Gaseous Exchange.. REspiration

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Gaseous Exchange

Asad Khan
Lecturer CMT-BKMC
Physical Principles of Gas Exchange
• After the alveoli are ventilated with fresh air,
the next step in the respiratory process is
diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the
pulmonary blood and diffusion of carbon
dioxide in the opposite direction, out of the
Net Diffusion of a Gas in One Direction—Effect
of a Concentration Gradient

• If a gas chamber or a solution has a high

concentration of a particular gas at one end of
the chamber and a low concentration at the
other end, net diffusion of the gas will occur
from the high-concentration area toward the
low-concentration area
Gas Pressures in a Mixture of Gases—“Partial
Pressures” of Individual Gases

• Pressure is caused by multiple impacts of moving

molecules against a surface

• In respiratory physiology, one deals with mixtures of

gases, mainly of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

• The rate of diffusion of each of these gases is directly

proportional to the pressure caused by that gas
alone, which is called the partial pressure of that gas
• Consider air, which has an approximate
composition of 78 percent nitrogen, 21
percent oxygen and 1% other gases. The total
pressure of this mixture at sea level averages
760 mm Hg

• Thus, the “partial pressure” of nitrogen in the

mixture is 600 mm Hg, and the “partial
pressure” of oxygen is 160 mm Hg; the total
pressure is 760 mm Hg, the sum of the
individual partial pressures
Gaseous Exchange Process
• Diffusion of Gases Between the Gas Phase in
the Alveoli and the Dissolved Phase in the
Pulmonary Blood

• But in which direction will net diffusion of the

gas occur? See next slide for answer
• The answer is that “net diffusion is determined by
the difference between the two partial

• If the partial pressure is greater in the alveoli, as

is normally true for oxygen, then more molecules
will diffuse into the blood

• Alternatively, if the partial pressure of the gas is

greater in the blood, which is normally true for
carbon dioxide, then net diffusion will occur
toward the gas phase in the alveoli
Vapor Pressure of Water (PH O):

• When nonhumidified air is breathed into the

respiratory passageways, water immediately
evaporates from the surfaces of these passages
and humidifies the air

• This results from the fact that water molecules,

like the different dissolved gas molecules, are
continually escaping from the water surface into
the gas phase
• The partial pressure that the water molecules
exert to escape through the surface is called
the vapor pressure of the water

• At normal body temperature, 37°C, this vapor

pressure is 47 mm Hg

• The vapor pressure of water depends entirely

on the temperature of the water
Quantifying the Net Rate of Diffusion in Fluids

Diffusion of Gases Through Fluids—Pressure

Difference Causes Net Diffusion

• Net diffusion of molecules occur from the high

pressure area toward the low-pressure area
Factors that affect the rate of gas diffusion in a

1. Pressure difference
2. The solubility of the gas in the fluid
3. The cross-sectional area of the fluid
4. The distance through which the gas must
5. The molecular weight of the gas
6. The temperature of the fluid.
Diffusion of Gases Through Tissues

• The gases that are of respiratory importance are

all highly soluble in lipids and, consequently, are
highly soluble in cell membranes

• CO2 is 20 times more soluble than oxygen due to

increase solubility of co2

• Diffusion of gases through the tissues, including

through the respiratory membrane, is almost
equal to the diffusion of gases in water,
Compositions of Alveolar Air and Atmospheric Air Are
Humidification of the Air in the Respiratory Passages

• As soon as the atmospheric air enters the

respiratory passages, it is exposed to the fluids
that cover the respiratory surfaces

• Even before the air enters the alveoli, it

becomes totally humidified

• This water vapor simply dilutes all the other

gases in the inspired air
Humidification of the Air in the Respiratory Passages
continue …….

• Humidification of the air dilutes the oxygen

partial pressure at sea level from an average
of 159 mm Hg in atmospheric air to 149
mmHg in the humidified air, and it dilutes the
nitrogen partial pressure from 597 to 563 mm
Oxygen Concentration and Partial
Pressure in the Alveoli
Oxygen is continually being absorbed from the
alveoli into the blood of the lungs, and new
oxygen is continually being breathed into the
alveoli from the atmosphere

• oxygen absorption occurs at a rate of 250

• Therefore, oxygen concentration in the alveoli,
as well as its partial pressure, is controlled by:
1. The rate of absorption of oxygen into the
blood (The more rapidly oxygen is absorbed,
the lower its concentration in the alveoli

2. The rate of entry of new oxygen into the

lungs by the ventilatory process

• The normal value of alveolar Po2 is 104 mm

CO2 Concentration and Partial Pressure
in the Alveoli

Carbon dioxide is continually being formed in

the body and then carried in the blood to the
alveoli; it is continually being removed from the
alveoli by ventilation

• Normal rate of carbon dioxide excretion is 200


• Alveolar Pco2 is 40 mmHg

• Expired Air = Combination of Dead Space Air and Alveolar Air
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory

Respiratory Unit:
• Which is composed of a respiratory bronchiole,
alveolar ducts and alveoli

• There are about 300 million alveoli in the two


• Each alveolus has an average diameter of about

0.2 millimeter
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory
• The alveolar walls are extremely thin, and
between the alveoli is an almost solid network of
interconnecting capillaries

