driven by safety concerns.
The start of term talks
Asian OX 2020 term cargo discussions are still in the initial
stages, with expectations that these would be delayed into
OX-MX spread 2020. South Korean and Japanese producers were eying a
reduction in PX operating rates in 2020 due to the lack of
Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 economic viability, and this will hit the volume of OX term
Source: S&P Global Platts cargoes on offer to the market.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
According to market sources, a 2020 term contract offer for 46% of total US imports, compared with India’s 4%
to a Taiwanese buyer for a 2,000 mt fixed cargo plus 2,000 share in the US.
mt optional cargo per month was at a fixed price, but most
Asian buyers prefer a floating price basis. The US benzene market was dependent on imports for H2
2019, largely due to limited output from toluene conversion
Another seller said he would ideally like to peg his term units. STDP margins were negative for much of H2 2019
contract to either a fixed price or a fixed premium over a mixed due to weak paraxylene pricing and unit operators ran at
xylenes CFR China price, but again buyers may not agree. nominal rates or shut down entirely.
— Samar Niazi, Benjamin Brooks US and China remain key demand centers for benzene
The US should start the new year relatively tight as a
decline in benzene imports from Korea kept the market
Global benzene trading seen picking up snug in December. Even as year-end ad valorem taxes
with new supplies from Asia dampen demand, the market is expected to remain tight
during Q1 as refiners in the US Gulf undergo maintenance.
Global demand for Asian benzene to outstrip supply growth
New plants in Brunei, Malaysia will increase Key variables include the downstream styrene markets, where
available supply pricing has been soft due to muted demand in the polystyrene
US seen starting 2020 relatively tight on lower Korean and ABS markets, in part due to ongoing US-China trade
imports nearing year-end tensions. Styrene prices are likely to remain under pressure
even if there is a resolution in US-China trade tensions as new
Global benzene trading is expected to pick up in 2020 with Asian capacity may exceed 2.3 million mt in 2019. Looking into
new capacity from Asia and increased import demand from H1 2020, benzene production will be dented as US refiners shift
the US turning the market tighter than this year, according toward summer gasoline, traders said. Historically demand
to market participants. for toluene as a blendstock increases during the summer.
New plants including the Hengyi Brunei PMB petrochemical Meanwhile, buyers in East China still express preference
project and Malaysia’s Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated for North Asian material due to geographical proximity for
Development facility are expected to achieve on-specification their term demand. Purchases on both the spot and term
production near the end of this year, adding 500,000 mt/year bases are slated to be better in 2020, than 2019, with the
and 168,000 mt/year of benzene to the market, respectively. start-up of downstream styrene monomer plants, such as
Hengli Refinery’s Phase II styrene unit with a nameplate
They both could carry a tax-free Form E advantage for capacity of 720,000 mt/year, market participants said.
export to China, creating stiffer competition between
North Asian producers, whose material carries an With the demand growth expected to outstrip supply growth,
import tax of 1.2-2%, and Southeast Asian sellers for traders said they expect a wider spot CFR China-FOB Korea
Chinese demand. arbitrage for 2020. The average spread in the first nine months
of 2019 was -$1.57/mt, according to S&P Global Platts data.
Demand for Korean and Japanese benzene from US end-
users is expected to stay healthy in 2020. One producer Global trade to pick up amid supply-demand shifts
pegged US demand for imports at 150,000 mt/month with Other risks are a slowdown in the global economy which
Asian supply filling most of the requirements. In the first could narrow production margins of downstream benzene
three quarters of 2019, North Asian benzene accounted products such as styrene, phenol/acetone, caprolactam,
200 200 Exports (’000 mt) Spread ($/mt)
250 30
150 10
100 100
100 0
50 50
50 -10
0 0 0 -20
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Source: S&P Global Platts, Korea Industry & Trade Statistics, Market sources Source: S&P Global Platts, Korea Industry & Trade Statistics, Market sources
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Downstream indicators in Europe point to a challenging Downstream demand remains unclear as end users hold
market for benzene in H1 2020. Derivative products back amid volatile styrene prices. Concerns over global
have struggled in H2 2019, with lower run rates for many uncertainties, especially US-Chinese trade tensions,
products. The nylon chain has come under pressure, as it is also cast a shadow over Asian acrylonitrile-butadiene-
linked to the automotive industry. styrene (ABS) and polystyrene. Slowing demand from the
downstream markets since the fourth quarter may lead
Phenolics markets in Europe are similarly under to lower operating rates to minimize losses and balance
pressure, with downstream purchasers of benzene set to supply, sources said. Any improvement in the Asian
negotiate lower volumes for 2020, traders said. Capacity downstream market next year is expected come from
utilizations have been heard as low as 65%-70% of domestic Chinese demand.
nameplate already.
— Tess Tseng, Kevin Allen, Simon Price US styrene prices are poised to remain under pressure
amid lagging demand and a longer market in 2020 due
to antidumping duties imposed by China on US material,
Styrene faces the challenge which effectively eliminates arbitrage opportunities from
of new supply, sluggish demand the US to China.
Supply growth set to outpace global demand Demand was further muted by trade tensions and slow growth
Downstream demand weak amid economic uncertainty downstream. These factors are expected to continue putting
Arbitrage opportunities from EU to Asia to fade the US styrene market under pressure in H1 2020. Exactly
how the new styrene monomer capacities in China will affect
The global styrene market faces the challenge of new the market is contingent on run rates. However, H1 2020 trade
supply from Asia and sluggish downstream demand in flows out of the US are not expected to change significantly as
2020, according to market participants. sellers continue to look to Europe, Latin America and Taiwan.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 11
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
North American producers have cost advantages via priced. “The window does not close, it is a constant
cheap ethylene, but sources said high-cost producers arbitrage,” a European producer said.
elsewhere could be forced to shut plants. There was some
expectation that US participants would move away from While demand for ABS from the automotive is expected to
a benzene-plus type contract towards formula-based be weak, from other sectors such as electronics and other
pricing, which includes variables such as feedstocks and household goods it is expected to remain stable.
natural gas.
— Olu Shaw, Kevin Allen, Sophia Yao
European styrene is expected to remain long in 2020 as the
market continues to get to grips with US imports, subdued Gasoline to be a key driver
downstream demand and new Chinese capacities. in global aromatics markets
The European market has been at the center of a shift in US aromatics to be more reliant on blending demand
trade flows, with the region becoming the hub for global India to raise gasoline specs in 2020
styrene flows. Europe has also seen an increase in exports
to growing economies such as India. Octanes demand from the gasoline segment is expected
to be the key driver for the US aromatics market in
New Chinese styrene capacities will cause increasing self- 2020, with demand from the chemical segment for both
sufficiency and thus the EU-China trade flow route that toluene and mixed xylenes seen lagging, as length in the
emerged in H2 2018 may gradually fade. global paraxylene market negatively impacts production
economics in the US.
An increasing discount between spot and contract
European styrene prices could cause a fundamental The expectation is that weak paraxylene pricing will keep
change in the way contract volumes are priced, according the PX-MX spread narrow, resulting in weaker demand
to buyers and sellers. Rising imports and weak demand for mixed xylenes and poor economics for crystallization
weighed on the spot market in 2019, resulting in a growing and Parex units. Similarly, weaker paraxylene pricing
disconnect between spot and industry-settled contract is expected to pressure toluene conversion economics,
prices. In response, buyers pushed for amendments curbing demand for toluene from STDP units.
to 2020 contract formulas to include more spot pricing
elements, which they hope will lower their costs. These dynamics will put increasing importance on
aromatics as octane boosters, particularly toluene.
Downstream, the derivatives markets will be underpinned
by economic conditions in Europe. If demand for aromatics as an octane booster slackens,
as historically happens during winter gasoline production,
The polystyrene market faces continued pressure from a aromatics prices could contract and extraction economics
shift away to other polymers deemed more recyclable. Next would become increasingly important. Weaker pricing could
year marks the penultimate year before the European ban lead producers to push reformate directly into the gasoline pool,
on single-use plastics is implemented, with many end users thereby tightening aromatics availability in North America.
seeking PP, PE and PET.
