Philosophical Approaches To The Study of Man: Ancient Period Medieval Period Modern Period Contemporary Period
Philosophical Approaches To The Study of Man: Ancient Period Medieval Period Modern Period Contemporary Period
Philosophical Approaches To The Study of Man: Ancient Period Medieval Period Modern Period Contemporary Period
Thinkers such as Thales, Philosophers were concerned with Thinkers were departing from Advancement of science and technology
Anaximander, Pythagoras argued on establishing respectable philosophical dogmatism and emphasizing shifted the paradigm of explaining Human
fundamental principle or elements which foundation for theological positions observation, human experience at phenomenon into a more empirical means.
comprises the cosmos (universe)as well from Greek Platonic and Aristotelian the starting point of reality and Educated guesses and assumptions, were
as its origins or characteristics, while philosophy Iconic Religious figures societal reform. Kierkegaard, replaced with laboratory-based scrutiny and
Sophists (Socrates, Plato) argued the such as St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Descartes and Nietzsche argued testing through precise observation and
relativism in knowledge through the Agustin of Hippo argued the for the significance of human measurement. Example is the Advances of
dialectic argument through human existence for God and the nature of thought and reason as brain imaging technology enabled us to
reason. his will through scripture and doctrine existentialism and study thought processes
phenomenology emerged
Who or what are we: Who or what are we: Who or what are we: Who or what are we:
Humans are made of elements from the According to religious scriptures; “God Humans are the starting point of An understanding of the human being lies
universe, hence we are inherently part of created man in his own imaged and meaning – reality that exists outside within the complex dynamic of a of
it, thus our essence as humans follows likeness” - our essence as humans, of the human mind is meaningless, interacting factors from biological to social
the same natural order as that of the are rooted in God and our action until humans ascribe meaning to it. dimensions which measurable and
universe. We are bound to the principles governed by God’s will. Humans are The nature of the human self is not observable and can be scrutinized through
of the universe/cosmos, yet capable or above all creation inherent with meaning until the the scientific method with considerations of
reason and awareness of existence individual gives it meaning variation of demographic differences culture
and gender
The “Avocado View” The “Artichoke View”
Humans have an Essence (core) An enduring, stable self is seen as existing at the Humans have no inherent essence (core), but rather exist to find one.
core of a person (Essentialism) Humans are born with an inherent Essence (a Existentialism or the self-created self- asserts that a person comes into being as a
component of something, without which it cannot exist or becomes another thing) bare existence and exists without a fixed essence: by choosing and standing
– Human nature is predetermined through a rational element accountable for our choices, we can create a “self”