TheMitoticCellCycle PDF
TheMitoticCellCycle PDF
TheMitoticCellCycle PDF
P roliferating cells go through a regular cycle of events, the mitotic cell cy cle, in
wh ich the genetic material is duplicated and divided equally between two
daughter cells. This is brought about by the duplication of each chromosome to
form two closely adjacent sister chromatids, which separate from each other to
become two daughter chromosomes . These, along with the other chromosomes of
each set, are then packaged into two genetically identical daughter /luclei. The mo-
lecular mechan isms underlying the cell cycle are highly conserved in all organ-
isms with a nucleus (eukaryotes) . Many of the gene s and proteins involved in the
human cell cycle have been identified becau se of the ir high degree of nucleotide
and amino acid sequence similarity to homologous gene s and proteins in the
more easily studied budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which the cell cycle
is more fully understood.
O. J. Miller et al., Human Chromosomes
© Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 2001
'2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
cyclin D/CDK4 or 6
cyclin B/CDK1
cyclin E/CDK2
cyclin AlCDK1 s a
cyclin AlCDK2
Figure '2.1 . The cell cycle involves sequential activation of cyclin -dependent
kinases (CDKs) by binding to cyclins . Cycl in D activates CDKs 4 and 6. The cycle
can be blocked at Gland G2 DNA damage checkpoints (a and b) or at a spindle
assembly checkpoint (c).
The Cell Cycle: Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis
------ R
Figure 2 .2. C hanges in gene expression levels during th e cell cycle . FOS, JUN, and
MYC are imme diate early respo nse genes whose expression is triggered by extracel -
lular stimuli. T he ensuing sequential expression of cyclins D 1, E, A, and B drives the
cell cycle (Roussel, 1998, with permission, Academic Press).
Table 2.1 . Major Cell Cycle Regulatory Proteins and the Genes That
Encode Them
Activato rs Inhibitors
Protein/gene Locat ion * Protein Gene Location
Cyclin A 4q26-q27 RBI RBi 13q13
Cyclin Bi Sql3-qter HDACI HDACi
Cyclin D1 l1q13 pS3 TP53 17p13
Cyclin D2 I2p13
Cyclin D3 6p21 C en eral Cyclin/CDK inhibitors
Cyclin E 19q12-q13 p21 CIPdWAFi 6p21 .2
CDK1 /CDC2 10q21 p27 KIPi 12p l2 -p 13
CDK2 12q1 3 pS7 KIP2 l1plS.St
CDK4 12q13
CDK6 7pl3--cen Sp ecific Cyclin/CDK4 and 6 inhi bitors
CDC2SA 3p21 pIS INK4B 9p21 -p22
p16, p19 INK4A 9p21-p22
p18 INK4 lp32
:2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle Progression: Cyclins and Cyclm-Dependent Kinases
Figure 2 .3. Signal transduction pathway from extracellular mitogen to the release
of active E2F transcription factor. This step can be blocked by the inhibitory protein
p16 , a product of the INK4A gene (Roussel, 1998, with permission , Academic Press).
jaulin et aI., 1998) . Other protein complexes with HDACI are involved in the
tissue-specific repression of genes (Chapter 5) , in X inactivation (Chapter 18),
and in imprinting (Chapter 21) .
E2F site
Figure 2.4. Model of repression of the transcription factor E2Fl in its E2F1IDPl
complex. RB binds to E2F and recruits HDAC 1 to E2F sites in promoters. This allows
HDAC 1 to deacetylate a target protein (X) locally, blocking transcription
(Magnagni-jaulin et aI., 1998, reprinted with permission from Nature, copyright
1998, Macmillan Magazines Limited) .