Toward the latter part of H1 2020, demand from the
Many producers have readjusted production portfolios. gasoline segment should be firm and blend values will set a
Total in 2019 closed a plant in Spain, while Styrolution floor for both toluene and mixed xylenes.
convert a polystyrene line to ABS. This is expected to cause
pockets of tightness, although the effect will be short lived
as the demand decline continues. GASOLINE BLENDING DRIVES TOLUENE DEMAND IN 2019
While demand for general purpose polystyrene continues
to decline, extruded polystyrene (XPS) demand is set to be
healthy. XPS is typically used in the construction sector. Blend margins
from Toluene
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
In Europe, toluene enjoyed support from octane demand in be different from the previous gasoline blends to cover
Q4 2019 and was favored over mixed xylenes for blending the resultant octane changes. This could result in higher
due to its higher octane rates and ample supply. toluene, MX and reformate blending relative to naphtha
and directly disrupt their availability for benzene and
Due to mixed xylenes’ lower RON value, it has attracted PX production especially in the first half of 2020,”
lower bids from gasoline blenders, but these have failed to Yennigalla said.
entice producers, with limited spot packages for sale. This
is unlikely to change, with demand for mixed xylenes from — Gustav Inge Holmvik, Kevin Allen, Simon Price
both chemical and gasoline markets set to remain low in
the first half of 2020.
Toluene conversion margins seen
The gasoline market is expected to see good support in under continued pressure in H1 2020
H1, with the ripple effect of the IMO 2020 regulations for
marine fuel coming into effect from January 1. This leaves Global paraxylene glut weighs on STDP margins
room for toluene premiums to gasoline to maintain a Asian economics poised to improve
higher level, despite the market currently showing a deep
backwardation that has kept interest in material locked to Toluene conversion margins in North America are expected
the prompt end of the market. to come under continued pressure during the first part of
2020 as a result of anticipated softness in paraxylene prices.
New plants in China
Meanwhile in Asia, there is an expectation among Selective toluene disproportionation margins (STDP) in the
producers and traders that isomer-MX pricing will remain US spent a good portion of the latter half of 2019 in negative
firm in H1 2020 due to the startup of new paraxylene territory and economics were dented by lower paraxylene
plants in China, several of which are expected to buy mixed prices as new capacities came online in Asia. Asian producers
xylenes during their start-up phase. such as Hengli, Hengyi and Zhejiang have brought over 8
million mt of new paraxylene capacity online and further
In the second half of 2019, strong demand for aromatics capacity additions are expected in 2020 and 2021. These new
gasoline blendstocks was also observed, especially in the capacities have put paraxylene prices under pressure across
third quarter. the globe and have hurt toluene conversion margins.
India is set to introduce the next stage of BS-VI gasoline These volumes are significant as they will keep pressure on
standards in April 2020, which could also impact aromatics aromatics pricing as Korean and Japanese producers are
demand and supply balances. The next stage of BS-VI gasoline forced to find new homes for displaced material and likely run
standards in India will primarily reduce the sulfur content from at reduced rates. Multiple Asian paraxylene producers cut rates
50 ppm previously to 10 ppm from April 2020 onwards, while the in H2 2019 and that trend is expected to continue into 2020.
aromatics content remains unchanged from 35% previously.
Dynamics in the European market were similar and sources
According to S&P Global Platts petrochemicals analyst said the expectation is that there will be little incentive
Eshwar Yennigalla, the switch in gasoline specs in India to run disproportionation. The European toluene market
could support demand for aromatics for blending purposes. has enjoyed strong support from the gasoline sector as
a blendstock, following a lack of demand from the TDI
“Due to the change in sulfur specifications, the various chemical sector. Without strong movements to benzene
blend components used to achieve the desired could prices, weak incentive for TDP is expected to remain beyond
($/mt) ($/mt)
300 150
Blend margins
PX margins -50
-100 -100
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19
Source: S&P Global Platts Analytics Source: S&P Global Platts
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 13
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
internal capture. With benzene volatility increasing over the Will MTBE’s unexpected bull market
course of 2019, however, a guaranteed run period required continue in H1 2020?
by some producers of two to three months will be difficult
to obtain, sources have said. Asia supply to lengthen; demand for high-octane
gasoline key driver
The two primary factors affecting STDP margins in the US Europe to begin year balanced to tight
will be the start-up and run rates of downstream PTA units US maintenance to keep prices supported
as well as toluene demand from the gasoline segment.
Related to PTA, Xinfengming/Dushan Energy has already Tight supply and demand conditions in Northwest
partially started production at its 2.2 million mt/year PTA Europe and the US Gulf Coast MTBE markets at the
unit at Zhejiang, while Shengda is slated to start up a end of 2019 will likely see high MTBE values carry over
world-scale PTA unit at Sichuan. These two units have a PX into the beginning of 2020. Markets are expected to
requirement of just over 2.4 million mt/year at full rates. rebalance later in H1 as new capacities come online in
Malaysia and China. Meanwhile, concerns of diminishing
Demand for toluene as a blendstock will also play a key shorts for oxygenated gasoline will be mitigated by
role in STDP profitability. Heading into the winter, toluene overall healthy demand for high-octane blendstocks
demand from blenders in the US has been strong as its as the swift to low sulphur fuels support high-octane
properties allow for a significant octane boost without prices around the globe.
affecting RVP requirements as blenders take advantage
of low cost blendstocks. However, if that demand wanes Asia supply to lengthen, demand
and pushes prices lower as benzene tightens in line with for high-octane gasoline key driver
seasonal refinery maintenance by US Gulf Coast refiners in Asian MTBE supply is expected to remain long in the first
the first quarter, STDP margins could return to profitability half of 2020, with around 850,000 mt/year of new capacity
in the first half of 2020. coming online in the fourth quarter of 2019.
“We are already witnessing a lowering of operating rates Malaysia’s Pengerang Refining and Petrochemical, or
at various PX plants across Northeast Asia and this has PRefChem, started a test-run at its new 750,000 mt/year
led to a change in MX pricing dynamics, with MX being MTBE plant at the RAPID refinery in early November, and
priced closer to blending economics, leading to current China’s Rongsheng Petrochemical is also planning to start
weaker than normal TDP margins,” said S&P Global Platts up operations at its new 100,000 mt/year MTBE unit before
Analytics’ Eshwar Yennigalla. “However, these margins the close of 2019.
are projected to improve in H1 2020 as indirect gains in
gasoline octane premiums from the IMO 2020 bunker fuel “RAPID [start-up] will be the ‘big factor’, as [the refinery]
spec change-related impact would improve MX prices, can produce either 95 RON or 92 RON gasolines [as well
albeit marginally.” as MTBE]; therefore, the gasoline market will be under
pressure,” a trader based in Singapore said.
Asian TDP margins were on average negative by more than
$50/mt in 2019 up to the time of writing in early November, Despite around 1.75 million mt/year of new MTBE
S&P Global Platts data shows. That makes it the worst year capacity added last year, Asia’s MTBE and gasoline
for Asian TDP producers in recent years, with both 2017 and markets were unexpectedly bullish at the end of 2019
2018 seeing marginal profits. on the back of wide inter-RON spreads triggered by
outages in the US and at Saudi Arabia’s Abqaiq oil
— Gustav Inge Holmvik, Kevin Allen, Simon Price facility attack.
($/mt) 95 RON/92 RON spread MTBE FOB Singapore
0 10 900
8 800
6 700
4 600
2 500
-150 0 400
Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19 Feb-19 May-19 Aug-19 Nov-19
Source: S&P Global Platts Source: S&P Global Platts
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 14
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
The FOB Singapore MTBE marker hit an all-year high of arbitrage plays between the US, Europe and Asia. Tighter
$844.50/mt on September 18, while the inter-RON spread global gasoline balances as refineries re-orientate away from
for 95/92 RON surged to a historical high of $9.65/b on max gasoline to max distillate production mode is expected to
October 9, S&P Global Platts data showed. lead to steeper premiums of blendstocks into gasoline.
