Experiment 6
Experiment 6
Experiment 6
Speed measurement
Experiment (6)
6.1. Characteristic of a slotted Optoelectronic Transducer and its application for count and speed
6.2 Characteristic of reflective Optosensor.
6.3 Characteristic of the inductive Sensor
6.4 Characteristics of DC Permanent Magnet Tachogenerator.
Experiment Six
VR max 3V
VECO max 5V
Response Time 5s
Figure 1
Turn the power on and observe the output voltage in the jack of the slotted optoelectronic
transducer and also establish the state of the L.E.D.
(2) with the beam through the hole in the aluminum disk.
Note: You can rotate the shaft by hand using the disk that comes given with the effect device
The Timer/Counter in " count " and " free run".
The display should show zero, if not, press "reset".
Now rotate the shaft back and forth so that the hole in the aluminum disk goes by the slot of
the optoelectronic transducer.
Observe the counter display.
Dc motor voltage(v) count Speed(rpm)
(reading of conter*60)
Table 1
The combinations of the transducer and the counter allow that the speed is determined quickly.
Put the speed from the shaft to 1800 r.p.m. (30 rev/sec) and the position of the potentiometer
that is required to obtain it score.
Position of the potentiometer for a speed of 1800 r.p.m. = Has been easy to find the requested
Keep the connections of the motor power circuit to use them in the exercises of the remaining
transducers of speed.
Experiment Six
The figure shows the construction of a opt reflective transducer that consists on a
infrared L.E.D. and a phototransistor, like for the unit of the opt transistor slotted, but
in this type the components are placed in such a way that the beam is reflected
correctly if the reflective surface is located at a certain distance. A non reflective
surface breaks the beam.
Three separated units are given with The Trainer DL 2312HG, these are mounted on-
line vertically.
The reflective surface is a Gray code disk that is fixed at about 4mm, approximately,
of the transducers.
When the beam is not reflected, the output from the emitter of the phototransistor is
low and when the beam is reflected the output is high.
Three L.E.D. indicate when is reflected the beam of the respective unit of the
The output A it is the less significant bit (l.s.b) and the output C is the most significant
The Gray code is used for the coded disk more than for the normal binary because it
changes states only one digit at a time and this minimizes any error possibility in
identifying the actual position when it is in its segment limit.
The disposition in the disk of the Gray code and the respective outputs of the L.E.D are
shown in the figure below.
Experiment Six Position C B A
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 1
3 0 1 0
4 1 1 0
5 1 1 1
The black areas break the beam and produce a low output
from the associated transducer and the white areas reflect the 6 1 0 1
The figure above shows a linear Gray code disk, representing the superior segments
the l.s.b, and the inferior the m.s.b.
The accuracy of the position that comes with three devices and a code of 3 bit, is poor
but it can improve increasing the number of devices.
The basic disposition of the electric circuit for The Trainer DL 2312HG is like is shown
in the figure below
Experiment Six
Figure 2.
Experiment Six
Dc motor voltage(v) Speed (count/sec)
Sec1 Sec2 Sec3
Table (2)
Experiment Six
The figure shows the outline and the electric circuit of the device incorporated in the
unit of The Transducers Trainer.
It is just a permanent magnet and a coil that in fact work as a “generator “of alternating
When the iron disk (magnetic) pass above the magnet, the coil gives zero voltage and
when arrive to the slot, it generates a pulse due to variation of the magnetic flow.
Figure 3
Experiment Six
Dc motor voltage(v) Output voltage(DMM)(v)
Table 3
With the coils rotating, they generate an alternating e.m.f. and the switch transforms it
into DC.
The value of the e.m.f. generated is proportional to the rotation speed and the polarity
depends of-the rotation direction.
The electric circuit of the device is shown in the figure below.
The diodes are adapted to limit any voltage peak that can generate the commutation
(that is to say, conversion of C.A to C.C.) until a maximum of 12 V.
Experiment Six
Figure 4
Dc motor voltage(v) Output voltage(DMM)(v)
Table 4