Stopwatch Rotation For An Electron in A Potential
Stopwatch Rotation For An Electron in A Potential
Stopwatch Rotation For An Electron in A Potential
Edwin F. Taylor
July, 2000
f = (for the photon -- zero mass) (1)
This is the frequency with which the stopwatch hand rotates (rotations/second) as
the photon explores alternative paths.
For the free electron (the electron free of any forces or potentials) we postulated that
the hand of the quantum clock rotates at the following rate:
f= (for the free electron) (2)
Here KE is the kinetic energy of the electron. Now suppose the electron has
potential energy, possibly due to the electric attraction of a positively-charge nucleus.
How do we combine kinetic and potential energy to find a frequency for the
stopwatch rotation when an electron explores a path in this potential? We are
tempted to use equation (2) also for this case, with kinetic energy KE replaced by total
energy E equal to kinetic energy plus potential energy: E = KE + PE.
Why wrong? Because if we should take f = E/h for the electron, substituting the
total energy in this formula, the minimum number of rotations would favor paths
in which PE, the potential energy, is low to make E = KE + PE low and hence
rotation rate f low. Between baseball pitcher and catcher (playing in a vacuum!), the
thrown electron would drop in height (lowering its PE and slowing its quantum
clock) and then rise up again to keep its fixed appointment with the catcher’s mitt.
By going down and then rising, the pitched electron decreases its PE and minimizes
the number of rotations of its quantum clock between pitcher and catcher. But this
is absurd. Antigravity? Impossible! With this WRONG choice for frequency,
quantum physics would not go over smoothly into classical mechanics as the mass
of the thrown particle increases from that of an electron to that of a baseball. So it is
WRONG to use the SUM of KE and PE in calculating the rate of rotation of the
stopwatch as the electron explores paths.
The quantum result, it turns out, simply adapts the thing that we sum over time to
get the classical action, namely KE – PE.
The rate of rotation (in cycles/second) of the stopwatch hand for an electron
exploring a path (for speeds much less than the speed of light) is:
f = (for the electron) (3)
rotations ∫
along (KE − PE )dt
along a = worldline (4)
But the numerator on the right side of (4) is simply the action S (defined in equation
(1) in the preceding section on the Principle of Least Action). Hence the number of
rotations along a worldline is just:
along that
along a = worldline S
= (for the electron) (5)
h h
Looking at equations (4) and (5), we see that the number of revolutions between
pitcher and catcher can be made minimum by increasing PE in order to reduce the
frequency f of the quantum clock—since PE enters these equations with a minus
sign. Increase PE by letting the path rise. But it cannot rise too far, because then KE
must increase so that the electron can rush along the longer path to keep the fixed
appointment with the catcher’s mitt. [Both events “pitch” (emit) and “catch”
(detect) are fixed in quantum as well as in classical descriptions.] The actual path is a
The electron can also explore all paths inside an atom or molecule. In this case the
nuclear charge provides potential energy that influences the rotation rate of the
electron clock—different rotation rates for different distances from the nucleus.
This rotation rate changes as the electron explores regions of different potential PE
3. This Is a Derivation?
The above story line is NOT a derivation. There is no known derivation of the
fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. Certainly no derivation can come from
classical physics!
Notice two limitations of the classical Principle of Least Action that turn out to be
advantages when this principle is applied to quantum mechanics:
FIRST, the Principle of Least Action requires that we fix in both space
time the two events of “pitch” and “catch.” But this is an advantage in
quantum mechanics, where we want to choose the event of “emission”
and also choose the time and place where we will try to “detect” the
particle. So the Principle of Least Action limits the description of
motion to just those conditions we want for our quantum description.
SECOND, the Principle of Least Action does not apply classically when
there is friction. You must be able to define a potential, which you
cannot do if friction is all the time robbing your moving stone of
energy. But this is OK in quantum mechanics, because there is no
friction at the atomic level: potential plus kinetic energy is conserved
rigorously in non-relativistic quantum physics. Once again, the
Principle of Least Action limits attention to just those conditions we
want for our quantum description.
