Minutes Each Brand of Battery Lasted: Group Members
Minutes Each Brand of Battery Lasted: Group Members
Minutes Each Brand of Battery Lasted: Group Members
1. Label each flashlight with the model of battery that will use that
Minutes Each Brand Of Battery Lasted flashlight to test.
250 2. Load each flashlight with two of the appropriate model of battery.
200 3. Turn all of the flashlights on at once and set the clock at 12:00.
150 4. Place a Duracell battery into the battery holder and make sure the lights
and the – E20141010044
clock is ticking.
5. Come RAZALI
later to -theE20141010045
battery tester when the clock stops ticking and
record the amount of time the battery provided current.
ABSTRACT Energizer Duracell Rayovac Eveready 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for trials 2-5 for the Duracell battery.
Battery companies market their products by making impressive claims about 7. Repeat for the Energizer, Eveready, and Rayovac batteries.
how durable and reliable their batteries are. But which battery lasts the
longest? Will a more expensive, brand name battery really last longer than a
generic battery? Before we make a hypothesis that addresses this question,
let’s learn about the two most common types of batteries, disposable The results of the experiment were that Eveready produced electrical output
batteries and rechargeable batteries. The experiment were perfomed to find the longest at an average of about 193 minutes. Rayovac then lasted the
which battery lasts longest out of four different brands and the internal second longest with an average of 146 minutes. Duracell lasted the third
longest at an average of 101 minutes, and Energizer finished last with an
resistance of a cell from each of the battery. The internal resistance, r was
average of 91 minutes.
determined by using some apparatus such as ammeter ,voltmeter ,battery and
wires. The battery are connected to wires to record the reading of its power
and internal resistance. The experiment is repeated again by using the
different batteries such as Duracell, Energizer, Rayovac and Eveready.
Electricity is used to power appliances and tools used in our daily life.
Batteries are an energy source of electricity. They change chemical energy
into electricity to power portable equipment. A battery is a device that turns
chemical energy into electricity. Batteries serve as a good source of
electricity. A battery has two terminals. The terminals are positive or
negative. Terminals are the ends of a battery. If you connect a wire between
the negative and positive terminals, the electrons will flow from the negative
terminal to the positive terminal. This makes a battery wear out easily.
Chemical reactions produce the electron movement inside a battery. The
electrons need to flow from the negative terminal of the battery through the
wire to the positive terminal. Now a chemical reaction will happen.
Electrochemical reactions produce electrons. There are two ways a battery
can be arranged. The arrangements are the serial arrangement and the parallel
- The lower the resistance, the less restriction the battery encounters in
delivering the needed power spikes (batteries). The first hypothesis was that Duracell would produce electrical output the
longest. The results indicate that first hypothesis should be rejected because
- Alkaline batteries provide charge longer than nickel cadmium batteries and Duracell discharged the third longest, while Eveready discharged the
nickel-metal hydride batteries are like nickel cadmium batteries, and Rayovac longest. The second hypothesis was that disposable batteries would lasts
and Eveready are nickel-metal hydride batteries. Alkaline batteries last longer longer than rechargeable batteries would. The results indicate that second
than carbon-zinc cells and Energizer has carbon in it so that leads us to hypothesis should also be rejected. I thought disposable batteries would
believe that Duracell will lasts longer than Energizer and any other battery discharge longer than rechargeable batteries, but the rechargeable batteries
lasted longer. Because of the results of this experiment, we wonder if the
MATERIALS temperature would affect the battery’s output. We also wonder if the
voltage of the light bulbs (load) would affect the burn time of the battery.
Energizer batteries, Duracell coppertop batteries, Rayovac batteries, Eveready
Our findings should be useful to consumers around the world because now
batteries, wires (60 cm long), light bulbs, alligator clips, light bulb bases ,
they know which brand of AA battery would last the longest. The last
battery holder, single battery clock, soldering gun, solder, masking tape to act
things we do are using more battery brands of each type of battery and use
as labels.
higher voltage light bulbs.
1. Which battery lasts longer?
Siti Nurul Aina Binti Razali
10 March 2015
Dr. Mahizah