Looking ahead, gasoline specification changes in Malaysia US maintenance to keep prices supported
and India next year as well as the implementation of the E10 The US Gulf Coast MTBE market was buoyed by demand
gasoline mandate in China will shift demand for oxygenated from Mexico’s gasoline sector in 2019, a trend market
additives, including MTBE, market sources said. sources say will continue into 2020.
The impact of E10 implementation on global gasoline In the year to date through August, US production of
balances is still under question, however, due to inadequate MTBE has averaged 1.725 million barrels per month, up
ethanol capacity in the local market. Faltering Chinese 5% from the same period of 2018. Of that production,
gasoline car sales as well as a slowing manufacturing the US exported about 1.1 million barrels per month,
sector have added to concerns over demand for gasoline more than 65% of which went to Mexico. Another 18%
blendstocks next year. went to Chile.
Chinese motor vehicle sales in the first half of 2019 Heavy turnarounds are expected in the first quarter,
plunged 14.35% year on year to 12.18 million units, however, while traders expect the Asian market to be long.
according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics,
reigniting worries of a second consecutive year of falling “I do not see any signals that the arb from Asia to Europe
sales. China’s Purchasing Manager’s Index has also would again be wide open as it was in 2019, but I won’t rule
remained below the 50 mark for five consecutive months out the opportunity either,” a trader said.
since May, NBS data showed.
— Stergios Zacharakis, Michelle Kim, Juan Carlos Manzano
Europe to begin the year balanced to tight
In the European market, firmer buying interest is expected
during the typically slow January-February period due to Supply overhang to weigh
low stocks following a tight supply and demand balance in on global methanol market
the second half of 2019.
New global capacities in 2020
According to sources, stocks are also likely to be sold off Demand outlook weak despite MTO start-ups
by the close of the first quarter in anticipation of the switch Southeast Asia’s methanol appetite to grow
to summer-grade gasoline and ahead of strong seasonal
buying interest in that market. “A pick-up is expected after Global spot methanol prices were on a steady decline
March, towards April,” a trader said. throughout 2019, falling from 2018’s multi-year highs.
The adoption of E10 in counties like the Netherlands and Europe was affected the most, becoming the lowest-
France will largely be driven by sentiment. However, given priced region, with the FOB Rotterdam spot price
the difficulties of including separate tank space for E5, E10 tumbling below $230/mt in October, down 30% from
and 98 RON gasoline, service stations may opt to provide January, according to S&P Global Platts data. During the
only E10 and 98 RON, sources say. This will lead to narrower same period, spot prices in China and the US fell 13% and
spreads between 95 RON and 98 RON gasoline, leading 22%, respectively.
to stronger demand for the latter, more premium grade
of gasoline and hence stronger demand for high-octane
The MTBE market is likely to be well supplied in the
first half of 2020, as lower stock levels, high MTBE
prices and gasoline backwardation at the close of 2019
are expected to cause only short-term disruption to
the supply environment. There are also no planned
turnarounds expected in Europe or supporting regions
such as Russia. 250
FOB Rotterdam
CFR China
Finally, freight prices are expected to increase due to the 200
adoption of the new global bunker fuels mandate. This may Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19
discourage long-haul voyages and disrupt MTBE and gasoline Source: S&P Global Platts
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 15
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
New plants starting up, weaker demand and changes in between January and August at 902,000 mt, down 17%
trade policies are among the factors behind the downward from the same period in 2018, according to Eurostat data.
trend in global prices and the first half of 2020 does not However, overall imports into Europe increased slightly
look any different. from 2018, with growing supplies from Russia and the US.
New plants start up in 2020 Russia has become Europe’s largest supplier with 1.09
At least 4.3 million mt/year of new capacity coming online million mt exported between January and August, up 24%
in Iran and Trinidad and Tobago will to add to an already from the same period in 2018. Imports from the US reached
oversupplied market in 2020. Caribbean Gas Chemical all-time high as the country moved to a net export position
has delayed the start-up of its 1 million mt/year methanol in 2019, with Europe receiving around 576,000 mt between
plant in La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago, to the first quarter January and August.
of 2020. In Iran, Bushehr Petrochemical started its 1.65
million mt/year plant in November, with market sources Going forward, market players expect the flows seen in
anticipating exports beginning in the first quarter of 2019 to continue into 2020.
2020. Middle East Kimiaye Pars Company has targeted
commissioning its 1.65 million mt/year site during the Demand from MTOS in doubt despite methanol affordability
same period. Meanwhile in the US, Liberty One’s 200,000 While ample supply is expected to flow to China, some
mt/year plant will start production in 2020. Other projects, length could be absorbed by new methanol-to-olefins
including Yuhuang Chemical’s joint venture with Koch capacities. Fund Energy is slated to restart its 900,000
Methanol Investments, a 1.7 million mt/year plant in St mt/year Changzhou MTO in the first quarter of 2020, while
James, Louisiana, have been pushed back to Q3 2020. Tianjin Bohua Chemical Industry will start its 1.8 million mt/
year plant in the fourth quarter of 2020.
Trade policy changes, including sanctions against
Iran and a 25% tariff on methanol exports from the Current MTO to polypropylene margins support MTO
US into China, have led to new flows, with China and profitability into 2020 as PP prices fluctuate upwards
Europe mostly having to absorb new supplies despite in a limited range, underpinned by stable demand and
slower demand. occasional supply constraints in China. However, MTO-
monoethylene glycol margins have not been so favorable in
Chinese customs data showed that China imported 2019, as Chinese ethylene supply increased considerably
7.66 million mt of methanol from January to September over domestic demand with newly added ethylene units
compared to 5.47 million mt over the same period of coming into operation in 2019.
2018, already 3% higher than the 7.4 million mt of total
imports recorded for 2018 as a whole. The increase An estimated 18 million mt/year increase in Chinese
was partially driven by higher Iranian imports, as ethylene capacity over 2020-2021 will likely exert
the country is unable to supply Europe due to the downward pressure on ethylene prices, and MTO plants
sanctions. Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Malaysia could be compelled to buy ethylene to make MEG and other
and Indonesia’s methanol exports to China totaled 1.66 ethylene-based derivatives, instead of using methanol as
million mt from January to September, exceeding a a feedstock.
combined total of 857,680 mt from the same countries
for the whole of 2018. If demand from MTOs weakens in 2020, new plants
coming online will have to find alternative demand
With more methanol from Trinidad and Tobago heading centers or applications. However, European demand
to China, Europe has seen lower volumes, with imports growth from traditional markets like formaldehyde will
be limited if the continent’s economic growth continues
to slow.
($/mt) New demand outlets emerging
In Southeast Asia, methanol demand is expected to be steady
Methanol to firm in 2020 as Thailand targets a 10% blend of biodiesel
CFR China into its gasoil pool in its transport sector from 7% currently
China’s PP mandated, also known as B7. Indonesia and Malaysia also aim
MTO margins
to increase their biodiesel blending in their transport sector by
0 China’s MEG
10% next year to B30 and B20, respectively.
MTO margins
-100 About 10%-13% of methanol goes into making palm methyl
-200 ester and higher biodiesel blending mandates in Southeast
Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19 Asia could see an incremental demand of 80,000-195,000
Source: S&P Global Platts mt/year of methanol next year, with most biodiesel
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 16
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
producers locking in term contracts, resulting in limited The spread between Singapore Marine Fuel 0.5%S and
spot trading activity, as in 2019. FOB Singapore 380 CST HSFO hit a year-to-date high of
$203.16/mt October 22 as IMO 2020 loomed, S&P Global
Ultimately, most sellers prefer to send methanol to the Platts data showed.
more lucrative Chinese market where import volumes are
8 million mt/year compared to Southeast Asia’s small, but “Based on discussions in recent contract renegotiations,
growing, 3.5 million mt/year market. we expect to recover the increase in our fuel costs
through bunker surcharge clauses, thanks to a shared
— Lara Berton, Esther Ng understanding among all parties that it is economically
unfeasible for the shipping industry to absorb these costs,”
said Niels G. Stolt-Nielsen, CEO of Stolt-Nielsen Limited,
Chemical freight rates set to rise another major chemical tanker owner, in the company’s
on IMO 2020 as tonnage glut caps gains November earnings release.
