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25 Best Kettlebell Workouts

1The Perfect Pair

•Double Handed Swing – 20 reps

•Push Ups – 10, 9, 8, 7 etc.

•Repeat – 10 times

A super simple workout that hits almost every muscle in the body using only
2 exercises. Perform 20 Double Handed Swings and then 10 Push Ups. Next
repeat the 20 Swings and 9 Push Ups. Continue alternating between the
Swings and Push Ups reducing the Push Ups by 1 rep each time. At the end
of the workout you will have completed 200 Swings and 55 Push Ups.

Completing the workout in under 10 minutes is excellent!

DOWNLOAD WORKOUTS: Instantly Get the 10 Best Kettlebell

Workouts for YOU
Watch the Double Handed Swing Tutorial below:

Object 1
2Take Five Kettlebell Circuit
•Double Handed Squats – 20 reps

•Snatch – 20 reps

•Reverse Lunge – 20 reps

•Push Up – 20 reps

•Double Handed Swing – 20 reps

•Repeat – 15, 10, 5 reps

A circuit based workout that uses 5 different exercises. Perform each

exercise for 20 reps each, Snatches and Lunges are 20 reps each side. Next
repeat the circuit for 15 reps, then 10 reps and finally 5 reps.

Watch the Snatch tutorial below:

Object 2

3Climb to Fitness with Bells

•Burpees – 30 secs / rest 30 secs
•Slow Mountain Climbers – 30 secs

•Alternating Swings – 30 secs

•Press Ups – 30 secs

•Double Handed Squats – 30 secs

•Sit & Press – 30 secs

•Double Handed Swings – 30 secs

•Fast Mountain Climbers – 30 secs

•Repeat – add another exercise each round

A movement ladder that adds a new exercise after each rest period. Start
with 30 seconds of Burpees, then rest for 30 seconds. Next perform 30
seconds of Burpees and then 30 seconds of Slow Mountain Climbers, then
rest for 30 seconds. Continue adding one exercise each circuit until you end
up completing all 8 exercises without resting.

If you are feeling brave you can then come back down the ladder by
removing an exercise every round. Climbing both up and back down the
ladder is very challenging!

Watch the Sit & Press below:

Object 3

4The Kettlebell Test

•Snatch – 3 mins

•Push Ups – 3 mins

•Double Handed Squats – 3 mins

•Slow Mountain Climbers – 3 mins

•Double Lunge – 3 mins

•Rest 60 seconds after each exercise

Use this test to monitor your progress. You can test yourself every month
and see how your strength and fitness is improving.

Perform each exercise for 3 minutes, record your total number of reps while
resting for 1 minute between exercises. For the Snatches and Lunges switch
sides every 10 reps.
DOWNLOAD WORKOUTS: Instantly Get the 10 Best Kettlebell
Workouts for YOU
55 Step Kettlebell Ladder
•One Handed Swing – 5 reps each

•High Pulls – 5 reps each

•Snatch – 5 reps each

•Windmill – 5 reps each

•Repeat – adding 1 more exercise below each round

•Clean & Press – 5 reps each

•Double Lunge – 5 reps each

•Squat & Press – 5 reps each

A fun kettlebell circuit that adds a new exercise every round. Start with the
first 4 exercises for 5 reps each side. Next rest for 1 minute and repeat the
exercises adding the next exercise on the list after the Snatch. Make sure
that you always finish with the Windmill. Continue adding a new exercise
each round until you finish all 7 exercises, finishing with the Windmill.

6Kettlebell Super Sized

•Clean & Press – 10 reps each

•Double Lunge – 10 reps each

•Single Leg Deadlift – 10 reps each

•Squat Racked – 10 reps each

•Windmill – 10 reps each

•Burpees – 20 reps

•Fast Mountain Climbers – 20 reps

•Jump Squats – 20 reps

•Double Handed Swings – 20 reps

•High Pulls – 20 reps each

A double circuit that will work both your strength first and then your cardio.
Perform the first block for 10 reps each side. Next perform the second block
for 20 reps each side. Work up to 3 complete circuits.

Watch the Windmill below:

Object 4

7Kettlebell Super Sized V.2

•Windmill – 10 reps each

•Double Lunge – 10 reps each

•Snatch – 10 reps each

•Squat & Press – 10 reps each

•T – Push Ups – 10 reps each

•Double Handed Swings – 20 reps

•No Kettlebell Squats – 20 reps

•High Pulls – 20 reps each

•Bob & Weave – 20 reps

•Alternating Reverse Lunges (no bell) – 20 reps

The same workout format as the one above except with different exercises.
Start with 1 circuit and try to work up to 3 circuits if possible.

8A Pressing Minute and Bells

•Swing – 60 secs each

•Double Lunge – 60 secs each

•High Pulls – 60 secs each

•Squat & Press – 60 secs each

•Snatch – 60 secs each

•Sit & Press – 60 secs

•Rest 60 seconds between exercises + 10 Push Ups

A motivational workout because you only perform each exercise once. Set
you timer to beep every 60 seconds. Start with 60 seconds of Swings on both
sides and then perform 10 Push Ups during the 3rd minute, rest for the
remainder of that minute.

Continue performing each exercise and adding 10 Push Ups into the rest
periods. The quicker you can perform the Push Ups the more rest you will
have remaining! If you find this too demanding then leave out the Push Ups.

91 Minute Kettlebell Intervals

•One Handed Swing – 60 secs each

•Reverse Lunge Overhead – 60 secs each

•Clean – 60 secs each

•Squat & Press – 60 secs each

•Snatch – 60 secs each

•Clean, Squat & Press – 60 secs each

•Rest 60 seconds between exercises

The same format as the workout above except with different exercises and
no Push Ups during the rest period.

101 Minute Kettlebell Circuits

•Double Handed Squat – 60 secs

•Slow Mountain Climbers – 60 secs

•Alternating Swing – 60 secs

•Press Ups – 60 secs

•Jumping Lunges – 60 secs

•Dirty Dogs – 60 secs

•Bob & Weave – 60 secs

•High Pulls – 60 secs each

•Double Lunge – 60 secs each

•Squat & Press – 60 secs each

•Rest 15 seconds after each exercise

I nice big circuit that uses both kettlebell and bodyweight exercises. Perform
each exercise for 60 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds before moving
onto the next.

DOWNLOAD WORKOUTS: Instantly Get the 10 Best Kettlebell

Workouts for YOU
Watch the Dirty Dogs exercise below:

Object 5
11A Burping Kettlebell Minute
•Swing – 60 secs each

•Reverse Lunge – 60 secs each

•Squat & Press – 60 secs each

•Clean – 60 secs each

•Press Ups – 60 secs

•Sit & Press – 60 secs

•Rest 60 seconds between exercises + 10 Burpees

A similar format to workout #9 except for this workout you add 10 Burpees
into your rest period. Great for your cardio this one!

12300 Classic Kettlebell Challenge

•One Handed Swing – 50 reps each

•Snatch – 25 reps each

•Clean & Press – 25 reps each

•Reverse Lunge – 25 reps each

•Squat & Press – 25 reps each

My classic kettlebell challenge. Perform each exercise for the prescribed

number of reps for a total of 300 reps. You will find it easier to perform each
exercise in blocks of 5 or 10 before changing sides.

Your target is under 15 minutes for the full 300 reps.

13300 Kettlebell Challenge V.2.
•Snatch – 25 reps each

•Squat & Press – 25 reps each

•High Pulls – 25 reps each

•Bob & Weave – 50 reps

•One Handed Swing – 50 reps each

A slight twist on my Classic challenge above. Use the same format as the
Classic and perform the 300 reps as quickly as possible.

Watch the Bob & Weave below:

Object 6

142 x 7 minutes Kettlebell Circuits

•Double Lunge – 5 reps each

•Squat & Press – 5 reps each

•Snatch – 5 reps each

•Double Handed Swings – 20 reps

•Burpees – 10 reps

•Fast Mountain Climbers – 20 reps

•Perform each circuit for 7 minutes

Two separate circuits that are performed one after the other with 60
seconds of rest between them. Perform each of the 3 exercise circuits for 7

152 x 7 minutes V.2 Kettlebell Circuits

•Single Leg Deadlift – 5 reps each

•Side Lunge – 5 reps each

•T – Push Up – 5 reps each

•Double Handed Swings – 20 reps

•No Kettlebell Reverse Lunges – 20 reps

•No Kettlebell Squats – 20 reps

•Perform each circuit for 7 minutes

The same format as the workout described above. The first circuit is more
for strength and the second if for improving your cardio.

Watch the Side Lunge below:

Object 7

162 x 7 minutes V.3 Kettlebell Circuits

•Clean, Squat & Press – 5 reps each

•Double Lunge – 5 reps each

•T – Push Ups – 5 reps each

•Burpees – 10 reps

•Jumping Lunges – 20 reps

•Double Handed Swings – 20 reps

•Perform each circuit for 7 minutes

Another pair of 7 minute circuits that follow the same format as above.

1710 and Walk Kettlebell Workout

•One Handed Swing – 10 reps each x 2

•High Pulls – 10 reps each x 2

•Snatch – 10 reps each x 2

•Clean, Squat & Press – 10 reps each x 2

•Walking Lunge – 10 reps between each exercise

A fun workout to perform either outside or in a large room. Start with the
One Handed Swings for 10 reps on each side. Next perform the walking
Lunge for 10 steps. Repeat the One Handed Swing again for 10 reps each
side, and also the Walking Lunges again. Next move onto the next exercise
and repeat with the Walking Lunges after every exercise.

