Chapter1 PDF
Chapter1 PDF
Chapter1 PDF
The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own
reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he [or she]
contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure
of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this
mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.
—Albert Einstein
1 Special Relativity
Key idea: Concepts useful in exploring the very fast help us to examine spacetime
near very massive objects.
We use relativity to explore the boundaries of Nature. Special relativity Special relativity: fast objects
describes the very fast. General relativity—the Theory of Gravitation— General relativity: spacetime
near massive objects
describes matter and motion near massive objects: stars, galaxies, black
holes. General relativity also describes the Universe as a whole. This chap-
ter discusses a few key concepts of special relativity useful in exploring
general relativity. The treatment here is not designed to be an introduction
to special relativity; for introductory treatments see Section 11, Readings
in Special Relativity, and detailed references to our own introductory
treatment at the end of each section.
2 Wristwatch Time
Everyone agrees on the wristwatch time between two events.
What is the root of relativity? Is there a single, simple idea that launches us Begin relativity with
along the road to understanding? Alice's adventures in wonderland begin wristwatch time between
two ticks.
when a rabbit rushes past her carrying a pocket watch. Our adventure in
relativity begins when a small stone flies past us wearing a wristwatch.
The wristwatch ticks once at #1 and once at #2 (Figure 1). Wristwatch ticks
may be one second apart—or one microsecond. Measure the distance s
and time t between these ticks in a particular free-float or inertial refer-
ence frame. (The free-float frame is described in Section 8. Briefly, it is one
in which Newton’s first law holds: a free particle at rest remains at rest and
one in motion continues that motion at constant speed in a straight line.)
Special relativity warns us that a different observer passing us in uniform
relative motion typically records a different value of spatial separation s
and a different value of time lapse t between these two ticks. That is the
bad news. The good news is a central finding of special relativity:
Tick #1
All inertial observers, whatever their state of relative motion and what-
ever values they measure for s and t, agree on the value of the time τ
between ticks as recorded on the wristwatch carried by the stone. The for-
mula is simple:
2 2 2
τ = t –s [1]
Define wristwatch time. We use the Greek letter τ (tau) for the wristwatch time between these two
watch ticks. The wristwatch time is often called the proper time or, more
formally, the timelike spacetime interval (“timelike” because the time
separation t is greater than the space separation s). All observers agree on
the value of the wristwatch time between two events. In contrast, the
value of t and the value of s between these events will typically differ from
frame to frame. Call t the frame time and s the frame distance between
this pair of events. Wristwatch time τ can be used to describe the separa-
tion between any pair of events for which t is greater than s. It tells the
observer in any frame what the time lapse will be on a wristwatch that
moves uniformly from one event to the other.
Measure space and time For simplicity, the units of space and time are the same, such as light-years
in the same units. and years, or meters of distance and meters of light-travel time. In both
cases the speed of light c is the conversion factor between measures of
space and time. For example, the relation between seconds and meters of
light-travel time is
t ( in meters ) = ct second [2]
The metric: Key to all relativity Equation [1], which connects the wristwatch time between two adjacent
ticks to their space and time separations in a given frame, is called the
metric. The metric (with a minus sign between squared quantities) tells us
the separation between events in spacetime, just as the Pythagorean Theo-
rem (with a plus sign between squared quantities) tells us the distance
between points in a space described by Euclidean geometry. The metric is
constant) is v = s/t. Measure distance s and time lapse t in the same unit.
For example, a spaceship travels half a light-year of distance during one
year of time; its speed is then 0.5 year/year and the units cancel. As
another example, if an elementary particle moves 0.7 meter in one meter
of light-travel time its speed is 0.7. Hence the speed v has no units. In this
book the symbol v represents the speed of an object as a fraction of the
speed of light.
which is less than the time lapse as measured in the Sun Again, the wristwatch time for the particle is less than the
frame. time recorded in the laboratory frame.
3 Proper Distance
Everyone agrees on the proper distance between two events.
Two firecrackers explode 1 meter apart and at the same time, as measured in
a particular free-float frame. In this frame these explosions are
simultaneous. No stone can travel fast enough to be present at both of
these explosions without moving at an infinite velocity, which is impossi-
ble. Therefore equation [1] is useless to define a wristwatch time τ between
these two events.