Long-haul routes most affected by higher fuel costs US and European freight rates are also expected to be
Trade patterns shift as China demand dips higher in the first half of 2020 amid expectations that trade
lanes will be altered by additional chemical capacities
Liquid chemical freight rates are expected to rise in the coming online in Asia, in addition to IMO 2020-related
new year as fuel costs increase due to the International higher fuel costs.
Maritime Organization’s 0.5% sulfur cap on marine fuels
from January 2020, even as global tonnage oversupply and “Ships need to move from IFO 380 to either MGO or VLSFO,
China’s weak demand outlook apply downward pressure, which costs between $200-$300/mt more than IFO 380,”
market participants said in November. a source said. “Those fuel costs will apply for 2020 and
beyond meaning rates will rise.”
“The only place I know that tonnage is not long is Baltics,”
a trader in Europe said. The impact of cost is greater on However, some participants anticipated the impact will
long haul voyages where the effect of the fuel price is more be limited, expecting that costs would be absorbed and
significant, the trader added. subsequently passed on.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 17
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
On the other hand, spot ethylene demand would likely be European producers battle for market share
pressured by declining downstream demand and prices, European ethylene producers will try to keep their market
such as for polyethylene and monoethylene glycol, market share amid the competitive inflow from the US, and will
sources said. likely do so by leveraging on contract prices as well as
offering attractive spot volumes to domestic customers,
New US terminal to raise outflow, hit Europe’s output according to market sources.
The US currently has a single ethylene export terminal,
operated by Targa Resources deep in the Houston Ship Over January-September, US ethylene exports totaled
Channel, with an export capacity of 300,000 mt/year, 223,422 mt, up 39.5% from a year earlier, the latest
though actual outflows average about 200,000 mt/ customs data showed. Of the total, US ethylene exports
to Taiwan fell 22% from a year earlier to 49,015 mt. On the
other hand, US ethylene exports to Belgium was 98,089 mt
US ETHYLENE TO REMAIN THE LOWESTPRICED REGION for January-September compared to 7,323 mt a year earlier,
($/mt) while exports to Spain was 11,477 mt compared to 20 mt,
the data showed.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 18
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Naphtha feedstock price expected to firm in 2020 mt in 2020, compared with $1,068/mt in 2019, according
Market participants expect the naphtha feedstock price to S&P Global Platts Analytics. Naphtha prices are
to firm in 2020, following the implementation of the expected to rise in 2020 along with crude prices, further
International Maritime Organization’s global sulfur limit for exacerbating the gap between LPG and naphtha prices.
marine fuels at 0.5% from January 1, 2020, down from 3.5%
currently. The market price for crude oil and naphtha will US ethylene prices are expected to maintain their
likely rise as crude runs increase to meet rising demand for advantage over other regions on the back of cheap ethane,
distillate bunker fuels. but cracker outages can cause volatility, sources said. In
June, US spot ethylene hit an all-time low of 11.75 cents/
In Asia, the ethylene/naphtha spread narrowed to an average lb FD Mont Belvieu. By late November, prices reached 23
of $152.63/mt on October 25, 2019, the lowest level since May cents/lb, but had fallen to 16.25 cents/lb by mid-December.
2012, and lower than the typical breakeven spread of $300-
$350/mt, S&P Global Platts data showed. But steam cracker — Kristen Hays, Miguel Cambeiro, Fumiko Dobashi,
operations remained high in 2019, supported by healthy Shermaine Ang
margins for propylene and butadiene production, which would
likely fade out in 2020, according to market sources.
Asian propylene eyes support in H1 2020
In Europe, the crackers are already reported to be turning from new PP plants, turnarounds
down operating rates in order to cope with a tough
combination of weak derivative demand and ethylene Two PDH plants to start in China in 2020
imports from the US, sources said. More new PP plants to add to Asian demand
Five steam crackers in Japan scheduled for turnaround
Meanwhile, the market is anticipating an impact from
Enterprise’s new ethylene export terminal. Spot CIF Propylene markets in Southeast Asia, Taiwan and Japan
Northwest Europe ethylene prices will average $1,008/ are expected to be supported in the first half of 2020 by the
startup of downstream polypropylene plants and a heavier-
Key olefins expansion plants in Asia (’000 mt/yr) than-usual turnaround schedule.
Company Location Ethylene Propylene Butadiene Startup
RAPID Malaysia 1,200 600 180 2019 In Japan, five steam crackers with a total propylene
Heng Li China 1,500 750 140 2019-20
Zhejiang Petrochemical China 1,400 700 200 2019-20
capacity of over 1.2 million mt/year have turnarounds
JG Summit Philippines 300 > 400 190 > 240 70 H1-2020 planned in H1, heavier than in the same period of 2019, S&P
Shenghong China 1,100 2021 Global Platts records show.
BST Thailand 80 2021
Hyundai Oilbank/Lotte Korea, Daesan 750 H1-2021
GS Caltex Korea, Yeosu 700 2022 South Korea’s Hyosung Chemical plans to start its 300,000
Source: S&P Global Platts mt/year PP plant in Vietnam over December-January and
its propane hydrogenation or PDH plant only by Q4 2020,
Asia’s steam cracker turnaround in 2020 (mt/yr) likely resulting in it seeking feedstock propylene in the spot
Company Location Ethylene Propylene Turnaround market in H1.
capacity capacity dates
Idemitsu Tokuyama 623,000 450,000 Sep-Oct, 60 days
Thai IRPC’s steam cracker, which can produce 310,000/mt
Maruzen Chiba 550,000 230,000 May-June year of propylene, is scheduled to undergo turnaround in
Mitsubishi Chem Kashima 2 526,000 260,000 May-June January-February. In Taiwan, CPC plans to shut its No. 6
JXTG (ex-JX) Kawasaki 404,000 260,000 Mar-Apr
Tosoh Corp Yokkaichi 527,000 270,000 Mar-Apr, 30-40 days
steam cracker with 430,000 mt/year of propylene capacity
South Korea
at Lingyuan in February for turnaround, and Taiwanese
Lotte Yeochon 1,200,000 500,000 5 Oct-3 Dec contract buyers expect spot supply there will tighten in H1
SK Energy Ulsan 2 660,000 350,000 Oct, 1 month as a result.
YNCC Yeochon 2 580,000 270,000 Q4, 60 days
Taiwan However, the startup of Pengerang Refining and
Formosa Mai Liao 3 1,200,000 600,000 Aug-Sep, 1.5 months
CPC Lin Yuan 6 720,000 430,000 Feb, 2 months
Petrochemical’s new cracker in Malaysia was expected
to have a minimal impact on spot propylene prices
Titan Pasir Gudang 2 500,000 260,000 early March, 45 days as its output will be largely consumed captively for
Thailand PP production.
Map Ta Phut Olefins Map Ta Phut 900,000 400,000 May-June
PTT Chemical Map Ta Phut (I4-1) 515,000 310,000 Jan-Feb 40 days In China, the propylene market may face downward pressure
Map Ta Phut (I4-2) 400,000 50,000 mid-Jan/mid-Feb
Map Ta Phut (I-1) 461,000 127,000 March
in H1 due to rising supply and weakness downstream.