:2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
When activated CDK4 and CDK6 phosphorylate RB, it releases E2F, which
then activates the synthesis of genes required for cell proliferation. One of these,
cyclin E, activates CDK2 kinase, leading to phosphorylation of still more pro -
teins and the initiation of the DNA synthetic (5) phase . DNA replication is so
important and has so many applications in cytogenetics that it is discussed more
fully in Chapter 3. Progression from 5 to G2 is marked by phosphorylation of
cyclin E, marking it for destruction by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. The same
fate is met by other short-lived regulatory proteins, including E2A, p53 , topoi-
somerase II, and the other cyclins in activated cyclin/CDK complexes, at the
appropriate times (Murray, 1995). This ensures that DNA is replicated only once
during each cell cycle .
Entry into mitosis (the G2/M transition) is mediated by the activation of a
cyclin-dependent kinase, the cyclin B/CDK 1 complex, which is also known as
maturation factor or mitosis promoting factor (MPF). MPF was discovered when
fusion of cells from different phases of the cell cycle revealed that cells in mitosis
contain a factor (MPF) that can drive interphase cells into mitosis , producing
premature chromosome condensation, or PCC (Fig. 23.3) . G 1 cells display long single
chromosome fibers, G2 cells (in which the DNA strands have replicated) have
long paired chromatids, and 5-phase cells have fragmented chromosomes. MPF
is activated by removal of phosphate groups by a phosphatase, CDC25, which
appears in late S and peaks in G2 . Microinjection of antibodies to CDC25 blocks
the cell's entry into mitosis (Lammer et al., 1998).
The activated kinase, cyclin B/CDK I, as MPF is now called, is a component of
mitotic chromatin that phosphorylates many proteins and thus triggers several
independent mitotic processes : breakdown of the nuclear envelope, chromosome
condensation, and spindle assembly. Phosphorylation of nuclear lamins leads to
disassembly of the nuclear envelope (Gerace and Blobel, 1980); phosphorylation
of histones HI and H3 leads to chromosome condensation; and phosphorylation
of stathmin, also called oncoprotein 18, leads to spindle assembly (Marklund
et al., 1996). At the metaphase-anaphase transition , an evolutionarily highly
conserved multi-protein complex called ubiquitin -protein ligase, or simply the
anaphase-promoting complex (APC) , catalyzes the conjugation of cyclin Band
related regulatory proteins to ubiquitin, targeting them for proteolysis (King et
al., 1995). In the absence of activated cyclin-dependent kinases to keep it phos -
phorylated, the RB protein loses its extra phosphate groups and again binds E2F,
inactivating it and completing the cycle . Table 2.1 lists key cell cycle regulatory
proteins and their gene loci. Many of these have been mapped by fluorescence in
situ hybridization (Chapter 8; Demetrick, 1995). Mutation, disruption , and dele -
tion of these genes playa major role in carcinogenesis (Chapters 26-28) .
Cell Cycle Checkpoints
DNA damage
ATM (activated kinase)
p53 (activated)
GADD45 (activated)
Figure 2 .5. A signaling pathway by which DNA damage activates a cell cycle
checkpoint and blocks DNA replication .
:2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
In interphase nuclei , chromosomes are invisible except for occasional clumps of
chromatin, called chromocenters, which vary in size and shape. One or more
nucleoli are usually visible . At prophase, the chromosomes become visible as
long thin threads that gradually shorten and thicken (co nde nse) as mitosis pro-
gresses (Fig. 2.6 ). Chromosome condensat ion at the onset of prophase requires
topoisomerase II (T a pa II), as sho wn by immunodepletion and complementa-
tion studies. Tapa II (scaffold protein 1, or SCI ) is the most abundant com-
ponent of the chromosome scaffo ld (C hapter 5). It reaches its peak level and
activity at the G2 /M transition. It binds to DNA at AT-rich sites called scaffold
attachment regions (SARs) and appears to aggregate these, aiding in chromosome
condensation (Adach i et al., 199 I) . As its name implies, TOPO II also intro-
duces transient double-strand nicks that permit separatio n of the intertwined
newly replicated DNA of sister chromatids. The seco nd mo st abundant chro-
mosome scaffold prote in, SCII , is also invo lved in chromosome condensation .