Use simultaneous explosions Simultaneous explosions are thus useless for measuring time. But they are
to measure length of a rod. perfect for measuring length. Question: How do you measure the length of
a rod, whether it is moving or at rest in your frame? Answer: Set off two
firecrackers at the two ends and at the same time (t = 0) in your frame. Then
define the rod’s length in your frame as the distance s between this pair of
Special relativity warns us that a different observer passing us in uniform
relative motion typically will not agree that the two firecrackers exploded
at the same time. That is the bad news (and the idea most difficult to
understand in all of special relativity). But there is good news: All inertial
observers, whatever their state of relative motion, can calculate the dis-
tance σ between explosions as recorded in the frame in which they do
occur simultaneously. The new metric is a variation of the old metric [1]:
2 2 2
σ = s –t [8]
Proper distance is an The Greek letter σ (sigma) labels what we call the proper distance
INVARIANT. between such events or, more formally, the spacelike spacetime interval
(“spacelike” because the space separation s is greater than the time separa-
tion t). All free-float observers agree on the value of the proper distance—
the proper distance is an invariant. In contrast, the value of t and the value
of s between these events typically differ, respectively, as measured in dif-
ferent frames. Proper distance σ can be used to describe the separation
As in equation [1], the units of space and time in equation [8] are the same,
such as light-years and years—or meters of distance and meters of light-
travel time.
The name spacetime interval is the collective name for the timelike space-
time interval (equation[1]) and the spacelike spacetime interval (equation
Fuller Explanations: What happens to equations [1] and [8] when s and t
have the same magnitude? Find the answer in Spacetime Physics, Chapter 6,
Regions of Spacetime.
To get ready for curved spacetime (whatever that may mean), look further
at the motion of a free particle in flat spacetime, the arena of the free-float
frame (Section 8) in which special relativity correctly describes motion.
How does a free particle move in flat spacetime? We say: “What a ridicu-
lous question! Everyone knows that a free particle moves with constant
speed in a straight line—at least as observed in a free-float frame.” Ah yes,
but why does a free particle move straight with constant speed? What lies
behind this motion? Our answer for flat spacetime will be a trial run for
the description of motion in curved spacetime, the arena of general
A deep description of motion arises from the famous Twin Paradox. Twin Paradox predicts the
Recall that one identical twin relaxes on Earth while her twin sister franti- motion of a free particle.
cally travels to a distant star and returns. When the two meet again, the
stay-at-home twin has aged more than her traveling sister. (This outcome
can be predicted by extending Sample Problems 1 and 2 to include return
of the traveler to the point of origin.) Upon being reunited, the “identical
twins” are no longer identical. Very strange! But (almost) no one who has
studied relativity doubts the difference in age, and experiments with fast-
moving particles verify it.
Which twin has the motion we can call natural? Isaac Newton has a defini- Being at rest is one natural
tion of natural motion. He would say, “A twin at rest tends to remain at motion.
A. Answer “yes” or “no” to questions (a) through (e): Equate the first and the last of the expressions in the last line
of [9] and multiply through by v/(2s) to obtain
Is the stay-at home twin older when they get together
again if the traveling twin sv
t – τ ≈ ----- [10]
(a) streaks to the Andromeda galaxy (2 million light-years
distant) and back? We need to express the velocity v as a fraction of the speed of
light. A speed of 1 meter per second is equal to
(b) soars to Alpha Centauri (4 light-years distant) and
1 meter/second 1 meter/second
v = ------------------------------------ = ---------------------------------------------------
c 8
(c) flies to the planet Pluto and back? 3 × 10 meter/second [11]
= 3.3 × 10
(d) hurries to Earth's Moon and back?
(e) strolls next door to the neighbor's house and back? Substitute this value of v into equation [10] to yield the time
difference for one leg of the round trip:
B. In case (e) of part A, what is the approximate difference in
aging between the twins if the traveling twin strolls at –9
100 meters × 3.3 × 10
1 meter per second and the next door neighbor's house is t – τ ≈ ----------------------------------------------------------
100 meters away? [12]
3.3 × 10
= ------------------------- meters of light-travel time
A. In principle, one should reply “yes”—the stay-at-home The round trip difference will be twice this value, or
twin will be older—for all cases in part A. Part B examines 3.3 × 10–7 meters of light-travel time. Divide the result by the
the actual value of the aging difference for small relative speed of light to obtain the time difference in seconds:
3.3 × 10 meter
time difference ≈ ---------------------------------------------------
B. Solve equation [1] for s2 and apply it to the outward trip for round trip 8
3 × 10 meter/second [13]
from the twins’ house to the neighbor's house. The word
– 15
approximately in the statement of the problem gives us = 1.1 × 10 second
permission to make assumptions.
(This result justifies our assumption that the two times t and τ
Usually we do not notice results of the Twin Paradox in our are very nearly equal.) So after her stroll next door and back,
everyday lives, so it seems reasonable to assume that the the traveling twin will be approximately 10–15 seconds
frame time t is very nearly the same as the wristwatch time τ younger than her stay-at-home sister. To measure this tiny
for the stroll next door. This allows us to set (t + τ) ≈ 2t in the time difference exceeds the sensitivity of even the most accu-
following steps. We also set t = s/v in one of the steps. rate atomic clock. That is why we do not notice relativistic
2 2 2 effects in our everyday lives! Nevertheless, Nature witnesses
s = t – τ = (t + τ)(t – τ) the difference by selecting the stay at home twin as the one
s [9]
s ≈ 2t ( t – τ ) = 2 --- ( t – τ ) whose motion (or whose lack of motion in this frame) is
v natural.
rest.” So it is the stay-at-home twin who moves in the natural way. In con-
trast, the out-and-back twin suffers the forces required to change her state
of motion—from outgoing motion to incoming motion—so that the two
sisters can meet again in person. The motion of the traveling twin is
forced, not natural.
Moving uniformly is another Viewed from a second relatively moving free-float frame, the stay-at-home
natural motion. twin moves with constant speed in a straight line. Hers is also natural
motion. Newton would say, “A twin in motion tends to continue this
motion at constant speed in a straight line.” So the motion of the stay-on-
worn by the object has a maximum time reading between those two
events. Purists insist that we say not maximum reading but rather extremal
reading: either maximum or minimum. This book contains only examples
of maximum wristwatch time for natural motion. Still, let’s try to keep the
purists happy! Replace the two words maximum and minimum with the
single word extremal. The result is the Principle of Extremal Aging.
Principle of Extremal Aging: The path a free object takes between two events
in spacetime is the path for which the time lapse between these events, recorded
on the object’s wristwatch, is an extremum.
It turns out that the Principle of Extremal Aging describes motion even Principle of Extremal Aging:
when spacetime is not flat. The Principle of Extremal Aging accompanies works for general relativity
us into curved spacetime, into the realm of general relativity. But for now
we stay in flat spacetime and use the Principle of Extremal Aging to derive
relativistic expressions for energy and momentum.
2 2 1⁄2
τB = [ ( T – t ) – ( S – s ) ] [16]
Again, to prepare for the derivative that leads to extremal aging, differ-
entiate this expression with respect to the intermediate time t:
dτ B – (T – t) T –t
--------- = --------------------------------------------------------- = – ----------- [17]
dt 2 2 1⁄2 τB
[(T – t) – (S – s) ]
3. The total wristwatch time τ from event #1 to event #3 is the sum of the
wristwatch time τA between events #1 and #2 plus the wristwatch time
τB between events #2 and #3:
τ = τA + τB [18]
4. Now ask: When—at what frame time t—will the a stone, following its Use Principle of Extremal
natural path, pass the intermediate point and emit the second flash #2? Aging to find the time for the
middle flash.
Answer with the Principle of Extremal Aging: Time t will be such that
the aging (τ in equation [18]) is an extremum. To find this extremum set
the derivative of τ with respect to t equal to zero. Take the derivative of
both sides of [18] and substitute from equations [15] and [17]:
dτ dτ A dτ B t T –t
----- = --------- + --------- = ------ – ----------- = 0 [19]
dt dt dt τA τB
In brief, here is a quantity that is a constant of the motion for the free parti-
cle—a quantity that has the same value along any segment of the natural
path of a free particle moving in flat spacetime. Then equation [22] tells us
-- = a constant of the motion [23]
E/m = t/τ is a constant of the What is this quantity? It is related to the relativistic expression for the total
motion. energy of the particle. If we have already studied special relativity, we
know that
t t t 1 E
-- = ---------------------------- = ----------------------------------- = --------------------------- = ---- [24]
τ 1 ⁄ 2 2 1 ⁄ 2 1 ⁄ 2 m
t 1 – -
2 2 s 2
[t – s ] (1 – v )
where m is the mass of the particle. Equation [24] gives the energy per unit
mass of a particle that moves with constant speed.
OBJECTION: Baloney! Everyone knows that a free particle moves with constant speed
along a straight path in space as observed in a free-float frame. So as this motion pro-
ceeds, every possible expression that depends only on v = s/t is also a constant of the
RESPONSE: You are almost right. Any function of velocity v = s/t is indeed constant for
the special case of a free particle in flat spacetime. And if v is constant, so is
t/τ, as witnessed by Equation [24]. But notice the priorities used in the derivation: The
Principle of Extremal Aging has highest priority; the expression for energy comes out
of this principle. Of all the quantities that remain constant because v is constant, the
Principle of Extremal Aging picks out t/τ = E/m as primary. (The following section
shows that a similar analysis picks out the relativistic expression for momentum as a
constant of the motion.) Chapter 3 contains a new and more general expression for
energy in curved spacetime. In that case the velocity is not constant—yet that more
general expression for energy is correct and a constant of the motion nevertheless.
Our derivation of the expression for E/m in flat spacetime is thus a trial run for the
derivation of the energy of a particle in the curved spacetime around a center of grav-
itational attraction.
If the particle changes speed, then it changes energy. In that case it makes
sense to talk about instantaneous speed and to use calculus notation. Let the
pair of flash emissions in Figure 1 be separated by the incremental frame
coordinates dt, ds, and incremental wristwatch time dτ. The equation for
E/m then becomes
E dt Particle energy in special
---- = ----- [25] relativity
m dτ
Ordinarily we use the ratio E/m in equations, instead of E alone. Why? .
Because it emphasizes two important principles: (1) Only spacetime rela-
tions between events appear on one side of equations such as [24] and
[25], reminding us that it is spacetime geometry that leads to these expres-
sions, not some weird property of matter. (2) The ratio E/m has no units.
Therefore, whoever uses these equations has total freedom in choosing the
unit of E and m, as long as it is the same unit. The same unit in the numera-
tor and denominator of [25] may be kilograms or the mass of the proton or
million electron-volts or the mass of Sun. If you insist on using conven-
tional units, such as joules for energy E and kilograms for mass m, then a
conversion factor c2 intrudes into our simple equation:
E joules dt
--------------- = ----- [26]
2 dτ
m kg c
Now view the particle from a reference frame in which the particle is at Rest energy: famous formula
rest. In this rest frame there is zero distance s between sequential flash
emissions. Equation [1] says that for s = 0 the frame time t and wristwatch
time τ have exactly the same value. For a particle at rest, then, equation
[26] reduces to the most famous equation in all of physics:
E joules rest = m kg c [27]
Note that equation [27] describes the rest energy of a particle. For a particle
in motion, the energy is given by equation [26].
Equation [28] gives the momentum per unit mass for a particle moving
with constant speed. If the particle changes speed, then once again we use
calculus notation:
Particle momentum in special p ds
relativity ---- = ----- [29]
m dτ
7 Mass in Relativity
Everyone agrees on the value of the mass m of the stone.
Find mass from energy and An important relation among mass, energy, and momentum follows from
momentum. the metric and our new expressions for energy and momentum. Suppose a
moving stone emits two flashes very close together in space ds and in time
dt. Then equation [1] gives the increase of wristwatch time dτ:
2 2 2
( dτ ) = ( dt ) – ( ds ) [30]
2 dt 2 2 ds 2 dt 2 ds 2
m = m ----- – m ----- = m ----- – m -----
dτ dτ dτ dτ
different frames that are in uniform relative motion. Also the particle
momentum p will typically have a different value when measured in dif-
ferent frames that are in uniform relative motion. However, the values of
these two quantities in any given free-float frame can be used to determine
the value of the particle mass m, which is independent of the reference
frame. Particle mass m is an invariant, independent of reference frame, just
as the time dτ recorded on the wristwatch between ticks in equation [1] is
an invariant, independent of the reference frame.