Exxon Mobil Pulau Ayer Chawan 800,000 435,000 March-May China’s Fujian Meide Petrochemical’s 660,000 mt/year
Source: S&P Global Platts and Zhejiang Huahong New Material’s 450,000 mt/year
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 19
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
PDH plants are both due to start up in Q1, reducing China’s HIGH US PROPYLENE STOCKS PRESSURE PRICES THROUGH 2019
reliance on imports. Non-fuel propylene stocks (million barrels) PGP FD USG (cents/lb)
8 70
“We will not have turnarounds for our two PDH plants in H1
and I have not heard other PDH plants in China planning 6
Europe’s net propylene imports rose 196,000 mt on year over While outages at PDH plants lowered inventory levels
January-August to 439,000 mt, Eurostat data showed. The in H2 2019 from the year-to-date high reached in
US supplied 185,000 mt, up from 164,000 mt a year earlier. February, stocks remained solidly above 2018 levels,
keeping propylene prices lower for most of 2019 than the
However traders were seeing fewer offers from the US year before.
in late 2019 and did not to see any structured contracts
In addition, most US propylene production facilities are
landlocked, crimping exports. The US has one propylene
USEUROPE PROPYLENE SPOT PRICE ABRITRAGE CLOSES export terminal operated by Enterprise at its LNG export
terminal on the Houston Ship Channel, which can load up to
Spot spread* ($/mt)
300 5,000 mt/day of propylene, and is under expansion.
Enterprise is also moving ahead on a second 750,000 mt/
year PDH plant at its Mont Belvieu natural gas liquids hub,
with LyondellBasell as its anchor customer. LyondellBasell
considered building its own PDH plant, but CEO Bob Patel
told investors in September it was focused on derivatives
-100 rather than olefin production.
Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19
* Arbitrage calculated using S&P Global Platts propylene polymer grade FD US, European PetroLogistics, which built the first US PDH plant, a
polymer grade propylene and freight for 5-10kt parcel
Source: S&P Global Platts, US Energy Information Administration 658,0000 mt/year facility later acquired by Flint Hills
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 20
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Resources, announced plans in July to build a 500,000 mt/ US TO CHINA ARBRITRAGE CLOSED ON PAPER
year PDH plant on the US Gulf Coast. DURING MOST OF 2019
Calculated arbitrage* ($/mt)
— Melvin Yeo, Astrid Torres, Kristen Hays
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Weak demand curtails US pricing However, as one source put it, “There always seems a very
Following an extended period of static spot pricing, US fine line between a long and a short market, so it does not
butadiene market participants anticipate more of the same take much for things to change.”
for H1 2020, with longstanding fundamentals of ample
supply and muted demand remaining unchanged. — Callum Colford, MK Bower, Fumiko Dobashi
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 22
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
PE imports to challenge European pricing Average PE demand growth was expected to rise in line with
Over the course of 2019, fallout from that US capacity GDP growth forecasts across most of Asia in 2020, market
expansion has been sorely felt in Europe. Spot pricing for sources said. Consumer convenience and portion control
some grades, in particular HDPE, have fallen 19% since will lend support to the boom in packaging, and hence
June under the weight of cheaper US imports. Further higher PE demand.
decreases are expected for the remainder of 2019 and well
into 2020, the result of a double whammy of a weak global However, China’s PE demand is expected to be negatively
economy and increased US imports set to challenge high- impacted by about 2% annually, or 1 million-2 million mt,
cost European producers. of plastic production if tariffs persist, market sources said,
even though the US in October held off on increasing those
Net imports of HDPE into the EU more than tripled to taxes to 30% from 25%.
732,007 mt from January to August, compared with
274,300 mt in the same period in 2018. That increase On the other hand, some end-users outside of China said
stemmed mainly from a jump in US imports of lower cost they have more finished product orders from the US, but
resin, European statistics agency Eurostat data showed. were cautious to expand aggressively due to the current
US HDPE film import cargoes at the start of November volatile macroeconomics from the trade dispute.
saw DDP trucks offered below Eur900/mt ($983), and
even as low as Eur800, down from the June high of Asia’s PE surplus will continue to be absorbed by China’s
Eur1,170/mt. demand through some redirection of regional cargoes, sellers
said. Some participants were expecting more Southeast
Market participants question when availability of such Asian cargoes to be exported to China due to regional plant
low spot prices will impact the system of monthly expansions and the ASEAN-China free trade agreement.
contract prices that dominates European supply.
In other ethylene derivatives contracts, such as The Asian PE market was forecast to be in net deficit of 14
glycols, spot was already reflected in 2020 monthly million mt/year in 2020, with a spike in demand expected in
contract formulas. A weak 2020 awaits both sellers March during China’s seasonal peak manufacturing period.
and buyers as they grapple with anticipated reduced Middle East producer sources estimate that around 12
consumer demand. million mt/year of PE in 2020 will continue to diversify end-
product portfolios, where competition is less intense.
In the same vein as Europe, supply is expected to remain
abundant in the Turkish market amid incoming US volumes China remains the third-largest export market for US PE
with structurally low demand. despite 25% tariffs on US HDPE and linear low density
PE in place since August 2018. While flows of US material
Asian wait-and-see approach to PE supply have increased to Europe, Vietnam, Turkey and Brazil, Asia
With most parts of the world experiencing an economic remains the largest global demand center, with China at
slowdown, Asian buyers adopted a wait-and-see approach the top.
throughout 2019. Market players fear this trend will
continue globally, with sources taking market cues from — Kristen Hays, Hui Heng, Miguel Cambeiro
Asia, as the region accounts for 60% of global demand.
While polyethylene demand in China continues to grow, it Latin America looks towards the US
has not matched the same peak levels seen in previous for polyethylene direction for 2020
years, sources said.
Global deceleration could impact region’s growth
Political tensions could affect activity in the region
Latin America is expected to enter 2020 with the pressure
(million mt) Jan-Aug
5 from international markets, including the US regarding
its polyethylene imports, driving prices in the region
4 Harvey accordingly with the American exports market.
Hikes are expected in the global market on the International
2 Maritime Organization rule change at the beginning of
the year.
In the West Coast South America and Brazil, PE prices
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 are expected to follow the US direction, and expectations
Source: US International Trade Commission are not favorable for large hikes in the coming months -
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 23
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
expect for the IMO pressure. Ongoing political tensions Argentina is expected to produce 581,000 mt of PE
in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru could affect imports in 2020, nearly unchanged year on year. However,
during the first few months of 2020. The US market will the country’s economic and political situation is
continue to be the benchmark for regional producers in also attached to market expectations. Argentina’s
determining pricing. Presidential election in late October is expected to
change several economic factors in the country for the
Market participants in the region will also eye the next four years, and it may alter expectations for the
US for local currency exchange-rate volatility. Local petrochemical sector in the near future, sources said.
producers typically set their domestic prices based on Argentina’s central bank restricted US dollar purchases
international prices and currency exchange. For buyers to $200 a month - down from $10,000 a month — until
in Latin America, price volatility and devaluation of the December, when Fernandez took charge, a strategy to
currency against the US dollar has driven buying lower in retain investors by reducing the US dollar demand and to
some cases, limiting participants to committing to lower stabilize the Argentine peso. That would hamper imports
volume sizes. due to the limit of US dollars purchase, benefiting local
producers, which could generate pricing increases due to
Regional producers in Latin America will continue facing less competition.
the right equilibrium between pricing and market share.
The challenge is expected to intensify as international — Guilherme Baida
price volatility and exchange-rate fluctuations continue in
H1 2020.
Global PP faces economic slowdowns,
In the Brazilian market, expectation for the first half of the tepid demand in H1 2020
year lies on the tax reform, which will be discussed in the
local congress in the coming months. With the pension Global market expected to be balanced to long in 2020
reform approved in the fourth quarter, foreign investments US PP exports expected to be soft amid limited feedstock
are being watched by the industry, betting on higher
consumption. South American, and more specifically, Polypropylene faces mixed prospects in Asia and continued
Brazilian pricing is largely more correlated to Houston demand weakness in the US and Europe going into 2020,
pricing moves than to Asia or Northwest Europe, S&P with expectations that downward pricing trend from 2019
Global Platts data showed. will linger amid slow demand and rising supply.
Brazil is expected to produce 2.61 million mt of While each region has unique prospects for PP, the global
polyethylene in 2020, in line with the expectation for 2019, polypropylene market is expected to remain generally
according to S&P Global Platts Analytics, with a trade balanced to long through 2023 and tighten past 2024,
surplus of around 250,000 mt for the year. according to S&P Global Analytics. The majority of the
new PP production is expected to come online from 2021
Mexico is expected to produce 1.32 million mt of PE in to 2023, creating the so-called low margin, trough years,
2020, also in line with 2019. The country would have a Platts Analytics data showed.
trade surplus of more than 1 million mt - in great portion
represented by US imports. In domestic markets, the Asian outlook mixed amid naphtha cost-push
pricing trend is more relevant to the Mexican market due The outlook for Asian PP for the first half of 2020 was mixed
to its proximity to the US, while it shows less relevance for amid a cost-push from expected higher naphtha prices and
Argentina’s domestic market. several PP startups in the region.
1000 FE Asia CFR Some end-users, however, were more pessimistic, seeing
WCSA CFR slowdowns in home appliances and fast-moving goods
Brazil CFR amid certain Asian governments launching anti-plastic
800 FAS Houston movements, they said.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 24
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Some traders estimate that Asia will be net short 2 million However, if feedstock propylene supply tightens and costs
mt/year of PP in 2020 despite more production capacity, as rise due to IMO 2020, PP could follow suit. European PP
demand was set to improve significantly. Supply, particularly monthly capacity is expected to increase to 1.14 million
of copolymer grades, will remain tight as demand surpasses mt in June 2020 from 1.12 million mt in December 2019,
another 3 million-4 million mt/year of new PP capacity in according to Platts Analytics data.
2020, mainly in China, according to Platts Analytics.
US oversupply to linger
That capacity boost is expected to open arbitrage In the US, 2020 is expected to bring more of the same seen in
opportunities to export Chinese homopolymer PP to the second half of 2019: excess inventory and low demand.
Southeast Asia and Latin America, industry sources said.
US export opportunities shriveled in late 2019, pushing
Some excess Asian homopolymer supply was expected to spot prices for homopolymer injection-grade PP below
flow into South America, which has a deficit of around 1 $1,000/mt FAS Houston for the first time since January
million mt/year in 2020, according to Platts Analytics. 2017, according to Platts data.
Many producers also plan to sell more material in US producers maintained relatively stable PP pricing
Bangladesh, Pakistan and India in coming months, with on the back of arbitrage opportunities for propylene to
cumulative import demand of 1.4 million mt/year in 2019, Europe, but once that window closed and supply rose after
up around 10% year on year, according to seller estimates. turnarounds, propylene prices dipped. With nothing to prop
it up, PP pricing tumbled to a near three-year low.
No new capacity was seen coming online in the Middle
East, a key supply region, which exports around 4 million And more supply is coming. Braskem’s new 450,000 mt/
mt/year of PP, according to Platts Analytics. year PP plant near Houston was on course to start up in
H2 2020, though market players expect startup in the
Europe facing pressure from oversupply third quarter of next year. In addition, no new propane
In Europe, price pressure from oversupply was expected to dehydrogenation units are expected to start up before
continue into 2020 as producers struggle to destock. 2023, leaving feedstock propylene less competitive.
European PP spot prices fell 17% from Eur1,200/mt at the “Until new PDH units come online and keep US propylene
start of 2019 to Eur1,000/mt in early November, according prices more competitively in line with other regions of the
to S&P Global Platts data. That decline stemmed from world, US PP will continue to remain more of a regional
long supply and weak demand, pressured by Brexit and product,” one source said.
a regional economic slowdown that hit the automotive
industry. Environmental pressures reducing consumer One producer source forecast an uptick in domestic
plastic use also siphoned demand. demand and firmer spot pricing with slightly shrinking
contract spreads following year-end renewals. Trader
In addition, converters over committed to contractual sources said producers must manage inventories and,
volumes in anticipation of a heavy turnaround season for in turn, pricing transparency. Those measures weren’t
upstream propylene that failed to tighten downstream PP apparent as year-end approached, leaving market
supply. The spread between spot and contract widened participants resigned to a quiet export market.
by 53% to Eur245/mt from January to early November,
which is expected to prompt buyers to take less volume on “I don’t know if that changes in December or changes next
contract in favor of cheaper spot volumes. year or we keep plodding along,” one source said. “That’s
where it’s stuck right now. You’re either going to rationalize
the usage rates or we’ll continue to be fractured.”
— Kristen Hays, MK Bower, Hui Heng, Harry Morton
The Latin American polypropylene market is expected to
Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 continue to look to the Middle East and Asia for direction
Source: S&P Global Platts instead of the US in 2020, sources say.
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Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
Latin American polypropylene markets will continue to eye for downstream goods, leading to cautious buying interest
US propylene, the region’s main source for the feedstock, earlier in the year.
but polypropylene pellet players will continue to look
toward the Middle East and Asia, which are markets more Along the West Coast of South America, regional producers
impacted by oil and naphtha prices. are expected to continue the battle to retain customers
and to be the preferred source over imports. Sources have
Polypropylene markets may see a boost in supplies, particularly said Colombian players were extremely aggressive in prices
in Latin America’s leading economy - Brazil, amid sluggish during 2019, and the expectations are for a similar scenario
demand throughout the end of the quarter, which is expected to in 2020. Colombia is expected to have a surplus of 194,000
carry on through the first few months of 2020, the sources said. mt of PP available for export in 2020, S&P Global Platts
Analytics estimates.
However, consumption is expected to increase on seasonal
demand, but remain stable when compared with the year- As a result, Latin America is expected to remain the
ago period, sources said. most likely destination for the remainder, which has
being influencing local prices since the beginning of
The region has been closely eyeing pricing trends in the 2019, when trade flows were affected by US-China
Middle East and Asia. trade tensions.
Latin American countries - in particular Argentina and Latin American market participants are expected to
Colombia - are exporters of homo-polymer and copolymer continue to see an uptick in offers from the Middle East,
materials, respectively. Asia and the US. Buyers will have to plan more for Asian
shipments, as they come with a longer delivery time, which
Brazilian CFR homopolymer and copolymer film and is talked at between 60 and 90 days, compared with a 30-
US Houston FAS pricing are historically correlated, day delivery window advantage from the US.
with Brazilian prices also moving in tandem with Asian
and Middle East prices, according to data from S&P — Guilherme Baida
Global Platts.
On the other hand, West Coast South America PP copolymer China and India — the top global markets for construction
film and homo-polymer CFR prices are more positively linked staple polyvinyl chloride — will play a major role in
to US Houston FAS prices movements than to other regions, the export markets in 2020 after both countries lifted
but also very closely tied to the Middle East. antidumping duties on PVC from many regions, opening the
door to new trade flows.
Pricing in the region could also be impacted by the US-
China trade war, which has already affected Asian demand China’s Ministry of Commerce announced in October
that antidumping duties on PVC imports from the US,
Taiwan, Japan and South Korea had been removed in
Market sources said Asian makers may start moving
additional cargoes into China, while reducing quantities
1200 Brazil CFR to other areas, such as India, where competition is
WCSA CFR intensifying after the Indian government in July lifted
FAS Houston antidumping duties on material from a string of regions,
1000 FE Asia CFR including the EU, Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 26
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
However, since lifting the duties, incoming low-priced slowdowns seen in China and Europe as well as signs of
deepsea cargoes have depressed prices in the highest- what some see as an industrial recession in the US.
priced market. The CFR India price averaged $902.44/mt
for January-October this year, compared to $967.55/mt in About 60% of PVC is used in construction, so PVC markets
2018, S&P Global Platts data showed. tend to rise and fall with the economy. The International
Monetary Fund projects global growth at 3% for 2019, the
Sources will continue to monitor the European market as lowest since the 2008-2009 global financial crash.
cargo availability from Europe could persist into 2020 amid
sluggish demand there. For 2020, the IMF sees growth at 3.4%, a 0.2 percentage
point downward revision from April. While the 2020
For Europe, the first half of 2020 will continue the dynamics outlook assumes improved economic performance in
from the latter part of 2019 with squeezed margins. Latin America, the Middle East, and some other regions, it
However, Europe can keep exploiting improved export assumes continued uncertainty as well, with uncertainty in
opportunities, where it could be highly competitive. Europe and projected slowdowns in the US and China.
Sluggish domestic demand linked to political and economic
uncertainties is also expected to continue, paired with “Demand overall remains poor,” a US market source said,
feedstock cost volatility. noting that end-users increasingly demand low pricing seen
unworkable given freight and other costs. “We are seeing
“Poorest prices in Europe are clearly lower than standard new thresholds for numbers we haven’t seen in a long time.”
prices in export markets. Certainly, this will give an
incentive to European producers to release a bit of the However, PVC producers maintain that despite the
pressure by diverting more volumes to export, where the current weakness, global demand is expected to outstrip
netback is now clearly improved and even better than with supply over time given the lack of significant PVC
some biggest European converters,” a European producer capacity additions compared to other polymers, namely
source said. polyethylene. Also, cheap US ethane maintains a cost
advantage over naphtha-fed feedstock elsewhere.
The US, however, has largely been left out of such gains.
India lowered antidumping duties on material from US “Global PVC demand has increased from over 30 million tons
producers, but did not eliminate them, leaving duty-free to roughly 40 million tons the last 10 years and is projected to
exporters with a sharp advantage. increase to over 50 million tons by 2021, driven by construction
and infrastructure requirements, particularly in a lot of the
However, China likely will become a much more important emerging markets,” Westlake Chemical’s treasurer Jeff Holy
export market for US PVC after US and Chinese trade said at an energy conference in November.
negotiators agreed that the US would not impose more
tariffs on Chinese products in mid-December 2019, Caustic soda braces for weakness
negating a response from China that had been expected The global caustic soda market is bracing for continued
to include tariffs on US PVC. China is the second-largest weakness into 2020 as well, with producers facing
export market for US PVC behind Canada. prolonged rate cuts to dent ample supply that has
depressed pricing amid lukewarm demand.
Outlook weak
Despite some inroads for other regions to get material to “The outlook is not great. Markets are bearish, stocks are
China and India duty-free, PVC, which tends to grow at one high and there is no interest from buyers,” a European
times GDP, still faces gloomy times in 2020 with economic market source said.
($/mt) ($/mt)
1200 500
CFR India
1000 400
CFR China
800 300
FAS Houston FOB NE Asia
FOB Rotterdam
600 200
Mar-18 Jul-18 Nov-18 Mar-19 Jul-19 Nov-19 Jan-19 Mar-19 May-19 Jul-19 Sep-19 Nov-19
Source: S&P Global Platts Source: S&P Global Platts
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 27
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
India demand seen key Unfavorable economics in the recycled plastics markets are
In Asia, market sources said India demand was key for expected to continue in the first half of 2020 but media and
2020. In 2019, some Northeast Asian producers — such consumer pressure should boost demand globally.
as South Korea and Japan — were unable to export their
cargoes to India due to additional requirements to gain S&P Global Platts Analytics forecasts global recycled
the Bureau of India Standard (BIS) certificate for caustic plastics volumes reaching nearly 20 million mt in 2020, or
soda exports. 8% of total virgin demand. This is up from just under 18
million mt in 2019, or 7% of total virgin demand.
A market source said most Northeast Asian makers have
since gained BIS certificate for their caustic soda products, Europe leads way, with demand outpacing supply
which will normalize exports from Northeast Asia to India in In Europe customers have already pre-bought material for
H1 2020. Q1 2020 on expectations of scarce supplies and prices at a
premium to virgin.
India typically imports around 400,000-500,000 mt of
caustic soda annually and its demand from alumina is Collection rates and quality will remain the key
expected to rise with new alumina refineries on tap. Of supply constraints.
the total caustic soda imports, around 300,000 mt would
be exported to East India from Asian producers, while the In the recycled PET market specifically, the disconnect to
remaining volume would come mainly from the Middle East virgin prices seen in 2019 should continue in 2020.
to West India.
In the R-PET bottle-to-bottle market, 2019 proved there
Market participants are also closely monitoring the is demand for R-PET at higher prices than virgin resin.
operating rates of Emirates Global Aluminium’s 2 million Likewise, buyers in the R-HDPE market are also becoming
mt/year alumina refinery, which started up in early 2019 less cost-sensitive as media and consumer pressure ramps
and is yet to reach full capacity. up and deadlines for companies’ minimum recycled content
targets fast approach.
The resumption of full rates in 2019 of Norsk Hydro’s 6.3
million mt/year Alunorte alumina refinery in Brazil did Like the R-PET market, R-HDPE supply is likely to
not lift US spot export caustic soda prices as expected, remain tight and buying interest strong through 2020.
because the company receives its feedstock via contract. R-PET will remain the go-to plastic of choice for its
recyclability, though, placing more pressure on this
US caustic soda exports also face pressure from the industry than HDPE.
shutdown of the JISCO Alpart 1.6 million mt/year alumina
plant in Jamaica for up to two years for a major upgrade.
Olin’s executives expect caustic soda pressure to linger, 1200
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 28
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
As a result, further R-PET volumes are expected to displace Planned infrastructure taps into higher value
virgin resin demand, while for R-HDPE the effect may be recycled plastics markets
less significant. Company name Location Product Capacity Expected
c. (mt) start up
PTT Global Chemical Rayong, R-PET and 50,000 Late 2020
New R-PET plants starting up by next year, including Biffa’s and Alpla Packaging Thailand R-HDPE combined
37,000 mt/year Seaham plant in northeast England and Veolia Services East Java, R-PET 25,000 Early 2020
Indonesia Indonesia
Morssinkhof-Rymoplast’s 40,000 mt/year plant in Leipzig, Coca-Cola Manila, R-PET 16,000 Mid-late 2020
Germany, are expected to directly displace virgin volumes. Philippines Philippines
In response, some virgin resin producers are trying to ALBA Group Asia, Tuen Mun, R-PET 35,000 Mid 2020
Baguio Waste Hong Kong and R-HDPE combined
incorporate R-PET into their contract volumes for 2020 by Management & Recycling
offering hybrid pellets. and Swire Beverage Holdings
Source: Market sources
Economics, collection rates hold US back
Economics - essentially how much more consumers are agreement in May to ban mixed, unrecyclable and
willing to pay for recycled plastic packaging - is also a key contaminated plastic waste exports. But most of
issue in the US. the other 187 nations present that did help pass the
amendment to the Basel Convention ensured the US has
Part of the reason for the high cost of recycled plastics far fewer outlets for its plastic waste. And with one of
relates to the other big challenge facing the US - supply the lowest plastic waste collection rates of developed
of raw materials; collecting waste in enough bulk to countries, at 29.3% of PET, HDPE and PP bottles in 2017,
make it economically recyclable. For example, single- according to industry body the Association of Plastics
use grocery bags in the US can be recycled if collected Recyclers, the US will face significant challenges treating
in bulk but those thrown in a consumer’s curbside its waste domestically.
recycling bin go to landfill because, in small quantities,
they cannot. Asia eyes progress to higher-value recycled plastics
After years of importing largely unusable waste from the
While company commitments show progress is being West, and subsequent import bans, Asia has come to
made, at a government level the US lags other countries. the forefront of the media’s attention on plastic waste.
The US was not a signatory to the Basel Convention’s Recycling in Asia has been fairly underdeveloped, but there
are signs of positive change.
US PLASTIC WASTE EXPORTS TO CHINA SLOW Japan is the leading Asian country for plastics recycling,
6 (’000 mt) with more than 90% post-consumer PET bottles collected,
according to the Council for PET Bottle Recycling. Several
Japanese companies have started or plan to start using
4 recycled PET for bottled drinks, including Asahi Soft Drinks
Co., Ltd., Suntory Group, Coca-Cola (Japan) Co. and Seven
& I Holdings Co.
Elsewhere in Asia, recycled plastics markets largely focus
on lower grade waste, namely recycled polyester staple
0 fiber (PSF).