It belongs to the h ighly conserved SMC (stab ility of minichromosomes)
family of proteins found in all eukaryotes. Their structure resembles that of
mechanochemical (mo to r) proteins like myosin and kinesin , suggesting that
chromosome condensation involves a motor function to bring chromosome
regions more tightly together (Kos h land and Strunnikov, 1996).
During mitosis, RNA synthesis is completely shut down, as first shown autora-
diographically in the 1960s by the absence of incorporation of radioactively
labeled [3H]uridine, which is a specific precursor of RNA. The mechanism of
shutdown involves displacement of all the sequence-specific transcription factors
from the promoter seque nces of the genes, perhaps due in part to the action of
the SMC protein complex, which can bring about renaturation of any single
stranded regions in DNA (Sutani and Yanaguta, 1997). The SMC complex is
also associated with the deacetylation and phosphorylation of the core histones
that accompany chromosome condensation (Chapter 5). Nucleoli diminish in
size as a result of the near cessation of ribosomal RNA synthesis, which is absent
from prometaphase to late anaphase (C hapter 4).
Chromosome Reproduction
f Doubling of the DNA Content
:2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
Prometaphase, Centrosomes,
and the Mitotic Spindle
Prometaphase is associated with the breakdown of the nuclear membrane and the
disappearance of nucleoli. The chromosomes continue their condensation, and
a new structure, the mitotic spindle, is organized between the two centrosomes.
The centrosome is the major microtubule organizing center (MTOC) in both inter-
phase and mitotic cells. It consists of the highly structured centriole and its sur-
rounding proteinaceous matrix, and contains specific proteins such as y-tubulin
and centrosomins A and B (Petzelt et aI., 1997). The y-tubulin anchors the minus
(slow-growing) end of microtubules to the pericentriolar material of the centro-
some . The plus (fast-growing) end of each microtubule projects into the cyto-
plasm during interphase and into the spindle during mitosis (Zheng et al., 1995).
The centrosome duplicates itself once per cell cycle, starting at the G t/S tran-
sition . Cyclin E/CDK2 is essential for centrosome duplication in S, ensuring
proper coordination of spindle assembly with other events of the cell cycle (Fig.
2.1 i Hinchcliffe et al., 1999). At the G2/M tran sition (prophase), the duplicated
centrosomes separate and go to opposite poles of the nucleus . A kinesin -related
motor protein, Eg5, is essential for this process, as microinjection of antibodies
to Eg5 arrests cells in mitosis with a monopolar spindle. To act as a motor
protein, Eg5 must first be phosphorylated by the cyclin-dependent kinase
CDK 1i this coordinates its activity with other events at the G2/M transition
(Blangy et al., 1995). The separated centrosomes reorganize the microtubules of
the cell by the coordinated dissolution of all the cytoplasmic microtubular appa -
ratus and assembly of the mitotic spindle, with one centrosome at each pole. A
complex of the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) and the cytoplasmic
motor protein , dynein, is essential for assembly of the spindle. NuMA tethers
bundles of microtubules and anchors them to the spindle poles . At telophase,
NuMA is released from each pole as part of the dissolution of the spindle
(Merdes et aI., 1996).
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase
special structure, the kinetochore (Chapter 4), which forms at the centromere of
each chromatid and attaches it to the mitotic spindle. The kinetochore protein
CENP-E belongs to the kinesin family of motor proteins. After phosphorylation
by activated CDK 1, it participates in the chromosome movements at metaphase
and early anaphase (Liao et ai, 1994). CENP-E and other motor proteins of the
spindle fibers pull the kinetochores to a plane, called the metaphase plate, that is
midway between the two poles of the spindle. The chromosomes reach their
maximum condensation, to ,OOO-fold shorter than the DNA molecule itself, as
anaphase begins .
The onset of anaphase is controlled by a specific mitotic spindle assembly check-
point (Chapter 26) that monitors kinetochore attachment to the spindle and is
mediated by an inhibitory signal produced by kinetochores that have not yet
captured the necessary spindle microtubules (Wells, 1996). Apparently, it is the
tension produced at the kinetochore by the bipolar attachment of spindle fibers
that is monitored (Nicklas, 1997). The proteins required for proper checkpoint
function and the genes that encode them are highly conserved during evolution.
Mutations that enable cells to proceed through mitosis despite depolymeriza-
tion of the spindle by nocodazole or benzimidazole have recently defined three
MAD (mitosis arrest deficient) and three BUB (budding uninhibited by benz-
imidazole) spindle assembly checkpoint genes in budding yeast, and several of
their human homologs have already been identified. One of them , MAD2, forms
a complex with APC and the mitotic regulator CDC20 to block the activation
of APC (Fang et al., 1998). Another, BUB 1, may be the tension-sensitive kinase
that provides the signal for anaphase to begin .
Once the spindle is assembled and attachment of each chromosome to spindle
fibers from both poles is completed, producing tension, the transition from
metaphase to anaphase occurs . The process is still very poorly understood. Two
cell division cycle (C DC ) proteins that co-localize to the spindle, CDC16 and
CDC27, are required. When antibodies to human CDC27 are injected into
HeLa (human cervical cancer) cells, the transition from metaphase to anaphase
is blocked (Tugendreich et aI., 1995).
During anaphase, the kinetochores of sister chromatids separate and the
movement of motor proteins along the shortening spindle microtubules drags
the daughter chromosomes towards opposite poles of the elongating spindle
(Fig. 2.6). One motor protein, MKLP- 1 (mitotic kinesin-like protein- 1), associ-
ates specifically with the mitotic spindle. It bundles anti parallel microtubules and
moves them apart at about the same speed as spindle elongation, suggesting that
it provides the force for anaphase B, spindle elongation (Nislow et aI., 1992).
2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
Nondisjunction, Loss of
Chromosomes, and Mosaicism
The orderly segregation of daughter chromosomes in anaphase may fail for
various reasons, such as mutation of one of the many genes required for mitosis
or advancing maternal age, which has a profound effect of unknown cause. The
inclusion of both daughter chromosomes in the same nucleus , by whatever
mechanism, is called nondisjunction . In this process , one daughter cel1 receives an
extra copy of a chromosome, becoming trisomic for this chromosome, and the
other daughter cel1 loses a copy, becoming monosomic for this chromosome. One
or both daughter chromosomes may lag behind at anaphase and reach neither
pole . Such laggards form micronuclei in telophase. Micronuclei usual1y do not
Adachi Y, Luke M, Laemmli UK (1991) Chromosome assembly in vitro: topoi -
somerase II is required for condensation . Cell 64 :137-148
Bhat MA, Philip AV, Glover DM, et al. (1996) Chromatid segregation at
anaphase requires the barren product, a novel chromosome-associated
protein that interacts with topoisomerase II. Cell 89:1159-1163
:2 The Mitotic Cell Cycle
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point pathway utilizing p53 and GADD45 is defective in ataxia-
telangiectasia. Cell 71 :587- 597
King RW, Peters J-M , Tugendreich S, et al. (1995) A 20S complex containing
CDC27 and CDCI6 catalyzes the mitosis-specific conjugation of ubiq-
uitin to cyclin B. Cell 81 :279- 288
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88 :323-331
Merdes A, Remyar K, Vechio JD, et al. (1996) A complex of NuMA and cyto-
plasmic dynein is essential for mitotic spindle assembly. Cell 87 :447-458
Wells AD (1996) The spindle assembly checkpoint: aiming for a perfect mitosis,
every time . Trends Cell Bioi 6:228-234