The mass m of key, car, or coffee cup defined in equation [32] is the one we
use throughout our study of both special and general relativity. Such a test
particle responds to the structure of spacetime in its vicinity but has small
enough mass not to affect this spacetime structure. (In contrast, the large
mass M of a planet, star, or black hole does affect spacetime in its vicinity.)
Wherever we are, we can always climb onto a local free-float frame (Sec-
tion 8) and apply special-relativity expression [32] or some other standard
method to measure the mass m of our test particle.
The fact that no object moves faster than the speed of light is atoms. Our viewpoint in this book is that mass is an invariant,
sometimes “explained” by saying that “the mass of a particle the same for all free-float observers when they use equations
increases with speed.” This interpretation can be applied [32] or [33] to reckon the mass. In relativity, invariants are
consistently, but what could it mean in practice? Someone diamonds. Do not throw away diamonds! For more on this
riding along with a faster-moving stone detects no change in subject, see Spacetime Physics, Dialog: Use and Abuse of
the number of atoms in the stone, nor any change whatever the Concept of Mass, pages 246–251.
in the individual atoms, nor in the binding energy between
Free-float frame cannot be Well, almost no evidence. The enclosure in which we ride cannot be too
too large. large or fall for too long a time without some unavoidable changes in rela-
tive motion being detected between particles in the enclosure. Why?
Because widely separated test particles within a large enclosed space are
differently affected by the nonuniform gravitational field of Earth—to use
the Newtonian way of speaking. For example, two particles released side
by side are both attracted toward the center of Earth, so they move closer
together as measured inside a falling long narrow horizontal railway
coach (Figure 4, left). Moving toward one another has nothing to do with
gravitational attraction between these test particles, which is entirely neg-
As another example, think of two test particles released far apart vertically
but one directly above the another in a long narrow vertical falling railway
coach (Figure 4, right). For vertical separation, their gravitational accelera-
tions toward Earth are in the same direction, according to the Newtonian
analysis. However, the particle nearer Earth is more strongly attracted to
Earth and gradually leaves the other behind: the two particles move far-
Elevator Safety
Could the cables snap and send an elevator plummeting down the shaft?
This is every rider's worst fear, but experts say there's no need to worry. You're being sup-
ported by four to eight cables, each of which could support the weight of the car by itself. In
fact, the only time an elevator has been known to go into freefall—with all of its cables
cut—was during World War II, when an American bomber accidentally hit the Empire State
Building [in New York City]. The plane's crew died, but the lone elevator passenger survived.
ther apart as observed inside the falling coach. Conclusion: The large
enclosure is not a free-float frame.
A rider in either railway car shown in Figure 4 sees the pair of test parti-
cles accelerate toward one another or away from one another. These rela-
tive motions earn the name tidal accelerations, because they arise from
the same kind of nonuniform gravitational field—this time the field of
Moon—that account for ocean tides on Earth.
Now, we want the laws of motion to look simple in our free-float frame.
Therefore we want to eliminate all relative accelerations produced by
external causes. “Eliminate” means to reduce them below the limit of
detection so that they do not affect measurements of, say, the velocity of a
particle in an experiment. We eliminate the problem by choosing a room
that is sufficiently small. Smaller room? Smaller relative motions of objects
at different points in the room!
Let someone have instruments for detection of relative motion with any Reduce space or time
given degree of sensitivity. No matter how fine that sensitivity, the room extension to preserve free-
float frame.
can always be made so small that these perturbing relative motions are too
small to be detectable in the time required for the experiment. Or, instead
of making the room smaller, shorten the time duration of the experiment
to make the perturbing motions undetectable. For example, very fast par-
ticles emitted by a high-energy accelerator on Earth traverse the few-meter
span of a typical experiment in so short a time that their deflection in
9 The Observer
Ten thousand local witnesses
Detect each event locally, How, in principle, do we record events in space and time? Nature puts an
using a latticework of clocks. unbreakable speed limit on signals—the speed of light. This speed limit
causes problems with the recording of widely separated events, because
we do not see a remote event until long after it has occurred. To avoid the
light-velocity delay, adopt the strategy of detecting each event using
equipment located right next to that event. Spread event-detecting equip-
ment over space as follows. Think of assembling metersticks and clocks
into a cubical latticework similar to a playground jungle gym (Figure 5).