Q1-15 Q3-15 Q1-16 Q3-16 Q1-17 Q3-17 Q1-18 Q3-18 Q1-19 Q3-19
Source: Panjiva China is Asia’s largest recycled-PSF maker, with annual
production of roughly 4.5 million mt/year, while India,
MEXICO REMAINS READY RECIPIENT OF US PLASTIC WASTE the second-largest, converts around 550,000-650,000
(’000 mt) mt/year, according to market sources. Almost all
of this production is consumed domestically in the
125 textiles industries.
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 29
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
It is because of these economics that only a small Ineos said in October that it plans to close the Seal Sands
portion of R-PET is converted into R-PET pellets plant in Teesside, in northeast England, because of high
to produce bottles again. It is largely uneconomic safety and environmental costs, in a move that market
because of competitive virgin PET prices. Some of these participants have suggested will result in a loss of just over
markets also lack regulations on food approvals for 30% of Europe’s ACN production.
recycled plastics.
Demand in the region is currently at more than 1 million mt/
There are steps being taken to change this, and 2020 looks year, according to market sources, against output capacity
set to be a promising year. In Thailand, Royal Interpack of around 1.14 million mt/year. As a result, removing Seal
Group and Indorama Ventures are leading the market Sands’ 280,000 mt/year production would mean the region
but others are also entering the R-PET space. PTT Global becoming dependent on imports.
Chemical will partner with Alpla Packaging to build a 35,000
mt/year R-PET and 15,000 mt/year recycled-HDPE plant in However, despite a building supply glut in the Asia ACN
Rayong by the end of 2020. market, longer shipping times from Asia to Europe —
compared with intra-Europe and US-to-Europe deliveries
Danone unveiled a 100% recycled AQUA water bottle in — make Asia-Europe transactions more exposed to price
Indonesia in early 2019. In addition, Veolia Services Indonesia volatility, according to some sources.
is building a 25,000 mt/year R-PET plant at Pasuruan
district, East Java, targeting an early-2020 startup. Replacement volumes for the lost Seal Sands production
will likely come from Ineos’ Green Lake plant in the US,
— Luke Milner, Benjamin Brooks, Miranda Zhang, Kristen Hays according to market sources.
Solvents and and some spot. We can cope,” an Ineos source said in
November. “We need to reshape, and it is not all easy.
intermediates Volumes and tanking and shipping and duties all need to
be considered. We optimize our global system with all the
assets and the sales we have.”
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 30
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
China’s Jiangsu Sailboat Petrochemical’s second ACN plant “The oxo-alcohol market for H2 2019 is already bad enough,
at Lianyungang, in Jiangsu, started up in September and I do not think H1 2020 will be as bad,” a producer in Taiwan
was operating near full capacity in November, according to said. “In fact, I am expecting some slight rebound during
market sources. Lunar New year in the first quarter.”
Supply is expected to further increase after Zhejiang A Korean producer said phthalic anhydride (PA) and dioctyl
Petrochemical’s 260,000 mt/year ACN plant comes on phthalate (DOP) are hugely influenced by construction and
board in the first half of next year, sources said. economic growth, and if trade tensions between the US and
China ease, “there’s plenty of chance that prices go up.”
“There will be less deep-sea cargoes from the US, as more
supply will be diverted to Europe, though new start-ups In Asia, the downstream DOP CFR SEA market hit its
in China can easily fill up the supply vacuum,” said one highest level for 2019 on May 2 at $1,310/mt , before
producer in Asia. plunging 13% to $1,140/mt on November 7. Lackluster
demand for DOP in 2019 also dragged down spot prices
The increased supply in the region pushed down Asian for 2-ethyl hexanol (2-EH) and PA. The PA CFR SEA marker
ACN spot prices by $575/mt ,or 28% against its 2019 high reached the ceiling at $1,070/mt, before diving 21% to hit
of $2,085/mt on May 21, to $1,510/mt CFR Far East Asia as $850/mt on November 7. The 2-EH SEA market hit $1,100/
of November 6. Prices are expected to remain at such low mt CFR SEA in February, before falling 19% to $850/mt.
levels throughout H1 2020.
However, a more positive outlook for plasticizers in Asia in
“China’s economy is slowing down considerably and this 2020 is likely to lend support for PA and 2-EH, sources said.
hit demand for consumer goods such as toys, household
appliances and automotive, there is little support for ACN LG VINA Chemical, a joint venture between Southern
in H1 2020,” another source said. Fertilizer Company and Vietnam Petroleum Corporation,
will start its new plasticizers plant in Ho Chi Minh City,
US market capped by weak downstream Vietnam, in January, later than Q2 2019 as originally
The pattern in the US is likely to remain one of stability, with planned. The new plant can produce both DOP and
weak downstream demand set to shape the market through diisononyl phthalate (DINP), with total capacity of 80,000
the end of 2019 and into H1 2020. mt/year and 40,000 mt/year, respectively.
US market participants expect continued lackluster demand Meanwhile, market sentiment will remain bearish for
for acrylic fiber to hinder ACN price hikes through the first half n-butanol in the first half of 2020 amid a supply glut and
and, with the US-China trade dispute negatively impacting weak demand. Lackluster demand from the automobile and
ABS demand and the automotive industry, demand in ACN’s construction industries in China dragged down demand for
major downstream sectors will continue to wane. NBA, which is commonly used as an additive for paint.
As a result, the US market has now turned to Similarly weak fundamentals were seen in Europe
being well supplied, from balanced or even slightly this year, with FD NWE spot prices declining gradually
undersupplied previously. since the beginning of the year, hitting two-year lows
in August.
— Miguel Cambeiro, MK Bower, Melvin Yeo
Pressure on spot prices is expected to continue during the
first half of 2020 as European oxo-alcohol producers fear
Oxo-alcohol demand concerns starting the year with high stocks, which they were unable
to continue into 2020 to empty due to a lack of demand, dragging the already
oversupplied market down further.
Oversupply in butanols to keep market sentiment bearish
Plasticizer products in Asia to lend support for PA, 2-EH As a result, the market focus in Europe has shifted to
2020 contracts, as producers hope to source propylene
Increasing signs of decelerated industrial activity and at more competitive prices next year in order to improve
weaker demand from the automotive sector have hit the margins. Reducing contractual commitments, while adding
oxo-alcohol markets hard in 2019, especially in Asia and more flexibility with spot volumes, as well as negotiating
Europe. Concerns about slower global economic growth will lower prices on term contracts, were heard to have
continue to dominate in 2020, giving market participants been discussed.
reason to eye 2020 with caution.
According to S&P Global Platts data, the price spread
However, some believe the market has now hit rock-bottom between the European industry-settled propylene
in Asia. contract price and spot oxo-alcohol prices progressively
© 2019 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 31
Special report: Petrochemicals Global petrochemical trends H1 2020
narrowed and for n-butanol moved into negative territory 46% since August 2018. Both were among $16 billion in US
in 2019. In January n-butanol was priced at a Eur115/mt products to face retaliatory tariffs from China in August
premium over propylene, before to a discount in April. 2018, and sources said prices have suffered amid robust
In November, spot n-butanol FD NWE prices have been US supply that encourages exports and a need to find
trading flat against the European propylene contract price, destinations for product outside of China.
the data showed. The 2-EH price differential to propylene
was calculated at just Eur90/mt in November, down from “It’s pretty hard to find optimism,” a market source said.
Eur225/mt in January. “Obviously, we’re treading water on a recession. The
question now is how deep it’s going to go and how long it’s
The US oxo-alcohols markets have yet to show the same going to last.”
weakness as Asia and Europe.
The source said oxo-alcohols customers say they have
Domestic prices for n-butanol, 2-EH and plasticizers - not seen indications of a long or deep recession, with
DOTP and DINP - have shown little movement, but export manufacturing ongoing, goods being produced and high
US NBA and 2-EH prices have declined throughout 2019, employment. “But the demand seems to be off, and
even with high employment. customers are laying it pretty squarely on the trade wars,”
the source said.
Since September 2018, US export NBA prices have declined
more than 41%, while 2-EH prices have retreated more than — Ora Lazic, Melvin Yeo, Kristen Hays, Lara Berton
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