4. Terminology
The function KE – PE for a low-velocity particle is called the Lagrangian and given
the symbol L (sometimes a script L). So we have:
L = KE − PE (6)
Those who would like to measure clock rotation rate ω in radians per second
instead of f in revolutions per second can use the usual relation between the two:
ω ≡ 2π f = 2π = = (electrons, etc.) (8)
h h 2π h
Here h , written as h with a little diagonal strike across it, is pronounced “h-bar” and
stands for the expression:
h≡ (9)
So now we know how fast the quantum clock rotates for the electron.
Feynman develops a set of rules for reckoning the final arrow at a detector. The
probability that the detector will record the particle is proportional to the square of
the length of this final arrow. The rules can be placed in a hierarchy derived from
pages 37 and 61 of QED:
Is there a mathematical quantity that behaves in these ways? First, one must be able
to ADD such quantities as arrows are added. Second, MULTIPLICATION of such
quantities must mean finding the product of their magnitudes and the sum of their
angles of rotation.
Adding two complex numbers means adding their real parts and then separately
adding their imaginary parts. This is equivalent to adding separately the x-
components and the y-components of two arrows to obtain the components of the
resulting arrow. For two complex numbers, designated by the subscripts 1 and 2, we
Ae iθ ≡ A1e iθ1 + A2 e iθ 2
= A1 cos θ1 + i A1 sin θ1 + A2 cos θ 2 + i A2 sin θ 2 (11)
= (A1 cos θ1 + A2 cos θ 2 ) + i (A1 sin θ1 + A2 sin θ 2 )
This is a direct example of the rule for finding the arrow for a sequence of steps in
one path: MULTIPLY the magnitudes of the arrows for each sequential step in the
path and ADD the angle changes. If A2 is less than unity, multiplying A1 by A2
corresponds to a “shrink.” Adding the angles corresponds to a “turn.”
The probability for the final outcome is proportional to the square of the magnitude
(the square of the “length” or A-value) of the resulting complex number.
You may have been told that quantum mechanical quantities, such as wave
functions, are complex functions. Why is this so? Complex numbers and complex
functions are just ways we combine the little arrows to form a resulting arrow, the
Using this notation, we can describe the motion of the electron along alternative
paths. The angles θ used in the complex notation are expressed in radians. The
rotation rate ω for the electron clock in radians per second is given by combining
equations (6) and (8).
ω= = (13)
h h
How many times will the little clock hand rotate along a given path (call it path k)
from initial event 1 to final event 2? We can compute this, starting with the action
S for that path:
Here each path is required to start at the same initial event 1 and to end at the same
final event 2, so the time along the path is the same for every alternative path. This
means that the kinetic energy is different for different paths, and total energy is not
the same for alternative paths. (For an arbitrary path, the total energy may not even
be constant along this single path.) But for large-mass particles the little arrows
from all paths point in very different directions and tend to cancel out except those
near the path of least action, for which the little arrows point in nearly the same
direction. For these paths the total energy is conserved, as we saw in the ACTION
The contribution to the probability amplitude for a single path is given by:
Ak e i S k (15a)
For those of us with failing eyesight, these exponentials may be too small, so we use
the function exp() to represent the exponential with e:
Ak exp( i Sk / h ) (15b)
Then the probability amplitude for the given outcome is reckoned from the sum of
these contributions for every alternative path (indexed by k) between a fixed initial
event 1 and a fixed final event 2:
i Sk h
Probability amplitude (from 1 to 2) = ∑ Ak e (16a)
all paths k
from event 1
This is the probability amplitude that the electron starts at a particular initial event 1
and arrives at a particular final event 2 placed at, say, x and t. We can call this the
wave function ψ(x,t) for a particle emitted from event 1:
ψ (x , t ) = ∑ Ak e
i Sk h
all paths k
from event 1
This is the meaning of Feynman’s statement in his abstract for the 1948 article in
Reviews of Modern Physics: 1
“The total contribution from all paths reaching x,t from the past
is the wave function ψ (x,t).”
R. P. Feynman, “Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics,”
Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 20, Number 2, April 1948, pages 367 - 387.