At every intersection of the latticework fix a clock. These clocks are identi-
cal and measure time in meters of light-travel time.
These clocks should read the same time. That is, the clocks need to be syn- Synchronize clocks in the
chronized in this frame. There are many valid ways to synchronize clocks. lattice.
Here is one: Pick one clock as the standard, the reference clock. At mid-
night the reference clock sends out a synchronizing flash of light in all
directions. Prior to emission of the synchronizing flash, every other clock
in the lattice has been stopped and set to a time (in meters) later than mid-
night equal to the straight-line distance (in meters) of that clock from the
reference clock. Each clock is then started when it receives the reference
flash. The clocks in the latticework are then said to be synchronized.
Use the latticework of synchronized clocks to determine the location and Measuring the space and
time at which any given event occurs. The spatial position of the event is time location of an event
taken to be the location of the clock nearest the event and the time of the
event is the time recorded on that clock. The location of this nearest clock
is measured along three directions, northward, eastward, and upward
from the reference clock. The spacetime location of an event then consists
of four numbers, three numbers that specify the space position of the clock
nearest the event and one number that specifies the time the event occurs
as recorded by that clock.
The wristwatch time τ between two events, the time recorded on a watch
that moves uniformly from one event to the other, is related to the separa-
tion s between the events and the time difference t between them as mea-
sured in a given frame. For space and time measured in the same units,
this relation is given by the equation
2 2 2
τ = t –s [1]
Of all possible paths between an initial event and a final event, a free parti-
cle takes the path that makes the wristwatch time along the path an extre-
mum. This is called the Principle of Extremal Aging.
From the metric and the Principle of Extremal Aging one can derive two
quantities that are constants of the motion for a free particle. One constant
of the motion is the energy per unit mass E/m:
E dt
---- = ----- [25]
m dτ
The second constant of the motion is the momentum per unit mass p/m:
p ds
---- = ----- [29]
m dτ
The spacetime arena for special relativity is the free-float (inertial) frame, one
in which a free test particle at rest remains at rest and a free test particle in
motion continues that motion unchanged. We call a region of spacetime
flat if a free-float frame can be set up in it.
Most regions of spacetime are flat over only a limited range of space and
time. Evidence that a frame is not inertial (so that its region of spacetime is
not flat) is the relative acceleration (“tidal acceleration”) of a pair of free
test particles with respect to one another. If tidal accelerations affect an
experiment in a region of space and time, then we say that spacetime
region is curved, and special relativity cannot validly be used to describe
this experiment. In that case we must use general relativity, the theory of
gravitation, which correctly describes the relations among events spread
over regions of space and time too large for special relativity.
Space and Time in Special Relativity, N. David Mermin, Waveland Press, Inc.,
Prospect Heights, IL, 1989, ISBN 0-8813-420-0. Rigorous and mildly
Relativity, The Special and General Theory, Albert Einstein, Crown Publish-
ers, New York, 1961, ISBN 0-517-025302. A popular treatment by the
Old Master himself. Published originally in 1916. Enjoyable for the
depth of physics, the humane viewpoint, and the charm of old-fash-
ioned trains racing past embankments.
Relativity and Its Roots, Banesh Hoffmann, Scientific American Books, New
York, 1983, ISBN 0-7167-1510-4. History of the subject by one of Ein-
stein’s collaborators.
Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity: Emergence (1905) and Early Inter-
pretation (1905–1911), Arthur I. Miller, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,
Inc., 1981, ISBN 0-201-04680-6. Careful historical analysis of Einstein’s
original special relativity paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving
Bodies,” the setting in which it was produced, and early consequences
for the scientific community. Includes a modern, corrected translation
of the paper itself.
12 Reference