• The alveolar gases are in very close proximity to

the blood of the pulmonary capillaries

• Gas exchange between the alveolar air and the

pulmonary blood occurs through respiratory
membrane (pulmonary membrane)
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory
Respiratory Membrane:
• Following different layers of the respiratory membrane:
1. A layer of fluid lining the alveolus and containing
surfactant that reduces the surface tension of the alveolar
2. The alveolar epithelium composed of thin epithelial cells
3. An epithelial basement membrane
4. A thin interstitial space between the alveolar epithelium
and the capillary membrane
5. A capillary basement membrane that in many places
fuses with the alveolar epithelial basement membrane
6. The capillary endothelial membrane
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory
• The overall thickness of the respiratory membrane in
some areas is as little as 0.2 micrometer, and it
averages about 0.6 micrometer

• It has been estimated that the total surface area of the

respiratory membrane is about 70 square meters in the
normal adult human male

• The total quantity of blood in the capillaries of the

lungs at any given instant is 60 to 140 milliliters
Diffusion of Gases Through the Respiratory
• The average diameter of the pulmonary
capillaries is only about 5 micrometers, which
means that red blood cells must squeeze
through them

• This, too, increases the rapidity of diffusion

Factors That Affect the Rate of Gas Diffusion
Through the Respiratory Membrane

 the factors that determine how rapidly a gas

will pass through the membrane are:
1. The thickness of the membrane
2. The surface area of the membrane
3. The diffusion coefficient of the gas in the
substance of the membrane
4. The partial pressure difference of the gas
between the two sides of the membrane
Diffusing Capacity of the Respiratory Membrane

• The ability of the respiratory membrane to

exchange a gas between the alveoli and the
pulmonary blood is expressed in quantitative
terms by the respiratory membrane’s
diffusing capacity

• It is defined as “the volume of a gas that will

diffuse through the membrane each minute
for a partial pressure difference of 1 mm Hg”
Diffusing Capacity for Oxygen
• In the average young man, the diffusing capacity for oxygen
under resting conditions averages 21 ml/min/mm Hg

• The mean oxygen pressure difference across the respiratory

membrane during normal, quiet breathing is about 11 mm

• Multiplication of this pressure by the diffusing capacity (11

× 21) gives a total of about 230 milliliters of oxygen
diffusing through the respiratory membrane each minute;
this is equal to the rate at which the resting body uses
Increased Oxygen Diffusing Capacity During Exercise.
• During strenuous exercise or other conditions that greatly
increase pulmonary blood flow and alveolar ventilation, the
diffusing capacity for oxygen increases in young men to a
maximum of about 65 ml/min/mm Hg, which is three times
the diffusing capacity under resting conditions:

• Tow factors:

1. Extra dilation of already open capillaries, thereby

increasing the surface area of the blood into which the
oxygen can diffuse

2. A better ventilation-perfusion ratio

Diffusing Capacity for Carbon Dioxide

• The diffusing capacity for carbon dioxide has

never been measured because of the following
technical difficulty: Reason??

 Carbon dioxide diffuses through the respiratory

membrane so rapidly that the average Pco2 in the
pulmonary blood is not far different from the
Pco2 in the alveoli—the average difference is less
than 1 mm Hg—and with the available
techniques, this difference is too small to be
Diffusing Capacity for Carbon Dioxide

• But the diffusion coefficient of carbon dioxide

is 20 times more than that of oxygen, one
would expect a diffusing capacity for carbon
dioxide under resting conditions of about 400
to 450 ml/min/mm Hg and during exercise of
about 1200 to 1300 ml/min/mm Hg
Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio
• The ventilation/perfusion ratio is a ratio used
to assess the efficiency and adequacy of the
matching of two variables:

• Ventilation (VA )– the air that reaches the


• Perfusion (Q)– the blood that reaches the

alveoli via the capillaries
Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio
• In quantitative terms, the ventilation
perfusion ratio is expressed as VA/Q

• Any type of mismatch may occur in ventilation

perfusion ratio for a specific alveolus, either
due to pathology or any other effect.
Ventilation/Perfusion Ratio
• When the ventilation (Va) is zero, yet there is still
perfusion (Q) of the alveolus, the ratio of Va/Q is
also zero

• Or when there is adequate ventilation (Va) but

zero perfusion (Q), the ratio Va/Q is infinity

• At a ratio of either zero or infinity, there is no

exchange of gases through the respiratory
membrane of the affected alveoli, which explains
the importance of this concept
Gas Exchange and Alveolar Partial Pressures When Va/Q Is

 When there is both normal alveolar ventilation and normal alveolar

capillary blood flow, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
through the respiratory membrane is nearly optimal, and

 Alveolar Po2 is normally at a level of 104 mm Hg, which lies

between that of the:
• Humidified Inspired air Po2 (149 mm Hg)
• Venous blood Po2 (40 mm Hg)

 Likewise, alveolar Pco2 is normally 40 mm Hg, in contrast to:

• 45 mm Hg in venous blood
• 0 mm Hg in inspired air

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