Watch the Clean, Squat & Press below:

Object 8

1830 Second Kettlebell Supersets

•One Handed Swing – 30 secs each

•Squat & Press – 30 secs each

•High Pulls – 30 secs each

•Double Lunges – 30 secs each

•Perform each pair 3 times

Quick and simple workout that is performed in pairs of exercises. Start with
30 seconds of Swings on each side followed by 30 seconds of Squat &
Presses on each side. Rest 30 seconds and repeat the pairing again. Rest 30
seconds and repeat for a final time. Rest 30 seconds and move onto the next
pairing. Continue in this manner for the 2nd pair of exercises.

DOWNLOAD WORKOUTS: Instantly Get the 10 Best Kettlebell

Workouts for YOU
19Double Trouble (2 Kettlebells Required)
•Double Squat – 1 min

•Press Ups – 1 min

•Burpees – 1 min

•Reverse Lunge – 1 min

•Clean & Press – 1 min

•No Kettlebell Bob & Weave – 1 min

•Perform each pair 3 times

Using two kettlebells perform each pairing 3 times, rest for 1 minute after
each round. Great for building up strength and also improving your cardio.

See My Top 5 Double Kettlebell Exercises here

2050/10 Kettlebell Workout

•Snatch – 50 secs each
•Burpee – 50 secs

•Clean & Press – 50 secs each

•Jump Squats – 50 secs

•Windmill – 50 secs each

•Lunge & Hop – 50 secs each

•Press Ups – 50 secs

•High Pulls – 50 secs each

•Squat & Hold – 50 secs

•Slow Mountain Climbers – 50 secs

•Swings – 50 secs each

•Sit & Press – 50 secs each

•Rest 10 secs between exercises

A big circuit that uses lots of fun kettlebell and bodyweight exercises.
Perform each exercise for 50 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Some
exercise are 50 seconds on each side with a rest in between. Tough but you
only have to perform each exercise once.

21Beat the Cards Kettlebell Challenge

•Hearts – Press Ups

•Spades – Reverse Lunge

•Clubs – Slow Mountain Climbers

•Diamonds – Squat & Press

•Jack – High Pulls x 10 each

•Queen – Snatch x 10 each

•King – One Handed Swings x 10 each

•Ace – Reverse Turkish Get Up x 1 each

•Joker (optional) – 1 Minute Rest

A fun way to randomize your workout and keep them interesting. Remove
all the numbered cards from 2-5. Next shuffle the deck and turn over the
top card. Depending on the number and suit you will perform that exercise
for a certain amount of reps. Work your way through the full deck of cards
as quickly as possible.

223 x Classic Kettlebell Circuits

•One Handed Swing – 30 secs each

•Clean & Press – 30 secs each

•Side Lunge – 30 secs each

•Clean & Squat – 30 secs each

•Alternating Swing – 30 secs each

•Double Lunge – 30 secs each

•Squat & Press – 30 secs each

•Windmill – 30 secs each

•Double Handed Swing – 60 secs

•Clean, Squat & Press – 30 secs each

•High Pulls – 30 secs each

•Overhead Forward Lunge – 30 secs each

•Rest 60 secs between circuits

3 Classic circuits that should really flow from one exercise to the next
without you putting the kettlebell down. Rest 1 minute between each circuit.

23Big Circuit Kettlebell Workout

•Snatch – 60 secs each

•Burpee – 60 secs

•Push Ups – 60 secs

•Alternating Swing – 60 secs

•Squat Thrusts – 60 secs

•Overhead Press – 60 secs each

•Rest 1-2 mins repeat max 3 times

One large circuit based workout that requires 60 seconds for each exercise
or per side depending on the movement. Rest only at the end of the circuit
and then repeat for a maximum of 3 complete circuits.

24Tabata Time Kettlebell Workout

•Push Ups – 20 secs
•Alternating Swing – 20 secs

•Fast Mountain Climbers – 20 secs

•High Pulls – 20 secs

•Snatch – 20 secs

•Jumping Lunge – 20 secs

•Rest 10 secs after each exercise

•Repeat each pair 8 times

Nice and simple but effective Tabata style workout. Perform each pairing for
20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest. Repeat each pairing 8 times.
Then rest 60 seconds and move onto the next pair.

2510 then 5 Kettlebell Workout

•One Handed Swing – 10 reps each

•High Pulls – 10 reps each

•Snatch – 10 reps each

•Rest 60 secs

•Squat & Press – 10 reps each

•Alternating Swing – 10 reps each

•Clean & Press – 10 reps each

•Rest 60 secs
•Side Lunge – 10 reps each

•Double Handed Swing – 20 reps

•Reverse Lunge & Press – 10 reps each

•Rest 60 secs

•Repeat for 5 reps each side with no rests

Great workout that always keeps you interested. Run through all the
exercises for 10 reps each side resting where indicated. Then repeat all the
exercises again but for 5 reps each side but without any rest in between

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