An example of a Public Service Broadcaster is the Channel 4 as they have a public service
remit and are not owned by the government. The first PSB was introduced in 1936 and it
was called the BBC. A PSB is funded by the public paying a TV licence but can have individual
contributions or commercial sources. They also are only allowed to broadcasted up to an
average of eight minutes on advertising per hour in peak The role of a PSB is to deliver
impartial and trusted news along with informing the public on an understanding of the
world, an reflect on the UK’s cultural identity and represent a range of people and their
viewpoints. PSB are made and controlled by the public and for the public. It is neither
commercial nor state-owned, free from political interference and pressure from commercial
forces. The characteristic for a PSB are to have high quality filming and sound, all
programmes and radio recordings should be as original as possibly, have Innovative in them,
be challenging and creative, be engaging so the public will keep an interest in the program
and radio channel and be widely available for the public. Four key public policy objectives of
PSB is to have consumer satisfaction with all their programmes and radio channels, they
should ensure that wider social or citizenship benefits are delivered throughout PSB, to
achieve a fair distribution of access and take up across society, and finally to support a
thriving and dynamic UK creative business sector that contributes to the overall health of
the UK economy. There are debates today that PSB aren’t relate. Some people would say
that Public Service Broadcasting are more important today than ever as the media if full of
fake news and are very discriminative against certain people. Therefore, the public needs a
genuine trusted news that informs our democracy in an era of widespread fakery along with
the original programmes that help define our national culture, and the economic growth
and international influence that flow from our creative excellence. While others may say
that PSB is outdated as new companies much as Netflix or Sky are taking over the PSB
channels for example Channel 5 and overall, the whole industry. People also believe it is
unfair on the public as they should not have to pay for a TV licence. ITV, E4 and 5Star are
three examples of a Commercial Broadcaster. Commercial Broadcasters programmes obtain
their revenue is largely funded by broadcast receiver licences, public donations, payments
by companies for showing their products on advertisements or government grants.
Compare the PSB who gets their most of their revenue from public paying for their TV
licence. But recently there has been debates on product placement on Commercial
Television. Product Placement can be good as it gives Commercial Broadcaster more money
to fund more show therefore give a lot of jobs to people. There can also to product
placement and adverts that can help people for example adverts for child line and a new
product that helps people with metal conditions new medicine. But some of the products
advertise can inflict bad metal health on people for example I skinny person taking protein
powder could inflict body image on people.
Benefits of Sky 1: